I would prefer to maintain ACID transactional support, but I think my
hardware is just too limited.

Given the abandonment of support for sqlite3 in rpm5 I am inclined to try
to speed up writes to the SD card. In /usr/lib/rpm/macros, I activated
nofsync which sped things up significantly.

Previously, I attempted to tune /var/lib/rpm/DB_CONFIG, but I did not have
success with TXN_WRITE_NOSYNC. Do you (or does anyone else) have an example
for setting this flag in DB_CONFIG?

You suggested subbing out sync calls. Is that within rpmdb/db3.c? Would
that be better or more tunable than nofsync?


Jeffery Johnson wrote:

> > On Jan 12, 2016, at 11:25 AM, Jate Sujjavanich <jate...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> > I am using rpm 5.4.9 as my package manager on an embedded system, and I am 
> > running into some bottlenecks with the Berkeley database. I am using an SD 
> > Card as my root file system.
> >
> > The rpm transactions from a kernel upgrade take an hour or so. Using the 
> > --stats option, I found that rpm was spending 15 or so seconds total per 
> > package in dbadd, dbget, etc. An strace revealed that many fsyncdata calls 
> > were happening. It appears this is due to ACID-ity of transactions.
> >
> Yes: fsync is especially costly on an SD card, and is measurably  slower
> on other media as well. ACID doesn’t come for free.
> A performance fix is usually to stub out sync (and all its variants) in the
> vectors used by Berkeley DB to make OS calls when opening the
> dbenv.
> > I found some posts saying that sqlite could be used as the database 
> > backend, so I tried this. I tried using configure to activate sqlite 
> > without success.
> >
> Those posts were from years ago: transactional support was added in ~2010.
> > I can compile with sqlite support, but so far, I can't get RPM to create 
> > any sqlite files. I've tried database conversion, initializing an empty RPM 
> > database, and setting _dbapi to 4 in /usr/lib/rpm/macros.
> >
> There are significant changes for transactional support that have not been 
> implemented
> in the rpm sqlite3 code.
> > I discovered that within configure.ac <http://configure.ac/>, DBAPI is hard 
> > coded to 3 (Berkeley DB).
> >
> Yes.
> > I would like to know if sqlite3 as a backend is supported by RPM these days 
> > in 5.4.9 or any other versions. I want to find out if some of the patches 
> > within yocto/poky are breaking sqlite support.
> >
> The sqlite3 code (and support) in rpm5 was abandoned in favor of
> Berkeley DB ACID transactional support quite some years ago
> I don’t know what patches are in poky/yocto specifically, but it should not
> be too hard to find patches related to database functionality.
> Try filing a bug report with poky/yocto, which will likely trigger a support 
> request to me.
> The performance on an SD card rather than the choice of backend database is
> the issue in need of fixing.
> hth
> 73 de Jeff
> > Jate
> >

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