Hi all,

I was playing around with speech synthesis and came across a problem with
character encoding...

I was trying to have some metadata played back as speech synthesis and the
following are the relevant snippets in my script (leaving out the
irrelevant stuff):

####### start ########


# function that builds a pattern used for speech synthesis
def pattern ()
    a = "say:Now playing - #{get_trackinfo()}"
    log (a)


# append speech synthesized track info to the jingles queue
jingles = append (jingles, fun (m) ->
  request.queue(queue=[request.create(pattern() % m)], interactive=false))


####### end ########

Now, what I get in the log is this:

2010/05/07 15:50:06 [lang:3] say:Now playing - Möbius - Untitled Track
2010/05/07 15:50:07 [protocols.say:3] Synthetizing "Now playing -
M\246bius - Untitled Track" to "/tmp/say19ebd4.wav"

Obviously, the "say:" protocol is not handling the character encoding as
it should and escapes the special characters (in this case: "ö" -> "\246")
which messes up my speech synthesis...

Is this intentional behavior? If not, any idea how to get around this
problem and pass special characters to the speech synthesizer?



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