Andrew/Balor/thomas those links and info are great! Thanks very much! (Finding a place with all the fred stuff is great... I've got a lot of them, but they're all hidden in a box somewhere lol!) Think I've got an 'original' copy of the tech manual that I got from FRED back in the old days, but handy to have the PDF too!

In a few months when I have some free time, I'm planning to get back into my SAM game project. :-) So keep an eye out!!

Quoting Andrew Gillen <>:

The Fred stuff is a goldmine.

Http:// has the series I think you are referring to. I used some code for the define key routine in my game from that series.

Personally, my basis for z80 learning was from the speccy. William Tangs Spectrum Machine Language for the Absolute Beginner helped massively to get the basic concepts, then jon cauldwell's excellent tutorial helped with game flow and stuff like scoring.

I wrote a smAll, simple space invaders clone on speccy before moving on to the sam where I did a conversion of it as my first project (which was to be included as a hidden extra in Dave, buy I forgot to put it in).

Couple that lot with the tech manual and lurking on the World of Spectrum development forum sponging information and it all came together... Slowly!


On 1 Feb 2012, at 11:02, Thomas Harte <> wrote:

I was too young to appreciate it at the time but I think Fred had a great series on assembly and the Sam that flowed into the sort of topics specifically of interest to game writers. Has anyone converted those to a modern document format?

Other than that I can tell you that z80 questions tend to get answered very quickly and in a good amount of detail on StackOverflow though one appears only once every other month or so, so it's not much of a learning resource.

On 1 Feb 2012, at 10:39, wrote:

On a related but slightly different note... Sometime in the near future, I want to get back into a fairly major SAM gaming project I was working on. I'm going to give JAM a go (Just quickly tested it on my machine running Windows 7, and seemks to work fine!). :-) I made the mistake of working in GamesMaster again when I started it last year, but I hit a bit of an annoying brick wall with it (Yes, I know... but it worked so well for my first few games! :-D ) Unfortunately those limitations AREN'T because of the limitations of the SAM, so I don't want to compromise the game from what it could do, simply because of GamesMaster.

So my plan is to re-program it in Assembly. And my question is... (I think I may have asked this before, but for the life of me I can't remember, so sorry if I have!) what's the best resource for learning it?? ;-)

Dave, I love what you've done with "Dave Invaders" :-D What did you read for learning how to program it?

Quoting Balor Price <>:

Ah. I am a moron. Updated from Java 6 update 21 to update 30 and the problem went away.

Must say, though, I would never have expected that to have been a problem, especially because your binaries are all JAR files instead of JAD midlets. Okay I'm confused again now!


On 01-Feb-12 07:59, david brant wrote:
People do use it then, not had much in the way of feedback.

Jam Assembler does not doing anything special with the font or anything like that. It would be using Windows API for fonts and messages etc. i.e. anything standard windows stuff.

Jam Assembler not been tested on anything newer than XP though.

What version of Java is your computer using? Have you tried re loading Jam Assembler? I have a newer version on my computer which sorts out some project view issues and does method inheritance I'll upload it tonight with a bit of luck.

Otherwise can you send me a screen shot please.

On 1 Feb 2012, at 01:19, Balor Price wrote:

So, hmmm... while I'm fired up...

Anyone having problems with the GUI in Jam Assembler? It's been a while since I tinkered, but now I'm getting gobbledygook instead of English in the dropdown menus and dialogue boxes... At a guess I'd say the font lookups had gone askew, it's a JAR file that's executed so it's not relying on Windows API calls or anything. David?


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