> From: Aley Keprt [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>You probably missed the lessons I have at university.

Yeah.. I spent to much time surfing the net...

>I spent several semesters with object oriented **anything** ;-)))

Don't get me wrong: the theory behind OOP, itself, is exellent. Maybe I am a
terrible OOP programmer since every time I write a class (or object in
Object Pascal), I tend to think it's more efficient and cleaner to rewrite
the class instead of using inheritence...

>You probably don't think (as I do) that hi-level programming is generally
>better than low-level programming,
>which gives you faster code. But nowadays computers are fast enough to run
>on C++.

You're right. I am a low-level programmer. I do admit that C++ DOES have its
uses... For a start, it's a lot easier writing Windows apps in C++ than it
is in C. And I guess Smalltalk and Eiffle have there uses, somewhere, too...

I belong to the train of beleif that, if you write your code to work at a
reasonable speed on a 5 year old computer, imagine how fast it would be on
an up-to-date beastie! :)

>C++ is not for Sam.
>At least since C++ compilers are MUCH MUCH slower than their C brothers.

You're telling me! :)
C++ seems to take forever to compile anything!


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