Evidently it is possible to install Firefox on Ubuntu 22.04 from the 
Mozilla PPA instead of using the snap.


- Marc
On Tuesday, April 2, 2024 at 7:14:47 AM UTC-5 Marc Culler wrote:

> Actually the firefox snap can access files on the local disk, but only if 
> they are in the user's home directory.  It cannot access files in /tmp.  
> Does the  plot viewer use the ubuntu system's /tmp?
> - Marc
> On Monday, April 1, 2024 at 2:31:44 PM UTC-5 Emmanuel Charpentier wrote:
>> I just had to install Sage on a Windows machine (long story…) which has 
>> to be connected to a corporate VPN, whose an annoying side effect is to 
>> deprive Linux apps of network connectivity (don’t get me started…). 
>> Therefore, the Linux browser couldn’t use Mathjax.
>> Using your utilities works perfectly. I checked that one can display both 
>> 2D and 3D graphics from both commandine and Jupyter/Jupyterlab notebooks.
>> BTW, does your son run Ubuntu 22.04 ? If so, it might explain why display 
>> is problematic : this distribution uses a “snap” version of firefox, which 
>> asininely insists to run in its own sandbox, *with no access to local 
>> files :* (‘Grrrr…).
>> HTH,
>> ​
>> Le lundi 4 mars 2024 à 23:23:17 UTC+1, kcrisman a écrit :
>>> Has anyone successfully used the instructions at 
>>> https://wiki.sagemath.org/SageWindows lately for plots?  I'm reviewing 
>>> https://github.com/sagemath/sage/pull/37184 and it would be nice to 
>>> have that information actually in the installation guide, but for some 
>>> reason it didn't work for me.  (Maybe because it's my son's computer ... 
>>> some sort of Murphy's Law?)
>>> Thanks for any info.

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