>I've just discovered that the Todos reader won't run at 115.2 Kbps.  I
>haven't tried lower speeds other than 9600.

I think this reader belongs to the category "dumb readers".  To make
things simple and cheap, they usually have a fixed 3.57 MHz clock to
the card, thus yielding 9600 bps as default I/O speed.  Then they more
or less just connects I/O to the COM port.

Still, the smartcard may be capable of other speeds (like 115k2).  This
has to be handled by the driver changing COM port speed, since the reader
just "feeds through" the I/O.

If it doesn't work even if the driver controls speed, AND THE CARD SUPPORTS
THE SPEED, the reader might have too slow 5V to RS232 conversion HW to
support it.

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