On Monday, January 09, 2012 at 01:34 PM, Kartik Thakore wrote:

>  An idea I have is to change the name to Perl Game Development and 
>  incorporate more then just SDL chapters into the manual. Any suggestions 
>  are welcome!

The audience for Perl Game Development is slightly different from the audience 
for an SDL manual--this may be the distinction Kartik and I were trying to 
figure out when we discussed the documentation offlist.

One drawback of the current manual for Perl Game Development is that it 
focuses strongly on the mechanics of how SDL works at the expense of the 
natural abstractions and idioms a good Perl programmer would use to manage the 
code. Put another way, once you've written a good sprite class, you'll reuse 
it instead of writing it over and over.

Rather than explaining SDL in terms of gradual complexity and additional 
features, explain game programming in terms of its fundamental units: sprites, 
events, the game loop, sounds, levels, data handling, timeslicing, 3D, 

-- c

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