South Asia Citizens Wire - 16 May 2011  - No. 2712


1. A skewed secularism?
2. Strange Love
3. Reports on Workers rights in Gurgaon and Gorakhpur: Precarious situation of 
migrants and police repression
4. Hate poisons the Narmada
5. Call for a permanent ban of Endosulfan in India - Peoples’ Solidarity 
6. In northeast India coal towns, many miners are children
7. Without invoking religion
8. Video: Land-grab, Law and Capitalism in India discussed by Medha Patkar and 
David Harvey
9. The cash mantra
10. India - Pakistan: Talk from here
11. Sarmila Bose: Myth-busting the Bangladesh war of 1971
12. India: Call for Nationwide Protest Repeal AFSPA, Free Sharmila
13. Video: Tehelka interview with Dr Binayak Sen
14. Who is a civil society member?


A skewed secularism?

[T]oday, secularism is in jeopardy in India. The main threat comes from the 
rise of Hindu militancy and its consequences not only for electoral politics, 
but also for the judiciary and society at large. The core belief of the Hindu 
nationalist movement, whose key organisation, the Rashtriya (...)

Strange Love

The accident in Fukushima showed that no reactor is immune to devastating 
accidents and that the highest price for a mishap is paid by local inhabitants. 
Does the Indian Government, which has worked so hard to protect the interests 
of the international and domestic nuclear industries, even care (...)

Reports on Workers rights in Gurgaon and Gorakhpur: Precarious situation of 
migrants and police repression

Reports on Workers rights in Gurgaon and Gorakhpur: For most of the 8 lakh 
migrant workers that live in Gurgaon, discrimination on the basis of place of 
birth is common; Workers in Gurgaon (Haryana) attacked by Police; stuggle of 
the workers after the 3 May firing and brutal police repression (...)

Hate poisons the Narmada

Alarmed at the fears expressed by the Christian community in Mandla and indeed 
the rest of Jabalpur division, and the report of a fact-finding team which 
toured the Narmada valley areas in the district on the eve of the so-called 
Kumbh, the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Madhya Pradesh (...)

Call for a permanent ban of Endosulfan in India - Peoples’ Solidarity Concerns

Perhaps you are aware that more than 9000 victims of Endosulfan have been 
identified in Kasargod district of Kerala alone, out of which over 4800 
patients are bedridden.. Over thousand victims ofEndosulfanhave already died in 
Kasargod District. Similar effects are also being witnessed today in (...)

In northeast India coal towns, many miners are children
Thousands of children, some as young as 8, are believed to toil alongside 
adults in the northeast mines; their small bodies are well suited to the narrow 
coal seams. Many migrated legally from from Nepal or illegally from neighboring 

Without invoking religion
So, what was the Islamists’ take on the World Cup semi-final? Apparently, the 
radical religious elements either retreated into the shadows or were themselves 
affected by the frenzy generated by the media. Perhaps, the prospect of 
defeating India, considered an infidel, momentarily tickled their (...)

Video: Land-grab, Law and Capitalism in India discussed by Medha Patkar and 
David Harvey
Land has become a key issue for both neoliberal capitalism and for people’s 
movements. Land Acquisition Act of 1894 is used to take over land of indigenous 
and rural peoples today in the name (...)

The cash mantra
Conditional cash transfers” (CCTs) are a new buzzword in policy circles. The 
idea is simple: give poor people cash conditional on good behaviour such as 
sending children to school. This helps to score two goals in one shot: poor 
people get some income support, and at the same time, they take (...)

India - Pakistan: Talk from here
Isolating Pakistan would simply harden the border and heighten the tension that 
complicates these two men’s lives. And the lives of all of us who live here. 
Yes, we must uncover the terror links, the facilitation, but no, we must not 
sharpen the paranoia or confuse the state with the people, the (...)

Sarmila Bose: Myth-busting the Bangladesh war of 1971
Sarmila Bose discusses her new book about the historical narratives of the 1971 
civil war that broke up East Pakistan (Dead Reckoning: Memories of the 1971 
Bangladesh War is published by C. Hurst and Co. and Columbia University (...)

India: Call for Nationwide Protest Repeal AFSPA, Free Sharmila
Perhaps you are aware that the hunger fast of Irom Sharmila Chanu has crossed 
10 years, with a demand for repeal of AFSPA (Armed Forces Special Powers Act, 
1958. She has been force fed through her nose by the Government, arrested with 
charges for attempt to commit suicide, criminalised as a (...)

video: Tehelka interview with Dr Binayak Sen
In a two part interview, Dr Binayak Sen speaks to Tehelka on Human rights, 
Inequity and Sedition

Who is a civil society member?
The term ‘civil society’ is so vague and ambiguous as to allow virtually any 
group with any kind of political agenda to appropriate it and to tell the 
public that it is speaking on its behalf.


South Asia Citizens Wire
Buzz for secularism, on the dangers of fundamentalism(s), on
matters of peace and democratisation in South
Asia. An offshoot of South Asia Citizens Web:

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