>how can i use smart card with netscape?

Probably the best way is to use Java.
You need to implement native (C) wrapper functions to some/most of the PCSC 
API functionality. Then you can simply write an applet that uses those 
functions to perform whatever tasks you need to perform.

Please note that the Netscape JVM is rather strict about what it allows 
Java code to do.
You will probably need to have the user install the native libraries ahead 
of time. Another thing that will definately need doing is to modify the 
java policy files in order to allow code signed with a particular 
certificate to link with your native libraries.

Please exercise caution when granting permissions to applets. Granting too 
many rights can have disastrous effects on security, and probably security 
is the reason you were using smartcards in the first place :)

If you are not terribly fluent in Java, native methods and all of their 
security policy quirks, I can reccomend referring to the Online Tutorial on 

Good luck!


Linux Smart Card Developers - M.U.S.C.L.E.
(Movement for the Use of Smart Cards in a Linux Environment)

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