
Danny Kumamoto wrote:
> Matthias Bruestle wrote:
> > If somebody knows a source of cards in very small quantities
> > and/or card documentation, please, please let me know. Also
> > a source for a cheap (or maybe not expensive) reader with a
> > PIN pad and documentation is very welcome.
> Have you looked at our  We sell both crypto
> (non-JC) and Java Card cards in quantities of 5.  Most of our docs are
> online (or will be soon), as well.

I once ordered there, but this site has some disadvantages.

1) Cryptocards can not be ordered outside the USA/Canada.

2) The transport makes them really expensive for me.

3) It was a real chaos ordering there. It was worse than the ordering
   of my PC in 1992. (And there is no contact information on this site.)

(And I still don't know how the Stamped commands work, if 3DES MAC
commands are possible on the Cryptoflex and why Encrypt 3DES Int Auth
and Decrypt 3DES Int Auth with the previous result does not result
in the starting value while it does with DES.)

But a good point for the Cyberflex is the java compiler for Linux.

IMO very good is the site of Zeitcontrol. SDKs and detailed documentation
for download and cards can be ordered in any quantity. If only I knew
BASIC better.

A very bad example is SIEMENS (or how it is called now) where it is
impossible to get documentation.

I called last year (or maybe the year before) about 20 firms makeing
chips/cards/etc. The result was, that I could have from one firm
cards without documentation and I heard things like "You want what?
10 cards? Ha! Ha! Ha!". A telephone orgy this year wasn't better.
Gemplus would have sold me an expensive GemXpresso Development Kit.
That was all.

Sorry for the little rant.


endergone Zwiebeltuete

Linux Smart Card Developers - M.U.S.C.L.E.
(Movement for the Use of Smart Cards in a Linux Environment)

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