I've made a simplified, standalone example:


The big array at the top is a single YUV420P frame. Expected behavior is to display that frame in a window for 5 seconds, and then quit. If I comment out the overlay handling, it displays a green background.

I've verified that I'm running SDL 2.540.


On 24.07.2013 08:17, Kartik Thakore wrote:
Can we run this with out needing ARDdrone?

On Wed, Jul 24, 2013 at 8:22 AM, <tmur...@wumpus-cave.net> wrote:

Short on time at the moment, but I have the complete code on a github repo:

https://github.com/frezik/UAV-Pilot [2]

The relevant code is in UAV::Pilot::SDL::Video, and the decoding happens in the xs file for UAV::Pilot::Video::H264Decoder.  The test t/160_video_decode.t should run the decoding end of things. There's a test video in t_data/ardrone_video_stream_dump.bin, though that contains the PaVE headers from the UAV before each frame.  Those headers can be stripped out by bin/uav_video_dump.

I'll try to come up with a more concise example later this evening.


On 24.07.2013 01 [3]:00, Tobias Leich wrote:

Hi, can you paste a complete example please? Maybe with a link to a test
video file.

What I would try first is SDL's latest release, which is 2.540 or so.

Cheers, FROGGS

Am 23.07.2013 23:44, schrieb tmur...@wumpus-cave.net:

I'm working on a project involving decoding h.264 video frames with
ffmpeg and then outputting them to an SDL surface. From what I've
read, the YUV overlay is meant for this kind of job, but I'm having
trouble getting it to work with the Perl bindings.

One thing that seems odd to me in the Perl docs is:

    As of release 2.3 direct right to overlay is disable.

Besides the typos, this troubles me because it seems that disabling
the feature makes the YUV overlay completely useless.

Not to be deterred, I wrote this code:

    SDL::Video::lock_YUV_overlay( $overlay );
    # The order of array indexen is correct, according to:
    # http://dranger.com/ffmpeg/tutorial02.html [1]
    my $pitches = $overlay->pitches;
    $$pitches[0] = scalar @{ $last_vid_frame[0] };
    $$pitches[2] = scalar @{ $last_vid_frame[1] };
    $$pitches[1] = scalar @{ $last_vid_frame[2] };
    my $pixels = $overlay->pixels;
    $$pixels[0] = $last_vid_frame[0];
    $$pixels[2] = $last_vid_frame[1];
    $$pixels[1] = $last_vid_frame[2];
    SDL::Video::unlock_YUV_overlay( $overlay );

    SDL::Video::update_rects( $sdl, $bg_rect );
    SDL::Video::display_YUV_overlay( $sdl, $bg_rect );

When I run this, I get an error about not being able to find the
pitches() method against the class "SDL::Overlay".  Eh?  (Same thing happens for the pixels() method if I put that call first.) I can call
width() and format() and such just fine on that object.

If needed, I can handle the overlay entirely at the C level.  I may
end up doing that anyway; the C array that comes out of ffmpeg is
being transformed into a Perl array-of-arrays, which is going to be an expensive operation to do for 720p at 30 fps in realtime. But I'd like
to try this at the Perl level for now.

I might also have to convert the output from ffmpeg using
sws_scale().  It's coming out in YUV420P mode, and I'm using YV12 to init the overlay. But I'd like to get the above working before messing
with that.

Timm Murray

[1] http://dranger.com/ffmpeg/tutorial02.html
[2] https://github.com/frezik/UAV-Pilot
[3] tel:24.07.2013%2001

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