SCIENCE-JOBS-DE Stellenausschreibung (vacancies)

In Unifob AS the group of Igor Berezovsky is looking for a highly motivated 
candidate for a three-year PhD position in Bioinformatics/Computational 
Biophysics. The place of employment will be at Bergen Center for Computational 
Science (BCCS) within the Computational Biology Unit (CBU).

The research project will focus on the evolution of protein function based on 
the closed loop idea (for review see: Curr Opin Struct Biol 13, 110, 2003). The 
work will include analysis of structure-function relationship between proteins 
and their functions. It is also planned to consider one or several abundant 
protein folds as a case study in collaboration with an experimental group 
working on directed evolution of protein function.

The candidate must have a master’s degree in bioinformatics, computational 
biology, biophysics, structural biology or computational sciences. The 
candidate should also possess strong quantitative skills and be highly 
proficient in at least one of the following major programming languages: C/C++, 
Python or Perl.

The PhD student will enter an approved programme leading to the degree of PhD 
within a time frame of three years. It is a prerequisite, however, that the 
formal admission requirements for the PhD programme are met before appointment 
can be made.

The PhD student will also be connected to the Molecular and Computational 
Biology Research School.

Salary in accordance with the Civil Service pay grade table scale for PhD 
students; currently NOK 353 200 gross p.a.; following ordinary meriting 
regulations. Unifob AS offers Group Pension Insurance and Personnel Insurance 
Scheme for their employees. The successful applicant must comply with the 
guidelines that apply to the position at any time.

Applications containing
· a letter of motivation with statement of research interests
· curriculum vitae
· copies of relevant university-level diplomas with grade transcripts
· names and contact information of 3 references

should be sent by e-mail to HR Consultant Monika Voit ( 
with copy to Group Leader Igor N. Berezovsky ( The 
evaluation of candidates will begin on June 30, 2009 and will continue until 
the position is filled.

For more information about group, scientific interests, and research 
directions, please, refer to, 
or contact Group Leader Igor N. Berezovsky (phone +47 55584712, e-mail:



Igor N. Berezovsky
Bergen Center for Computational Science and University of Bergen
Bergen, Norway

Ansprechpartner: Igor N. Berezovsky,


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