Jeffrey Johnson:

>> [...]
>> The .src.rpm format is somewhat troublesome to port, but bundled
>> and extracted the tarball in a post-extract {} step.
> [...]
> But if it gets to be too big a hassle, I'll pop out the tar ball and included
> detached signature whenever you wish.

Basically it's only troublesome because there is no built-in support
for the .src.rpm format, while there is for the .tar.gz. format...

But it was not a big deal to add it, to the "extract" phase:

extract.suffix          .src.rpm
extract.cmd             ${filespath}/
extract.pre_args        ""
extract.post_args       "| cpio -dvim"

post-extract {
        system -W ${workpath} "${portutil::autoconf::tar_command} -xzf 

So for MacPorts it can remain in that format, if you prefer.

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