
I'm trying to convert some of my old SDL perl programs to use SDL perl
version 2.536 on 64bit gentoo with perl-5.12.4. Unexpectedly
everything that gets drawn using comes out with an blue tinge. For

#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use strict;

use SDL;
use SDL::Color;
use SDLx::App;

my $app = SDLx::App->new (title => 'Test', width => 320, height => 320);
my $colour = SDL::Color->new (0,0,0);

for my $x (0..319) {
   $app->set_pixel(10, $x, $colour);

This draws a blue line, where I would have expected a black line. I've
tried adding redmask, bluemask, greenmask and alphamask options to the
App new call, without any noticeable effect.

I wondered if someone could try the above code to see if it's
something to do with my set up, or a bug in my code.


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