I know perlbrew but just didnt seen it your message when I replied.
Using perlbrew is perfectly fine, this way we dont have problems with
console user rights.

The patches you mentioned are 4 years old, but maybe we can use some
stuff from it. It isnt much though.

I'll try to get my OSX 10.6 virtual machine back running again and test

One last thing: You are logged on to the desktop with that "blue" user,


Am 16.02.2012 00:08, schrieb b...@atmaildot.com:
> (replying to https://rt.cpan.org/Public/Bug/Display.html?id=75017 )
>>> Feb 14 18:58:37 MyMac perl[10720] <Error>: kCGErrorInvalidConnection:
>>> CGSSetWindowTags: Invalid connection
>> On a Mac only console users have the rights to make a connection to a 
>> display. The root user usually dont have this right. Are you running 
>> bubblebreaker as root?
> No. I am using a perlbrewed perl (notice the paths). One the main
> benefits is that you can modify it without affecting the system perl.
>> Maybe, but I'm not sure, you have to build Alien::SDL and SDL as user; 
>> install as root; and run as user again. I hope this is not the case because 
>> then we have a problem with the cpan-client.
> This would also mean it wouldn't work for perlbrew users. Installing
> as root would install to the system perl which is usually not the same
> perl.
> I see there is a macports package for sdl_perl [1] which includes
> several patchfiles. Maybe those need to be integrated into the SDL
> CPAN distribution?
> [1] https://trac.macports.org/browser/trunk/dports/perl/p5-sdl_perl

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