
Morten Norman wrote:
> >a source for a cheap (or maybe not expensive) reader with a
> >PIN pad and documentation is very welcome.
> IX2-SC KB  has PIN-pad.  About USD100 +VAT and shipping (from Sweden).
> ...
> Full developer docs are available under NDA.

Than this reader is not usable for me. Why are NDAs so common in
the security area? Do they fear, that people find holes like in
the PPTP protocol from Microsoft, while we see how good open
discussed protocols like IPsec are? Do they think, it is a grear
achievement to build a reader with a PIN-pad, that someone might
copy if he had the docs?

Security is about trust and without open analysis there is no trust.
The faster the industry learns the better.

Zeitcontrol is here another positiv example. The docs are online
available without even a registration. Just download it. Unfortunately
they have no reader with a PIN-pad. But I will order sometimes a
Cybermouse which has hopefully a better quality than the Towitoko


endergone Zwiebeltuete

Linux Smart Card Developers - M.U.S.C.L.E.
(Movement for the Use of Smart Cards in a Linux Environment)

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