[CTRL] Vigilant Shield: JFCOM, NORAD to drill martial law during TOPOFF4

2007-10-10 Thread Total Information
-Caveat Lector-

* Vigilant Shield: JFCOM, NORAD to drill martial law during TOPOFF4

From the U.S. military's NORTHCOM factsheet

North American Aerospace Defense Command and U.S. Northern Command along
with U.S. Pacific Command, the Department of Homeland Security as well as
local, state and other federal responders will exercise their response
abilities against a variety of potential threats during Exercise Vigilant
Shield '08, a Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff-designated, North
American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) and U.S. Northern Command
(USNORTHCOM)-sponsored, and U.S. Joint Forces Command-supported Department
of Defense exercise for homeland defense and defense support of civil
authorities missions.

VS-08 will be conducted concurrent with Top Officials 4 (TOPOFF 4), the
nation's premier exercise of terrorism preparedness sponsored by the
Department of Homeland Security, and several other linked exercises as part
of the National Level Exercise 1-08. These linked exercises will take place
October 15-20 and are being conducted throughout the United States and in
conjunction with several partner nations including Australia, Canada, and
the United Kingdom, as well as the Territory of Guam.

VS-08 and National Level Exercise 1-08 will provide local, state, tribal,
interagency, Department of Defense, and non-governmental organizations and
agencies involved in homeland security and homeland defense the opportunity
to participate in a full range of exercise scenarios that will better
prepare participants to prevent and respond to national crises. The
participating organizations will conduct a multi-layered, civilian-led
response to a national crisis.

USNORTHCOM's primary exercise venues for VS-08 include locations in Oregon,
Arizona and a cooperative venue with USPACOM in the Territory of Guam.
NORAD's aerospace detection and defense events will take place across all
the exercise venues, to exercise the ability to mobilize resources for
aerospace defense, aerospace control, maritime warning, and coordination of
air operations in a disaster area. [...]

Exercise VIGILANT SHIELD Objectives:
· Demonstrate multiagency, multijurisdictional unity of effort in support of
a civilian-led response to a national crisis through collaboration with
local, state, and federal responders to a series of catastrophic events.
· Reinforce operational and strategic relationships between USNORTHCOM and
Department of Homeland Security.
· Provide an opportunity for local, state, and federal leaders to conduct
and lead response efforts within their state including the use of state
assets, emergency management assistance agreements, and support from federal
resources, including active duty military forces.
· Assess NORAD and USNORTHCOM assigned units in the execution of homeland
defense and defense support of civil authorities missions.
· Evaluate NORAD and USNORTHCOM staff implementation of Concept Plans to
include effects-based approach planning and operations to protect the
homeland from missile attack.
· Provide continuous Integrated Tactical Warning and Attack Assessment to
all agencies, via NORAD.
· Evaluate various combatant commands' operational coordination.
· Develop U.S. government strategic communication themes and objectives to
ensure that all exercise agencies communicate with one synchronized voice.
· Exercise USNORTHCOM's Ballistic Missile Defense planning and operations to
create a
seamless coordination of control between combatant commands.
· Provide USNORTHCOM opportunities to exercise defense support of civil
authorities in the execution of Department of Defense Chemical, Biological,
Radiological, Nuclear, or High-yield Explosive response plans and coordinate
AntiTerrorism/ Force Protection activities.
· Deploy USNORTHCOM's Mobile Consolidated Command Center.
· Conduct interagency and Department of Defense expanded maritime
interception operations, maritime domain awareness, maritime warning and
maritime operational threat response.


Let's hope that if anyone in NORAD or JFCOM plan to go live into a false
flag with space-based or other assets that geopolitical forces opposed to
further World War can stop them.

Express your concern!

Some numbers for NORAD:

NORAD Public Affairs (719) 554-3525
General Inquiries (719) 554-6889
Media Relations (719) 554-9618



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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of 

[CTRL] ALERT: Dems may cave to warrantless wiretaps today

2007-10-10 Thread Total Information
-Caveat Lector-

* ALERT: Dems may cave to warrantless wiretaps today
* http://www.total411.info/2007/10/alert-dems-may-cave-to-warrantless.html

ACLU http://www.aclu.org/ sent out this important alert this morning:

Congress must remedy the situation it created in August when it handed the
Bush Administration vast new powers to invade our privacy with no meaningful
oversight from the courts or Congress. When Congress failed freedom, it
caused a massive outcry from freedom-loving people across the country.

Tell your representative: Stand up for the Constitution, fix

As the result of the outcry, two bills were introduced yesterday to fix the
disastrous Protect America Act that was rushed through Congress in August,
rubberstamping the administration's warrantless wiretapping program. *Both
were efforts to fix FISA, but we must make it clear that only the FISA
Modernization Bill does the job.*

Tell your representative to support the FISA Modernization Bill instead of
the RESTORE Act. http://action.aclu.org/site/R?i=c3-oiboJ-RGa5I3PByS46w..

*The RESTORE Act caves in to Bush's fear-mongering in a major way* by
allowing for program or basket warrants, which aren't really warrants at
all. They're the modern-day equivalent of allowing government agents to sit
in our living rooms, recording our personal conversations. Only they're more
frightening, because the government now has the capacity to monitor us
remotely and without our knowledge, and to save the information in a secret
database forever.

Please, call your representative now to stop basket warrants from being used
against Americans.http://action.aclu.org/site/R?i=6BLkmg91JIS9FJrrLdLgcg..

Tell him or her to *support *the FISA Modernization Bill of 2007 instead of
the RESTORE Act.

Here are some talking points for your call:

1. Please *support* the FISA Modernization Act of 2007 introduced by
Representative Rush Holt, instead of the RESTORE Act. Only pass a FISA
modernization bill that has individualized warrants.

2. Blanket or program warrants that allow the government to vacuum up the
international telephone calls and emails of Americans aren't really warrants
at all, and they aren't constitutional.

3. Americans are looking to Congress to stand up to the Bush Administration,
not cave in to threats of being labeled soft on terrorism.

You can look up your representative's phone number and log your call here.

It's no surprise that the Bush Administration is again using the threat of
terror to bully Congress into giving them more power than they need to keep
us safe. To counter these misrepresentations, Congress needs to hear that
America can be both safe and free by passing a FISA Modernization bill that
protects our constitutional rights.

Once you've called your representative, please tell us that you called and
if possible, how your call went. This information is extremely helpful to
our staff when they meet with Members of Congress, because they're able to
convey how many of their constituents care about fixing FISA. Please tell us
if you called and how your call went.

Thank you for taking action and being involved.

More background available from ACLU

Posted By Total to
10/10/2007 11:06:00 AM


CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: Bush's Torturers Follow Where the Nazis Led

2007-10-10 Thread RoadsEnd

-Caveat Lector-

Begin forwarded message:

Date: October 8, 2007 8:35:52 AM PDT
Subject: Fwd: Bush's Torturers Follow Where the Nazis Led

George Orwell would have been impressed by the phrase enhanced  
interrogation technique.  By relying on it, the White House  
spokesman last week was able to say with a straight face that the  
administration strongly opposed torture and that any procedures  
they use are tough, safe, necessary, and lawful.

So is enhanced interrogation torture?  One way to answer this  
question is to examine history.  The phrase has a lineage.   
Verscharfte Vernehmung, enhanced or intensified interrogation, was  
the exact term invented by Hitler's Gestapo to describe what became  
known as the third degree.  The United States prosecuted it as a  
war crime in 1948.

The penalty for those who were found guilty was death.
This is how far we've come.

See what's new at AOL.com and Make AOL Your Homepage.

Date: October 7, 2007 6:24:13 PM PDT
Subject: Bush's Torturers Follow Where the Nazis Led

The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they  
don't have

any.-- Alice Walker

*Bush's Torturers Follow Where the Nazis Led*
By Andrew Sullivan

The Times -- I remember that my first response to the reports of  
abuse and
torture at Guantanamo Bay was to accuse the accusers of  
exaggeration or
deliberate deception.  I didn't believe America would ever do those  
things.  I'd
also supported George W. Bush in 2000, believed it necessary to  
give the
president the benefit of the doubt in wartime, and knew Donald  
Rumsfeld as a friend.

It struck me as a no-brainer that this stuff was being invented by  
the far left
or was part of Al-Qaeda propaganda.  After all, they train captives  
to lie about
this stuff, dont they?  Bottom line: I trusted the president in  
a time of war to
obey the rule of law that we were and are defending.  And then I  
was forced to

confront the evidence.

From almost the beginning of the war, it is now indisputable, the Bush
administration made a strong and formative decision: in the absence  
of good
intelligence on the Islamist terror threat after 9/11, it would do  
what no
American administration had done before.  It would torture  
detainees to get


This decision was and is illegal, and violates America's treaty  
obligations, the
military code of justice, the United Nations convention against  
torture, and U.S.
law. Although America has allied itself over the decades with some  
regimes around the world and has come close to acquiescing to  
torture, it has
never itself tortured.  It has also, in liberating the world from  
the evils of
Nazism and communism, and in crafting the Geneva conventions, done  
more than any
other nation to banish torture from the world.  George Washington  
himself vowed
that it would be a defining mark of the new nation that such  
tactics, used by the

British in his day, would be anathema to Americans.

But Bush decided that 9/11 changed all that. Islamists were  
apparently more
dangerous than the Nazis or the Soviets, whom Americans fought and  
without resorting to torture.  The decision to enter what Dick  
Cheney called the
dark side was made, moreover, in secret; interrogators who had no  
idea how to do
these things were asked to replicate some of the methods U.S.  
soldiers had been

trained to resist if captured by the Soviets or Vietcong.

Classic torture techniques, such as waterboarding, hypothermia,  
excruciating stress positions, days and days of sleep deprivation,  
and threats to
family members (even the children of terror suspects), were  
approved by Bush and
inflicted on an unknown number of terror suspects by American  
officials, C.I.A.
agents and, in the chaos of Iraq, incompetents and sadists at Abu  
Ghraib.  And
when the horror came to light, they denied all of it and prosecuted  
a few grunts
at the lowest level.  The official reports were barred from  
investigating fully

up the chain of command.

Legally, the White House knew from the start that it was on  
extremely shaky
ground. And so officials told pliant in-house lawyers to concoct  
memos to make
what was illegal legal.  Their irritation with the rule of law, and  
their belief
that the president had the constitutional authority to waive it,  
became a

hallmark of their work.

They redefined torture solely as something that would be equivalent  
to the loss
of major organs or leading to imminent death.  Everything else was  
what was first

called coercive interrogation, subsequently amended to enhanced
interrogation.  These terms were 

[CTRL] emotional memory

2007-10-10 Thread Smart News
-Caveat Lector-

Science 13 July 2007: Vol. 317. no. 5835, pp. 215 - 219 DOI:  
10.1126/science.1139560 Research Articles - Prefrontal Regions Orchestrate  
Suppression of 
Emotional Memories via a Two-Phase Process - Brendan E. Depue,  Tim Curran, 
Marie T. Banich Whether memories can be suppressed has been a  controversial 
in psychology and cognitive neuroscience for decades. We  found evidence that 
emotional memories are suppressed via two  time-differentiated neural 
mechanisms: (i) an initial suppression by the right  inferior frontal gyrus 
regions supporting sensory components of the memory  representation (visual 
cortex, thalamus), followed by (ii) right medial frontal  gyrus control over 
supporting multimodal and emotional components of the  memory representation 
(hippocampus, amygdala), both of which are influenced by  fronto-polar 
regions. These results indicate that memory suppression does occur  and, at 
least in 
nonpsychiatric populations, is under the control of prefrontal  
regions.E-mail: depue{at}colorado.edu 

** See what's new at http://www.aol.com

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: Cardinal calls for Jews to stop calling Jesus a bastard

2007-10-10 Thread RoadsEnd

-Caveat Lector-

Begin forwarded message:

Date: October 10, 2007 10:54:24 AM PDT
Subject: Cardinal calls for Jews to stop calling Jesus a bastard

Cardinal calls for Jews to stop calling Jesus a bastard

By Ben Martin
Last Updated: 12:14am BST 06/10/2007


A senior American cardinal has asked Jews to reconsider  
descriptions of Jesus as a bastard, in exchange for a softening  
of traditional Catholic prayers calling for Jews to be converted to  

The controversial comments, by Cardinal Francis George of the  
Archdiocese of Chicago, concern a prayer said during Easter  
celebrations by the small number of parishes or priests who  
celebrate a particular form of Good Friday mass.

Those version of Good Friday prayers calls for the congregation to  
pray for Jews to be converted to Christianity.

But Cardinal George said this prayer should be amended to ensure it  
did not offend Jews.

I suspect (the amendment) probably will be (made), because the  
intention is to be sure that our prayers are not offensive to the  
Jewish people who are our ancestors in the faith, Cardinal George  
said in an interview with the National Catholic Reporter.

We can't possibly insult them in our liturgy … not that any group  
has a veto on anybody's prayers, because you can go through Jewish  
texts and find material that is offensive to us. But if we're  
interested in keeping the dialogue strong, and we have to be, we  
should be very cautious about any prayer that they find insulting.

But this should mean that Jews, in turn, consider amending their  
own religious texts, he said.

It works both ways.  This is an opening to say, 'Would you care to  
look at the Talmudic literature's description of Jesus as a  
bastard, and so on, and maybe make a few changes there?'

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: Latest Buzz, 10-10-07

2007-10-10 Thread RoadsEnd

-Caveat Lector-

Begin forwarded message:

Date: October 10, 2007 1:43:12 PM PDT
Subject: Latest Buzz, 10-10-07


Bill Maher on Controlled Demolition 911 theories

Crazy people who still think the government brought down the Twin  
Towers in a controlled explosion, the comedian jabbed, have to  
stop pretending that I'm the one who's being naive.

How big a lunatic do you have to be to watch two giant airliners  
packed with jet fuel slam into buildings on live TV, igniting a  
massive inferno that burned for two hours, and then think 'well, if  
you believe that was the cause, he continued, adding that people  
should stop asking me to raise this ridiculous topic on the show  
and start asking your doctor if Paxil is right for you.
I have strong doubts that we have been told the truth about the  
events of September 11. There are a few good researchers like Peter  
Dale Scott and Daniel Hopsicker who are trying to get to the truth.  
The average 911 truther, however, makes the typical JFK conspiracy  
buff look like a paragon of reason.

The Saudi Arabian government will temporarily release 55 prisoners  
recently transferred from the U.S. military prison at Guantanamo  
Bay, Cuba and will give each of them about $2,600 to celebrate the  
upcoming Muslim holiday of Eid al-Fitr, a newspaper reported Saturday.

Conservative blogger John Cole of Balloon Juice criticizes  
Republicans --in rather strong terms-- after they went after 12  
year old Graeme Frost and his family.

I used to mock Dave Neiwert when he called these guys proto- 
fascists.  Hell, I used to link half these folks, have them on my  

I was wrong. Dave was right. These people are authoritarian thugs.
I simply can not believe this is what the Republican party has  
become. I just can’t. It just makes me sick to think all those  
years of supporting this party, and this is what it has become.  
Even if you don’t like the S-Chip expansion, it is hard to deny  
what Republicans are --  a bunch of bitter, nasty, petty, snarling,  
sneering, vicious thugs, peering through people’s windows just so  
they can make fun of their misfortune.

I’m registering Independent tomorrow.

Conservative blogger links Fred Thompson to al Qaeda

The most important thing I learned from yesterday's Republican  
Presidential Debate is that not only is Senator Fred Thompson  
completely dull, but he still employs former Senator Spencer  
Abraham--Hezbollah's, Al-Qaeda's, and the PLO's best friend in the  
U.S. Senate--at the top of his campaign.

42% Believe U.S. Tortures Prisoners, 27% Say It Should

Only 27% of Americans are pro-torture. Only slightly lower than  
Bush's approval ratings.

'Dirty War' priest gets life term

A court in Argentina has convicted a former Roman Catholic police  
chaplain of collaborating in murders during the country's military  

Christian Von Wernich, 69, was convicted for involvement in seven  
murders, 42 abductions and 31 cases of torture during the 1976-83  
Dirty War.

Survivors say he passed confessions he obtained from prisoners to  
the police.

See what's new at AOL.com and Make AOL Your Homepage.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:

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[CTRL] Fwd: Paradise Poisoned by Depleted Uranium

2007-10-10 Thread RoadsEnd

-Caveat Lector-

Begin forwarded message:

Date: October 10, 2007 10:58:34 AM PDT
Subject: Paradise Poisoned by Depleted Uranium

Hawaiian Islands Contaminated
With Ballistic Uranium

The US Army admitted the radiological contamination of Hawaii in  
the summer of 2007. The contamination was later confirmed by the  
senior US Senator from Hawaii, The Honorable Daniel Inouye. The  
first 2007 Army air born radiological contamination survey  
identified 45 locations with dangerous levels of Gamma Ray  
radiation from US Army uranium munitions. Satellite radiation  
observations have not been released by the Pentagon.

Bob Nichols
Project Censored Award Winner
San Francisco Bay View Correspondent
Hawaiian Islands Are Contaminated with
Ballistic Uranium
By Lindafaye Kroll RN BSN
Army admits to the contamination of Hawaiian islands with depleted  
uranium spotting rounds on Schofield Barracks, O'ahu and Pohakuloa  
Training Area, Hawai'i Island. Help us save paradise from this most  
toxic substance.

Public comment to U.S. Army SEIS deadline Oct. 30, 2007
Email Army at  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]  
Hawaii Tourism Authority at   
(Hawaii) Depleted uranium (DU) is stored in Hawai'i under the Naval  
Radioactive Materials Permit. The Navy accidentally fired two DU  
rounds from Pearl Harbor in 1994. The rounds landed somewhere above  
Aiea and were never recovered. The Environmental Impact Statement  
of the 25th Infantry Transformation to the Stryker Brigade Combat  
Team published in 2004 states emphatically that depleted uranium  
munitions were never part of the Army's arsenal.
Despite this claim spent DU spotting rounds were found at Schofield  
Barracks, (An army base and live-fire training range on O'ahu), in  
August 2005. This discovery was not disclosed by the military but  
through a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) instigated by concerned  
residents of Hawai'i.
In August 2007 the army admits the Pohakuloa Training Area (An army  
base and live-fire training range on Hawai'i Island) is also  
contaminated with depleted uranium spotting rounds. There are  
hundreds and hundreds of these spent DU rounds on these two live- 
fire training ranges.
Any uranium product used as munitions becomes ballistic once it is  
fired, launched or dropped. Ballistic depleted uranium  
contamination is a serious problem in Hawai'i.
Depleted uranium is a toxic radioactive waste product of the  
nuclear industry that has a half life of over 4 billion years. In  
other words, DU is radioactive forever.
The military claims that depleted uranium munitions are low level  
radioactivity and are not harmful to health and environment. The  
military's claims are false.
The military's talking points are about the solid form depleted  
uranium, the military never addresses Hawai'i residents' concerns,  
which is the ballistic form of depleted uranium. When depleted  
uranium munitions are used in war or artillery practices, these  
munitions have a devastating effect on public health and the  
Once DU munitions are launched, they become ballistic. They catch  
fire, and on impact they can punch through anything with tremendous  
force causing trillions of tiny radioactive particles of DU dust to  
be scattered in the environment and carried in the air.
This is when the real public health problem begins. Once airborne,  
these vaporized radioactive heavy metal particles can be inhaled or  
ingested because of radioactive contamination of air, food or water  
Many of our U.S. Veterans, serving in combat areas that use DU  
munitions, are getting sick. Support legislation to test our troops  
returning from Iraq for depleted uranium.
We must stand up for Hawai'i. We must protect our precious islands  
and our veterans.

The military live-fire ranges in Hawai'i are radioactive!
See www.sbct-seis.org/ (published July 2007, chapter 3 page 7  
Depleted Uranium).
We want all live-fire military training stopped in paradise. We  
want the Stryker Brigade Combat Team to relocate elsewhere.
We want our sacred lands to be cleaned up. Practicing to make war  
in the land of Aloha is inappropriate.
Please be pro-active and help us protect Hawai'i; demand the  
military not store, use or transport depleted uranium in the  
Hawaiian Islands.
Five million tourists visit Hawai'i every year. Would they stop  
visiting if they knew how contaminated Hawai'i is?
We are asking for people all over the world who love Hawai'i to  
help us protect Hawai'i. Write to the U.S Army by October 30 at

Say no Stryker Brigade in Hawai'i and clean-up depleted uranium  
contamination on live-fire training ranges.
Also write the Hawai'i Tourism Authority at   

[CTRL] Fwd: Bohemian Grove Human Sacrifice Ritual Re-Enacted on CARTOON Network

2007-10-10 Thread RoadsEnd

-Caveat Lector-

Begin forwarded message:

Date: October 10, 2007 10:46:56 AM PDT
Subject: Bohemian Grove Human Sacrifice Ritual Re-Enacted on  

Bohemian Grove Human Sacrifice Ritual

to Appear on Cartoon Network

Outlaw News
October 6, 2007


The Grove as it appears in the cartoon (left) appears to be modeled  
after the real thing as it appeared in the Alex Jones film, ‘Dark  
Secrets Inside Bohemian Grove.
Lucy, Daughter of the Devil, is an ‘adult cartoon’, part of the  
Turner Broadcasting owned Cartoon Network’s late night line-up. It  
is a 10 minute CGI comedy show; the plot follows an eccentric and  
im-witted Satan, who is living in San Francisco, trying to convince  
his 21-year-old daughter, Lucy, to assume her role as the  
Antichrist. Along the course of their adventures, Lucy meets and  
begins to court ‘DJ Jesús’, a laid back techno DJ who turns out to  
be the second coming of Christ. The show is heavy with blasphemous  
shocks, but as it is sadly lacking it wit, it rates among the lower  
end shows featured in the ‘Adult Swim’ programming block; without  
the talents of H. Jon Benjamen, the brilliant voice actor who  
providing the voice of Satan, the show likely never would have made  
it past the pilot.

This Sunday an episode of the show entitled ‘Human Sacrifice’ will  
air, in which the Devil is summoned to attend a ritual human  
sacrifice at the Bohemian Grove in Northern California, held to  
honor a senator who has been chosen to be elected as the next  
president.  DJ Jesús is chosen to serve as the sacrificial victim,  
and is lured to the Grove under the pretext that he will be DJing  
the ‘most amazing dance party/orgy/political summit on the planet’,  
which he is told is like the movie ‘Eyes Wide Shut’, except Alan  
Greenspan and Bono will be there.

The Grove, as it appears in the show, was clearly modeled after  
actual footage of the site which appeared in Alex Jones’ film ‘Dark  
Secrets Inside Bohemian Grove’, or from the memory of someone who  
has attended. The ritual begins with torches lighting up the night,  
and the crowd, which contains ‘half of Washington’, chanting ‘Hail  
Satan’. The Devil appears and declares that ‘ten presidents have  
announced their candidacy in front of this unholy alter’, before  
introducing a comedian to give a pre-sacrifice routine of poop  
jokes that the Devil had written for him in exchange for his soul.  
A bit of cartoon mayhem ensues with DJ Jesús escaping the sacrifice  
in order to provide the music for the crowd. The show finishes by  
zooming out of an aerial view of the grove, displaying its real- 
life location in Northern California.

I have no doubt that many people within the Truth Movement will  
attempt to claim that this show was intended to somehow ‘expose the  
elite’, just as they did when South Park made a brutal mockery of  
9/11 Truth.  I do not believe that this is the case. In recent  
years we have seen several examples of this type of public display  
of the occult nature of the ruling elite, all of which, save  
Kubrick’s ‘Eyes Wide Shut’ and a couple others, have been done  
through some form of comedy. It is my assertion that orders for  
this kind of exposure must in some way trickle down from the top,  
or it would not be allowed at all.

Their motivation in doing this is part of what Alice Bailey called  
the ‘externalization of the hierarchy’, a process through which  
those occult masters who have ruled the planet throughout history  
voluntarily expose themselves and their true nature. This is to be  
a slow process where we, the public, are gradually familiarized  
with the concept through the use of gradualism.  Comedy shows are  
the most effective way of doing this, as they put us in such a mood  
that we are not thinking about what we see in a serious or rational  
way, and are thus much more susceptible to being familiarized with  
concepts that would normally evoke fear or revulsion if they were  
not presented in such a light-hearted manner.

Expect to see more and more of this type of thing in the future.

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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please 

[CTRL] Fwd: [cia-drugs] Oil bourse update: Japanese to pay Iran in Yen

2007-10-10 Thread RoadsEnd

-Caveat Lector-

Begin forwarded message:

From: Vigilius Haufniensis [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: October 10, 2007 10:19:28 AM PDT

Subject: [cia-drugs] Oil bourse update: Japanese to pay Iran in Yen


Oil bourse update: Japanese to pay Iran in Yen
Oct 9, 2007

Cosmo and Japan Energy will pay for Iran's crude in yen
At Iran's request, two Japanese oil refining companies have started  
to pay Iran in yen instead of US dollars in exchange for oil imports.

Recent reports indicate that Japanese refiners Cosmo Oil Co. and  
Japan Energy Corp. have decided to stop paying Iran in US dollars  
in exchange for oil imports, following Iran's request. By asking  
its customers to pay in currencies other than the dollar, Iran aims  
to counter US pressure and protect itself against the weakening  
American currency.

Cosmo, Japan's fourth largest refiner with a production capacity of  
635,000 barrels a day, started paying Iran in yen in September,  
said the company's spokesman, Tatsuya Yano. Iran's crude amounted  
to 11 percent of what the company processed in the last fiscal year  
that ended in March, he added.

Japan Energy is the country's sixth-largest refiner that consumes  
around 400,000 barrels a day of crude. Around 12 percent of that  
amount comes from Iran.

We buy all Iranian crude through traders. One of the traders  
agreed to pay in yen. So, we will pay in yen for part of our  
Iranian crude purchase, said Japan Energy spokesman, Masanori Takada.

Earlier, Japan's largest refiner, Nippon Oil Corp., had also  
announced that it would be paying in yen in return for Iranian oil.  
Nippon Oil imports over 110,000 barrels of oil from Iran every day.

© Iranian.ws


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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: Pelosi Badmouths War Protestors

2007-10-10 Thread RoadsEnd

-Caveat Lector-

Begin forwarded message:

Date: October 10, 2007 2:41:32 PM PDT
Subject: Pelosi Badmouths War Protestors


We have to make responsible decisions in the Congress that are not  
driven by the dissatisfaction of anybody who wants the war to end  
tomorrow, Pelosi told the gathering at the Sofitel, arranged by  
the Christian Science Monitor.

Though crediting activists for their passion, Pelosi called it a  
waste of time for them to target Democrats. They are advocates,  
she said. We are leaders.

Sounds like Bush, doesn't it?  We are the DECIDERS -- The people  
can go to hell!

Since when is it a responsible decision to fund the slaughter of  
innocent people in a criminal war?

These leaders of ours are war criminals and members of an  
aristocracy of moneyed power, political affiliation notwithstanding.

They have nothing but disdain for the laws they are sworn to  
support and defend.

It really IS time to grab the pitchforks and torches 

Smile, Though Your Head Is Aching
By Dana Milbank
Washington Post, October 10, 2007; A02


House Speaker Nancy Pelosi was in a determinedly good mood when she  
sat down to lunch with reporters yesterday. She entered the room  
beaming and, over the course of an hour, smiled no fewer than 31  
times and got off at least 23 laughs.

But her spirits soured instantly when somebody asked about the  
anger of the Democratic base over her failure to end the war in  

Look, she said, the chicken breast on her plate untouched. I  
had, for five months, people sitting outside my home, going into my  
garden in San Francisco, angering neighbors, hanging their clothes  
from trees, building all kinds of things -- Buddhas? I don't know  
what they were -- couches, sofas, chairs, permanent living  
facilities on my front sidewalk.

Unsmilingly, she continued: If they were poor and they were  
sleeping on my sidewalk, they would be arrested for loitering, but  
because they have 'Impeach Bush' across their chest, it's the First  

Though opposed to the war herself, Pelosi has for months been a  
target of an antiwar movement that believes she hasn't done enough.  
Cindy Sheehan has announced a symbolic challenge to Pelosi in  
California's 8th Congressional District. And the speaker is seething.

We have to make responsible decisions in the Congress that are not  
driven by the dissatisfaction of anybody who wants the war to end  
tomorrow, Pelosi told the gathering at the Sofitel, arranged by  
the Christian Science Monitor. Though crediting activists for their  
passion, Pelosi called it a waste of time for them to target  
Democrats. They are advocates, she said. We are leaders.

It was a rather fierce response to the party's liberal base, which  
frightens many a congressional Democrat. But it wasn't out of  
character for the new speaker. Pelosi's fixed and constant smile  
makes her appear as if she is cutting an ad for a whitening  
toothpaste. But when you listen to the words that come from her  
grinning maw, the smile seems more akin to that of a barracuda.

One reporter asked about Democratic lawmakers who proposed a tax  
increase for the war. They were not making legislation; they were  
making a point, Pelosi judged.

Another asked about a Republican congressman's complaints that the  
word God was removed from certificates accompanying congressional  
flags. I don't know what his point is, Pelosi volleyed.

Complaints that she didn't go far enough on climate-change  
legislation? We did not say we were going to do any more than we  

The Senate's stalemate on the war? We in the House will not be  
confining our legislation initiatives to what is legislatively  
possible in the Senate.

Pelosi admitted no mistakes and claimed no regrets as she reflected  
on her first session in the speaker's chair. I'm very proud of the  
work of this Congress, she declared. Evidently so: She repeated  
how proud she was nine times. Passing the recommendations of the  
9/11 commission made her very proud, while energy legislation  
made her very, very proud, and new ethics rules made her  
especially proud.

What do you see as your greatest mistake? asked one reporter.

Pelosi smiled. Why don't you tell me? she proposed. She smiled  
again, then laughed.  'Cause I think we're doing just great. She  
laughed again.

Even those approval ratings for Congress, in the teens and 20s,  
didn't evoke regrets. I don't like the numbers for Congress, she  
admitted, but I'm very pleased with the Democratic numbers. She  
then took an unusual detour into polling minutiae. Today the  
Rasmussen numbers were the third time that we were double-digit  
ahead in the generic, she 

[CTRL] Fwd: SITE Gets Sore Eyes

2007-10-10 Thread RoadsEnd

-Caveat Lector-

Begin forwarded message:

Date: October 10, 2007 3:04:28 PM PDT
Subject: SITE Gets Sore Eyes

White House Leak to Fox News

Severed a Link to Al-Qaeda's Secrets



... SITE -- an acronym for the Search for International Terrorist  
Entities -- was established in 2002 with the stated goal of  
tracking and exposing terrorist groups, according to the company's  
Web site. Katz, an Iraqi-born Israeli citizen whose father was  
executed by Saddam Hussein in the 1960s, has made the investigation  
of terrorist groups a passionate quest.

Quoting Rita Katz --a Jersey housewife stereotypically married to a  
doctor-- who operates SITE as a home-based business out of her  
garage: Mata Hari has nothing on me.

We were able to establish sources that provided us with unique and  
important information into al-Qaeda's hidden world, Katz said. Her  
company's income is drawn from subscriber fees and contracts.

Katz said she decided to offer an advance copy of the bin Laden  
video to the White House without charge so officials there could  
prepare for its eventual release.

She spoke first with White House counsel Fred F. Fielding, whom she  
had previously met, and then with Joel Bagnal, deputy assistant to  
the president for homeland security. Both expressed interest in  
obtaining a copy, and Bagnal suggested that she send a copy to  
Michael Leiter, who holds the No. 2 job at the National  
Counterterrorism Center.

Administration and intelligence officials would not comment on  
whether they had obtained the video separately. Katz said Fielding  
and Bagnal made it clear to her that the White House did not  
possess a copy at the time she offered hers.

Around 10 a.m. on Sept. 7, Katz sent both Leiter and Fielding an e- 
mail with a link to a private SITE Web page containing the video  
and an English transcript. Please understand the necessity for  
secrecy, Katz wrote in her e-mail. We ask you not to  
distribute . . . [as] it could harm our investigations.

Fielding replied with an e-mail expressing gratitude to Katz. It  
is you who deserves the thanks, he wrote, according to a copy of  
the message. There was no record of a response from Leiter or the  
national intelligence director's office.

Exactly what happened next is unclear. But within minutes of Katz's  
e-mail to the White House, government-registered computers began  
downloading the video from SITE's server, according to a log of  
file transfers. The records show dozens of downloads over the next  
three hours from computers with addresses registered to defense and  
intelligence agencies.

By midafternoon, several television news networks reported  
obtaining copies of the transcript. A copy posted around 3 p.m. on  
the Fox News Web site referred to SITE and included page markers  
identical to those used by the group. This confirms that the U.S.  
government was responsible for the leak of this document, Katz  
wrote in an e-mail to Leiter at 5 p.m.

Al-Qaeda supporters, now alerted to the intrusion into their secret  
network, put up new obstacles that prevented SITE from gaining the  
kind of access it had obtained in the past, according to Katz.

A small number of private intelligence companies compete with SITE  
in scouring terrorists' networks for information and messages, and  
some have questioned the company's motives and methods, including  
the claim that its access to al-Qaeda's network was unique. One  
competitor, Ben Venzke, founder of IntelCenter, said he questions  
SITE's decision -- as described by Katz -- to offer the video to  
White House policymakers i.e., PR men rather than quietly share  
it with intelligence analysts.

It is not just about getting the video first, Venzke said. It is  
about having the proper methods and procedures in place to make  
sure that the appropriate intelligence gets to where it needs to go  
in the intelligence community and elsewhere in order to support  
ongoing counterterrorism operations.

Staff writer Spencer S. Hsu contributed to this report.



This new video was not posted on any established Islamic web  
site.  It was 'intercepted' by a Jew named Rita Katz and turned  
over to the news.  This is not the first Al-Qaeda tape that Rita  
Katz has turned over to the news.

Tonight on 60 Minutes:

Terrorist Chicken Laundering
By John Sugg, Creative Loafing (Atlanta)
Posted on June 12, 2003

Beware, if you visit Gainesville, Ga., of the terrorist chickens,  
alleged feathered friends of Osama bin Laden operating out of  
training camps (OK, deep fryers) near the shores of Lake Lanier. So  