On Jan 19, 7:21 pm, Jonathan Bober <jwbo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Should PARI always be compiled with -fPIC? (Should I really be asking
> this question to PARI developers who decided not to use PIC?) I don't
> know much about this, but apparently -fPIC might cause some slowdown on
> some systems. It seems that just about everything else in Sage is
> compiled to be position independent, though (at least, nothing else
> causes this problem).

You should probably always use -fPIC.  PIC code is slower because
there is a symbol lookup table which adds an extra level of
indirection to function calls, however this doesn't matter much in
practice (max 10%?) and should only affect 32-bit Linux on x86.  My
understanding is that x86-64 Linux code generated by GCC will always
be -fPIC, and there is hardly any gain to be had because register
pressure is greatly reduced.
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