En/Je/On 2012-12-19 21:54, Simon Owen escribió / skribis / wrote :

> bitwise is:  xGRBigrb.  For pure greys you'd use:
> 00000000 = 00 = 0
> 00000111 = 07 = 7
> 00001000 = 08 = 8
> 00001111 = 0f = 15
> 01110000 = 70 = 112
> 01110111 = 77 = 119
> 01111000 = 78 = 120
> 01111111 = 7f = 127

I already knew the format but didn't have the idea to confirm which
colors are actually gray just by looking its code. I see my eyes worked
fine anyway :)

>   0, 0, 8, 5, 7, 13, 15, 82, 112, 90, 120, 117, 119, 125, 127, 127

That's what I needed. It looks great. I'll try a 14-gray variant; the
two duplicates can be useful for some color effect.

Thank you.



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