SCIENCE-JOBS-DE Stellenausschreibung (vacancies)

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

The Faculty of Mathematical and Natural Sciences I, Department of Biology 
invites applications from creative scientists for the following positions: 

Two Junior Professorship positions for “Theoretical Biophysics” (JP/011/09) and 
“Experimental Biophysics” (JP/010/09) to be established by April 1st 2010

We will consider applicants with strong documented expertise in any line of 
Theoretical or Experimental Biophysics preferentially in the fields of: 
molecular structures and dynamics, spectroscopy, and optogenetics, or 
mathematical modelling. We aim for a complementation of already existing 
research fields. The Junior Professors are expected to have a strong commitment 
to excellence in teaching “Biophysics” in undergraduate and graduate programs 
for biology and biophysics students. We offer the integration into a highly 
creative and interdisciplinary environment. 
The successful candidates will have the opportunity to interface with the 
International Research Training Group: Genomics and Systems Biology of 
Molecular Networks’ (GK 1360), Collaborative Research Centres (SFB 555 Complex 
non-linear Processes, SFB 618 Theoretical Biology: Robustness, Modularity and 
Evolutionary Design of Living Systems, SFB 740 From Molecules to Modules: 
Organisation and dynamics of functional units in cells), Cluster of Excellence: 
Unifying concepts in Catalysis, and the Interdisciplinary Centre for Biophysics 
and Bioinformatics at the Humboldt-University. 
Applicants must meet the legal requirements for appointments of professors in 
accordance with § 100 of the “Berliner Hochschulgesetz”. 

Humboldt Universität zu Berlin (HU) seeks to increase the proportion of female 
faculty members. Thus qualified women are particularly encouraged to apply. 
Physically handicaped persons will be preferred, if equally qualified.

Applications should include curriculum vitae, list of publications and 
previously taught courses, statement of research and teaching interests, and up 
to five selected publications. Please send your application, quoting the 
reference number JP/010/09 or JP/011/09 to: Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, 
Dekan der Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftlichen Fakultät I, Unter den Linden 6, 
10099 Berlin, not later than October 12, 2009. Please send only copies of all 
documents. Application material will not be returned.
To accelerate the process, applicants  are kindly requested to send their 
application materials both in written  form as well as vita: or

Information about Experimental and Theoretical Biophysics at the Humboldt 
University can be found at: and



Peter Hegemann
Biophysics, Humboldt University Berlin, 
Berlin, Central

Ansprechpartner: Peter Hegemann, Edda Klipp


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