Re: [tdf-discuss] OOXML ECMA-376, transitionnal and strict

2016-04-28 Thread Mike Hall

On 28/04/2016 01:39, Italo Vignoli wrote:

I do not know, as I am not a developer. I have configured my instance of
LibreOffice to replace Calibri and Cambria with Carlito and Caladea
(there is a replacement table in Options > LibreOffice > Fonts). I will
ask developers is this specific replacement, given the pervasiveness of
Calibri and Cambria, can be set as a pre-defined option.
Again, that's good information Italo, though the practice looks a bit 
awkward (I can see that the font is being replaced, but the original 
font is shown as being in use even when you select something, right 
click and select characters.)
Just thinking aloud, interoperability seems such an important selling 
point for LO that IMHO it needs a little project to decide what might be 
best. I'm thinking of an 'interoperability' configuration option which 
those organisations and individuals that want to be certain their 
documents conform to standards can set to constrain their documents to 
maximise interoperability (eg not able to save to non-standard formats, 
not able to use fonts which are not interoperable). This definitely 
needs to be an option, not the default, but I can see it having 
significant appeal to those organisations, especially local and national 
governments, who have declared that they conform. You should still be 
able to open non-standard documents.

Mike Hall

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Re: [tdf-discuss] OOXML ECMA-376, transitionnal and strict

2016-04-27 Thread Mike Hall

On 27/04/2016 21:57, Italo Vignoli wrote:

In fact, they are provided as equivalents, although the software is not
configured to handle them as equivalents.
If you are promoting LO because it provides better interoperability, 
shouldn't they be configured as equivalents? You could even prompt users 
on save. Would this break something?

Mike Hall

Please help with this important project

   Transforming Prostate Cancer Treatment

The project aims to transform diagnosis and treatment using 
ground-breaking computer science
to reveal crucial information hidden in the complex mass of data about 
prostate cancer

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Re: [tdf-discuss] OOXML ECMA-376, transitionnal and strict

2016-04-27 Thread Mike Hall

On 27/04/2016 21:18, Italo Vignoli wrote:

By using C-Fonts, you are therefore producing documents with limited
C-Fonts are not interoperable also in technical terms,

That's good information.

Does TDF have a recommendation for which fonts to use to maximise 
interoperability across the common range of OS's? (Quite complex if you 
include iOS and Android as well as Win, Mac, nix). Not sure if the 
generic 'sans-serif' etc do what the normal user wants.

Mike Hall

Please help with this important project

   Transforming Prostate Cancer Treatment

The project aims to transform diagnosis and treatment using 
ground-breaking computer science
to reveal crucial information hidden in the complex mass of data about 
prostate cancer

lets stop prostate cancer logo

If you are a man over 60, insist on an annual PSA test, which is your right
Regular tests significantly improve early detection of prostate cancer, 
giving a much better chance of successful treatment

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Re: [tdf-discuss] OOXML ECMA-376, transitionnal and strict

2016-04-27 Thread Mike Hall

On 27/04/2016 13:42, Italo Vignoli wrote:

Several people at TDF have been involved in the decision process and
have contributed specific evidence about ODF and OOXML
I zapped your last message, but I wondered whether it was necessary to 
have an MSO licence to use Calibri etc. This windows PC, originally Win 
7, now Win 10 has all the MS fonts but has never had MSO installed, 
which seems to imply it's Windows rather than Office that brings in the 

Mike Hall

Please help with this important project

   Transforming Prostate Cancer Treatment

The project aims to transform diagnosis and treatment using 
ground-breaking computer science
to reveal crucial information hidden in the complex mass of data about 
prostate cancer

lets stop prostate cancer logo

If you are a man over 60, insist on an annual PSA test, which is your right
Regular tests significantly improve early detection of prostate cancer, 
giving a much better chance of successful treatment

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Re: [tdf-discuss] Re: RfD: Non-corporate user representation?

2015-01-17 Thread Mike Hall

On 21/12/2014 13:18, Charles-H. Schulz wrote:

>Would a different attitude/culture, something like
>"Users 1st", help to mitigate that?

Users do not dictate what developers do. That's not how Free and Open
Source Software works, as "the culture change" entails that users would
tell developers and contributors what to do. What would be the
incentive for anyone to do that? I have a day job. Many others do. Why
would I receive directives from random people?:-)

>At the same time it would be good
>to define the user's implicit responsibilities resulting from their
>choice to use the product. To make the difference clearer, it's not a
>case that the user needs to 'Join us!' as on the Help > Send
>, rather it would be an accepted fact that all
>users are automatically a member of the community simply by virtue of
>being users.

Users are users. They get rights from the software freedom conveyed by
the licenses we use. They do not get anything else, unless they want to
become contributors. Anything else is toxic for the community and
profoundly demotivational (btw: we have ten years of experience on that

>To make this change of emphasis visible I'm thinking of an extension
>to theHelp > Send, also ideally putting that
>content into the main help file so users can see it without going
>Below is a very rough draft, based in part on Thorsten's excellent
>summary above. I'd be happy to put more effort into a better version
>if gets support. Keeping this kind of text simple and inviting is
>always very difficult.
>   Welcome to the LibreOffice Community
>The LibreOffice community includes all users. Everyone is welcome,
>whether as a user or if you are able to become more involved.

How about: "Everyone is welcome: see how you can become involved today!"
Otherwise  you keep on having this distinction where users are not
encouraged to become contributors.

OK, I can spend some time on this now and will work though the design 
group as suggested.

I'm still keen on a 'users first' approach and an acceptance that users 
are 'in' the community by virtue of being users. It's semantic I 
suppose, since in some sense users are clearly part of the wider LO 
community. The idea actually comes from my local hospital, which has the 
byline 'patients first' on all its correspondence and documentation. The 
patient is considered to be part of the team rather than someone to whom 
things are done. In my personal experience it makes a huge difference to 
how 'users' feel. It doesn't though make much difference to medical 
processes and treatment. So, by a similar analogy, I don't see why you 
would expect a 'users first' approach to change current processes 
significantly. BUT, in my view there is a considerable potential upside 
because it will make the user feel more valued, it will make the step to 
deeper involvement seem smaller even though in practice it's just the 
same, and it will probably make it slightly more likely that users will 
take that step, which is what we all want. I understand that it might 
seem threatening having thought about the relationship in a different 
way for 10 years. I expect hospital staff felt the same when the idea 
was first floated there, and their history is much longer than that. So, 
I plan to draft stuff along 'user first' lines and see how it looks. If 
it still seems too awful, it will no doubt get changed before 

Mike Hall

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Re: [tdf-discuss] Re: RfD: Non-corporate user representation?

2015-01-06 Thread Mike Hall

Charles and Thorsten,
Many thanks for your support for the principle and apologies for a very 
slow response. Distracted by a personal issue which had to take absolute 
priority, I'm still catching up on other things.

I plan to take this matter to the next stage by the end of January.

I will wish to comment on your responses about the implied strategy, 
also to be prepared when I have the opportunity.

Happy New Year,

[correction: forgot to copy this list when replying to Thorsten]

On 04/01/15 13:37, Thorsten Behrens wrote:

Hi Mike,

you wrote:

I'd be happy to put more effort into a better version if gets
support. Keeping this kind of text simple and inviting is always
very difficult.


Thanks for your very constructive approach here! As Charles mentions,
the next step would be to hammer out a final version of your draft on
the design list:

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Just subscribe & forward your proposal, it's an excellent start.

(and I fully agree with the implied strategy here, which is not to
grant any moral entitlement to every user, by the mere fact of her
using LibreOffice. Instead, we need to improve on our efforts to
encourage participation)


-- Thorsten

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Re: [tdf-discuss] Re: RfD: Non-corporate user representation?

2014-12-21 Thread Mike Hall

On 16/12/2014 09:37, Thorsten Behrens wrote:

As such, we're crucially relying on feedback from our users (and
Charles pointed out the many ways to collect it) -- but just in the
aggregate. Collectively, our user base provides tremendous value to
us, by marketing to peers, reporting bugs, voting with their feet,
donating money etc. The individual user though -- on average --
contributes just tiny amounts. So the big picture looks pretty much
like Charles' tongue-in-cheek 'almost zero'.
I'm also late responding to what seemed originally to be a genuine 
attempt by Nino to seek ways of enhancing end user feedback.

Although I agree the necessary mechanisms are in place, his input is 
evidence that it can be hard for users to appreciate this.

It can seem that developments and discussions are for the benefit of the 
'in' team and not for the majority who are not involved other than as 
users. Would a different attitude/culture, something like "Users 1st", 
help to mitigate that? At the same time it would be good to define the 
user's implicit responsibilities resulting from their choice to use the 
product. To make the difference clearer, it's not a case that the user 
needs to 'Join us!' as on the Help > Send, rather it 
would be an accepted fact that all users are automatically a member of 
the community simply by virtue of being users.

To make this change of emphasis visible I'm thinking of an extension to 
theHelp > Send, also ideally putting that 
content into the main help file so users can see it without going online.

Below is a very rough draft, based in part on Thorsten's excellent 
summary above. I'd be happy to put more effort into a better version if 
gets support. Keeping this kind of text simple and inviting is always 
very difficult.

 Welcome to the LibreOffice Community

The LibreOffice community includes all users. Everyone is welcome, 
whether as a user or if you are able to become more involved.

As a user, you inevitably have responsibilities:
- enjoy the advantages of LO
- learn to use the LO effectively
- keep your version up-to-date
- make an occasional donation, however small, perhaps when you upgrade
- tell your friends about your experience

You are most welcome to become more involved:
[ followed by a reformatted version of the   Help > Send Feedback page]

[new 'Users 1st' logo]

Mike Hall

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[tdf-discuss] Process for resolving security issues

2014-03-05 Thread Mike Hall

I'm not sure whether this is the right list, but it will do for a start.

I would like to understand what process is in place for handling 
security issues. The question has arisen because of bug 51819, a serious 
security issue which was reported more than 18 months ago.

Getting that bug resolved is important enough, but even more important 
is knowing what process is in place to track and resolve security 
issues. Who at a senior TDF level is responsible for managing security? 
What are the guidelines for the process? Are these documented?

FWIW, it would be normal in most applications for security issues to 
always be blockers for the next version and to get the highest 
development priority. Until resolved ideally they should also be private.

Users need to have confidence that security is being handled 
professionally on their behalf. The lack of progress on bug 51819 has 
considerably dented my confidence. Putting a comment in the release 
notes is really not enough.

Mike Hall

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Re: [tdf-discuss] removing mailing list prefixes?

2012-08-02 Thread Mike Hall

On 02/08/2012 09:10, Florian Effenberger wrote:

M. Fioretti wrote on 2012-08-02 11:15:

According to this page it does:

Thunderbird does, GMail doesn't. :)

Hmm. Yes, I can see how to do it, but it does seem there is a danger of 
solving one problem at the expense of making something that was 
previously straightforward much more complex. In various charitable 
contexts I've been giving informal email support to 200+ users for more 
than 10 years and not once has email filtering been raised or discussed. 
If the list description disappears, to get the equivalent visual clues, 
users would need to learn about and set up several filter rules, 
possibly one for each list and they would have to remember what each 
colour coding meant, or they would have to resort to sub-folders. That's 
quite an imposition for your 'ordinary' users, who are most likely in 
the majority. The method will also fail if messages are put directly 
into spam by ISP software, ie if they don't hit the user's inbox first.

I guess we might get used to not having these automatic strings, 
however, here are two possible alternatives that might be worth considering:

a) Ask those posting an initial message in a thread to put text in the 
subject line defining the list before sending it, thus PGP etc would 
work again. The disadvantage is that people won't always do it, unless 
the list servers check that suitable text is there and reject the 
message or add the current string if it's not.

b) An extra column in Thunderbird would also solve the problem. The 
obvious choice would be 'reply to', which is already set in list 
messages (but does this header change also affect PGP???), not a 
currently available option, but most likely something that could 
reasonably easily be provided with an add-on or, even better, by an 
enhancement to Thunderbird. It would have other benefits too, 
particularly to help highlight certain spam emails.

Mike Hall

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Re: [tdf-discuss] removing mailing list prefixes?

2012-08-01 Thread Mike Hall

On 01/08/2012 23:28, Florian Effenberger wrote:
Are there mailing lists where we could get rid of this prefix? What do 
people think? 
From the perspective of a relatively inactive observer, FWIW I find it 
very useful to be able to see immediately which list is in use. It's 
especially helpful when stuff gets put into spam, which happens 
relatively often with mailing list communications, because it makes it 
much easier to find and recover. If the subject line has to change to 
accommodate DKIM, it would be good to retain automatically generated 
text so the list can still be clearly identified.

I don't have the need to do mail filtering and I don't know whether or 
not Thunderbird filtering supports list-id etc, though a quick Google 
search seemed to imply not.  With Thunderbird, which I would imagine is 
a common client, I can see list-post and list-id etc by viewing the 
complete header, but I can see no way of displaying these eg as a column 
for immediate list recognition. There was an addon, but it's not been 
updated beyond Thunderbird version 2. Viewing the complete header is not 
a practical alternative way of easily recognising the list.

Mike Hall

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Re: [tdf-discuss] The Microsoft Word 2007 XML(*.docx) format does not correctly save numbering edits.

2011-09-04 Thread Mike Hall

On 04/09/2011 23:09, e-letter wrote:

On 04/09/2011, Mike Hall  wrote:

Unfortunately they aren't irrelevant. If only life were that simple.
Whether or not you have a copy of MSO, to communicate with other people
and companies it is frequently necessary to write .doc or .docx files.

Then you should buy m$o if receipt of m$ formats is mandatory.
Otherwise, what's wrong with despatch of both pdf (to view) and odt
(to promote LO)?

I can give you many examples. Here is one in my last post on this thread:

I'm applying for a job. The company insists that CVs are submitted in 
Word XP format. In this case there is no option but to comply. This 
requirement is by no means unusual, especially for bigger companies. If 
you aren't willing to conform, your application will be rejected. The CV 
won't be read 'just in case'. And yes, the insistence is generally 
perfectly reasonable because the HR recruitment system only works with 
Word XP documents.

Mike Hall

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Re: [tdf-discuss] The Microsoft Word 2007 XML(*.docx) format does not correctly save numbering edits.

2011-09-04 Thread Mike Hall

On 04/09/2011 09:31, e-letter wrote:

On 02/09/2011, M Robinson  wrote:

LibreOffice 3.4.0
OOO340m1 (Build:12)

I've tried this repeatedly, when I generate lines of text, number them
(F12), delete every other line number, save in Microsoft Word 2007 XML
(*.docx) format the results are always the same when viewed in MS Word
2007: the numbered lines with deleted numbers are no longer indented.
However, the Open Office XML Text (*.docx) format does correctly save
the file and appears as expected when viewed in MS Word 2007.

These typical m$ queries are irrelevant to LO. If you want to create
m$ documents, get money out of your pocket and pay for m$o. If the
expected and desired behaviour occurs with the native odt format, then
LO is good.

Unfortunately they aren't irrelevant. If only life were that simple. 
Whether or not you have a copy of MSO, to communicate with other people 
and companies it is frequently necessary to write .doc or .docx files. 
The original message is good information towards making that process better.

Mike Hall

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Re: [tdf-discuss] Writer printing paragraph formats it into following bulletted list

2011-08-20 Thread Mike Hall

On 20/08/2011 17:24, Terrence Enger wrote:

Hello, all.

In writer I selected a paragraph and the following bulleted
list.  Then I printed "Selection".  To my surprise, the
printout formats the first paragraph as one item in the
bulleted list.

Can this be anything but a bug?


Hi Terry,
Bug confirmed with Lo 1.4.2 under Vista. Best if you submit a bug 
report. Let me know if you can't - in that case I will do it.

Mike Hall

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Re: [tdf-discuss] Viability of the 3.4.2 Release

2011-08-01 Thread Mike Hall

On 01/08/2011 11:42, Peter Hillier-Brook wrote:
Given that the release of LibreOffice 3.4.2 is targeted at enterprise 
users, I find it surprising that the product is thought to be ready 
for release. At lease 2 significant bugs have been introduced and 
remain present that would, to my mind, discourage personal, let alone 
enterprise users. They are:

1  Inability to connect to address data sources - at least in Linux 

2  Inability to add/change icons in toolbar customisation - no scroll 

Apart from the bugs themselves, what does this say about the product 
in general as a usable tool? Were I still an enterprise user, I would 
be very wary about allowing this release into my office.

Peter HB

It does seem to have been released a little early. Installed fine (Win 
32 Vista), but crashes during the initial processes during "enabling 
Hungarian...". I will have to revert to an earlier version. Very 
annoying. It seems strange to release a product with, according  to the 
bug list, more than 40 critical issues. I doubt this will enhance its 

Mike Hall

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[tdf-discuss] Re: Java 7 - not recognised in LO in Windows Vista

2011-07-29 Thread Mike Hall

On 28/07/2011 21:36, Mike Hall wrote:
Noticed by chance that Java 7.0 was released today. It's not in the 
normal update cycle yet, but you can download it from: 

It installs and works fine in a number of apps (eg Jedit), but I can't 
get LO 3.4.1 to recognise it, not even when given what should be the 
right path (via Tools > Options > Java > Add)

Just wondering whether this is something that needs to be looked at 
before 3.4.2 is released as I expect it will soon become the standard 
Java release?

I added bug 39659. Would be worth someone else checking this one out.

Mike Hall

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[tdf-discuss] Java 7 - not recognised in LO in Windows Vista

2011-07-28 Thread Mike Hall
Noticed by chance that Java 7.0 was released today. It's not in the 
normal update cycle yet, but you can download it from:

It installs and works fine in a number of apps (eg Jedit), but I can't 
get LO 3.4.1 to recognise it, not even when given what should be the 
right path (via Tools > Options > Java > Add)

Just wondering whether this is something that needs to be looked at 
before 3.4.2 is released as I expect it will soon become the standard 
Java release?

Mike Hall

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Re: [tdf-discuss] New "LibreOffice Reader" Eliminates Need for "PDF Reader"

2011-06-23 Thread Mike Hall

On 24/06/2011 03:59, Marc Paré wrote:

Marc Paré wrote:

This thread is really about proposing, to the devs, the possibility of
creating a "LibreOffice Reader" similar to the "Adobe .pdf Reader".

This could be an idea to investigate, but I don't know how feasible it
is; actually there is (or used to be) a "read only" mode in and LibreOffice, but if I recall correctly the
LibreOffice developers hated it.

if we were to promote a "quick and dirty"
"LibreOffice Reader", very much like the "Adobe Acrobat Reader", whose
sole purpose is to provide the ability to "read" ".odt" files, there
would be no need to carry .pdf formatted files.

This, however, won't work. Document fidelity is not the aim of ODT
files, while it is the aim of PDF files (example: font embedding, but
one could find many more). Replacing PDF by ODT is just not feasible due
to the formats themselves, not to the lack of an "ODF Reader".


The initial use of the "LibreOffice Reader" would be just a plain 
reader, the challenge after this would be to try to build as much 
document fidelity into it as possible. Again, with the hopes to rival 
.pdf fidelity. Maybe once all the devs put their heads together, they 
may come up with some way to do this. Let's not forget that the Djvu 
people accomplished this to some extent. If we were to work at it we 
could surprise everyone. There is always the possibility of submitting 
any changes to the ODF, that could enhance the formats, through the 
possible channels at the ISO and OASIS of which we are members.



As Andrea states, the point about PDF is that it 'locks in' the format 
of a document, allowing it to be displayed or printed everywhere as the 
user intended. All other formats created by word processors, including 
MS Office and LibO, will display and print differently on different 
computers, depending for example on the specific printer a user has 
installed. I doubt that this is something that could readily be fixed by 
tweaking ODF, it's fundamental to the way all word processors work. I 
also believe that any diversion of scarce DEV effort would inevitably 
move the focus further away from fixing the many bugs still in LibO, 
which would be counter-productive.


Mike Hall

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Re: [tdf-discuss] LibreOffice Math: "There is no"

2011-05-04 Thread Mike Hall
...should have added   ∄On 04/05/2011 11:12, Mike Hall wrote:Unicode Character 
== easily found with 
a Google searchMikeOn 04/05/2011 11:07, Olivier Hallot wrote:HiThanks for the 
time to answer.The symbol is not in the wikipage indicated.It's an "∃ 
overlapped with /", or barred ∃, the negation of
"exist" (∃).I wonder if this symbol can be added to Math, and if there 
is a
code (unicode) for it.RegardsOlivierEm 04-05-2011 02:07, Steve Edmonds 
escreveu:On 2011-05-04 16:47, Jean-Baptiste Faure wrote:Le 03/05/2011 21:26, 
Olivier Hallot a
écrit :HiDoes anybody knows if in LO Math there si a way to
  represent themathematical symbol for "There is no", which is a 
  flipped E?Is it difficult to add it to the "Elements" windows? If 
  bug is alreadyopen, and one of you knows it, can I get the number 
  track it?Thanks in advance.Hi Olivier,Is "a notin b" the answer 
you asked for ?Best regardsJBFIs it ∃! or 
∉See caseunicode 
above is not transmitted by the list server and please
  advise ifthe symbol is there.steve-- 
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Re: [tdf-discuss] LibreOffice Math: "There is no"

2011-05-04 Thread Mike Hall
Unicode Character 'THERE DOES NOT EXIST' (U+2204)
== easily found with 
a Google searchMikeOn 04/05/2011 11:07, Olivier Hallot wrote:HiThanks for the 
time to answer.The symbol is not in the wikipage indicated.It's an "∃ 
overlapped with /", or barred ∃, the negation of
  "exist" (∃).I wonder if this symbol can be added to Math, and if there is 
  code (unicode) for it.RegardsOlivierEm 04-05-2011 02:07, Steve Edmonds 
escreveu:On 2011-05-04 16:47, Jean-Baptiste Faure wrote:Le 03/05/2011 21:26, 
Olivier Hallot a
  écrit :HiDoes anybody knows if in LO Math there si a way to represent
themathematical symbol for "There is no", which is a barred
flipped E?Is it difficult to add it to the "Elements" windows? If a
bug is alreadyopen, and one of you knows it, can I get the number 
to track
it?Thanks in advance.Hi Olivier,Is "a notin b" the answer you asked 
for ?Best regardsJBFIs it ∃! or 
caseunicode above is not transmitted by the list server and please
advise ifthe symbol is there.steve-- 
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Re: [tdf-discuss] European Commitee enter talks with MS licences, Please make your action today against it.

2011-04-05 Thread Mike Hall

I think an appreciation of this point is absolutely crucial to a 
successful product, which is why I bang on about it. And I'm only 
faithfully recording my own experience.

Unfortunately there is a difference in quality, which implicitly you 
seem to recognise. Yes, it's true that there have been several poor MSO 
releases, but in a large organisation those are not normally deployed on 
the corporate desktop until the problems are fixed. MS does eventually 
retreat on its silly ideas and there are, to all intents and purposes, 
almost bug free MSO versions so far as the vast majority of end users 
are concerned. This isn't the case with OOo/LibO - there has never been 
a release of such a quality that support costs could be contained at a 
realistic level. I wish there were and I can fully understand why this 
community would be very inclined to argue black is white here. Further, 
it's pretty frustrating to report bugs and find that they aren't fixed 
within a reasonable period. I don't think you would deny that that is a 
fairly common experience and complaint from OOo/LibO users. I see that 
on many bug reports.

My perception and experience of the choice of application software in 
large organisation is that it is much more rational and hard-headed than 
you imply. The main cost is not the licence, for which in any case large 
organisations generally pay very little per desktop. It's user support 
that is costly, ie overall cost of ownership.


On 05/04/2011 16:52, Charles-H. Schulz wrote:

Hello Mike
(since we're all top posting in this thread)...

To claim that MS Office is devoid of bugs is somewhat extravagant.
There have been several versions of MS Office that were plagued with
bugs; people complained but the products continued their roll-out. I
don't think MSOffice dominance can be attributed to a better quality
than OOo/LibO or any other contender, but to a specific framing of
the market environment better known as a monopoly. As someone who has
spent over 10 years analyzing competition in IT I can tell you most
governments are prone to external pressure and lobbying. Choice of one
office suite over another is decided almost never on quality, but on
price, peer-pressure, business advantage, personal ties and favours,
and more often than not, laziness and fear of the unknown.

This being said, LibreOffice does have bugs -just like any other
software- and we need to tackle them, so let me invite everyone here to
report bugs on our bug tracker, and if possible to propose a fix;
we'll deal with more bugs better and faster :-)


Le Tue, 05 Apr 2011 15:56:11 +0100,
Mike Hall  a écrit :

I worked for perhaps 15 years with various versions of MSO as both a
power user and as a senior manager with responsibility, inter alia,
for MSO support. I met all the senior international people at the
time, from MS and many other suppliers. During that time, whether
with short or long documents, I personally came across only 2
instances of genuine MSO bugs.

Since retirement 16 years or so ago, I have been almost exclusively
using and promoting OOo/LibO. I know what some of the technical
advantages are, and I appreciate them. However, each time I start a
major new activity or project, I run into a major deficiency or bug
which has typically taken me a day or more's work to understand,
write bug reports and work out how to get round. Most of those bugs
are still unfixed. This kind of 'wasted' effort simply does not occur
with MSO, or at least it didn't to me, nor did I hear complaints of
that kind from the thousands of end users I was to some degree
responsible for internationally.

In my professional opinion and with the maximum regret, I do not
believe that OOo/LibO has a product offering of adequate quality to
be cost-effective in a high-cost labour economy. The support costs
are just far too high. Thus, it is my considered though painful
conclusion that the majority of IT managers in those economies would
correctly judge MSO to be the better option. As I said, I wish it
were different, but it is not. We can lobby and protest as much as we
like, but in my opinion there is absolutely no chance of extensive
corporate or governmental adoption in Western economies until the
product is of comparable quality to MSO, by which I primarily mean an
absence of bugs.


On 05/04/2011 12:37, Kürti László wrote:

Have you ever tried to work with MS office? Have you ever made a
doc longer than 10 pages? How many times you had to reedit those MS
docs? Just about every time you opened it in a different PC.

Pls don't get me wrong, but MS office works just as OO.o or LibO.
And this is not the case, but please let yourself off the hook of
MS FUDs. :)


- Original Message -
From: "Mike Hall"
Sent: Tuesday, April 5, 2011 1:21:03 PM
Subject: Re:

Re: [tdf-discuss] European Commitee enter talks with MS licences, Please make your action today against it.

2011-04-05 Thread Mike Hall

I worked for perhaps 15 years with various versions of MSO as both a 
power user and as a senior manager with responsibility, inter alia, for 
MSO support. I met all the senior international people at the time, from 
MS and many other suppliers. During that time, whether with short or 
long documents, I personally came across only 2 instances of genuine MSO 

Since retirement 16 years or so ago, I have been almost exclusively 
using and promoting OOo/LibO. I know what some of the technical 
advantages are, and I appreciate them. However, each time I start a 
major new activity or project, I run into a major deficiency or bug 
which has typically taken me a day or more's work to understand, write 
bug reports and work out how to get round. Most of those bugs are still 
unfixed. This kind of 'wasted' effort simply does not occur with MSO, or 
at least it didn't to me, nor did I hear complaints of that kind from 
the thousands of end users I was to some degree responsible for 

In my professional opinion and with the maximum regret, I do not believe 
that OOo/LibO has a product offering of adequate quality to be 
cost-effective in a high-cost labour economy. The support costs are just 
far too high. Thus, it is my considered though painful conclusion that 
the majority of IT managers in those economies would correctly judge MSO 
to be the better option. As I said, I wish it were different, but it is 
not. We can lobby and protest as much as we like, but in my opinion 
there is absolutely no chance of extensive corporate or governmental 
adoption in Western economies until the product is of comparable quality 
to MSO, by which I primarily mean an absence of bugs.


On 05/04/2011 12:37, Kürti László wrote:

Have you ever tried to work with MS office? Have you ever made a doc longer 
than 10 pages? How many times you had to reedit those MS docs? Just about every 
time you opened it in a different PC.

Pls don't get me wrong, but MS office works just as OO.o or LibO.
And this is not the case, but please let yourself off the hook of MS FUDs.


- Original Message -
From: "Mike Hall"
Sent: Tuesday, April 5, 2011 1:21:03 PM
Subject: Re: [tdf-discuss] European Commitee enter talks with MS licences,  
Please make your action today against it.

On 05/04/2011 12:11, Kürti László wrote:

Even with docx, xlsx format could be read and written by OO.o or LibO (or at 
least a workaround can be find).

Don't get me wrong, I entirely agree with all your sentiments.
Unfortunately, in practice the description of the situation I gave will
dominate. The quote from your email above seems to confirm that even
your company has experienced significant end user support issues. I just
wish it were different.

Mike Hall

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Re: [tdf-discuss] European Commitee enter talks with MS licences, Please make your action today against it.

2011-04-05 Thread Mike Hall

On 05/04/2011 12:11, Kürti László wrote:

Even with docx, xlsx format could be read and written by OO.o or LibO (or at 
least a workaround can be find).

Don't get me wrong, I entirely agree with all your sentiments. 
Unfortunately, in practice the description of the situation I gave will 
dominate. The quote from your email above seems to confirm that even 
your company has experienced significant end user support issues. I just 
wish it were different.

Mike Hall

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Re: [tdf-discuss] European Commitee enter talks with MS licences, Please make your action today against it.

2011-04-05 Thread Mike Hall
I think we also need to examine some of the reasons behind the 
reluctance. I've made this particular point before, but I don't think 
its significance has been accepted by the OOo/LibO community.

It's hardly possible to use LibO seriously without soon running into a 
serious bug. I'm sure we all have our own pet problems and have found a 
way around them or have simply accepted them. The difficult is that for 
the 'normal' end user, the support cost of just one of those incidents 
is likely to exceed the MSO licence cost. Similar kinds of problems do 
of course occur with MSO, but my experience in a very large 
international where I was in a place to see the problems is that they 
are very very much rarer. Until we put our house in order and deliver a 
product free of the majority of bugs, for most pragmatists the obvious 
simplest and cheapest solution is bound to remain MSO. Thus, whatever 
the protests and lobbying, the bureaucracy will find a way of justifying 
that choice. From my observations, the quality of OOo has in practice 
been getting worse rather than better with each succeeding release. It's 
too early to say for LibO, but I do not see that concentrated 
determination to address the totality of bugs which would be necessary 
to make things right.


On 05/04/2011 11:22, Kürti László wrote:


I was asking the European members personally! to take something against it.
We here in Hungary spent the last 5 years with lobbying for only to let the 
FLOSS into the public sector. Earlier it was not possible. We had some positive 
results 'cause we could refer the EU policies.
But if the EC don't give ...t what can I say?
I tell you, nothing!
And really all the national governments will be more than happy to find an 
excuse not to do anything for interoperability, for standardization and for 

If we?, you? (TDF) have the will and members stand behind this case than we 
have a chance.

Yes we must act an intelligent way but first of all we must act.


- Original Message -
From: "Charles-H. Schulz"
Sent: Tuesday, April 5, 2011 11:16:58 AM
Subject: Re: [tdf-discuss] European Commitee enter talks with MS licences,  
Please make your action today against it.

Hello Laszlo,

Le Tue, 5 Apr 2011 09:42:10 +0200 (CEST),
Kürti László  a écrit :

Hi All,

Sorry for this off topic but this is serious

If this come true than we (LibreOffice an other FLOSS products) will
be down and out, buried by dust for ever, governments do not need
better excuse than this.

Please make your action today:
blog about, send a mail to your member of EP, tell the local media

I would not be as pessimistic as you are, the EC is unfortunately a
MS shop, but there is certainly ground to protest; I'd suggest you use
other, more focused initiatives than this list to take action:



Kürti László
Open SKM Agency Kft.
1024 Budapest Kút u. 5

Mike Hall

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Re: [tdf-discuss] Re: Do not support writing to OOXML format

2011-01-02 Thread Mike Hall

On 02/01/2011 19:09, Larry Gusaas wrote:

On 2011/01/02 12:47 PM  Italo Vignoli wrote:
If you want to have a say in software development you are welcome to 
contribute to the code

So only people who write code have a say in the development of 
LibreOffice? What about people who do the QA? Or the people providing 
support? (I mainly provide support for OOo, mainly for Mac users)

You can take your elitist developer attitude and stuff it.


There is more heat than light now.

I haven't counted, but my clear sense is that considerably more 
contributors to this thread have, however reluctantly, come down on the 
side of retaining the functionality of writing OOXML. In that sense, a 
'decision' is made, even though it's the ESC who ultimately decide.

Nevertheless, as you seem to imply, the OOO/LibO development process has 
always been broken.

In an effective development process (eg Firefox), the contents of the 
next release, including a positive decision on those bugs to be 
resolved, are decided by a steering committee. Work continues until all 
of that activity is complete and the release is ready. It is common for 
releases to be delayed because things are not ready. With this process, 
releases have very few bugs.

In an ineffective development process (eg OOO), the contents of the next 
release are set in large part by developers setting release targets for 
the bits of work they choose to focus on. If I understand correctly, the 
steering committee influences new functionality content, but not 
substantially the bug fix content of a release. Thus the content of the 
work, particularly bug fixes, is in large measure determined by 
developer interest rather than priority or end user wishes. A deadline 
for release contents is fixed and anything not ready at this date is put 
back to a later release, even P2 bug issues. Very serious issues are 
fixed after the chosen date, but nothing else. With this process, 
releases inevitably have an increasing number of bugs.

This is a cultural and organisational issue, not a result of an Open 
Source project. I hope TDF will recognise this and address it.

Mike Hall

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Re: [tdf-discuss] Re: Do not support writing to OOXML format

2010-12-30 Thread Mike Hall
Maybe saving in ...x formats should be disabled by default so that the 
user must make a conscious decision to allow them.

But to some extent this discussion misses two key points:

1) Application quality
The default de-facto format will inevitably follow the dominant 
application. It's probably impossible to be a frequent OOO/LibO user 
without meeting serious bugs and having ones own list of things that 
need to be fixed. I certainly have mine. My professional experience with 
MSO was quite different, ie almost no troubling bugs. Apart from any 
other consideration, for pretty well any commercial organisation, the 
resulting support/user hassle cost of adopting OOO/LibO far exceeds the 
cost of adopting MSO, even from scratch for a new organisation. To 
illustrate the problem, you just need to inspect the OOO P2 issues which 
are regularly postponed release after release. Regretfully, for this 
reason it is very difficult to claim that OOO/LibO is a professional 
level application. When it is, many more users will flock to it and the 
format battle is much more likely to resolve itself in favour of ODF.

2) Chrome OS
In 2011 people will be buying notebooks without hard disks running 
Chrome OS, certainly cheaper including much lower support costs, 
probably faster too, and these users will be able to work cooperatively 
with their data entirely in the cloud. Perhaps >90% of users will 
potentially no longer need MSO, OOO, LibO or any of the associated 
formats. It's hard to say whether this will be game changing or just 
very important, it will depend on how well it works in practice, but 
given the self-evident quality and astonishing rate of development of 
Google's applications, my money is on game changing.

Mike Hall

On 31/12/2010 05:21, Carl Symons wrote:

Thank you Olivier for jumping in on this as one of the TDF founders.
And thank you for helping to make LibreOffice happen.

More below...

On Thu, Dec 30, 2010 at 6:16 PM, Olivier Hallot


Em 30-12-2010 18:41, Larry Gusaas escreveu:

On 2010/12/30 2:19 PM Gordon Burgess-Parker wrote:

OOXML will spread anyway because MS Office 2007 and 2010 use this
format by default. Nothing you can do about it I'm afraid

Yes you can do something about it. Don't enable writing in that format.
Use PDF's for communicating. If a MS user needs to be able to modify a
document, use .doc format. There is no need to use .docx format. MS
Office 2008 and 2011 can still read .doc files.

The thing is, *you can* prevent LibreOffice/OOo from writing in proprietary
format. This requires a configuration in one of the xcu/xcs config files.

Happy new year
Olivier Hallot

If it is this easy to disable selected formats, I ask that the TDF
Steering Committee take the suggestions in this conversation thread
into consideration. Larry Gusaas has cited some sources (in the thread
starter) that suggest that Microsoft is again (ab)using their
near-monopoly market position to subvert openness. While there's no
need for the TDF to police or punish Microsoft's behavior, there are
strong reasons for the LibreOffice community to stand for and protect
the open nature of LibO applications and their file formats. There is
no reason to support writing/saving as docx/OOXML except to go along
with Microsoft's anti-open fraud and deception.

Carl Symons

Mike Hall

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