I used to play that version of Tetris constantly, at one point. I was completely addicted lol! I also really loved the music on it.

Just picked up Sam Strikes Out and Future Ball off ebay, so looking forward to playing them. Two of those 'heard of them but never managed to get a copy' type games.

Out of curiosity... Has anyone (other than myself, obviously) ever completed Invasion II? ;-)


Quoting Tommo H <tomh.retros...@gmail.com>:

I know it's going to make me sound tediously predictable but I still
think David Gommeren's Tetris is the quintessential Sam game, despite
not even being that fantastic a Tetris (compared to my personal
favourite, the Spectrum's Tetris 2, anyway).

Beyond that, get WaterWorks. It's another puzzle game, technically,
but it's a lot more interesting than most. You sort of have to move
pipes around to direct water, but unlike Pipemania or whatever the
water flows freely into the game environment and collects on the floor
if you let it.


On 12 Apr 2012, at 07:02, "war...@wdlee.co.uk" <war...@wdlee.co.uk> wrote:

Welcome, Graeme!! :-D

It's always good to see a new SAM user. I hope you get lots of fun from it, as there is a ton of stuff to get into. Others have listed a lot of the major software and so forth that you can get, but I'd really advise getting the Trinity interface from Colin at samcoupe.com - It's a fantastic bit of hardware and makes life much easier with the SD storage. Not to mention with the online stuff coming, it's going to be enormous fun! ;-) (I even built my own custom case for mine a while back - https://twitter.com/#!/duncansguide/media/slideshow?url=http%3A%2F%2Ftwitpic.com%2F3e3ye6)

Also, if you feel like other hardware, I'd advise Colin's Quazar Surround sound module as well. It's great stuff! Get as many back-issues of SAM Revival off him as well, as he's managed to publish a lot of excellent items on the accompanying discs (*cough* issue 10 especially *cough*).

You should also get a mouse adaptor from Colin, if you haven't got one with the SAM.

Games I would advise, Stratosphere (great addictive and action-packed wireframe 3D game), Lemmings, Prince of Persia, Defenders of the Earth (Used to get some flack, but it's fast with great graphics and lots of simple shooter fun), Exodus, and others... There are plenty of great ones that others have already listed, so I won't mention them all. Those are some of my favourites.

Software, I would say definitely get SAM Paint and Games Master. SAM Paint is truly superb if you want to get into pixel graphics, and Games Master is excellent for getting into making your own fun games. If you've done any programming in the past, it's nice and easy to dive in and get a few fun things going on without having to program basic or machine code.

Also, download as many of the old FRED disc magazines as you can, since they were packed with a wide selection of great demos and free games (*cough* especially issue 58 and issue 75 *cough*). ;-)

-> Geoff, you shouldn't give up on the SAM. :-) It's just that for a number of people in the SAM community Jowett has gone FAR beyond mere Spam, and he's marred a lot of the fun atmosphere, so it causes temperatures to run high. Heck, he's even posted several irrelevant and unintelligible ramblings on my blog, simply because I once mentioned the SAM in a couple of postings... and I've had the LEAST trouble with him. ;-) If you can put up with deleting Jowett's emails, do the same with the usergroup ones complaining about him, and stay on the list. ;-) if you leave it because of the complaints about him, you've still effectively let him ruin your fun of the SAM, which would be a real shame.


Quoting Adrian Brown <adr...@apbcomputerservices.co.uk>:


Head over to www.samcoupe.com as well.  Colin Piggot has some bits and
bobs to look at, when work doesn't get in the way ill hopefully
completely finish the tcp/ip stack for the trinity interface.  You can
now use flash cards instead of floppy disks which is nice ;)

As to games I know most people didn't but I liked sphera.  It was fun :D


-----Original Message-----
From: owner-sam-us...@nvg.ntnu.no [mailto:owner-sam-us...@nvg.ntnu.no]
On Behalf Of toberm...@cookingcircle.co.uk
Sent: 12 April 2012 12:31
To: sam-users@nvg.ntnu.no
Subject: Re: Essential Sam Goodies

Welcome Graeme! The Sam's as good 21 years later as it was Christmas
1990.  We're generally cheerful too btw.

Your best bet to find the best goodies is to visit World of Sam and have
a damn good root around! Simcoupe itself is bundled with what I would
call the best stuff, but you'll need a few things to port the PC images
back to real floppies, namely SAMdisk (by Si Owen) and a PC with an
INTERNAL 3.5 floppy drive (external won't do).

Also have a good look round Andrew Collier's Intensity site because
there's loads of great bits locked away.

As for other stuff to get, I'd advise the Atom HDD, Stratosphere,
Defender, Momentum, Lemmings, Protracker, E-tracker, SAMpaint, GI-mon,
Comet, Pyz80, some kind of SAMdac or EDDAc, SAM mouse, and every
diskzine you can get your hands on!  There's just LOADS of great stuff

What did I miss?
Howard (aka Balor Price, Tobermory Womble or whatever else)

------Original Message------
From: Graeme Gregory
Sender: owner-sam-us...@nvg.ntnu.no
To: sam-users@nvg.ntnu.no
ReplyTo: sam-users@nvg.ntnu.no
Subject: Essential Sam Goodies
Sent: 12 Apr 2012 11:19

Ok, to change the topic from current discussion lately ;-)

I am a newbie to the Sam world, I bought a machine on ebay as a whim and
to reach one of my childhood dreams of owning one. As a kid I could not
afford one and by the time I had $$$ Sam had dissapeared and it was time
for Uni.

So I now have this lovely Sam Coupe with 1.5 working drives and 512K of
memory. What games/demos/widgets should I be getting for it. Would be
good to give this machine as much love as my collection of spectrums and
zx81 get!


Sent from my BlackBerry(r) smartphone on O2

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