On 2011-03-08, at 4:36 AM, Thomas Klausner <d...@cpan.org> wrote:

> Hi!
Hi Domm,
> On Tue, Mar 08, 2011 at 06:00:24AM -0300, breno wrote:
>> So far we had some awesome entries - people really stood up to the
>> challenge! Check them out:
> And where can I get those games from?  :-)


First post links straight to the game repos. 

> PS: I tried to convert my old SpaceInvader hack from YAPC::Europe 2008 
> to SDLx-stuff (during Dutch Perl Workshop last weekend, and on my train 
> journey back..), but I had some problems.

Perhaps the SDL_Manual can help? http://sdl.perl.org has a link for it.

> I'll post them later (now at 
> work), but do you prefere mailing list posts or blog posts? I guess blog 
> posts are more visible, so I was planning a blog post, but than blogs 
> aren't the greatest medium for detailed technical discussions etc.
> Any opinions?

Either are fine. But both are preferred, especially if a summarized and 
in-depth retrospective of mailing list discussions are done on blog post. 

> Greetings,
> domm
> -- 
> #!/usr/bin/perl                              http://domm.plix.at
> for(ref bless{},just'another'perl'hacker){s-:+-$"-g&&print$_.$/}

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