(replying to https://rt.cpan.org/Public/Bug/Display.html?id=75017 )

>> Feb 14 18:58:37 MyMac perl[10720] <Error>: kCGErrorInvalidConnection:
>> CGSSetWindowTags: Invalid connection
> On a Mac only console users have the rights to make a connection to a 
> display. The root user usually dont have this right. Are you running 
> bubblebreaker as root?

No. I am using a perlbrewed perl (notice the paths). One the main
benefits is that you can modify it without affecting the system perl.

> Maybe, but I'm not sure, you have to build Alien::SDL and SDL as user; 
> install as root; and run as user again. I hope this is not the case because 
> then we have a problem with the cpan-client.

This would also mean it wouldn't work for perlbrew users. Installing
as root would install to the system perl which is usually not the same

I see there is a macports package for sdl_perl [1] which includes
several patchfiles. Maybe those need to be integrated into the SDL
CPAN distribution?

[1] https://trac.macports.org/browser/trunk/dports/perl/p5-sdl_perl

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