Hi Andrew,

You know what - that is very nice!!!  I'm not usually a fan of platformers - but
you've created a little beauty there!  Love the graphics.  Love the arcade-type
touches in there too - especially the side-swipe CLS.  That little touch alone 
very retro!  It's something you used to see all the time back in the early days 
the '80s arcades.  I love things like that!

I even like the music!  The little ditty used on the cut-scene is great - 
again, it
gives it a very retro feel.

If that's your first game in assembler then I'm looking forward to your second!!

If I had one criticism it would be that the collision detection is a bit off at 
But accurate collision detection can be a PITA to be honest.  That's perhaps a
task to address in your next game?

For now - I love it, even though it's bloody hard!!  But then I'm generally 
useless when it comes to playing games!  :-)


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