On Dec 23, 2008, at 5:34 PM, Per Øyvind Karlsen wrote:

   #include "system.h"

   #if defined(RPM_VENDOR_MANDRIVA)
Yes, but then some stuff would be compiled into filetriggers.o.

If that is true (try by verifying non-zero-length filetriggers.o please),
then something else is in need of fixing,

And please don't take any of my comments personally,
I'm __ECSTATIC__ to see anyone else attempting hacks,
ande My (personal/privatre) belief always tends toward KISS,
not "Have it your own way!".

IOW, consistency is all I desire, if you want to change
every bleeping file in rpm cvs for some new convention,
well, lets do that. OTOH, organically grown creeping crud
divergence will lead to build breakages somewhere, somewhen.

73 de Jeff______________________________________________________________________
RPM Package Manager                                    http://rpm5.org
Developer Communication List                        rpm-devel@rpm5.org

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