Elheran Francis wrote:
> Years ago I saw a song book titled "Bawdy Songs", that
> was published in England. it was most either bawdy
> British Isles Folksongs or English Music Hall type
> songs. I am trying to track down a copy of it. Has
> anyone heard of it?
> Thanks,
> Elheran

"Bawdy Songs" is pretty much a generic title. Abby Sale on this list is
now a collaborator on Murray S's 'Musa Proterva' collection of Scots
ones, so I'll leave comments on that large collection to him.

Tony McCarthy's 'Bawdy British Folk Songs' is possibly the one you saw,
or possibly it might have been George Speaight's 'Bawdy Songs of the
Early Music Hall'. There are several others along the same lines (Rugby
Songs, etc.) 

I presume you don't need reference to American collections, e.g., John
Henry Johnson's 'Bawdy Ballad & Lusty Lyrics' (and scholarly
There are quite a few songs in the Scarce Songs 1 and 2 files on my
website (including an early 17th century Scots one and some from the
Merry Muses) that aren't for children (who, I don't think, can
understand them anyhow).

Bruce Olson
Old English, Irish and, Scots: popular songs, tunes, broadside
ballads at my website (no advs-spam, etc)- www.erols.com/olsonw
or click below  <A href="http://www.erols.com/olsonw"> Click </a>
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