I don't understand what exactly this is trying to accomplish. How do you actually register an account via email? You need to supply input for the various form fields at some point right?

Can we get a description of the work flow that this is advocating? When does the email get sent? What does it contain? What action does the recipient take? etc.

Can we get Sedat access to the wiki so that he can add this info since this is really his proposal?

-- Allen

Dave wrote:
I have taken a look at Sedat's patch and the design and actual code
look good. I tested against Roller trunk and everything worked fine --
there are a couple of small fixes in error handling and email
word/formatting that I will make before committing, but overall it is
ready to go.

I wrote-up a proposal based on his work here:

Please review and comment on this proposal.

- Dave

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