Re: [Alsa-devel] Status of ALSA documentation?

2002-02-27 Thread Patrick Shirkey

Paul sent me a revised edition of the alsa home page with more of a current feel than 
the previous version so you can find it here:

I have retained the link to the LAU-guide because I know it helps new users to find 
needed information. However for those of you who are anti my link to Boost Hardware 
being so prominent I have restructured the page slightly.

I intend to start getting in knee deep on the alsa-howto wiki which Mark created.
Once that is in more of a working condition I will add that and the new midi howto (at 
the linux doc project) to the LAU-guide too.

I will also attempt to create a docbook version of all the info in the alsa-howto 
wiki. Once I get cosy with docbook markup. 

Patrick Shirkey - Boost Hardware Ltd
For the discerning hardware connoisseur

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Alsa-devel mailing list

Re: [Alsa-devel] Status of ALSA documentation?

2002-02-27 Thread Patrick Shirkey

--- Paul Davis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I disagree. I just went through the process of teaching a friend how to use li
nux and he needed every piece of information I could give him. It is my opinio
n that repetiton and hand holding is the key to success for all newbies. (Base
d on teaching ESL for the past two years and teaching myself how to use linux 
for the past 3). 

well, then i'd use language like:

  edit the file /foo/bar/baz. you can use any text editor for
  this, including such programs as vi and emacs.

you cannot usefully make a document on a specific audio interface into
a tutorial on basic unix system skills. i think that someone who
doesn't know how to use a text editor will *not* be able to follow
your instructions without additional help from someone else.

That's a good point. Someone else also mentioned why not have a more user friendly 
example. I will eventually. I think I will make a page with maybe 5 examples of how to 
edit a file to make a working modules.conf and provide it as a link in the doc. The 
info in the doc will be as above.

If anybody wants to write a corresponding example for their favorite editor please 
send it to me. It should take about 1 minute. The text that needs changing is this:

To copy and paste the above to your /etc/modules.conf file follow these instructions.

Using the vi text editor:

Change to root.


Open the file with your favorite text editor.

vi /etc/modules.conf

Copy the above text to the bottom of the file by highlighting it with your mouse and 
paste it by clicking in the appropriate spot with your middle mouse button. If you 
don't have a middle mouse button then you can press the left and right button at the 
same time.
If you use the above text editor you will need to put the cursor in the correct place 
and type: 


Which allows you to write to the file. Then save the file. If you use the above text 
editor type:

then type:
and press enter.


The problem is that these documents will become reference sheets for
each soundcard. Browsing through a couple of pages of install info for
ALSA every time you want to check on that detail about the
CmRMiceCreatEmu Y18kJA card is going to annoy most people. 

Hence the hyperlinks in the contents of the page. Once I learn some more comma
nds for the wiki then having these shouldn't be a problem. Someone correct me 
if I'm wrong.

I would just invert the order of the information. Put the card
specific info at the top, and follow it with the generic information.

That works too. But more experienced users can easily follow a link whereas the 
newbies will get very confused with lots of technical info at the top of the document. 
I think a linked TOC is a good compromise.

I'm attacking the install howto from the point of view of a complete newbie.
 Someone who needs to be spoonfeed. 

Thats a different goal than I was originally outlining. We get lots of
mail on alsa-devel (and probably even more on alsa-user) asking how
do i use this card? or how do i get this card to do ...?. the mail
isn't from complete newbies, who probably wouldn't even know that
alsa-devel exists, but from people who know how to use a text editor
yet have no clue how to get their audio interface working. Thats the
audience I was aiming for.

Sure, currently we do but in the not too distant future we may be overloaded with new 
users who don't know this information. Better to cover our bases now than field 
hundreds of the same questions later. We just need to organise the page in a layout 
that makes it as easy as possible for everyone.

Patrick Shirkey - Boost Hardware Ltd
For the discerning hardware connoisseur

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Alsa-devel mailing list

RE: [Alsa-devel] question regarding latest CS4205 laptop soundcard driver

2002-02-27 Thread Patrick Shirkey

I have a notebook with an es1969 which can mix 4 streams in hardware.

Patrick Shirkey - Boost Hardware Ltd
For the discerning hardware connoisseur

--- Ivica Bukvic [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
First off, thanks for your reply.

I am, however, baffled by what you had to say. Crystal company claims
complete Linux friendliness and I've seen several sites which carry
detailed specs of the CS4205 chip in PDF file, so I am not sure what
aspect of the sound chip is missing for such information to be complete.
Could you please clarify your point?

Also, is there a way to contact Crystal company and request additional

Finally, if this soundcard is not capable of hardware downmixing, is
there ANY laptop soundcard at all out there that IS capable of doing

P.S. What about Yamaha/Intel 753 chip that is found in the Toshiba
Satellite 5005's?

Thanks for your assistance!


 -Original Message-
 From: Patrick Shirkey [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Tuesday, February 26, 2002 2:25 AM
 To: Ivica Bukvic; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: [Alsa-devel] question regarding latest CS4205 laptop
 soundcard driver
 --- Ivica Bukvic [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi all!
 I have a quick question regarding the latest CrystalClear soundcard
 is found in Dell Inspirons and other laptops (model name CS4205).
 My understanding is that the maker of this DSP chip is rather Linux
 friendly, so my question is does the driver for this soundcard (which
 believe is Intel810 and has been reported to be working in Linux)
 supports hardware mixing (i.e. opening sound device multiple times as
 the case with SBLive!), since this card also advertises having
 mixer like SBLive! does. I=92ve also heard that most other modern
 mainstream soundcards have that capability and some of them simply
 do that due to lack of documentation (i.e. Ess maestro 3i). So what
 then the case with this one and how does it stack-up against other
 mobile built-in soundcards?
 IIRC The docs for this chip are not sufficient for the hardware mixing
 be used.
 In regards to how well it works I have had ok sound from it and have
 recorded quite clean through it but it is nothing special IMO.
 Patrick Shirkey - Boost Hardware Ltd
 For the discerning hardware connoisseur
 Ivica Ico Bukvic, composer, multimedia sculptor,
 programmer, webmaster  computer consultant

 To be is to do=A0=A0 - Socrates
 To do is to be=A0=A0 - Sartre
 Do be do be do=A0=A0 - Sinatra
 I am=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0 - God
 Alsa-devel mailing list
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RE: [Alsa-devel] question regarding latest CS4205 laptop soundcard driver

2002-02-27 Thread Patrick Shirkey

--- Ivica Bukvic [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  *There is esd, which is outdated and simply crappy.
  *There is artsd, which is better, but not good enough, and again,
  app must be made to be aware of it in order to utilize it.
  *There is JACK project which has a huge potential but none of its
  effects are again universal, nor backwards-compatible with already
  released software.
  *There is Gstreamer, but I do not honestly know enough about it.
 Then make them better.

While I would like to thank you for your prompt response, I want to
point out that I find your above statement rather discouraging. Not
everyone is a low-level programmer, and not everyone should be one. Yet,
with such statement you are implying exactly that: for one to use Linux
for multimedia, one has to be prepared to be able to do low-level coding
in an environment that inherently suffers from lack of documentation.

Although I've provided my humble coding contributions to the Linux
community, I am by no means an adept programmer who is capable of
dealing with the low-level stuff such as this (needless to say I have no
clue where to start since documentation is less than sparse). Besides, I
would love to help any of these projects to reach their ripeness, but
find most of them to be focused on things that need less urgent
attention (i.e. JACK, as I understand it, focuses on inter-app audio
communication in a highly efficient manner, requiring app-side
implementation for any kind of dsp resource sharing, thus meaning there
is currently no planned backwards-compatibility, unless the older apps
are adapted to its architecture, which in itself is a rather far-fetched
assumption that the other application developers will be willing to
adapt their apps to this yet-and-if-to-be-established-standard).

First let us establish that you want pro quality audio right?

PD will answer this better than I.

Jack is based on the callback paradigm. This is the same as nearly all the 
professional quality sound servers on other leading OS's. Unfortunately it has taken 
the Linux audio community slightly longer to implement this design. Now that we have 
it many of the developers of realtime music apps are supporting it. Jack is not a 
yet-and-if-to-be-established-standard. It is a yet to be finished implementation of 
the standard.

Finally, why not merge the efforts of all these different
groups/projects into one concise solution, rather than a dozen
half-working ones?

And who is going to organise this effort? No seriously you are talking about Jack.

It is the combined knowledge of the LAD community who have been debating the concept 
for the past 5 years and are now writing the code. If you haven't joined the mailing 
list for jack then you should. AFAIK everyone is welcome.



Alsa-devel mailing list

Patrick Shirkey - Boost Hardware Ltd
For the discerning hardware connoisseur

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Alsa-devel mailing list

[Alsa-devel] Sample rate mask

2002-02-27 Thread Sander van Leeuwen


How can an application retrieve the supported sample rates? (SNDRV_PCM_RATE* flags)
I know you can get the min and max sample rate, but it's more interesting
to know exactly which sample rates the hardware supports (if not continuous).

Maybe I didn't RTFM carefully enough, but I haven't found any way to do this. The ALSA
(kernel) sources suggest this isn't possible.



Alsa-devel mailing list

Re: [Alsa-devel] question regarding latest CS4205 laptop soundcard driver

2002-02-27 Thread Paul Davis

I do not mean to be hammering this issue into the ground, but Linux OS
as an audio workstation solution has been around for 3 years now, yet
the only soundcard I am aware of that is capable of doing hardware
mixing is SBLive!, and even that one is due to fact that Creative had
their hands in the driver devel.

The trident cards can also do this. I believe that all cards that are
actually capable of doing this and for which the docs have been
provided have ALSA drivers that support it.

However, I agree that the issue of simultaneous access to audio
resources is a critical one. But lets look at how its been dealt with
on other operating systems:

   Windows (pre-WDM): a kernel-side mixer that creates horrible,
  un-work-aroundable latency and puts a bunch
  of code that Linus would never accept into
  the kernel.

   Windows (WDM): i don't know.

   ASIO:  no device sharing, AFAIK.

   MacOS (without ASIO): like windows pre-WDM, AFAIK.

   Mac OS X:  CoreAudio. Much like JACK, it requires a complete
  rewrite of all code that interacts with audio
  hardware. thats why there are very few OS X
  native audio apps at this time. Unlike Apple,
  we can't force people to use a particular
  sound server :(

I am sure there are more. Yet, no viable solution has been provided
despite the fact that even Beos had this solved, needless to mention Mac
and Win os's which do this flawlessly.

They don't do it flawlessly. It works for many simple cases. ASIO,
which until WDM showed up was by far the preferred driver API for
audio, doesn't allow device sharing at all AFAIK. 

Nevertheless, the point remains that under Windows and MacOS, multiple
apps can access audio h/w resources simultaneously regardless of the
hardware involved, certainly if they are not professional audio apps.

So what do we have?

*There is esd, which is outdated and simply crappy.
*There is artsd, which is better, but not good enough, and again, the
app must be made to be aware of it in order to utilize it.
*There is JACK project which has a huge potential but none of its
effects are again universal, nor backwards-compatible with already
released software.
*There is Gstreamer, but I do not honestly know enough about it.

You missed perhaps the most important ones:

* KDE's audio API
* GNOME's audio API
* ALSA share devices

KDE and GNOME are both (regrettably) wrapping artsd in their own APIs
that allow device sharing. You could choose to use either of these
systems. They are no good for low latency and/or pro audio, and
probably never can be if they continue to use a server with artsd's

ALSA share devices are, at this time, largely untested by the ALSA
user community. I don't know how well they are working (I don't even
know how to set one up), but if they work as intended, they will
entirely solve this issue in the correct way: apps use the same API as
they would to access a regular PCM device, and the magic just happens.
If you're not willing to sign on to a synchronous execution model like
JACK, then I think you should probably focus on ALSA share devices.

The fundamental problem is that the original audio API (OSS) didn't
provide any interposition between the application and the kernel side
driver. That means that mixing either has to be in the kernel, which
nobody will approve of let alone allow, or we have to use a clever but
ugly hack like LD_PRELOAD to create a point at which the data from
these legacy apps can be routed to a better system that can do
mixing. libaoss does this, but it relies on the share PCM devices in
order to accomplish what you want. 

Now that Alsa has become default kernel driver, we should definitely
try to use the opportunity to finally provide this rudimentary, yet
extremely important aspect of audio system.

don't consider it so rudimentary. you think of it as basic because
Windows and MacOS did it, but they did it at the expense of
low latency use. When Apple finally fixed this (with CoreAudio), they
have forced not only a completely new API but for many people
(non-ASIO developers), a whole new design on their developer community.

I overheard that the new 2.5.x kernels have multiplexing feature (which
I am guessing enables sharing of the dev resources -- please correct me
if I am wrong), if so, will this solve this issue?

has nothing to do with the issue. 


Alsa-devel mailing list

Re: [Alsa-devel] latency timer

2002-02-27 Thread Paul Davis

So what do think I should use instead? I need all 48 channels in perfect
sync (sample-accurate). Do you think that's impossible? The CPU-load of my

I think it might be very difficult if it involves two separate
cards. It would be easy on one card, for sure.

application is (with signal processing) less than 30%, but still there are
xruns sometimes. It might be that the pci bus can't handle my data.

unlikely. its less than 18MB/sec. the PCI bus can easily handle that.

I wonder if I'm the first one who wants to use two hammerfalls in linux for
recording and playback at the same time.

under linux: almost certainly.
under any OS: quite possibly.

one other question: what kind of video interface are you using and
which version of XFree86?


Alsa-devel mailing list

[Alsa-devel] RME Hammerfall DSP

2002-02-27 Thread Paul Davis

i just got info on the internals of this interface
you're all gonna love it! even if it is expensive. peak and rms meters
in hardware, full matrix mixing with a range of -inf .. +2dB, 2 MIDI
ports. its going to be great, and hard to see why anyone would want to
use anything else for serious audio, IMHO.

i hope to have the driver working within a few days of getting the
hardware (i have part of it already).


Alsa-devel mailing list

[Alsa-devel] AC3 Passthru on SB Live

2002-02-27 Thread James Courtier-Dutton


AC3 passthru on the SB Live does not seem to work on all platforms with the
latest alsa-cvs. (26-2-2002)
It works on my system, which is a SB Live Rev 6, which only started working
It does not work on a SB Live rev 7 (I don't have this, but others have

Can anyone comment on which SB Live revisions work, and which do not.

All the SB Live versions seem to work with the emu10k1 kernel drivers.


Alsa-devel mailing list

[Alsa-devel] RE: AC3 Passthru on SB Live

2002-02-27 Thread James Courtier-Dutton

As a small extra, the emu10k1 kernel driver which support oss, has a few
bits of info which might be of help
From the emu10k1 linux kernel developers: -
We allocate memory with pci_alloc_consistent() which according to
DMA-mapping.txt assures 32-bits PCI addresses. On top of that
we set a dma_mask (with pci_set_dma_mask) of 29 bits (512Mib).

Also: -
29 bit (512MiB), mostly speculation/trial-and-error though. See main.c and
the pci_set_dma_mask() calls.

Does this help alsa09 at all ?


 -Original Message-
 From: James Courtier-Dutton [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: 27 February 2002 15:51
 Subject: AC3 Passthru on SB Live


 AC3 passthru on the SB Live does not seem to work on all
 platforms with the latest alsa-cvs. (26-2-2002)
 It works on my system, which is a SB Live Rev 6, which only
 started working recently.
 It does not work on a SB Live rev 7 (I don't have this, but
 others have reported.)

 Can anyone comment on which SB Live revisions work, and which do not.

 All the SB Live versions seem to work with the emu10k1 kernel drivers.


Alsa-devel mailing list

[Alsa-devel] design for the H-DSP control/mixer interface

2002-02-27 Thread Paul Davis

so, the matrix mixer on the hammerfall-dsp comes with 1456 independent
controls. each one represents the volume for routing an input (h/w
input or playback stream) to an output. there are 28 h/w inputs, 28
playback streams and 28 outputs.

it seems unwise to simply map this straight to the control API. no
program is going to be able to usefully cope with this many controls. 

i welcome ideas on ways to represent this kind of mixer with the ALSA
control system.


Alsa-devel mailing list

Re: [Alsa-devel] AC3 Passthru on SB Live

2002-02-27 Thread Takashi Iwai

At Wed, 27 Feb 2002 17:19:44 -,
James Courtier-Dutton wrote:
  Or, it might be the problem of dma mask.  ALSA uses 31bit mask while
  Creative's driver uses 29bit.  But anyway this won't affect unless you
  have more than 512MB RAM and kernel ocasionally allocates the area
  greater than 512MB.
 Creative's driver uses 29bit mask, because a 32bit mask was creating
 problems with some users.
 Maybe the SB Live is only capable of 29bits for DMA.

well, as stated above, alsa uses 31bit (not 32), so this is not
problem usually, because kernel's pci memory allocator checks only
whether the mask is 32bit or not, and if it's not 32bit, the allocator
uses always GFP_DMA flag.


Alsa-devel mailing list

Re: [Alsa-devel] question regarding latest CS4205 laptop soundcarddriver

2002-02-27 Thread Ivica Bukvic

 The trident cards can also do this. I believe that all cards that are
 actually capable of doing this and for which the docs have been
 provided have ALSA drivers that support it.

Well that's exactly where lies the problem. Most of the laptop
soundcards have marginal Alsa (and for that matter OSS) support. The
only ones that I am aware of so far of being able to do multiple
hardware streams in Linux are es1969 (thanks to Patrick Shirkey) and
Trident that you have mentioned (although I am not sure what model and
in what laptop), and possibly Yamaha chipset. That is rather sparse
choice and usually laptops that utilize these are either outdated or
have other peripherals weak (i.e. marginal video card).

Windows (WDM): i don't know.

WDM is good, since Sonar claims sub-7 ms latencies on average sound
hardware in XP right out of the box.

 They don't do it flawlessly. It works for many simple cases. ASIO,
 which until WDM showed up was by far the preferred driver API for
 audio, doesn't allow device sharing at all AFAIK. 

I agree, my flawless statement was certainly overrated. Yet, the
question remains: what am I to do as a musician needing to utilize my
portable laptop while the apps/software I currently use get ported to
the JACK architecture (if they get ported at all)? Please don't get me
wrong, I do like to do programming, and I am about to join JACK
community. Yet, I need to continue churning music as well in order to
finish my degree. Programming alone will not get me there, although I
love Linux for what it is, and would love to contribute as much as my
time allows.

 don't consider it so rudimentary. you think of it as basic because
 Windows and MacOS did it, but they did it at the expense of
 low latency use. When Apple finally fixed this (with CoreAudio), they
 have forced not only a completely new API but for many people
 (non-ASIO developers), a whole new design on their developer community.

Well, what if we had at least a temporary, even higher-latency solution,
so that I could at least get some work done without worrying about these
serious software limitations and trying to come-up with poor and
temporary work-arounds?

Thanks for your insightful comments! Sincerely,


Alsa-devel mailing list

[Alsa-devel] Rotating left/right to front/back

2002-02-27 Thread Mike Oliphant

I am happily outputting sound via spdif on my YMF744B based soundcard 
(an AW744 Pro). What I'd like to be able to do, though is rotate the 
left/right channels to come out of front/back instead. The reason is to 
have stereo separation when I am at a different angle.

Is there any way to do this at the configuration level, or will I have 
to write software to split the PCM data into left/right and then output 
mono signals separately to front and back?

Any help would be much appreciated.



Mike Oliphant  [EMAIL PROTECTED] - The Premier Music Service Provider

Alsa-devel mailing list

Re: [Alsa-devel] question regarding latest CS4205 laptop soundcard driver

2002-02-27 Thread Paul Davis

I agree, my flawless statement was certainly overrated. Yet, the
question remains: what am I to do as a musician needing to utilize my
portable laptop while the apps/software I currently use get ported to
the JACK architecture (if they get ported at all)? 

1a) Get Abramo to post (or point to) detailed information on using a
   share PCM device

1b) Get Abramo or Jaroslav to post (or point to) detailed information
   on setting up libaoss (specifically, how to map /dev/dspN to a specific
   ALSA PCM device)

2) edit your ~/.asoundrc file to define a share PCM device

3) run all your legacy (OSS) apps with LD_PRELOAD set to preload libaoss.
  a small wrapper script is useful for this; ALSA may already
  come with one (*)

4) run all your newer (ALSA) apps with an argument telling it to use
 the share PCM device

and you should be done. if, that is, the share device type is really
working. if not, you can help us debug it.


(*) something like:

% cat aoss

export LD_PRELOAD=/where/i/put/
exec $*

then you can just run OSS apps like this: 

% aoss oss-app-name oss-app-args...

i know this appears hacky. like i said, there is no way around this
because of the way OSS was designed.

Alsa-devel mailing list

[Alsa-devel] an excellent article

2002-02-27 Thread Paul Davis


is an excellent article on mistakes that SGI made developing their
video APIs. much of what it says seems deeply relevant to audio as
well. from my perspective, its pretty confirming of a JACK approach,
but even if you don't see it that way, i think there is a lot to be
learned and/or reminded of here.


Alsa-devel mailing list

RE: [Alsa-devel] question regarding latest CS4205 laptop soundcard driver

2002-02-27 Thread Ivica Bukvic

 1a) Get Abramo to post (or point to) detailed information on using a
share PCM device
 1b) Get Abramo or Jaroslav to post (or point to) detailed information
on setting up libaoss (specifically, how to map /dev/dspN to a
ALSA PCM device)
 2) edit your ~/.asoundrc file to define a share PCM device
 3) run all your legacy (OSS) apps with LD_PRELOAD set to preload
   a small wrapper script is useful for this; ALSA may already
   come with one (*)
 4) run all your newer (ALSA) apps with an argument telling it to use
  the share PCM device
 and you should be done. if, that is, the share device type is really
 working. if not, you can help us debug it.
 (*) something like:
 % cat aoss
 export LD_PRELOAD=/where/i/put/
 exec $*
 then you can just run OSS apps like this:
 % aoss oss-app-name oss-app-args...
 i know this appears hacky. like i said, there is no way around this
 because of the way OSS was designed.

Wow, finally a huge step forward!:-)

I really do not care if it is a hacker-like way of doing stuff as long
as it works. I will try fiddling with what you gave me and post some
results when (and if) I get anywhere with it... Thanks once more for a
concise explanation...

Is there anyone else with some kind of experience in this field? Maybe
it is time to start documenting this potentially awesome feature... I
could easily provide webspace and/or maintain the docs webpage if
needed, as long as I can get a pool of people working on this issue with
me... Anyone interested?


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