[Vote] Add commentary system to httpd docs

2012-05-04 Thread Daniel Gruno
I'll be a bad boy and top-post on this reply, as well as add dev@ to the
list of recipients.

In docs@, we have been discussing the possibility of adding comments to
the various pages in our documentation. As the discussion has
progressed, we have settled on the idea of trying out Disqus as a
commentary system for the documentation, and I have authored a proposal
on the practical implementation of this.

As this is a rather large change to the documentation (if passed), Eric
Covener advised me to notify both mailing lists as well as give a bit
more information on how exactly this will work and why we felt it was a
good idea to try out a commenting system. That information is located at

We have, to give it a test spin, rolled out these proposed changed to
the rewrite section of the trunk documentation,
http://httpd.apache.org/docs/trunk/rewrite/ (do note that the
mod_rewrite reference document is NOT a part of this test), and we'd
very much like you to review these changes and let us know what you
think of this solution. If everybody is happy about it, we can try to
roll it out on a bit more pages, and see how it is received by the
general population.

So, I am calling a vote on whether or not to proceed with rolling out
this test to a portion of our trunk documentation for further testing.

[+/-1] Add commentary system to the trunk documentation.

With regards,

On 03-05-2012 15:54, Rich Bowen wrote:
 I've long been a fan of the PHP documentation - specifically, the way
 that they solicit commentary from readers, and then fold that commentary
 into the docs. Not only did it encourage me to comment on the docs, it
 also got me involved in the PHP documentation project, at least
 marginally. The barrier to entry is so low that all you have to do is be
 a writer.
 As I've said elsewhere, our process seems to require that you be a
 programmer. I'd like to see what we can do to change that. This is why
 the docs@ list was split from the dev@ list in the first place. And it
 was at least in part why we started doing stuff in a wiki, although that
 hasn't been nearly as successful as I wished.
 I'd like to brainstorm about how we can do something like the PHP docs -
 provide a way for end-users to comment on a given doc, and then have a
 process for moderating and folding those comments into the docs themselves.
 The PHP docs team have offered us, on several occasions, their entire
 documentation infrastructure. I haven't even bothered to mention that to
 this list, because it would be an *enormous* change. I've discussed it
 in person with several docs folks, and the response has consistently
 been, yeah, that would be cool, but it's too big a change. But I'd be
 glad to have Phil write up something if people are at all interested.
 I digress.
 Does anyone know of a way to integrate a third-party comment service
 like, say, disqus or whatnot, into our docs, so that we could get direct
 feedback from our audience? Or can you think of another way that we
 might do this?
 Rich Bowen
 rbo...@rcbowen.com mailto:rbo...@rcbowen.com :: @rbowen
 rbo...@apache.org mailto:rbo...@apache.org

Re: [Vote] Add commentary system to httpd docs

2012-05-04 Thread Rich Bowen

On May 4, 2012, at 9:58 AM, Daniel Gruno wrote:

 [+/-1] Add commentary system to the trunk documentation.

Obviously, I'm +1 on this, as one of the folks who's been gently pushing for it 
for years. This is something that the PHP docs do right. Integrating comments 
into the documentation is a pretty big undertaking, but in the long run will 
make the docs more what our audience needs and is asking for.

Rich Bowen
rbo...@rcbowen.com :: @rbowen

Re: [Vote] Add commentary system to httpd docs

2012-05-04 Thread Mario Brandt
 [+/-1] Add commentary system to the trunk documentation.

Re: [Vote] Add commentary system to httpd docs

2012-05-04 Thread Jeff Trawick
[+1] Add commentary system to the trunk documentation.

Re: [Vote] Add commentary system to httpd docs

2012-05-04 Thread Stefan Fritsch
On Friday 04 May 2012, Daniel Gruno wrote:
 [+/-1] Add commentary system to the trunk documentation.


Re: [Vote] Add commentary system to httpd docs

2012-05-04 Thread Igor Galić

 [+1] Add commentary system to the trunk documentation.

This may be worth a separate thread, but I'll just ask
it here, before I forget about it:

Any chance we'll see a backport of this to /current/ ?
If so, will we display the same comments as in /trunk/ ?

So long,


Igor Galić

Tel: +43 (0) 664 886 22 883
Mail: i.ga...@brainsware.org
URL: http://brainsware.org/
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Re: [Vote] Add commentary system to httpd docs

2012-05-04 Thread Daniel Ruggeri
On 5/4/2012 8:58 AM, Daniel Gruno wrote:
 [+/-1] Add commentary system to the trunk documentation.


Daniel Ruggeri

Adding unit tests to httpd?

2012-05-04 Thread Stefan Fritsch

there are some parts of httpd where unit tests would allow easier 
testing or more complete test coverage than tests written for the perl 
framework. Examples include the ap_pcfg_* functions, the varbuf API, 
the regex plus API, and new interfaces that are not yet used by any 

Therefore, I am thinking about adding unit tests to httpd. For maximum 
usefulness, such unit tests should be able to access functions that 
are not exported (including static functions). I could think of a few 
ways to achive this:

1) Add some preprocessor magic that exports the required functions 
when compiled with a special configure option. Then, put the unit 
tests into a separate module that executes them during server startup 
(and exits instead of allowing the startup to continue).

2) Put the unit tests into a separate executable using source files 
that #include the .c file(s) that contains the tested functions. This 
is a very hackish approach and has problems with source file 
interdependencies. It would likely require special linking magic.

3) Put the unit tests into the same httpd source files that contain 
the functions to be tested. They would only be compiled in with a 
special configure option. Httpd would then, if some magic -D variable 
is defined, execute the tests during server startup and exit instead 
of allowing the startup to continue.

I think option 3) is the least hackish approach. Is it problematic if 
the unit tests are compiled into the httpd executable and modules, 
increasing their size? Of course, one could also compile everything 
twice, once for unit testing and once for production use. Newer gcc 
versions also have attribute cold that can put functions into a 
separate section, which would prevent the unit tests from using 
significant memory or reducing cache locality during normal operation.

Any comments?


Re: using X-Forwarded-Host as r-hostname

2012-05-04 Thread Daniel Ruggeri
On 5/3/2012 5:57 PM, Chris Darroch wrote:
 I promise I won't
 be offended if anyone says it's a stupid hack and should never be
 committed, because, well, it is arguably a very stupid hack. 

Actually, I think one could make the argument that all of the headers
set by mod_proxy should be just as configurable as any other header. I
have also faced situations with reverse proxies where a little
manipulation of the headers would save a lot of hassle.

I'm +1 to the idea of making something more configurable but -1 to the
idea of proceeding with an implementation for just this one case. I've
thought on several occasions that it would be quite valuable if
mod_headers could be run on the output headers of mod_proxy, but haven't
looked into the idea.

FWIW, this recipe seems to do the trick in my test case. Definitely not
compliant since it goobers up the other X-Forwarded-* headers, but
seems to accomplish your goal. It would also be fragile if multiple
X-Forwarded-For servers are prestend... you could tweak the regex to get
past that, though... ([^,\s]+) or something like that.

RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{HTTP:X-Forwarded-For} (.+)
RewriteRule .* - [E=XFWD:%1]

ProxyPreserveHost On
RequestHeader set Host %{XFWD}e env=XFWD

Sample request1:

HEAD /XFwdTest/ HTTP/1.1
Host: whatever.com
X-Forwarded-Host: somethingElse.com
Connection: close

And what showed up downstream:

HEAD /XFwdTest/ HTTP/1.1
Host: somethingElse.com
X-Forwarded-Host: somethingElse.com, somethingElse.com
X-Forwarded-Server: testbed.com
Connection: Keep-Alive

Sample request2:

HEAD /XFwdTest/ HTTP/1.1
Host: whatever.com
Connection: close

And what showed up downstream:

HEAD /XFwdTest/ HTTP/1.1
Host: whatever.com
X-Forwarded-Host: whatever.com
X-Forwarded-Server: testbed.com
Connection: Keep-Alive

Daniel Ruggeri

Re: [Vote] Add commentary system to httpd docs

2012-05-04 Thread Eric Covener
 [+/-1] Add commentary system to the trunk documentation.


Re: [Vote] Add commentary system to httpd docs

2012-05-04 Thread Rich Bowen
On 2012 5 4 15:04, Igor Galić i.ga...@brainsware.org wrote:

  [+1] Add commentary system to the trunk documentation.

 This may be worth a separate thread, but I'll just ask
 it here, before I forget about it:

 Any chance we'll see a backport of this to /current/ ?
 If so, will we display the same comments as in /trunk/ ?

I would assume that if the test is successful we would expand it to current
and 2.2. As to whether each branch has their own comments, I think they
probably should, but thats still to be decided.

Rich Bowen

Re: [Vote] Add commentary system to httpd docs

2012-05-04 Thread Chris Darroch

Daniel Gruno wrote:

[+/-1] Add commentary system to the trunk documentation.



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