On Fri, Feb 14, 2020 at 10:30 PM David Hughes
<davidpeterhug...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I pay a team in India to do this.


> Now in recent weeks Ruby experts at Penn State have looked at our code and it 
> is very bad!

I've been dropped into this situation and I'll bet money that there is
virtually nothing salvageable from that code.

> We could have thousands of coders like you.

OMG no. You do *not* need "thousands of coders", you need one or
two senior devs to triage your current mess and choose the best way
forward (which might be a complete rewrite).

Open sourcing the code either as-is or as a new app still requires some
technical leadership to define requirements (and set expectations) and
experienced eyes reviewing PRs -- it's not magic.

Hassan Schroeder ------------------------ hassan.schroe...@gmail.com
twitter: @hassan
Consulting Availability : Silicon Valley or remote

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