   South Asia Citizens Wire | 3 May 2011 - No. 2711

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+ NATO's bombing of civilian targets in
Libya is illegal  

It would seem that international law is
nonexistent. That alone can explain the barbaric
bombing of civilian targets in Libya. I hold no
brief for what many correctly describe Gaddafi as
a tyrannical ruler. I have full sympathy for the
opposition and admiration for their struggle to
get rid of (...)

-> http://www.sacw.net/article2048.html

+ Absurd nationalism at the heart of the Cambodia
- Thailand clash 

‘THAILAND and Cambodia have’, according to BBC
News, ‘reached a ceasefire after a week of
fighting along a disputed border .... Both
countries said the truce was struck following
talks between the two militaries.’ The border
between the two countries has been contested for
years, and ‘nationalist (...)

-> http://www.sacw.net/article2047.html

+ Update on workers struggle for regularisation at
ACC HOLCIM, Bhilai, Chhattisgarh - 4 weeks on 

The indefinite dharna (sit in) by the contract
workers of HOLCIM-ACC at Bhilai completes four
weeks on 30th April 2011. We are circulating an
update on the situation there.

-> http://www.sacw.net/article2043.html

+ India: Why a state funeral for Sai Baba the con
artist and fly ash generator ? 

The recent passing away of Sathya Sai Baba - a
self-proclaimed god and among India’s most
recognisable godmen - marks the end of one of the
most remarkable personalities of post-independence
India. He was, by far, the most well known and
popular of India’s godmen and his influence
straddled (...)

-> http://www.sacw.net/article2042.html

+ Arundhati Roy: Corruption is a political issue 

We are here, all of us, because like many others
in this country we are concerned about the rampant
corruption that is hollowing out the institutions
of our democracy. Twenty years ago, when the era
of “liberalisation, privatisation and
globalisation” descended on us, we were told
that public (...)

-> http://www.sacw.net/article2041.html

+ The Jamaatis’ new robes 

The Jamaat-e-Islami’s (JI) invitation to a party
has met with more jeers than cheers. Not many
Muslims, it appears, are keen on singing Happy
Birthday to the new-born named Welfare Party of
India. The Muslim advocates’ meet in Mumbai on a
Friday (April 22) saw the enthusiastic
participation of (...)

-> http://www.sacw.net/article2039.html

+ India's go ahead for Jaitapur nuclear
power plant is shocking: statement by concerned

We are shocked at the government’s sheer
insensitivity in announcing on the 25th
anniversary of the Chernobyl catastrophe that it
is going ahead with the Jaitapur nuclear power

-> http://www.sacw.net/article2038.html

+ Bangladesh: Why the ban on men and women sitting
together near a city lake 

Two human rights and legal aids organisations
yesterday served a legal notice on the home
secretary and police authorities asking them to
inform the grounds of a ban imposed on men and
women sitting together near a city lake.

-> http://www.sacw.net/article2037.html

+ Madhya Pradesh: Shadows of Hindu Rashtra 

adhya Pradesh is being ruled by the BJP Government
from last several years. This is one state where
BJP and its erstwhile avatar, Bhartiya Jansangh
had a good deal of following in the past also.
During last few years one has seen with the BJP
Government in the saddle, the state is imposing
the (...)

-> http://www.sacw.net/article2025.html

+ Bangladesh Massacre: Newsclick interview with
Karamat Ali 

Newsclick interview with Karamat Ali, Pakistani
labour and peace activist.

-> http://www.sacw.net/article2022.html

+ The superbug meets the suprabug of Indian polity
— jingoism 

Instead of a rational resolution by a peer group
based on evidence, what we often get is a soap
opera, where scientists slug it out, utterly
indifferent to their professional roles. Consider
the superbug controversy. It begins as an article
in The Lancet, a prestigious and professional
British (...)

-> http://www.sacw.net/article2020.html

Via South Asia Citizens Web - http://www.sacw.net

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