Re: [abcusers] this tune intentionally left blank

2004-06-02 Thread Jack Campin
| I have some ABC files where I use the notation as a tunographic
| database - there is no body, either because I haven't got round
| to typing it in or don't intend to.
 Well, for staff notation, my Tune Finder shouldn't have  any  probem.
 It  will  produce  the the title, composer, etc, and no staff. [...]
 As for sound files, I use abc2midi, which  produces  a  really  short
 file if there's no tune body.  That's about all it can do, I suppose.
 But it doesn't fail.

These aren't the most helpful behaviours.  The user is left guessing
as to why they got an empty staff or silent MIDI file.  An explicit
notation to say the body was meant to be empty, passed onwards through
the pipeline, would reassure them that nothing had gone wrong and give
them a better idea of what to do next - i.e. read the ABC source.

One place this information might be displayed is in the Tune Finder
index itself, in the field that lists the fields present in the tune.

Jack Campin: 11 Third Street, Newtongrange, Midlothian EH22 4PU; 0131 6604760 * food intolerance data  recipes,
Mac logic fonts, Scots traditional music files, and my CD-ROM Embro, Embro.
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Re: [abcusers] this tune intentionally left blank

2004-06-07 Thread Jack Campin
 The  problem  is how best to say this.
 There  is a list of headers that could contain a code for no
 notes. This field already uses a double quote to indicate that
 accompaniment chords are present. I wonder if there's a good
 single char that could stand for notes, or maybe for no
 notes?  Perhaps  '*'  (asterisk) could be used for this, as it
 doesn't seem to have any other use, and it is conventionally
 used to indicate an explanatory  footnote.
 That sounds pretty good.
 Maybe I'll try implementing it.
 I don't think that would be a good idea.  IMHO any characters that 
 might still be available should be reserved to signal new, more 
 productive contexts.  The no notes context can be easily be 
 indicated by a pseudocomment as long as a standard one be agreed 
 upon.  E.g.
   %% End of tune

You're misunderstanding where this notation is meant to appear.
The asterisk was something for the Tune Finder to display - it
already presents a list of the header fields used in the tune,
thos would go in the same place.  In my GS MacLennan file on
the web there is this tune:

Z:Jack Campin version 1.0 September 2001
C:Pipe Major George S. McLennan
S:Gordon Highlanders Pipe Music Collection volume I
B:NLS Mus.D.s.19
% No tune body - index entry

which, under John's proposal, would get an entry TZCSBRMK* in the
Tune Finder.

If John's software can identify bodiless tunes without any special
signalling, maybe no ABC notation is needed for it; but it still
seems to me that it would be a good idea to signal which tunes are
*meant* to be that way, to distinguish bibliographies or works in
progress from the results of communication/conversion foulups. A
single barline, as Phil suggests, is something that couldn't easily
comprise a complete tune body by accident, so it could be used for
such a convention if everybody agreed on it.

A crypto checksum (something I have been arguing in favour of for
years) would also serve the same function - you'd know exactly how
much tune there was at the moment when the checksum was generated
(which in general would be the time when the tune was made public).

Jack Campin: 11 Third Street, Newtongrange, Midlothian EH22 4PU; 0131 6604760 * food intolerance data  recipes,
Mac logic fonts, Scots traditional music files, and my CD-ROM Embro, Embro.
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Re: [abcusers] Variant rhythmic notation

2004-06-08 Thread Jack Campin
 I'd like to propose a variant (to be signaled by a flag, say V:-, in the
 header) where whitespace within a measure becomes the delimiter for

 %Example 1
 | ab abcd |

 The above measure represents a group of 2 eighth-notes, ab, followed a
 group of 4 sixteenth notes.

 In this scheme, the dash or minus-sign would represent a continuation
 of the preceding pitch.

That's similar to what Curwen sol-fa does, except that sol-fa uses
proportional spacing to provide a visual backup for its implicit
coding of note length.  You would be better served by having a
translator from ABC to that than by inventing a third notation that
wasn't quite as good as either of those existing ones.

(I'm sure somebody somewhere has invented an ASCII representation for
solfa - not much point in a human using it directly, as solfa uses
kerning and non-ASCII characters to useful effect, but such a thing
might make a better target for a translator).

Jack Campin: 11 Third Street, Newtongrange, Midlothian EH22 4PU; 0131 6604760 * food intolerance data  recipes,
Mac logic fonts, Scots traditional music files, and my CD-ROM Embro, Embro.
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Re: [abcusers] is there an ABC bluegrass archive?

2004-06-29 Thread Jack Campin
Bernard Hill [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Wil Macaulay [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Not much bluegrass repertoire for baritone recorder, I guess, eh Jack?
 What's a baritone recorder? I only know Tenor and Bass in that sort of 

He means a greatbass in C; mine is a Kung, about 20 years old.  There's
a picture of me with it on my website, taken at Sandy Bells where Wil
saw me playing it.  I use it as a sort of wind-powered cello in quiet
Scottish sessions.  As soon as anybody turns up with an accordion,
forget it.

I might also take my Romanian cobza along but I haven't got very far
with it yet (functionally, it's a miniature acoustic fretless bass
guitar but more in-your-face than that suggests).

The last time I went to this bluegrass event I took my washboard and
a Turkish G clarinet (which I can't play any more).  The clarinet
worked quite well; used selectively on darker and heavier pieces,
playing in the viola range, it doubled the fiddle an octave down,
acting as a texture-thickener (musical xanthan gum?).

Jack Campin: 11 Third Street, Newtongrange, Midlothian EH22 4PU; 0131 6604760 * food intolerance data  recipes,
Mac logic fonts, Scots traditional music files, and my CD-ROM Embro, Embro.
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Re: [abcusers] Copyright Issues ... Socks and America Bashing

2004-07-25 Thread Jack Campin
| In fact, if someone wanted to post ABC versions  of  a  few  Anglican
| hymns,  I  doubt that anyone would find it off topic.  There are some
| good melodies in that hymnal.  And I'd bet you would stumble across a
| few How do I write that in ABC? questions while transcribing them.

Not a lot.  I've typed a fair few hymns into BarFly (in the usual
four-part arrangements).  The only missing features I can think of

- alternate phrases (usually printed in small notes) where the score
  says what to do when the syllable count varies

- automation of the metrical indexing system

- ability to handle solfa as a sort of text underlay (it would
  be nice to generate it automatically, but at present there
  isn't even any way to write it as text so the staff notation
  shows it correctly)

- semantically correct interaction between parts and voices (when
  you have a verse and a refrain in a four-part hymn, the verse
  is one part and the refrain another, each with all its voices;
  not what BarFly does at present).

 Quite a few of those Anglican Hymns are older folk melodies with
 newer words attached.

Not very many out of the total.  Vaughan Williams was very pleased with
himself for managing to get a few folk songs into the English-language
hymn canon, and he's probably responsible for the common perception
among folkies that this is the usual origin of hymn tunes.  It isn't;
the Church of Scotland's Church Hymnary (3rd ed) lists only 36 tunes
as English Traditional and *one* as Scottish traditional out of 695.
Most of the tunes in that book (as with other hymnbooks) were written by
known, classically-trained, church organists.  Including traditional
secular tunes from other countries as well, the total of folk origin
is still not much over 10%.  Some influential hymn composers (like
R.A. Smith) said explicitly that adapting folk tunes was a bad idea
because their secular associations were too distracting.

: Now... back to those posting from outside the U.S.A. and bashing
: the U.S.A...   why don't you stick a sock in it?  You honestly have
: the  arrogance to post and post and post,  knowingly hurting people's 
: feelings, while expecting them to feel some sort of collective guilt
: and not object to your diatribe.

Some of us feel sorry for people still stuck in that insane society
and feel they need all the moral support from outside they can get.

No way in hell would I want to set foot in the place again, it was
bad enough thirty years ago.  (Up until that post, I'd assumed the
name Cepel meant Christian was French, and if I'd thought about it
I'd have guessed he wasn't having much fun living in such a jingoistic
madhouse at the moment).

Jack Campin: 11 Third Street, Newtongrange, Midlothian EH22 4PU; 0131 6604760 * food intolerance data  recipes,
Mac logic fonts, Scots traditional music files, and my CD-ROM Embro, Embro.
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Re: [abcusers] On parsers again - Outlook PHP

2004-08-16 Thread Jack Campin
 How many computer users nowadays have ever seen or used
 a punch card?   I have a couple in a box as souvenirs.
 That 72 is especially bizarre.  How many people these days
 could even  tell  you where that strange number comes from?
 But lots of software does it.
 I used the columns after 72 for sequence numbers so I could
 use the sorter to put a deck of cards back in order if (when)
 I dropped them.
 I wasn't for when YOU dropped them so much as when the computer ops 
 dropped them (and didn't tell you). Particularly BEFORE the run!
 That  was why we put big diagonal lines in felt pen across the tops.

I discovered the point of that the hard way when I wrote a program
to analyze an undergraduate physics experiment, Cavendish's method
for determining the gravitational constant.  You set two small lead
balls oscillating between two large lead balls; most of the damping
is due to air friction but a second-order factor is due to gravity.
Most students did it graphically on paper.  I decided to do better,
found our local numerical analysis guru, got a state-of-the-art
algorithm for estimating the parameters of damped harmonic motion,
and coded it in Fortran IV for an IBM 1130.

Everything hunky-dory except I dropped part of my data deck and
inadvertently produced an oscillatory motion with a huge jag in
it.  My resulting estimate for the strength of gravity made it
comparable with the nuclear strong force.  No time to book another
run after I figured out what happened.

The odd thing is, here am I, more than 30 years on, sitting at
a Power Mac 9600/200 with 384Mb of memory - whereas the 1130 had
32Kb, I think, and presumably ran at a few thousand instructions
per second - but despite having a few gigabytes of software under
the table I couldn't do the same analysis now.  I couldn't have
imagined there'd ever be a computer you couldn't run Fortran on.

Jack Campin: 11 Third Street, Newtongrange, Midlothian EH22 4PU; 0131 6604760 * food intolerance data  recipes,
Mac logic fonts, Scots traditional music files, and my CD-ROM Embro, Embro.
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[abcusers] bye (for now, anyway)

2004-09-13 Thread Jack Campin
The level of spam here has now gone past my tolerance limit.  Okay
on broadband via a webmail interface (I was doing that on holiday
in Kurdistan, last at the wonderfully slick and professional Saraf
internet cafe in Diyarbakir) but I don't have broadband here and
some of these spams have been huge.

As far as I can see, it isn't a matter of the address database being
compromised (by either a public archive or a virus attack on some
subscriber's machine) - these spams have been routed through the
mailserver itself, so simply inventing a new address as I've done
before won't do a thing to reduce the spam volume.

I'd like to resubscribe if/when the mailserver gets secured against
spammers and HTML/virus abuse (subscriber-only posting and challenge/
response subscription, or something like that).  Meanwhile I'm a
regular on so you know where to find me.

Is there anything happening on the sourceforge list?  From my
attempts to find it, it seemed to have the opposite problem -
successful security by staggeringly arcane obscurity.

cheers - jack

Jack Campin: 11 Third Street, Newtongrange, Midlothian EH22 4PU; 0131 6604760 * food intolerance data  recipes,
Mac logic fonts, Scots traditional music files, and my CD-ROM Embro, Embro.
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Re: [abcusers] GHB ... it gets worse ...

2004-12-05 Thread Jack Campin
 A little dyslexia can get you in a whole lot trouble ...
 something about drugs, bagpipes and fighting in the UK  hmm

 ...awareness about the dangers of GHB and its analogs- gamma
 hydroxy butyrate 

 or maybe those who don't have GHB get into fights and get booked
 on GBH after being exposed to Great Highland Bagpipes, LOL.

GHB is also used as a date rape drug - seems to be a particular
hazard in Glasgow bars.

I can see the potential for a really bad teuchter comes to the
big city looking for some action joke...

Jack Campin: 11 Third Street, Newtongrange, Midlothian EH22 4PU; 0131 6604760 * food intolerance data  recipes,
Mac logic fonts, Scots traditional music files, and my CD-ROM Embro, Embro.
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[abcusers] tuplet beaming

2004-12-05 Thread Jack Campin
[Use a wide window for this, it does make sense in a fixed-width font.]

The following is a right mess in Barfly, both on playback and display:

T:Oh Callar Spirlings (variation 4)
C:Domenico Corri
K:D Minor
[V:1][L:1/16] A2|(6d^cd`ABc   (6dag``fed  (6^cde``ABc   |(6d^cf`efe  
(6a^gad'^c'd' f'2   z2   |\
 (6c=Bc`ede   (6g^fg`c'=bc'  d'2  z2|(6d^cd`A=Bc 
(6dag`fed(6cde``ABc  |
[V:2][L:1/8]  z | [DF]`[DF][DF]`[DF][AEG][A,EG] | [D2F2]  z2
  z(3G,/A,/=B,/   |\
  [C2E2]z2   z  (3A,/=B,/^C/|  D```[DF]  
[V:1][L:1/16] A2|(6d^cd`ABc   (6dag``fed  (6^cde``ABc   |(6d^cf`efe  
(6a^gad'^c'd' f'2   z2   |\
 (6bab``d'c'b (6agf``efg  (6 fed`^cde   |(6dfa``fad'   d4   
 z2  ||
[V:2][L:1/8]  z |  D```[DF][DF]`[DF][AEG][A,EG] | [D2F2]   z2   
   z   (3G,/A,/=B,/   |\
   G,2  A,2  A,,2   |  D,2  
 (6D,,/F,,/A,/D,/A,,/F,,/ D,,||

The only real change I've made to the score (one of a set of harpsichord
variations from 1780) is to use two treble staves instead of treble and
bass - BarFly doesn't do clef changes in mid-voice.  Apart from the weird-
looking finish, that doesn't matter.  What does matter is what BarFly does
to the tuplets.  Written as above, they are beamed correctly as Corri wrote
them - double beams.  But the playback reads them as half the length they
should be, and the staff display gets horribly confused about what length
the bars in the left-hand voice ought to be and how the voices should align.

I think I've asked Phil about this in a different context before, and he
said the ABC standard insisted on beaming tuplets with one less beam than
the standard practice (i.e. sextuplet semiquavers as here would be beamed
as quavers).  Obviously I can't hand a score printed that way to a pianist
and expect her to make sense of it, and there is simply no workaround to
get something that both plays and sounds right without using a pen to add
beams.  Does any other ABC application beam tuplets in the conventionally
expected way?  And can we fix the standard to mandate double beams and a
correct reading of the note lengths in this situation in future?  It can't
affect very much music in the existing ABC corpus.

Minor bug: the spacer characters between the chords don't work right.

Jack Campin: 11 Third Street, Newtongrange, Midlothian EH22 4PU; 0131 6604760 * food intolerance data  recipes,
Mac logic fonts, Scots traditional music files, and my CD-ROM Embro, Embro.
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Re: [abcusers] tuplet beaming

2004-12-05 Thread Jack Campin
 The code: 
 is (normally) interpreted as 6 notes in the time of 2 notes.

I know.  It shouldn't be, that's nothing like normal musical practice.

 Try use a more precise syntax for tuplets, like: 
 which stands for 6 notes in the time of 4 notes; 
 or the complete form: 

Here are the results of my attempts to get round this.  (It's
rhythmically more complicated than I thought at first - the
sextuplets are really 2+2+2, not 3+3, so it's a three-against-
two pattern throughout - I've revised the spacing to reflect
that).  Taking just the first four bars of the upper voice:

T:Oh Callar Spirlings (var 4) 1st try
C:Domenico Corri
% display correct; plays at double speed
K:D Minor
A2|(6d^c`dA`Bc (6da``gf```ed  (6^cd`eA`Bc|(6d^c`fe``fe (6a^g`ad'`^c'd'  f'2 z2  
   (6c=B`ce`de (6g^f`gc'`=bc'd'2 z2  |(6d^c`dA`=Bc (6da``gf```ed  

T:Oh Callar Spirlings (var 4) 2nd try
C:Domenico Corri
% a hack, the rhythm is wrong for a human player
% plays at the right speed, but only half the triplet signs display
K:D Minor
A2|(3d^cd`(3ABc (3dag``(3fed   (3^cde``(3ABc|(3d^cf`(3efe  (3a^ga`(3d'^c'd'  
f'2   z2 |
   (3c=Bc`(3ede (3g^fg`(3c'=bc'   d'2z2 |(3d^cd`(3A=Bc (3dag``(3fed

T:Oh Callar Spirlings (var 4) 3rd try
C:Domenico Corri
% display totally messed up, playback wrong, it's not reading (6:4 as (6:4:6
K:D Minor
A2|(6:4d^c`dA`Bc (6:4da``gf```ed  (6:4^cd`eA`Bc|(6:4d^c`fe``fe (6:4a^g`ad'^c'd' 
   f'2 z2  |
   (6:4c=B`ce`de (6:4g^f`gc'`=bc'  d'2 z2  |(6:4d^c`dA`=Bc (6:4da` gf``ed  

T:Oh Callar Spirlings (var 4) 4th try
C:Domenico Corri
% ludicrously verbose and unreadable; display and playback correct
K:D Minor
A2|(6:4:6d^c`dA`Bc (6:4:6da``gf```ed  (6:4:6^cd`eA`Bc|(6:4:6d^c`f`e``fe 
(6:4:6a^g`ad'^c'd'   f'2 z2  |
   (6:4:6c=B`ce`de (6:4:6g^f`gc'`=bc'd'2 z2  |(6:4:6d^c`d`A =Bc 
(6:4:6da``gf``ed   (6:4:6cd`eA`Bc|

T:Oh Callar Spirlings (var 4) 5th try
C:Domenico Corri
% working round the verbosity with a macro hack
m:s = (6:4:6
K:D Minor
A2|sd^c`dA`Bc sda``gfed  s^cd`eA`Bc|sd^c`fe``fe sa^g`ad'^c'd'  f'2 z2  |
   sc=B`ce`de sg^f`g`c'`=bc'   d'2 z2  |sd^c`dA`=Bc sda``gf``ed   scd`eA`Bc|

T:Oh Callar Spirlings (var 4) 6th try
C:Domenico Corri
% rewrites the original but possibly a better solution in this case
K:D Minor
A2|d^c`dA`Bc da``gfed  ^cd`eA`Bc|d^c`fe``fe a^g`ad'^c'd' f'3 z3  |
   c=B`ce`de g^f`g`c'`=bc'  d'3 z3  |d^c`dA`=Bc da``gf``ed   cd`eA`Bc|

Who on earth would expect the note lengths in (6abcdef to be different
from those in (3abc(3def ?  This is just a glaring bug in the standard,
no pre-existing notation works that way.

: The back-quote character appears on the standard Mac keyboard on the 
: upper-leftmost key, above the tab - very convenient. The character
: does appear to be just ignored [...]
: The effect is to allow inclusion of a visual marker where emphasis 
: might be needed - could be useful.

Not so much emphasis as a substitute for a non-breaking space
(which can't be done portably, though most character sets have
a code for one somewhere).  I suggested it because it was the
nearest-to-invisible character we had left in ASCII.  (The
alternative would have been to let people use their native non-
breaking space and let conversion utilities sort out the OS and
font dependencies - if our experience with line breaks is anything
to go by, that would have had John Chambers chewing the carpet).

Jack Campin: 11 Third Street, Newtongrange, Midlothian EH22 4PU; 0131 6604760 * food intolerance data  recipes,
Mac logic fonts, Scots traditional music files, and my CD-ROM Embro, Embro.
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[abcusers] Whew!!! again

2004-12-06 Thread Jack Campin
|Szfad'af Szfad'af  
Szfg=bgf   |
[V:2]  z2| D4   f'4  A4  | D4   f'4   G4
[V:1] Szegc'ge Szegc'ge Szfg=bgf |Szegc'ge Szegc'ge  
Szga^c'ag  |
[V:2]  C4   e'4  G4  | C4   e'4   A4
[V:1] ^P.   Szfad'af Szfad'af Szga^c'ag|Szfad'af Szfad'af  
Szfad'af   |
[V:2]  D4   f'4  A4  | D4   f'4   F4
[V:1] ^F.   Szdgbgd  Szdfafd  Sz^ceace |Szdfafd  SzFAdAF y [K:Dm bass] 
SzF,A,DA,F,|{^C,}D,4  D,4  D,4 |D,8 |]
[V:2]  G4   f'4  e'4 | d'4  D4 y [K:Dm bass]  D,4   
| D,,4 D,,4 D,,4|D,,8|]

Jack Campin: 11 Third Street, Newtongrange, Midlothian EH22 4PU; 0131 6604760 * food intolerance data  recipes,
Mac logic fonts, Scots traditional music files, and my CD-ROM Embro, Embro.
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