Gavin Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Actually, there's some really nice ideas 
in that! I like the little weather effects, and the flowers and grass moving in 
the wind. Reminds me a little of Astroball.

Looking forward to seeing it progress - how many levels are you thinking of?



  I`m thinking four or five, but all different, the original demo
game back in `92 has a space shooter for level two, but only two ships
attacking, If I can speed it up and add in more aliens then I may still use 
that... but it`d take a few months to polish that turd :D

I was wanting a continous scene, as Metempsychosis always
impressed me with that demo (that I can`t find) of a wood, with day to night, 
owls flying, and constant leaves dropping from trees, sqirrels scuttling and 
climbing the trees etc etc... So

I wanted to have a pixel sized UFO visiting that planet in the distance, 
leaving it, then see the planet explode, then after a while, an asteroid
would come hurtling down, strike the ground, and the stars would tilt, and
the level would then be at roughly 45 degress with Tom the Tomatoe
rolling or bouncing down a hill, having to jump over stuff... I need to use
SAM Paint though to calculate how to rotate stars, and that sequence would 
happen possibly by flipping through 16 already drawn screen$


For further levels I`m open to ideas, but Level 1 is only half done, still
needs a subgame under the ground with a trap door, and stuff to beset your 
progress when above.

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