Wow, Chris this looks exceptional. I really wish I knew more about CP/M already, but the amount of logical disks available just on SDHC cards just blew my mind. Intriguing final comment too - you have more fun projects coming as well? Happy birthday Sam...

On 28/05/2014 21:29, Chris Pile wrote:
Hi Folks,

Some of you may remember last year I mentioned I was rewriting Pro-DOS?

Well, it's now finished and Steve (SPT) has kindly provided a permanent
home for it on his Pro-DOS website.  You can grab a copy of v2.0 here:

I've tried to make v2.0 look and feel more professional and polished than
its older relative, and several areas dealing with CP/M 2.2 compatibility
have been improved.  A large portion of the rewrite was spent developing
"/official/" mass-storage support for the ATOM-Lite and Trinity interfaces.

Much needed attention was given to the performance and responsiveness too,
which was an area that has been begging for a kick up the arse since 1991!

There is now no reason to use Pro-DOS <= v1.9.  Pro-DOS v2.0 was designed
to supersede _/*all*/_ previous versions, including the "/un//official/" ATOM-Lite (AL-Patch) version. Pro-DOS v2.0 is now the "/official/" ATOM-Lite (CF) and
Trinity (MMC/SD/SDHC) version.

Inside the release .ZIP you will find a *.DSK* image and also a *.PDF* copy of
the user manual.  The user manual has also received a complete rewrite, so
please take the time to read it as there are a number of additional features found in Pro-DOS v2.0 not found in previous versions. Most of the features
will not be immediately obvious until you read the manual!

Apologies if the user manual is a little difficult to read or grammatically
awkward.  I'm a not a user-manual author, which will become all too clear!
However, I hope the information is clear enough to introduce the additional
features Pro-DOS v2.0 has to offer over its predecessor.

Here is a list of "/highlights/" taken from the updated user manual:

  * Better CP/M 2.2 compatibility
  * Up to eight simultaneously visible disk drives - Drives *A:*
    through to *H:*
  * CompactFlash support using the ATOM-Lite (right-hand drive bay)
  * Dual CF adapter support in the ATOM-Lite - seen as two separate drives
  * MMC/SD/SDHC flash support using Quazar's Trinity Ethernet Interface
  * 100% compatible with the /AL-Patch /format used by AL-Pro-DOS v1.9
  * Pro-DOS can optionally boot from its own format 720k CP/M disks
  * If your SAM has an AL-BOOT ROM Pro-DOS can also boot from CF cards
  * Up to 64-Gigabytes (65535 /logical disks/) on CF/MMC/SD/SDHC cards
  * Will use any external RAM packs to provide up to four 1MB RAM Drives
  * Improved performance, with particular attention paid to screen output
  * More accurate /Heath/Zenith H19/Z19/DEC VT52/ terminal emulation
  * Better command-line editing functions
  * Command-line can accept user areas - so */DIR A4:*.COM/* is valid
  * Can simultaneously change drives and user areas at the command prompt
  * MS-DOS-like command history buffer for the eight most recent commands
  * Retro /green-screen/ look with funky flashing cursor - changeable
    of course!
  * Will save/restore your chosen screen colours to/from the Trinity
  * System bell sound makes a better "/ding/" and no longer pauses the
  * The */DIR/* command now outputs in alphabetically sorted columns
  * Better memory use to allow v2.0 to retain v1.9's internal RAM
    Drive sizes
  * A large (63238 byte) *T*ransient *P*rogram *A*rea for external
  * The separate /system files/ disk used by v1.9 is no longer required
  * All /system files/ are pre-installed to the internal RAM Drive at boot
  * */COPY/*//and */DUMP/* commands are now built-in, and not external
  * All internal commands accept wildcards, including */REN/*ame and
  * Ability to software-swap a pair of drives, so */A:/* can be */B:/*
    and vice versa
  * */FATREAD.COM/*for importing files from PC formatted /FAT12/16/32/

v2.0 is more like the version I should have written back in 1991! And with that in mind it's probably time to move on to other (more fun) SAM projects!


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