guest@ryzen3:~$ sudo scanimage -L
[sudo] password for guest:
device `epsonscan2:ET-2710 Series:esci2:usb:ES016E:4419' is a EPSON
ET-2710 Series flatbed scanner

On 5/6/21, Thierry Huchard <> wrote:
> Test :
> sudo scanimage -L
> Le 6 mai 2021 19:11:10 GMT+02:00, Paulo Silva <> a
> écrit :
>>hi Thierry,
>>thanks for the instructions, all mentioned steps done, but when i open
>>xsane from Gimp (File:Create:XSane:"Device dialog..."), after
>>"scanning for devices", i'm getting this:
>>Gimp Message
>>Plug-in crashed: "xsane"
>>The dying plug-in may have messed up GIMP's internal state. You may
>>want to save your images and restart GIMP to be on the safe side.
>>so what do you think i could do for checking out what is going wrong
>>here, perhaps like getting logs, running specific tools, some
>>configuration, etc.?
>>thanks in advance,
>>On 5/6/21, Thierry Huchard <> wrote:
>>> Le 2021-05-06 17:07, Paulo Silva a écrit :
>>>> hi!
>>>> it seems that the scanner from Epson ET-2711 (
>>>> ) is still not supported out of the box
>>>> i can't enter at sane's irc (totally forgot what is nickserv register
>>>> about and stuff like that...), so i'm answering here what
>>>> asks:
>>>> "scanimage --version" says:
>>>> scanimage (sane-backends) 1.0.31-debian; backend version 1.0.31
>>>> "lsb_release -a" says:
>>>> LSB
>>>> Version:   
>>>> core-11.1.0ubuntu2-noarch:printing-11.1.0ubuntu2-noarch:security-11.1.0ubuntu2-noarch
>>>> Distributor ID:    Ubuntu
>>>> Description:       Ubuntu 20.10
>>>> Release:   20.10
>>>> Codename:  groovy
>>>> "lsusb | grep Epson" says:
>>>> Bus 003 Device 004: ID 04b8:1143 Seiko Epson Corp.
>>>> so, i'm curious to know how soon is this scanner going to be
>>>> supported, and on what can we help for that...
>>> Hi Paulo,
>>> If you want to use it in resins you have several options:
>>> 1 - Update sane
>>> sudo add-apt-repository ppa:sane-project/sane-git
>>> sudo apt-get update
>>> sudo apt install libsane libsane1 libsane-common sane-utils
>>> 2 - Install sane-airscan
>>> 3 - Install espon drivers
>>> For USB :
>>> 1 - Install espon drivers
>>> 2 - Install ipp-usb and use sane-airscan or sane-escl
>>> Thierry
>>>> thanks in advance,
>>>> Paulo
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