Hello, William.
You wrote 17 мая 2010 г., 22:13:46:
>> I have written to them about 20 times to get this changed.

Did  they  ever  notice  that  license  changed to LGPL 3, so there is
nothing  to  complain now? :(

BTW,  MPIR  team  is  thinking  on  developing  whole new BSD-licensed

> I'm adding this, because Torbjorn just wrote to me claiming that
> asking people to express their views is an international crime:

I am not lawyer, but I think that it would be safer to leave USA for a
while.  There are many countries where extradition to USA or Sweden is
almost impossible. North Korea, I think, is one of the best.


With best regards,
 Sergey                          mailto:sergey.bochka...@alglib.net

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