I try to sum up what I think that should be done with this issue.

Name is unresolved. I chose "mutable" as an interim one.
%mutable will be defined for REG files and LINKs.

 Behavior :
       - if a file/link is the same as in new package
         (it has the same contents, gid, uid and mode)/(is the same),
         then touch it (set time stamp for REG files).
       - if a file/link is the same as in old package
         (it has the same contents, gid, uid and mode)/(is the same),
         then upgrade it as "normal" file/link
       - else do nothing

 (It means, that for config files/links rpm will behave similarly as 
  but without creation backup files and warnings. The only difference is that
  this behavior takes files with the same contents but different uid or gid or 
  as different. For %config(noreplace) such files are similar. )

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