These sound like good suggestions, I'll re-implement the richer  

On Jan 10, 2008, at 7:50 AM, didier deshommes wrote:

> On Jan 9, 2008 3:23 AM, Robert Bradshaw  
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> 2 questions about the patch:
> * Why is this function named block_sum? What are we summing?
> * Why are we limited to 4 arguments? Ideally, I would love to pass a
> list to this function and have it concatenate each matrix in the list
> (horizontally in the following case):
> A.block_matrix([A_1, A_2, ..., A_n])
> You could pass the functions an argument, indicating the number of
> rows (or columns) you want so that you can do things like
> A =  [ A1 A2]
>         [ A3 A4]
> like this:
> A=block_matrix([A1,A2,A3,A4],num_cols=2*3,num_rows=None). Here each A
> is 3x3 and we are concatenating 2 of them in each row.
> On a more general note, block_sum as of 2.9.3 is really constructing a
> block diagonal matrix, isn't it? Why not call it block_diagonal? Of
> course, for now, it's only using one argument, why not pass it a list
> of matrices?
> Thoughts?
> didier
>> On Jan 8, 2008, at 4:27 AM, vgermrk wrote:
>>> Is there a way to construct block matrices in SAGE?
>>> Not just the "block_sum", "augment" and "stack" functions.
>>> As an example, let A, B, C, D be matrices and i want to construct a
>>> matrix like E=[[A,B],[C,D]]
>>> Such a feature would be very nice.
>>> -vgermrk-

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