[android-developers] getWritableDatabase optilization

2013-09-23 Thread arnouf
Hello guys !

Looking for different database implementation, I saw 2 method to open 
SQLIte database : 
1. calling etwritabledatabase in a constructeur or onCreate method
2. calling getwritabledatabase in each public method provided by the 
developer to manipulate data

I think the first is better - i use it - but I would like to know your 
point of view about this.

Thanks a lot

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[android-developers] OnHoverListener

2012-09-27 Thread arnouf


I'm trying to use the new event onHover. I look the sample, the 
documentation...and nothing works. The onHover event should be done by a 
mouse pointer.

I create a simple xml file containing 1 LinearLayout and 2 buttons inside.

My java code is following

  findViewById(R.id.linearLayout1).setOnHoverListener(new OnHoverListener() {

public boolean onHover(View v, MotionEvent event) {
Log.e(tag, tag);
return false;


LinearLayout1 is my linearlayout containing button. onHover is never called.

I tried a lot of stuff without success.

Let me know if you have an idea.

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[android-developers] Re: Android virtual device NFC emulation

2012-06-01 Thread arnouf
I'm not completly sure but I think that isn't possible for now.

Le vendredi 1 juin 2012 06:04:45 UTC+2, Shady a écrit :

 Recently I am developing an NFC application which interacting with 
 contactless ISO 7816 smartcard. 
 Instead of deploying to the real android devices for testing, I would 
 like to create a development environment on using Android virtual 
 device with NFC emulation. 
 Is there any AVD that can be able to support NFC emulation? 
 Besides, I have a usb contactless card reader that can read smartcard, 
 is it possible to connect the reader with the AVD so that I can 
 emulate NFC contact? 


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[android-developers] CursorAdapter not works on Android 4

2012-05-31 Thread arnouf
Hi all,

My application using a class extending CursorAdapter. It works correctly on 
Android 2. But application is running on Android 4 I get a NoClassDefFound 
on cursoradapter class. 
I tried to use compatibility package 4 but same thing.

Do you have an idea to create an app compatible with Android 2, 3 and 4, 
using cursor adapter ?? Do I test SDK version ?

Thanks for your help.

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[android-developers] PreferenceActivity, configuration screen and back button

2012-01-31 Thread arnouf
hello all,

i've got widget using a Preference activity (Honeycomb).
When I try to add the widget on my home, the configure screen is display. I 
implement the new mechanism for Honeycomb described at :

I found some example describing that the preference must notify the widget 
after configuration modification. All example use a button or have only one 
list catching the user selection to update the widget.

My preference screen has some different parameters, I don't want a button 
to set the preferences and I want to update parameters when user leaves 
the configuration screen. I tried to update my widget on onBackPressed 
event of my PreferenceActivity. It doesn't work. The widget doesn't have 
the good preference just after closing the preferenceactivity, but only 
after added a new time.

So, what is the tips to do this ? 

(Hoping that my explanation are enough and clearly :))

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[android-developers] Re: WebView using Assets

2012-01-31 Thread arnouf
You have to use loadData applied on webview and you can retrieve your 
assets using getAssetManager

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Re: [android-developers] Selecting picasa photos in gallery

2012-01-04 Thread arnouf
I would like to know if you found a solution to load image from Picasa when 
user select an image in the gallery ?
Let me know

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[android-developers] Re: Back key handling with ActivityGroup in TabView

2011-11-02 Thread arnouf
You must set a tag to know which view / tab is displayed.
You could use onBackPressed() method and check which tags is active and 
display or not your popView.

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[android-developers] Re: Showing notification dialog over a incoming call

2011-11-02 Thread arnouf
When you say that you're unable to produce the results...what happens 
Did you set good permission and action to catch in your AndroidManifest xml 
file ?

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[android-developers] Re: Get the URI of audio files(.mp3) stored in raw folder

2011-11-02 Thread arnouf
I don't know why you add in /res/raw, but maybe it could more interesting 
to put these files in assets. 
Maybe you can set a specific name building your shareintent.

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[android-developers] Re: Install apk file

2011-11-02 Thread arnouf
When you generate the file the FB ressources files will be added in your 

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[android-developers] Re: how to install my apk file into android mobile with eclipses?

2011-11-02 Thread arnouf
first, check your phone in Application parameters if you accept : debug 
connectio (in developers section) and if you set your phone to accepte 
unknown source.
If your device is known by eclipse you can see it in DDMS perspective, you 
must install drivers (windows) or change your udev file (Linux).
Look here for more information :

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[android-developers] Re: Emulator ICS : add account

2011-11-01 Thread arnouf
But without talking the new calendar API. If you want add a contact or see 
calendar application you must create an account.
Ok, so i'm going to create an AVD using Google API. Thanks

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[android-developers] Emulator ICS : add account

2011-10-31 Thread arnouf

Now, in the emulator, to see calendar or add event I have to set an 
Exchange account. Does it exist a solution avoiding this ? I don't have an 
Exchange server !

Thanks for your help

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[android-developers] Re: 4 tabs view?

2011-10-31 Thread arnouf

Use simply a TabHost / TabWidget

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[android-developers] Re: RelativeLayout not working in ADT 14

2011-10-31 Thread arnouf
The editor seems to have a bug.
You create RL with 2 buttons inside, one below the other.
The second is over the first.
But after a compilation I have the correct view on device. 
Only the graphical editor seems bugged.

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[android-developers] Best conception with new API ICS ?

2011-10-21 Thread arnouf
Hello all,

My question is about the compatibility and the best way to create our apps.
For some months, we have the compatibility package allowing us to create 
app, using Fragment (dedicated to tablets) inside a smartphone app.
ICS introduces new components like switcher or Gridlayout for example. I 
suppose that Fragment API is working with this new component too.

So, now if I have develop application, do I have use *mandatory* the 
Compatibility package ?

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[android-developers] Re: Best conception with new API ICS ?

2011-10-21 Thread arnouf
99% ??? I suppose that compatibility package targets Android 2.2 (2.3 ?) and 
later...so it should be less, shouldn't.
Thanks Mark.

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[android-developers] Proguard configuration and Paypal

2011-07-27 Thread arnouf



Using proguard the paypal classes are not found

ERROR/AndroidRuntime(3200): Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: 


I tried to add -libraryjars PATH_PAYPAL_LIB_JAR but it seems to change 
nothing, same error.

I tried to add -keepclass com.paypal.* same result


Can you provide some helps ?


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Re : Re: [android-developers] Proguard configuration and Paypal

2011-07-27 Thread arnouf
Yes it works without proguard.
I use proguard in command line with :

java -jar $PROGUARD_HOME/lib/proguard.jar -injars 
$PROJECT_FOLDER/bin/classes -outjar $PROJECT_FOLDER/bin/obfuscated.jar 
-libraryjars $ANDROID_JAR:$PROJECT_FOLDER/thirds/PayPal_MPL_1.5.jar 

My conf file (proguard.cfg) is

-optimizationpasses 5
-optimizations !code/simplification/arithmetic,!field/*,!class/merging/*
-keep public class * extends android.app.Activity
-keep public class * extends android.app.Application
-keep public class * extends android.app.Service
-keep public class * extends android.content.BroadcastReceiver
-keep public class * extends android.content.ContentProvider
-keep public class * extends android.preference.Preference
-keepclasseswithmembernames class * {
native methods;
-keepclasseswithmembernames class * {
public init(android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet);
-keepclasseswithmembernames class * {
public init(android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet, int);
-keepclassmembers enum * {
public static **[] values();
public static ** valueOf(java.lang.String);
-keep class * implements android.os.Parcelable {
  public static final android.os.Parcelable$Creator *;

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Re : Re: [android-developers] Proguard configuration and Paypal

2011-07-27 Thread arnouf
Ok, so after a long pair of test, I think that the problem is not due to 
proguard, but to dx :(

If somebody knows this issue, let me know. The goal is to build my app in 
command line only (not eclipse or ant)

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Re : Re: [android-developers] Proguard configuration and Paypal

2011-07-27 Thread arnouf
Ok so I found the solution : it was no proguard but two issues in dx and 
apkbuilder !

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[android-developers] Postdelayed don't work for more than 1 hour

2011-07-17 Thread arnouf

I implemented a Live Wallpaper displaying a picture. This pic can be changed 
automatically from 5 minutes to 24 hours. 
The change is applied for 5, 15, 30 minutes...but for a value higher than 1 
hour, the call is not called.
I use a simple postdelayed calling an internal method loading the good 

Do you think that the best way should be to implement an intent call to my 
wallpaper service ?

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[android-developers] Re: How many threads android os can execute at a time in a application?

2011-07-17 Thread arnouf
Using AsyncTask you can have some problem with 25 simultaneous task.
After this, you can try to implement your own threadpool and make some 

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Re: [android-developers] Postdelayed don't work for more than 1 hour

2011-07-17 Thread arnouf
Yes I thought this, but I didn't know if in a wallpaper it was a good idea 
(working in a service)...
So if you confirm that my strategy was bad, I change this soon.

Thanks for your help.

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Re: [android-developers] Postdelayed don't work for more than 1 hour

2011-07-17 Thread arnouf
But is it possible to send an information to a wallpaperservice from 
 broadcastreceiver ?

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[android-developers] How to retrieve a Wallpaperservice.Engine from broadcastreceiver

2011-07-17 Thread arnouf
I would like to know how can I do to retrieve my WallpaperService.Engine 
running from a BroadcastReceiver...
Thanks by advance

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[android-developers] Re: How to retrieve a Wallpaperservice.Engine from broadcastreceiver

2011-07-17 Thread arnouf
Ok I found a solution using an internal Broadcastreceiver class

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[android-developers] Re: AppWidget on receive method and documentation

2010-10-11 Thread arnouf
I think the issue was the debug mode :)
When phone is not connected apparently the phone is lot loaded by my
widget. best.

On Oct 9, 11:03 pm, Kostya Vasilyev kmans...@gmail.com wrote:

 Ummm. AppWidgetProvider is a subclass of BroadcastReceiver, not
 Service. As such, it has no onStartCommand or onStart.

 You're probably thinking of onReceive - ditto for that.


 Another reason might be that something else is keeping the device awake.
 Might be worthwhile to dump wakelocks in adb. Or else it might be the
 setting to keep screen on while plugged in, which is often enabled for

 -- Kostya

 09.10.2010 19:00, Mark Murphy пишет:

  Override onStartCommand() or onStart() in your AppWidgetProvider and
  figure out what Intent is being used to update the AppWidgetProvider.
  That should help you narrow down the source (your alarm or the
  built-in updatePeriodMillis alarm).

  On Sat, Oct 9, 2010 at 10:45 AM,arnoufarnaud.far...@gmail.com  wrote:

  I use an AlarmManager to refresh my widget view (the view not the data
  displayed which are managed by the standard updatePeriodMillis).
  The AlarmManager is configured to work with RTC. The documentation
  indicates :
  Set the alarm type to either ELAPSED_REALTIME or RTC, which will only
  deliver the alarm when the device is awake. Then set
  updatePeriodMillis to zero (0).
  I check that but my method continue to be called even if my screen is
  OFF (device awake).

  What's the issue ?

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 Kostya Vasilyev -- WiFi Manager + pretty widget 

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[android-developers] AppWidget on receive method and documentation

2010-10-09 Thread arnouf

I use an AlarmManager to refresh my widget view (the view not the data
displayed which are managed by the standard updatePeriodMillis).
The AlarmManager is configured to work with RTC. The documentation
indicates :
Set the alarm type to either ELAPSED_REALTIME or RTC, which will only
deliver the alarm when the device is awake. Then set
updatePeriodMillis to zero (0).
I check that but my method continue to be called even if my screen is
OFF (device awake).

What's the issue ?

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[android-developers] Maps API and legacy

2010-09-29 Thread arnouf
Hi all,

I found this post

This posting 
suggests that you must not use the Map Service with any applications
for route guidance, including but not limited to turn-by-turn route
guidance that is synchronized to the position of a user's sensor-
enabled device

so if I understand we can use maps API to retrieve a route between two
points (and kml file provided by the URL) and draw on a mapview the
way. Is it right ?

Thanks for your answer

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[android-developers] Re: Maps API and legacy

2010-09-29 Thread arnouf
I found a solution calling Intent. Is it legal ?
startActivity(new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, Uri.parse(http://

On Sep 29, 5:27 pm, arnouf arnaud.far...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hi all,

 I found this post

 suggests that you must not use the Map Service with any applications
 for route guidance, including but not limited to turn-by-turn route
 guidance that is synchronized to the position of a user's sensor-
 enabled device

 so if I understand we can use maps API to retrieve a route between two
 points (and kml file provided by the URL) and draw on a mapview the
 way. Is it right ?

 Thanks for your answer

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[android-developers] Animation loop

2010-09-16 Thread arnouf
Hi all,

I created an animation in an xml file.
I apply it on a textview like this :
Animation anim = AnimationUtils.loadAnimation(this,
v.findViewById(R.id.global_about).startAnimation(anim); // v is my

This runs once even if I set a repeat count.

Any idea ?

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[android-developers] Pragma: no-cache not supported ?

2010-09-03 Thread arnouf
Hi all,

I work on an application to display a remote page in a webview.
The page contains a simple input form and an image. The image is
updated automatically by server using specific header. The page is
never displayed.

Searching on the web to find a way to resolve this issue, I read
this :

Pragma: no-cache, and all the other server-side headers also have no
effect as far as I can tell.

Do you have a work around ?

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[android-developers] Re: Android lock screen

2010-07-19 Thread arnouf

I don't agree with you mark, because there are some differents apps on
market replacing lock screen without change the installed firmware or
change root access.

On Jul 7, 9:03 pm, Mark Murphy mmur...@commonsware.com wrote:
 On Mon, Jul 5, 2010 at 2:15 PM, Sy simonaplat...@googlemail.com wrote:
  Is it possible to override the default androidlockscreenand replace
  with your own?

 Only by creating your own firmware. There are no APIs for replacing
 thelockscreenat this time.

 Mark Murphy (a Commons 

 _Android Programming Tutorials_ Version 2.8 Available!

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[android-developers] Stop mobile modem

2010-06-04 Thread arnouf
Hi all,

I search for a long time to stop the mobile modem (to restart it
In this group, I watch some thread indicating a reference to APNdroid.
Apparently it works changing the APN (name or other information) to
cut the connection.

Is there only this way? WifiManager has its own method to turn off.

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[android-developers] Re: PopupWindow can't be dismissed when press back key

2010-06-04 Thread arnouf
- Use a Dialog component
- Catch the event on back button to finish your PopupWindow.


On Jun 4, 1:42 pm, ionel ionelt2...@gmail.com wrote:

 I've created a custom PopupWindow but when I press back button, the
 window doesn't dissapear.
 If somebody found a solution please response.


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[android-developers] Where is ACCESS_COARSE_UPDATES permission ?

2010-06-03 Thread arnouf
Hi all,

I want to use the following method from TelephonyManager :
public ListNeighboringCellInfo getNeighboringCellInfo ()

Documentation says :
Since: API Level 3
Returns the neighboring cell information of the device.
List of NeighboringCellInfo or null if info unavailable.
Requires Permission: (@link

But I don't find this permission and when I add it in my manifest I
get a warning message Unknown permission.

For now, this method returns an empty list..;

Any idea ?

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[android-developers] Re: Do scheduled alarms persist between app upgrades?

2010-06-03 Thread arnouf

The alarm is registered in system. So, it isn't removed.


On Jun 3, 4:53 pm, Mark Wyszomierski mar...@gmail.com wrote:

 My app schedules an alarm, like:

   AlarmManager mgr = (AlarmManager)context.getSystemService(

 with the alarm scheduled, what happens if I release a new version of
 my app, and the user upgrades the app? Will this alarm be removed? Or
 will it be left untouched, and fired as expected?


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[android-developers] Re: How to create kind of admob banner or scrolling text?

2010-06-03 Thread arnouf
Use a RelativeLayout for your app and a specific layout aligned on
bottom of your main layout.
So you're banner is based at the bottom :)
Now to scrolling a text inside this banner : use animation, it's the


On Jun 3, 4:36 pm, dillipk codersnet2...@gmail.com wrote:
   Is there any widget which would help me to create kind of admob
 banner or scrolling text at the top of my app?


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[android-developers] Re: how to change the background of the menuitem

2010-06-03 Thread arnouf

OptionMenu can't be personnalized :( You must implement your own menu
if you want a specific background for example.


On Jun 3, 3:54 pm, grace grace.a...@wipro.com wrote:

 I want  to change the background of the optionmenuitem and have my
 custom theme for the menu items
 is it possible??
 pls help..

 thanx in advance,

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[android-developers] Re: How to create kind of admob banner or scrolling text?

2010-06-03 Thread arnouf
right ! the marquee ! I forgot it ! :) (it's just avoiding to use
animation, not to place your component at bottom)

On Jun 3, 6:42 pm, Romain Guy romain...@android.com wrote:
 There's even easier, just use the marquee feature of TextView.

 On Thu, Jun 3, 2010 at 9:40 AM, arnouf arnaud.far...@gmail.com wrote:
  Use a RelativeLayout for your app and a specific layout aligned on
  bottom of your main layout.
  So you're banner is based at the bottom :)
  Now to scrolling a text inside this banner : use animation, it's the


  On Jun 3, 4:36 pm, dillipk codersnet2...@gmail.com wrote:
    Is there any widget which would help me to create kind of admob
  banner or scrolling text at the top of my app?


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 Romain Guy
 Android framework engineer

 Note: please don't send private questions to me, as I don't have time
 to provide private support.  All such questions should be posted on
 public forums, where I and others can see and answer them

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[android-developers] Call AT command / RIL / ATResponseParser

2010-06-02 Thread arnouf
Hi all,

I would like to send some AT commands, from my Android application, to
the RIL available on a phone.

I read a lot of things about this :
- it's not possible
- it's possible
- There are some API not documented about telephony which allow this

How does it it work exactly?
There is a RIL (a sort of library available in library level - related
to the Android Anatomy). This RIL provides some information related to
telephony connection or data connection.
If I need to call this real :
- can I do it directly from my Java code?
- do I have to implement a C library (using JNI / NDK) calling RIL ?

I think there is always a solution, so ...I'll read your answer.

Thanks a lot for your help.

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[android-developers] Re: PackageStats : how to get application size ?

2010-04-07 Thread arnouf
Oki thanks for your confirmation.


On Apr 7, 9:31 am, Kumar Bibek coomar@gmail.com wrote:
 As Dianne had mentioned in that post, as of now, you cannot do it.

 No public API is available

 Thanks and Regards,
 Kumar Bibek

 On Apr 6, 2:30 pm,arnoufarnaud.far...@gmail.com wrote:

  Hi all,

  I'm trying to know the application size (only the code size). I found
  some topics related, but nothing is working.
  The last class provided by Android, PackageStats seems to give
  information about size : code size, cache size...
  But I get always a 0.

  Some guys talked about this issue here 
  but no solution has been provided.

  Where is the problem ? What are concerned Android version ?

  Thanks by advance for your feedback.

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[android-developers] AsyncTask : java.util.concurrent.RejectedExecutionException

2010-04-07 Thread arnouf

I'm trying to launch a lot of remote connection retrieve picture on a
server. To do this, I use AsyncTask.

This pics are displayed in a listview using adapter. If I implement
this in my adapter, images are retrieved but the display is bad
(problem with index or something like that).
If I try to retrieve image when I build my object list (contained in
my listview), I get the exception
04-07 13:35:57.744: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(4132): Caused by:
04-07 13:35:57.744: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(4132): at
04-07 13:35:57.744: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(4132): at
04-07 13:35:57.744: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(4132): at
04-07 13:35:57.744: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(4132): at

What is this exception ? Why I can launch multiple asynctask in my
listview (giving to me a bad result) and not in a simple object
without having this issue ?

Thanks for your explanations.

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[android-developers] Re: AsyncTask : java.util.concurrent.RejectedExecutionException

2010-04-07 Thread arnouf
Ok thanks Mark.
When you have a lot of Image to load this is a big limitation.
Strangely, we don't have this situation If I call the same number of
element inside a listview...But another issue appears : images are not
placed on good lines :(

On Apr 7, 3:57 pm, Mark Murphy mmur...@commonsware.com wrote:
  What is this exception ?

 The second link in a Google search for RejectedExecutionException turns up:


 Your problem is probably the second on that list -- you have tried to
 start too many AsyncTasks. AsyncTask uses a limited-length BlockingQueue
 for jobs waiting for a thread in the thread pool to free up, and it will
 throw that exception when you exceed the available number of slots in the

 Mark Murphy (a Commons Guy)http://commonsware.com
 Android App Developer Books:http://commonsware.com/books.html

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[android-developers] Re: AsyncTask : java.util.concurrent.RejectedExecutionException

2010-04-07 Thread arnouf
I'm not sure that it will resolve my first problem related to the
image loaded from remote and display in my listview
I can use Asynctask in my adapter to load each image. But when I do a
bog scroll, displayed image are not to the good place (ex. : the image
number 4 is displayed at the line 15 ...). It's trying to tesolve this
first issue, that I meet the exception. But this issue is maybe due to
the Async pool too.

I come you back later.


On Apr 7, 4:37 pm, Mark Murphy mmur...@commonsware.com wrote:
  When you have a lot of Image to load this is a big limitation.

 You can:

 -- Grab the source code to AsyncTask, clone it into your own package, and
 modify the LinkedBlockingQueue. I did this with my AsyncTaskEx class.

 -- Skip AsyncTask and roll your own thread pool.

 Mark Murphy (a Commons Guy)http://commonsware.com
 Android App Developer Books:http://commonsware.com/books.html

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[android-developers] PackageStats : how to get application size ?

2010-04-06 Thread arnouf
Hi all,

I'm trying to know the application size (only the code size). I found
some topics related, but nothing is working.
The last class provided by Android, PackageStats seems to give
information about size : code size, cache size...
But I get always a 0.

Some guys talked about this issue here :
but no solution has been provided.

Where is the problem ? What are concerned Android version ?

Thanks by advance for your feedback.

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[android-developers] Create a custom component using inflate

2010-03-29 Thread arnouf
Hi all,

I'm trying to create a component using an xml layout file.

I defined a layout with some custom attributes. This layout is
inflated  when user add it inside another layout. My problem is I
don't know the parent, so I pass null for the parent viewgroup when I
call inflate method.

I think that's the reason why I see anything in my view.
Do you know how can I do (I don't want to redefine onDraw method
because I use existing component)

Below my xml layout and my custome class.





public class ButtonOptionsView extends View {

public ButtonOptionsView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {
super(context, attrs);
LayoutInflater li =
RelativeLayout vg =
(RelativeLayout)li.inflate(R.layout.button_option, null);
TypedArray ta =



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[android-developers] Re: Create a custom component using inflate

2010-03-29 Thread arnouf
You're right using

On Mar 29, 4:14 pm, Mark Murphy mmur...@commonsware.com wrote:
 arnouf wrote:
  Hi all,

  I'm trying to create a component using an xml layout file.

  I defined a layout with some custom attributes. This layout is
  inflated  when user add it inside another layout. My problem is I
  don't know the parent, so I pass null for the parent viewgroup when I
  call inflate method.

 You need to be the parent. You cannot inflate things into an ordinary View.

  I think that's the reason why I see anything in my view.
  Do you know how can I do (I don't want to redefine onDraw method
  because I use existing component)

  Below my xml layout and my custome class.




  public class ButtonOptionsView extends View {

     public ButtonOptionsView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {
             super(context, attrs);
             LayoutInflater li =
             RelativeLayout vg =
  (RelativeLayout)li.inflate(R.layout.button_option, null);
             TypedArray ta =



 Make ButtonOptionsView extend RelativeLayout, and replace the
 RelativeLayout in your XML with merge. Then, inflate into yourself.

 Mark Murphy (a Commons 

 _The Busy Coder's Guide to *Advanced* Android Development_
 Version 1.4 Available!

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[android-developers] Re: Create a custom component using inflate

2010-03-29 Thread arnouf
I shout success so fast...because it's not really simple...My
previous have to be called by others xml
I'll push a result I I get something correct.

On Mar 29, 4:21 pm, arnouf arnaud.far...@gmail.com wrote:
 You're right 

 On Mar 29, 4:14 pm, Mark Murphy mmur...@commonsware.com wrote:

  arnouf wrote:
   Hi all,

   I'm trying to create a component using an xml layout file.

   I defined a layout with some custom attributes. This layout is
   inflated  when user add it inside another layout. My problem is I
   don't know the parent, so I pass null for the parent viewgroup when I
   call inflate method.

  You need to be the parent. You cannot inflate things into an ordinary View.

   I think that's the reason why I see anything in my view.
   Do you know how can I do (I don't want to redefine onDraw method
   because I use existing component)

   Below my xml layout and my custome class.




   public class ButtonOptionsView extends View {

      public ButtonOptionsView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {
              super(context, attrs);
              LayoutInflater li =
              RelativeLayout vg =
   (RelativeLayout)li.inflate(R.layout.button_option, null);
              TypedArray ta =



  Make ButtonOptionsView extend RelativeLayout, and replace the
  RelativeLayout in your XML with merge. Then, inflate into yourself.

  Mark Murphy (a Commons 

  _The Busy Coder's Guide to *Advanced* Android Development_
  Version 1.4 Available!

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[android-developers] Gallery android:unselectedAlpha works strangely

2010-03-27 Thread arnouf
Hi all,

I work with a gallery and a BaseAdapter.
In my XML file I specified, on my gallery, android:unselectedAlpha.
When I select an item (using click or pad) image are moved but they
take the alpha defined for (normally) the unselected image.

Do you have any idea ?

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[android-developers] Re: Webview / Container problem

2010-03-01 Thread arnouf
I know Mark, but for my needs it's required :-/

On Feb 28, 7:38 pm, Mark Murphy mmur...@commonsware.com wrote:
 arnouf wrote:
  Hi all,

  My program doesn't work correctly with Android 1.6 (running on Acer),
  it works correctly with others devices.

  Apparently, my xml view is not correctly understood with this device
  (or Android version).

  I've something like that
  inside a tabhost, containing a ViewFlipper
                                     android:id=@+id/headerOne /
                                     android:scrollbars=none /
                              footer pour ecouter et partager
  android:src=@drawable/ic_lock_silent_mode_off /
  android:src=@drawable/ic_menu_share /


  With Android 2.1 all is ok, but with Android 1.6 I've a second
  scrollbars displayed (one for webview another for the scrollview), my
  last relativelayout covers the webview which is not displayed

  I know that an issue was extisting with Android 1.5...I tried a lot of
  things and I don't have a correct interface.

 You should not put scrollable items (e.g., WebView) in a ScrollView.

 Mark Murphy (a Commons 

 Android App Developer Books:http://commonsware.com/books

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[android-developers] Webview / Container problem

2010-02-28 Thread arnouf
Hi all,

My program doesn't work correctly with Android 1.6 (running on Acer),
it works correctly with others devices.

Apparently, my xml view is not correctly understood with this device
(or Android version).

I've something like that
inside a tabhost, containing a ViewFlipper
android:id=@+id/headerOne /
android:scrollbars=none /
 footer pour ecouter et partager






android:src=@drawable/ic_lock_silent_mode_off /




android:src=@drawable/ic_menu_share /


With Android 2.1 all is ok, but with Android 1.6 I've a second
scrollbars displayed (one for webview another for the scrollview), my
last relativelayout covers the webview which is not displayed

I know that an issue was extisting with Android 1.5...I tried a lot of
things and I don't have a correct interface.

Any idea ?

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[android-developers] Re: ImageView can't be clicked... help!

2010-02-28 Thread arnouf
Try View.OnClickListener and not DialogInterface.OnClickListener which
must be used for a dialogbox

On Feb 28, 6:41 pm, Kofa elk...@gmail.com wrote:
 I tried several times to make it work... i tried searching on google
 but works for everyone but not for me

 Can anyone tell me how to make an image clickable?? i mean, I tried to
 use onClickListener and onClick but nothing seems to work
 onClickListener is always underlined and the error says:
 The type new DialogInterface.OnClickListener(){} must implement the
 inherited abstract method
 DialogInterface.OnClickListener.onClick(DialogInterface, int)


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[android-developers] WebView in ListView

2010-01-20 Thread arnouf
Hi all,

I would like to put a webview for each line of my ListView.

I've two issues :
- how can I a transparent background for the webview (by default
- I can't select an item of the list (the webview seems to keep the
focus and selection for her)

Thanks by advance for your help.

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[android-developers] Playing video and which is not supported by the GL

2010-01-20 Thread arnouf
Hi all,

I used a small component to play video from remote content. My code
works correctly with Android 1.5 and 1.6.
I'm testing with 2.0.1 and 2.1, and I get the following error...

Why I get this error now for these new versions ? Thanks for your help

01-20 13:52:33.320: ERROR/SW_DEC(31): PV SW DECODER is used for MPEG4
01-20 13:52:34.453: DEBUG/dalvikvm(53): GC freed 3727 objects / 209448
bytes in 242ms
01-20 13:52:37.973: INFO/PlayerDriver(31): buffering (28)
01-20 13:52:38.094: ERROR/SurfaceFlinger(53): layer 0x334460,
texture=12, using format 87, which is not supported by the GL
01-20 13:52:38.785: ERROR/SurfaceFlinger(53): layer 0x334460,
texture=12, using format 114, which is not supported by the GL
01-20 13:52:38.873: ERROR/SurfaceFlinger(53): layer 0x334460,
texture=12, using format 116, which is not supported by the GL
01-20 13:52:38.894: ERROR/SurfaceFlinger(53): layer 0x334460,
texture=12, using format 114, which is not supported by the GL
01-20 13:52:38.934: ERROR/SurfaceFlinger(53): layer 0x334460,
texture=12, using format 116, which is not supported by the GL
01-20 13:52:39.063: ERROR/SurfaceFlinger(53): layer 0x334460,
texture=12, using format 114, which is not supported by the GL
01-20 13:52:39.084: ERROR/SurfaceFlinger(53): layer 0x334460,
texture=12, using format 116, which is not supported by the GL
01-20 13:52:39.253: ERROR/SurfaceFlinger(53): layer 0x334460,
texture=12, using format 114, which is not supported by the GL
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[android-developers] Nexus One : where is this resources ?

2010-01-20 Thread arnouf
Hi all,

My program works correctly on 1.5 and 1.6 (emulator + device)
it works too with Android 2.0.1 and 2.1 on emulator.

But on Nexus One, I get the following error :
Caused by: java.io.FileNotFoundException: res/drawable-hdpi/

Any idea ?
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[android-developers] MediaPlayer : detect buffering event

2010-01-10 Thread arnouf

I don't find a solution to detect that a video is blocked when is
buffering content.
I try to add listener on MediaPlayer object but only onBufferingUpdate
is called. It's always called when a video is playing (normal is
But I don't find an event or a method indicating that the video is
stopped because buffer is not sufficient.

Do you know how can I detect it ?

Thanks by advance
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[android-developers] TabActivity access

2010-01-07 Thread arnouf
Hi all,

I've a tabactivity containing 4 activity.

can I call method or attributes present in TabActivity from an
activity displayed ?

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[android-developers] Re: com.android.camera replaced by com.motorola.camera

2010-01-04 Thread arnouf
Thanks to all for this discussion :)

And happy new year !

On 1 jan, 20:23, jotobjects jotobje...@gmail.com wrote:
 Thanks very much.  This best practice outline is worthy of an
 official Android blog.

 Otherwise developers are going to come up with their own
 misunderstandings (like assuming the com.android.camera component will
 always be there - not a terribly unreasonable assumption although it
 violated the rule against depending on classes outside android.jar).

 Two followup questions about intent resolution - It is unclear to me
 why the browser was chosen (we don't know what URI was actually
 supplied). The API doc for android.content.Intent says where no
 explicit type is included in the Intent, instead the scheme of the
 intent data ... is considered.  In this case the type WAS included.
 So is it correct to say the scheme would NOT be considered in the
 resolution?  Second question: If there is more than on matching intent
 filter doesn't the platform put up a chooser automatically (seems like
 I saw that somewhere)?

 Happy New Year.

 On Dec 31 2009, 6:45 pm, Mark Murphy mmur...@commonsware.com wrote:

  jotobjects wrote:
   On Dec 30, 8:39 am, Mark Murphy mmur...@commonsware.com wrote:
   Mark Murphy wrote:
   The intent filter you are trying to match is:
      action android:name=android.intent.action.VIEW /
      category android:name=android.intent.category.DEFAULT /
      data android:mimeType=video/* /
   Actually, to clarify: that's an intent filter for the built-in video
   player (out of the Camera app). One hopes that most devices have some
   app that supports a similar filter.

   What is the best way to find out how the intent should be configured?

  Magic 8-Ball.

  (Do I need an extra on this Intent? Signs point to no)


   Is going to the source code for the camera app and looking at the
   manifest the best or only way?

  It's one starting point, to be certain.

  In this case, it's using a standard action (ACTION_VIEW) and a
  reasonable-looking MIME type. One would hope that there will be 1+
  applications on the device that support viewing that MIME type. As it
  turns out, there are 2+ in Android proper, as the OP reported that the
  Browser handled the request, probably based on scheme.

  You'll note that ACTION_VIEW of video/mpeg is not documented in the SDK
  anywhere, at least that I can find. This means that it is possible that
  a given device may have 0 apps that can support it, if some future
  Android edition modifies or drops the intent filter, or if some OEM
  messes around too much. That's the reason for my tell the client there
  is no default video player answer from earlier today, because,
  technically, there *isn't* a default video player, at least not one
  that's part of the SDK contract.

   Would you still have to test every
   device to see if it works with the video viewer app on that device.

  That depends a bit on what you want to do and how you want to do it.

  Given an Intent, you can use methods on PackageManager to figure out if
  there is anything that would satisfy that Intent. So, if the feature is
  optional, you could use that to disable a menu choice or button or
  something, so the user couldn't attempt to use something that would fail.

  Similarly, you can use createChooser() to deal with the case of 2+ apps
  thinking they can handle the Intent (e.g., email or GMail or SMS or
  Twidroid for an ACTION_SEND of text/plain).

  If, however, the feature is mandatory (i.e., your app can't run without
  it), you're better served trying to handle it yourself, at least as a
  fallback option. For example, the OP could implement a simple video
  player using VideoView and only resort to using it on devices that fail
  to offer anything that can ACTION_VIEW a video/mpeg.

  Where things get icky is if there is some device or app that does
  support ACTION_VIEW of a video/mpeg URL, but its support is broken
  somehow. This is not significantly different than a desktop OS video
  player not necessarily having the right codecs to play back such-and-so
  video content, and there's no great answer for that case, either.

  Intents and MIME types are not significantly different concepts from
  their equivalents in desktop OSes. We think that Android should know how
  to play video because we see our desktops able to play video from a URL.
  However, at the same time, those of us who don't use Windows much are
  used to the notion that certain things can't readily be viewed (e.g.,
  link to a Microsoft Access database), MIME type or not. Just as savvy
  developers try to make their desktop or Web applications deal with
  varying end user support for different MIME types, so should Android

  Now, it would be really cool if Google stepped up and declared a more
  extensive list of Intent actions and Uri/MIME types that all Android
  devices should support. That would go a long way towards 

[android-developers] Re: com.android.camera replaced by com.motorola.camera

2009-12-31 Thread arnouf
Thanks Romain and Mark.
My fault...yes you're right Romain, but what is the percentage of
private API in Android ?
Globally, in future, we can be sure that some application can't work
correctly if each manufacturer do everything in their private API.
Android can become the next J2ME ?

My vision is wrong, true or neither both ?

On Dec 30, 7:25 pm, Romain Guy romain...@android.com wrote:
  Thanks for this help and this experience gives me some doubt about
  android futur :(

 You are using a private API. There's no guarantee all devices will
 have the same class available. Even Google Experience devices might
 rename this class after a refactoring at some point in the future.
 Whenever your application depends on private APIs and/or resources,
 it's entirely your fault if it breaks on a different device or with a
 new version of the OS.

 Romain Guy
 Android framework engineer

 Note: please don't send private questions to me, as I don't have time
 to provide private support.  All such questions should be posted on
 public forums, where I and others can see and answer them

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[android-developers] Re: inflate layout crashes after animation

2009-12-31 Thread arnouf
Yes I know...
I use this same file earlier to load my view (before launching
How can I help you to give you more information ?

Best and thanks again !

On Dec 30, 7:28 pm, Romain Guy romain...@android.com wrote:
 Your stack trace does not contain the root cause. At the bottom of
 your log you can see:

 2-30 10:57:21.785: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(1347): Caused by:
 android.view.InflateException: Binary XML file line #21: Error
 inflating class java.lang.reflect.Constructor

 Following should be the actual exception.

 On Wed, Dec 30, 2009 at 3:02 AM,arnoufarnaud.far...@gmail.com wrote:

  I do an animation moving a webview outside the screen. on Animation
  end event, I'm trying to recreate a view containing a webview (using
  layoutinflater) but I've always the following error and I don't
  understand why.
  This method is called to display the content before the animation.
  It's the same method called to rebuild the screen.

  LayoutInflater layout = getLayoutInflater();
  RelativeLayout convertViewDetails = (RelativeLayout) layout.inflate(
                                 R.layout.layout_photo, null);
  mCurrentLayout.addView(convertViewDetails, 0);
  String htmlCode = my html code;
  ((WebView) convertViewDetails.findViewById(R.id.imgPhotoView))
                                 .loadData(htmlCode, text/html, utf-8);

  ((WebView) convertViewDetails.findViewById(R.id.imgPhotoView))

  The (long) exception
  12-30 10:57:21.785: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(1347):
  android.view.InflateException: Binary XML file line #7: Error
  inflating class java.lang.reflect.Constructor
  12-30 10:57:21.785: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(1347):     at
  12-30 10:57:21.785: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(1347):     at
  12-30 10:57:21.785: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(1347):     at
  12-30 10:57:21.785: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(1347):     at
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  12-30 10:57:21.785: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(1347):     at
  12-30 10:57:21.785: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(1347):     at
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  12-30 10:57:21.785: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(1347):     at
  12-30 10:57:21.785: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(1347):     at
  12-30 10:57:21.785: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(1347):     at
  12-30 10:57:21.785: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(1347):     at
  12-30 10:57:21.785: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(1347):     at
  12-30 10:57:21.785: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(1347):     at
  12-30 10:57:21.785: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(1347):     at
  12-30 10:57:21.785: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(1347):     at
  12-30 10:57:21.785: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(1347):     at
  12-30 10:57:21.785: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(1347):     at
  12-30 10:57:21.785: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(1347):     at
  12-30 10:57:21.785: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(1347):     at
  12-30 10:57:21.785: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(1347):     at
  12-30 10:57:21.785: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(1347):     at
  12-30 10:57:21.785: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(1347):     at
  12-30 10:57:21.785: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(1347):     at
  12-30 10:57:21.785: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(1347):     at
  12-30 10:57:21.785: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(1347):     at
  12-30 10:57:21.785: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(1347):     at

[android-developers] Re: com.android.camera replaced by com.motorola.camera

2009-12-31 Thread arnouf
Hi Mark,

I did it before, but my client want use the default Video player...

On Dec 30, 6:24 pm, Mark Murphy mmur...@commonsware.com wrote:
  Thanks Mark.
  Now it's working but the default browser is opened before to launch
  the camera viewer...Not terrible :(

 If the videoLink is an HTTP URL, that's not terribly surprising.

  Thanks for this help and this experience gives me some doubt about
  android futur :(

 Adding a video player to your application takes 33 lines of code,
 including package declaration, imports, and activity class
 implementation (but not including one line in AndroidManifest.xml to
 declare it):


 Please just add this to your app.

 Mark Murphy (a Commons 

 _The Busy Coder's Guide to *Advanced* Android Development_
 Version 1.3 Available!

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[android-developers] inflate layout crashes after animation

2009-12-30 Thread arnouf

I do an animation moving a webview outside the screen. on Animation
end event, I'm trying to recreate a view containing a webview (using
layoutinflater) but I've always the following error and I don't
understand why.
This method is called to display the content before the animation.
It's the same method called to rebuild the screen.

LayoutInflater layout = getLayoutInflater();
RelativeLayout convertViewDetails = (RelativeLayout) layout.inflate(
R.layout.layout_photo, null);
mCurrentLayout.addView(convertViewDetails, 0);
String htmlCode = my html code;
((WebView) convertViewDetails.findViewById(R.id.imgPhotoView))
.loadData(htmlCode, text/html, utf-8);

((WebView) convertViewDetails.findViewById(R.id.imgPhotoView))

The (long) exception
12-30 10:57:21.785: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(1347):
android.view.InflateException: Binary XML file line #7: Error
inflating class java.lang.reflect.Constructor
12-30 10:57:21.785: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(1347): at
12-30 10:57:21.785: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(1347): at
12-30 10:57:21.785: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(1347): at
12-30 10:57:21.785: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(1347): at
12-30 10:57:21.785: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(1347): at
12-30 10:57:21.785: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(1347): at
12-30 10:57:21.785: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(1347): at
12-30 10:57:21.785: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(1347): at
12-30 10:57:21.785: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(1347): at
12-30 10:57:21.785: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(1347): at
12-30 10:57:21.785: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(1347): at
12-30 10:57:21.785: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(1347): at
12-30 10:57:21.785: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(1347): at
12-30 10:57:21.785: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(1347): at
12-30 10:57:21.785: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(1347): at
12-30 10:57:21.785: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(1347): at
12-30 10:57:21.785: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(1347): at
12-30 10:57:21.785: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(1347): at
12-30 10:57:21.785: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(1347): at
12-30 10:57:21.785: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(1347): at
12-30 10:57:21.785: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(1347): at
12-30 10:57:21.785: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(1347): at
12-30 10:57:21.785: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(1347): at
12-30 10:57:21.785: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(1347): at
12-30 10:57:21.785: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(1347): at
12-30 10:57:21.785: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(1347): at
12-30 10:57:21.785: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(1347): at
12-30 10:57:21.785: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(1347): at
12-30 10:57:21.785: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(1347): at
12-30 10:57:21.785: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(1347): at
12-30 10:57:21.785: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(1347): at
12-30 10:57:21.785: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(1347): at
12-30 10:57:21.785: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(1347): at
12-30 10:57:21.785: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(1347): at

[android-developers] com.android.camera replaced by com.motorola.camera

2009-12-30 Thread arnouf
Hi all,

My app use camera function. I implemented it using the small code
Intent intentVideo = new Intent();
intentVideo.setComponent(new ComponentName(com.android.camera,

But running on A motorola dext I get an exception...normal
com.android.camera is replaced com.motorola.camera and MovieView by

Ennoying ! Is it possible to call a camera viewer without call
specifically the class and package ? (it's to read a streaming video).


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[android-developers] Re: com.android.camera replaced by com.motorola.camera

2009-12-30 Thread arnouf
Thanks Mark.
Now it's working but the default browser is opened before to launch
the camera viewer...Not terrible :(
Thanks for this help and this experience gives me some doubt about
android futur :(

On Dec 30, 5:37 pm, Mark Murphy mmur...@commonsware.com wrote:
 arnouf wrote:
  Hi all,

  My app use camera function. I implemented it using the small code
  Intent intentVideo = new Intent();
  intentVideo.setComponent(new ComponentName(com.android.camera,

  But running on A motorola dext I get an exception...normal
  com.android.camera is replaced com.motorola.camera and MovieView by

 That's what happens when you try to reference things that aren't in the
 SDK. Device manufacturers are welcome to replace those things to their
 heart's content:


  Ennoying ! Is it possible to call a camera viewer without call
  specifically the class and package ? (it's to read a streaming video).

 Rather than:


 try using a fully-qualified MIME type (e.g., video/mpeg) with no
 wildcard, and add the DEFAULT category.

 The intent filter you are trying to match is:

         action android:name=android.intent.action.VIEW /
         category android:name=android.intent.category.DEFAULT /
         data android:mimeType=video/* /

 Mark Murphy (a Commons 

 Android Training in US: 22-26 February 2010:http://onlc.com

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[android-developers] Inflating error after animation run

2009-12-29 Thread arnouf
Hi all,

I apply an animation on my current displayed layout. I set an
animation listener. When animation is ended, I'm trying to load a
layout, using inflater, inside the current layout. But I've always the
following error :
ERROR/AndroidRuntime(2315): android.view.InflateException: Binary XML
file line #7: Error inflating class java.lang.reflect.Constructor

Do you know if I can call a callback to check if the current layout is
loaded correctly before to call gatLayoutinflater ?

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[android-developers] Detect top position of a view

2009-12-24 Thread arnouf
Hi all,

In my program, I'm adding different views using a loop inside a
I need to find the top position of each added view. I tried to
retrieve this position using method top but I find always 0.

Do you know how can I do this (if it's possible of course !).

Regards and thank you by advance.

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[android-developers] OptionMenu and themes/styles

2009-12-23 Thread arnouf
Hi all,

Merry christmas :)

Do you know if it's possible to apply a theme or a style on a
OptionMenu ?
I don't find tag in R.style or R.styleable to customize it and apply a

Thanks by advance for your help.


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[android-developers] Re: OptionMenu and themes/styles

2009-12-23 Thread arnouf
Hi Mark,

I kept a hope...But now it's clear :)

On 23 déc, 14:48, Mark Murphy mmur...@commonsware.com wrote:
 arnouf wrote:
  Do you know if it's possible to apply a theme or a style on a
  OptionMenu ?

 Not that I am aware of. The look of an option menu is determined by the
 system, not by an activity.

 Mark Murphy (a Commons 

 Android App Developer Books:http://commonsware.com/books

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[android-developers] Strange behaviour with animation in tabhost

2009-12-09 Thread arnouf
Hi all,

I've a strange issue related an animation loaded automatically
building the content of a Tabhost : start is called correctly bu there
is no animation !

The goal is to load an animation when user is on the first tab of a
list of 4 different tabs.

I created an xml file describing my tabhost. Each tab contains a
relativelayout. In the first relativelayout, included in the first
tab, I added an ImageView component.

I created an XML file describing my animation in /res/anim
animation-list xmlns:android=http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/
android:oneshot=false android:visible=true
item android:drawable=@drawable/imgone android:duration=800 /

item android:drawable=@drawable/imgwo android:duration=800 /
item android:drawable=@drawable/imgthree
android:duration=800 /

To load this animation and apply it on my ImageView, I load the layout
in my activity and apply on TabHost a listener OnTabChangeListener.
If the selected tab is the first I do following code :
ImageView compteurView = (ImageView) findViewById(R.id.animcompteur);
AnimationDrawable animationCompteur = (AnimationDrawable)

At the end of my onCreate method in my Activity, I do a setcurrenttab
(0). My listener code is called correctly (debug mode) and even if
start is called, my view doesn't display the animation (just the first
image). If I go on another tab and come back on the first (index 0),
animation is started correctly.

I hope that these explanation will be sufficient to understand my

Thanks by advance for your help.

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[android-developers] Android bug : impossible to load animationdrawable with tabhost

2009-12-09 Thread arnouf
yesterday I post this :

but today this problem is not resolved and I think that the problem is
an issue between TanHost component and Animationdrawable.

I tried a lot of thing, but the start() method makes nothing. The
first drawable is displayed and that's all.

I would like to know if somebody can do a test to confirm it, I'll
post a bug just after. Thanks a lot.

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[android-developers] Re: Android bug : impossible to load animationdrawable with tabhost

2009-12-09 Thread arnouf
Apparently this is a bug. It should be fixed with Android 2.0.1.

On 9 déc, 20:42, arnouf arnaud.far...@gmail.com wrote:
 yesterday I post this 

 but today this problem is not resolved and I think that the problem is
 an issue between TanHost component and Animationdrawable.

 I tried a lot of thing, but the start() method makes nothing. The
 first drawable is displayed and that's all.

 I would like to know if somebody can do a test to confirm it, I'll
 post a bug just after. Thanks a lot.

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[android-developers] Re: Encoding for MP4 progressive download

2009-12-07 Thread arnouf
Hi Mark,

Just for your info, the link
is not available anymore.


On Dec 6, 12:09 pm, Mark Murphy mmur...@commonsware.com wrote:
  Yesterday I found a problem to load a remote MP4 file (video).
  Apparently, the file must have a specific format to be read from a
  remote server (using http).

  This post :

  explains that the file must have a specific format, related moov and
  mdat atoms to be readed correctly.

  So, do you know how to convert a vid correctly with the progressive
  feature and use it in my application ?

  Best regards and thanks by advance for your help.

 mp4box -hint mediafile.mp4

 Where MP4Box binaries for Linux/OS X/Windows are available from:


 This looks like an excellent post on the subject, along with how to set up
 Darwin Streaming Server and related bits:


 Here's some more links that may help:


 Mark Murphy (a Commons Guy)http://commonsware.com
 Android App Developer Books:http://commonsware.com/books.html

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[android-developers] Re: Emulator on Linux 10 times slower than on Windows

2009-12-07 Thread arnouf
I had this problem with Ubuntu 8.10, two things :
- check that you're using the good environment x86 / 64
- use preferly the SUN JDK 1.6  to compile Android development (you
can use the JDK 1.5 to work with sources).

Today I'm using a bipro intel, 4Gb, Ubuntu 9.10 and SUN JDK
and performance are really good.


On Dec 7, 5:49 pm, Michael MacDonald googlec...@antlersoft.com
 I've had bad Linux/hardware interactions with the emulator from audio.
 The emulator AFAIK uses the SDL audio libraries.  Try starting the
 emulator from the command line with the -noaudio flag and see if that
 works better.

 brian.schim...@googlemail.com wrote:
  To answer your questions:
  I was using Ubuntu two different hardware setups, both had 2 GB Ram
  installed, about 75% of which was free. See below for an output of

  As far as I can tell (that is, as far as java -version tells me),
  I'm using Sun's Java:

  java version 1.6.0_16
  Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_16-b01)
  Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 14.2-b01, mixed mode, sharing)

  But I think this wouldn't matter anyway, because the Android Emulator
  is based on Quemu which is native software, not Java. Or am I missing

  To make things even stranger than they were before, I removed my hard
  disk and attached it to yet another computer, which normally should
  perform about equally to the two systems I was using before, despite
  it only has 1 GB of Ram. I'm booting my Ubuntu from the hard disk
  attached via USB, and here everything runs smoothly, including the
  emulator. Even with method tracing turned on, performance is ok and
  very comparable to what I was used to have on XP.

  So the conclusion would be, that my first hardware setup can't be the
  bottleneck, since it runs the emulator fine under XP, and that my
  Ubuntu configuration can't be the bottleneck, since it runs the
  emulator fine on the third hardware configuration. Too bad that the
  first computer is broken now, and the third one doesn't belong to me,
  and the second one performs badly under ubuntu and currently has no

  Just for completeness, here's the output of free, made on that nice
  third computer which runs it just fine:
               total       used       free     shared    buffers
  Mem:       1017192     971392      45800          0      18844
  -/+ buffers/cache:     642036     375156
  Swap:      2441840     218892    948

  On 5 Dez., 17:23, theSmith chris.smith...@gmail.com wrote:

  My emulators behave just fine under 9.10 Karmic Kola, unless I start
  method tracing, then it really slows down.
   Are you using the java sun jdk and not the open jdk?

  On Dec 5, 11:12 am, Mark Murphy mmur...@commonsware.com wrote:

  I'm using a dual boot configuration with Windows XP and Ubuntu 9.04.
  On XP, the emualtor is somehow slower than a real G1 device, but it's
  completely ok.

  But on Ubuntu, the emulator is unusable slow. Note that other programs
  run just fine under my ubuntu. I have no exact measurements, but I
  think the emulator about 10 times slower than on Windows. Installing a
  small app takes more than 2 minutes, starting an app sometimes takes
  over 2 minutes, returning to the home screen takes up to 40 seconds,
  and there is not a single click I can do that takes less than 2
  seconds to trigger some kind of reaction. I get around 2 fps at most,
  no matter what I do.

  I am writing this email on a notebook, dual-boot Vista and Ubuntu 9.04,
  and if anything, the Ubuntu emulator is a bit faster.

  Also, I noticed that under heavy usage of the emulator, the usage of
  my real CPU never went above 30%.

  Is there any explanation for this slowness on Ubuntu? Or even a way to
  further investigate where the bottleneck might be?

  How much RAM do you have? What is the output of running 'free' in Ubuntu
  from a shell?

  Mark Murphy (a Commons Guy)http://commonsware.com
  Android App Developer Books:http://commonsware.com/books.html

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[android-developers] strategy to keep a scale after an animation

2009-12-07 Thread arnouf
hi all,

I'm trying to keep on screen the last view after an animation.
An animation is started to scale a view and I want to keep the scale
after the animation (by default, an animation replace the view as it

if you have idea or quick solution, let me know.

Thanks by advance.


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[android-developers] Encoding for MP4 progressive download

2009-12-06 Thread arnouf
Hi all,

Yesterday I found a problem to load a remote MP4 file (video).
Apparently, the file must have a specific format to be read from a
remote server (using http).

This post :

explains that the file must have a specific format, related moov and
mdat atoms to be readed correctly.

So, do you know how to convert a vid correctly with the progressive
feature and use it in my application ?

Best regards and thanks by advance for your help.

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Groups Android Developers group.
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[android-developers] Re: Encoding for MP4 progressive download

2009-12-06 Thread arnouf
Thanks Mark.
I'm going to read information about different progressive streaming.



On Dec 6, 12:09 pm, Mark Murphy mmur...@commonsware.com wrote:
  Yesterday I found a problem to load a remote MP4 file (video).
  Apparently, the file must have a specific format to be read from a
  remote server (using http).

  This post :

  explains that the file must have a specific format, related moov and
  mdat atoms to be readed correctly.

  So, do you know how to convert a vid correctly with the progressive
  feature and use it in my application ?

  Best regards and thanks by advance for your help.

 mp4box -hint mediafile.mp4

 Where MP4Box binaries for Linux/OS X/Windows are available from:


 This looks like an excellent post on the subject, along with how to set up
 Darwin Streaming Server and related bits:


 Here's some more links that may help:


 Mark Murphy (a Commons Guy)http://commonsware.com
 Android App Developer Books:http://commonsware.com/books.html

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Groups Android Developers group.
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[android-developers] Opening Mediaplayer = PVPlayer stacktrace !

2009-12-05 Thread arnouf
Hi all,

I'm trying to display a remote video (mp4 format). When I launch
prepare (or prepareSync), Android is crashing (see log view after my
piece of code). I tried with emulator, ADP1 and Hero...
Thanks by advance for your help
mPlayer = new MediaPlayer();
mPlayer.setDataSource(this, mVideoUri); //mVideoUri is a remote http
I tried a lot of thing...but this my last code !
public void onBufferingUpdate(MediaPlayer mp, int percent) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
Log.e(ee,  + percent);
if (percent==20) mp.start();

12-05 17:50:11.571: DEBUG/MediaPlayerService(37): player type = 1
12-05 17:50:11.681: INFO/PVPlayer(37):  [34m   ++
PVPlayer constructor num 0[0m
12-05 17:50:13.171: INFO/DEBUG(6245): *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
*** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
12-05 17:50:13.181: INFO/DEBUG(6245): Build fingerprint: 'htc_wwe/
12-05 17:50:13.181: INFO/DEBUG(6245): pid: 6824, tid: 6824  
12-05 17:50:13.181: INFO/DEBUG(6245): signal 11 (SIGSEGV), fault addr
12-05 17:50:13.181: INFO/DEBUG(6245):  r0 bed0d464  r1 0001  r2
a770  r3 
12-05 17:50:13.181: INFO/DEBUG(6245):  r4 000c  r5 bed0d460  r6
bed0d430  r7 bed0d400
12-05 17:50:13.181: INFO/DEBUG(6245):  r8 bed0d4b8  r9 41049d2c  10
41049d18  fp 
12-05 17:50:13.181: INFO/DEBUG(6245):  ip a9d46ce8  sp bed0d3f0  lr
a9d26367  pc ab222b9a  cpsr 8030
12-05 17:50:13.231: INFO/CheckinService(63): From server: Intent
{ action=android.server.checkin.FOTA_CANCEL }
12-05 17:50:13.361: INFO/DEBUG(6245):  #00  pc 00022b9a  /
12-05 17:50:13.371: INFO/DEBUG(6245):  #01  pc 0001ffc4  /
12-05 17:50:13.371: INFO/DEBUG(6245):  #02  pc 44cc  /
12-05 17:50:13.381: INFO/DEBUG(6245):  #03  pc e434  /
12-05 17:50:13.381: INFO/DEBUG(6245):  #04  pc 00040b0a  /
12-05 17:50:13.391: INFO/DEBUG(6245):  #05  pc 00013198  /
12-05 17:50:13.391: INFO/DEBUG(6245):  #06  pc 00017b9c  /
12-05 17:50:13.391: INFO/DEBUG(6245):  #07  pc 000175e0  /
12-05 17:50:13.391: INFO/DEBUG(6245):  #08  pc 00052558  /
12-05 17:50:13.401: INFO/DEBUG(6245):  #09  pc 00059a7a  /
12-05 17:50:13.411: INFO/DEBUG(6245):  #10  pc 00013198  /
12-05 17:50:13.411: INFO/DEBUG(6245):  #11  pc 00017b9c  /
12-05 17:50:13.411: INFO/DEBUG(6245):  #12  pc 000175e0  /
12-05 17:50:13.421: INFO/DEBUG(6245):  #13  pc 000523dc  /
12-05 17:50:13.421: INFO/DEBUG(6245):  #14  pc 0003f178  /
12-05 17:50:13.431: INFO/DEBUG(6245):  #15  pc 0002aeb0  /
12-05 17:50:13.441: INFO/DEBUG(6245):  #16  pc 0002b9ae  /
12-05 17:50:13.441: INFO/DEBUG(6245):  #17  pc 8bf2  /
12-05 17:50:13.451: INFO/DEBUG(6245):  #18  pc 0001fd22  /
12-05 17:50:13.451: INFO/DEBUG(6245):  #19  pc bcb2  /
12-05 17:50:13.461: INFO/DEBUG(6245):  #20  pc b000157e  /
12-05 17:50:13.461: INFO/DEBUG(6245): stack:
12-05 17:50:13.461: INFO/DEBUG(6245): bed0d3b0  
12-05 17:50:13.461: INFO/DEBUG(6245): bed0d3b4  001dd05c  [heap]
12-05 17:50:13.461: INFO/DEBUG(6245): bed0d3b8  001dd05c  [heap]
12-05 17:50:13.461: INFO/DEBUG(6245): bed0d3bc  a9d32a73  /system/
12-05 17:50:13.471: INFO/DEBUG(6245): bed0d3c0  1aa8
12-05 17:50:13.471: INFO/DEBUG(6245): bed0d3c4  a780  [heap]
12-05 17:50:13.471: INFO/DEBUG(6245): bed0d3c8  
12-05 17:50:13.471: INFO/DEBUG(6245): bed0d3cc  000c
12-05 17:50:13.471: INFO/DEBUG(6245): bed0d3d0  a770  [heap]
12-05 17:50:13.471: INFO/DEBUG(6245): bed0d3d4  a9d26367  /system/
12-05 17:50:13.471: INFO/DEBUG(6245): bed0d3d8  bed0d400  [stack]
12-05 17:50:13.471: INFO/DEBUG(6245): bed0d3dc  bed0d464  [stack]
12-05 17:50:13.471: INFO/DEBUG(6245): bed0d3e0  bed0d460  [stack]
12-05 17:50:13.471: INFO/DEBUG(6245): bed0d3e4  a9d274bb  /system/
12-05 17:50:13.471: INFO/DEBUG(6245): bed0d3e8  df002777
12-05 17:50:13.471: INFO/DEBUG(6245): bed0d3ec  e3a070ad
12-05 17:50:13.481: INFO/DEBUG(6245): #00 bed0d3f0  00190001  [heap]
12-05 17:50:13.481: INFO/DEBUG(6245): bed0d3f4  a9d2e3bd  /system/
12-05 17:50:13.481: VERBOSE/CheckinService(63): Disabling timed

[android-developers] Re: Opening Mediaplayer = PVPlayer stacktrace !

2009-12-05 Thread arnouf
Hi Mark,
My SurfaceView is present in my layout (with height, width...). And it
loaded before to this piece of code.
What do you means by Is your SurfaceView prepared by the time?


On Dec 5, 6:00 pm, Mark Murphy mmur...@commonsware.com wrote:
  I'm trying to display a remote video (mp4 format). When I launch
  prepare (or prepareSync), Android is crashing (see log view after my
  piece of code). I tried with emulator, ADP1 and Hero...
  Thanks by advance for your help
  mPlayer = new MediaPlayer();
  mPlayer.setDataSource(this, mVideoUri); //mVideoUri is a remote http
  I tried a lot of thing...but this my last code !
  public void onBufferingUpdate(MediaPlayer mp, int percent) {
             // TODO Auto-generated method stub
             Log.e(ee,  + percent);
             if (percent==20) mp.start();

 Is your SurfaceView prepared by the time you call
 mPlayer.setDisplay(mHolder); ?

 Here is a sample project supporting HTTP-based video streams played by
 MediaPlayer on a SurfaceView:


 Mark Murphy (a Commons Guy)http://commonsware.com
 Android App Developer Books:http://commonsware.com/books.html

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[android-developers] Re: Opening Mediaplayer = PVPlayer stacktrace !

2009-12-05 Thread arnouf
I already had this issue ... but ... I don't remember how I fixed
it :-/
I'm going to follow your advice and post it when all is ok.
Thanks mark
NB : you're book is available in France sinc Dec-4, its name L'art du
développement Android !

On Dec 5, 6:15 pm, Mark Murphy mmur...@commonsware.com wrote:
  My SurfaceView is present in my layout (with height, width...). And it
  loaded before to this piece of code.
  What do you means by Is your SurfaceView prepared by the time?

 No. Register a SurfaceHolder.Callback with your SurfaceHolder. Then, do
 not attempt to use the SurfaceView until the surfaceCreated() callback
 occurs in the SurfaceHolder.Callback.

 Now, in the vidtry sample I listed, I don't do that, because I don't
 attempt to load an MP4 file automatically. By the time the user enters a
 URL and clicks Go, the surface has been ready for quite a while.

 Mark Murphy (a Commons Guy)http://commonsware.com
 Android App Developer Books:http://commonsware.com/books.html

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[android-developers] Re: Opening Mediaplayer = PVPlayer stacktrace !

2009-12-05 Thread arnouf
ok I can display a remote video, but the problem is that the video is
completly loaded before starting :-/ I use the following example :
and I'm not sure that your example reads MP4 in streaming...Can you
confirme or infirm this ?


On 5 déc, 18:43, Mark Murphy mmur...@commonsware.com wrote:
  NB : you're book is available in France sinc Dec-4, its name L'art du
  d veloppement Android !

 C'est magnifique!

 (as I plumb the depths of my dozen or so memorized French expressions)

 Mark Murphy (a Commons Guy)http://commonsware.com
 Android App Developer Books:http://commonsware.com/books.html

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[android-developers] Re: Opening Mediaplayer = PVPlayer stacktrace !

2009-12-05 Thread arnouf
Ok I understood the problem...The file format.
Reading this thread

I learned that a file containing a header with mdat can't be readed in
streaming. The file that I'm trying to read contains this famous mdat
blocking the steaming. The test file that you give, doesn't contain it
before the moov (even if I get another error message : 12-05
20:28:03.421: ERROR/PlayerDriver(37): Command PLAYER_INIT completed
with an error or info PVMFErrResource, error (1, -17)).

Thanks for your help. I think that I have to cancel my idea or to
develop my own way to stream video file :(


On Dec 5, 7:35 pm, Mark Murphy mmur...@commonsware.com wrote:
  ok I can display a remote video, but the problem is that the video is
  completly loaded before starting :-/ I use the following example :
  and I'm not sure that your example reads MP4 in streaming...Can you
  confirme or infirm this ?

 If I am the your in I'm not sure that your example reads MP4 in
 streaming, then, yes, the vidtry sample I linked to earlier accepts HTTP
 URLs for MP4 files. Presumably, it'd work with RTSP as well, but I don't
 have any sample RTSP links.

 You are welcome to try this URL:


 It's a Google I/O conference video with the appropriate MP4 file hinting
 to make it safe for streaming. It worked with vidtry the last time I
 tested it.

 Mark Murphy (a Commons Guy)http://commonsware.com
 Android App Developer Books:http://commonsware.com/books.html

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[android-developers] Re: Opening Mediaplayer = PVPlayer stacktrace !

2009-12-05 Thread arnouf
The problem (initially explain in this thread) should be related to a
bad parameter in my surfaceview). Like I change a lot of time my code
I didn't notice exactly...Sorry. But I think that is was the callback

Yes I check your file and the moov atom is in first. My file no :(

I'm started to watch the video of Google I/O (thx...google provides a
lot of really interesting videos about android, but my free time is
really small ).

Thanks again, mark. If i find a solution to read correctly a mp4 file
in streaming (because it works correctly in local !), I'll push to you
my code :)

On Dec 5, 8:39 pm, Mark Murphy mmur...@commonsware.com wrote:
  Ok I understood the problem...The file format.

 AFAIK, the file format issue will not cause a core-dump-style crash like
 the one you posted at the top of this thread. Instead, you will get an
 error specifically about the video not being safe for streaming.

  Reading this thread

  I learned that a file containing a header with mdat can't be readed in

 No, a file can have an mdat atom. It just has to have an moov atom before
 the mdat atom. For example, on the file that I linked to, I ran MP4Box
 -hint on it to achieve this effect.

 A good source of information on all of this Dave Sparks' Google I/O


 Mark Murphy (a Commons Guy)http://commonsware.com
 Android App Developer Books:http://commonsware.com/books.html

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[android-developers] Re: what happened to my application's statistics?

2009-11-19 Thread arnouf
Apparently all download statistics have been reinitialized ??!!!

On 19 nov, 11:21, Éva Lovrencsics lovi...@gmail.com wrote:
 I don't understand it...
 Yesterday I had 860 downloads and today I have 400. Why?
 How can the number of downloads decrease?
 How can I find the real numbers?


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[android-developers] Pls help required ! : setPreviewCallBack - Bitmap

2009-11-18 Thread arnouf
hi all,

How can I convert the camera preview to a bitmap without use
Takepicture ? The goal is to analyze the colors present inside the
current preview.

When I try to create bitmap (50x50 pixels of the current view) the
result view is green with black lines. Apparently the preview uses the
YUV color and I have to translate it in RGB to create my bitmap. I'm
using a method found decodeYUV on this group:

Below my code and thanks by advance for your help

public void surfaceChanged(SurfaceHolder holder, int format, int
int height) {
Camera.Parameters parameters = mCamera.getParameters();
parameters.setPreviewSize(50, 50);

Camera.PreviewCallback mPreviewCallback = new Camera.PreviewCallback()
public void onPreviewFrame(byte[] data, Camera camera) {
int[] pixels = new int[50 * 50];
decodeYUV(pixels, data, 50, 50);
Bitmap bfInit = Bitmap.createBitmap(pixels, 50, 50,

if (bfInit != null) {

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[android-developers] Work with a part of CameraPreview

2009-11-17 Thread arnouf
Hi all,

I would like to retrieve the content display on a small part of a
camera preview, but I don't know how :-/

I create my surfaceview displaying the camera but after that, how can
I retrieve the data displayed inside this without taking a picture ?

Thanks by advance for your help.


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[android-developers] Bitmap and setPreviewCallBack

2009-11-17 Thread arnouf
Hi all,

I'm trying to generate a bitmap when camera is in preview mode
When I try to convert the current view to bitmap,the bitmap is always
Apparently it's a problem to convert YUV format to bitmap. I found a
method to convert a byte[] YUV to int[]RGB (here:
but I don't know how can I use to generate my bitmap using

Somebody can help me ?

Best and thanks by advance

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[android-developers] Re: Is your Android app on Archos Market ?

2009-11-13 Thread arnouf
Just a small update
We're translated our article at frandroid for english readers :

The official announcement should be happened today at appslib.com


On 9 nov, 13:27, Al Sutton a...@funkyandroid.com wrote:
 Responded to in android-discuss... please people can we move it off
 the -developers list as we're so far off topic its' probably just
 annoying many of the subscribers.


 On 9 Nov, 09:04, Charbax char...@gmail.com wrote:

  Slander and disparage doesn't have to use f-words and s-words.

  alsutton has coordinated constantArchosbashing on the archosfans
  forum since September 2nd until about October 15th when he first
  announced he was seeking legal advice.

  All things from:

  - Recommending that people not buy theArchos5 Internet Tablet in
  countless posts
  - Advertising for alternatives toArchos5 Internet Tablet in
  countless posts
  - Claiming to have inside knowledge from Google engineers that Google
  Marketplace and Google Apps would never be available onArchos5
  Internet Tablet in countless posts
  - Plenty of other trolling posting controversial, inflammatory,
  irrelevant and off-topic messages

  I'm looking forward to see the emails. I am sure alsutton was asking
  an unreasonably large payment to be the exclusive marketplace on the
  device. Probably his dream, to finally have an opportunity make some
  money on his marketplace project.

  On Nov 8, 4:15 pm, JP joachim.pfeif...@gmail.com wrote:

   On Nov 7, 11:25 pm, Fred Grott(Android 

   fred.gr...@gmail.com wrote:
Charbox your slander definition seems to be somewhat unique and

   Agreed. His coordinate system for slander and disparage could use some
   calibration, it seems.

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[android-developers] DDMS Screenshot and Archos 5 IT

2009-11-12 Thread arnouf
Hi all,

I'm trying to make a screenshot of an Archos 5 IT using DDMS (SDK 1.5
and 2.0) without success.
The screenshot is awful with a lot of yellow.

Do you have the same issue ? I would like to know if possible if this
issue is due ti an SDK problem or an Archos problem.


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[android-developers] Re: Archos gives away Android W VGA 4.8 Tablets for 1€ to developers in France

2009-11-11 Thread arnouf
Hi all,

This operation will be announced on appslib.com website before the end
of the week.
I post new information related to this operation
and I'll put the english version normally tomorrow (thursday, 12th
Waiting, try the google translation tools or click on link below



On 10 Nov, 01:51, Eric Wong (hdmp4.com) ericwon...@gmail.com
 Where is the Official Archos Press release for this?
 (can't find see anything from Archos...)

 I can't read french. Is this offer available for any Android
 developer? or only those in French?


 On Nov 9, 8:18 pm, Charbax char...@gmail.com wrote: At least, that's what 
 is being talked about in French 

  The concept being that for developers submitting at least one approved
  application tohttp://appslib.com, that developper can get a 228€
  rebate voucher code to his email and order the Archos 5 Internet
  Tablet with Android and 8GB storage then from Archos website.

  I do not know if Archos has some kinds of manual verification other
  than to check that the application works fine on 800x480 (and through
  HDMI 1280x720) screens, perhaps Archos also checks that the app is
  original and not automatically generated by non-coders using some
  kinds of Android app generators where you input an RSS feed and it
  automatically outputs a duplicated app that simply displays the
  contents from that RSS feed.

  I think this is a great idea for Archos, to try to get the attention
  from 1000 of the best Android developers, to submit their apps 
  tohttp://appslib.combecauseAndroid developers are often the most
  influential early-adopters. So if 1000 Android developers are
  impressed by the Archos 5 Internet Tablet, it may inspire them to
  develop more apps for WVGA medium density since Archos is the first
  and only 4.8 WVGA medium density Android product on the market. Also,
  having more apps, and having more developers enthusiastic about higher
  resolution Android development, will encourage more consumers to look
  into it.

  For now, only free apps are supported inhttp://appslib.com, but
  later paid apps will work as well. My suggestion would be for
  Marketplaces in general to offer a Premium subscription plan for
  around $3 per month or something like that, to offer full access to
  installing and updating Premium applications. This way developers can
  decide if they want to sell their apps or include them in the premium
  access plan, and as well if they want to offer a purchase rebate for
  premium access subscribers. This way, the developers of the most
  useful and most used apps would automatically get paid more from the
  premium subscription plan. Probably that many more users won't mind
  paying that unlimited premium access, pirates will probably not care
  to pirate anymore since premium access subscription would be so
  affordable and this way more money would be distributed to developers.
  This premium Android apps plan is though just my idea, I don't know if
  it has been suggested before.

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[android-developers] Re: Archos gives away Android W VGA 4.8 Tablets for 1€ to developers in France

2009-11-11 Thread arnouf

This operation is not only for france, but for all countries where
people can buy on the archos web shop : USA, Europe... I know that
some countries can't be participated (ex.: Australia...). Archos
should provide the list of country in their announcement for the end
of this week.


On 11 Nov, 10:40, arnouf arnaud.far...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hi all,

 This operation will be announced on appslib.com website before the end
 of the week.
 I post new information related to this 
 and I'll put the english version normally tomorrow (thursday, 12th
 Waiting, try the google translation tools or click on link 



 On 10 Nov, 01:51, Eric Wong (hdmp4.com) ericwon...@gmail.com

  Where is the Official Archos Press release for this?
  (can't find see anything from Archos...)

  I can't read french. Is this offer available for any Android
  developer? or only those in French?


  On Nov 9, 8:18 pm, Charbax char...@gmail.com wrote: At least, that's 
  what is being talked about in French 

   The concept being that for developers submitting at least one approved
   application tohttp://appslib.com, that developper can get a 228€
   rebate voucher code to his email and order the Archos 5 Internet
   Tablet with Android and 8GB storage then from Archos website.

   I do not know if Archos has some kinds of manual verification other
   than to check that the application works fine on 800x480 (and through
   HDMI 1280x720) screens, perhaps Archos also checks that the app is
   original and not automatically generated by non-coders using some
   kinds of Android app generators where you input an RSS feed and it
   automatically outputs a duplicated app that simply displays the
   contents from that RSS feed.

   I think this is a great idea for Archos, to try to get the attention
   from 1000 of the best Android developers, to submit their apps 
   tohttp://appslib.combecauseAndroiddevelopers are often the most
   influential early-adopters. So if 1000 Android developers are
   impressed by the Archos 5 Internet Tablet, it may inspire them to
   develop more apps for WVGA medium density since Archos is the first
   and only 4.8 WVGA medium density Android product on the market. Also,
   having more apps, and having more developers enthusiastic about higher
   resolution Android development, will encourage more consumers to look
   into it.

   For now, only free apps are supported inhttp://appslib.com, but
   later paid apps will work as well. My suggestion would be for
   Marketplaces in general to offer a Premium subscription plan for
   around $3 per month or something like that, to offer full access to
   installing and updating Premium applications. This way developers can
   decide if they want to sell their apps or include them in the premium
   access plan, and as well if they want to offer a purchase rebate for
   premium access subscribers. This way, the developers of the most
   useful and most used apps would automatically get paid more from the
   premium subscription plan. Probably that many more users won't mind
   paying that unlimited premium access, pirates will probably not care
   to pirate anymore since premium access subscription would be so
   affordable and this way more money would be distributed to developers.
   This premium Android apps plan is though just my idea, I don't know if
   it has been suggested before.

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[android-developers] Re: Is your Android app on Archos Market ?

2009-11-08 Thread arnouf

I launch this topic and apparently there is animation :)

First I'm a simple developer. My goal is to publish my apps everywhere
to have a lot of users and fans. I don't care if Archos takes my apps
from slideme or another website. If a specific website, sharing apps,
doesn't agree with the Archos behaviour, they can contact them and
discuss, but what is the problem for myself? None ! My source code is
not shared If I don't want, so my  apps will not pirated...I read a
lot of message relating pirated apps, and apparently Google search
engine gives a lot of links to pirated apps and it's not really the
sense provided by Archos and its appslib.

I don't want enter in discussion between Funky and Archos, they talk
through press release, and if necessary legals will be used to resolve
this issue. But If I'm developer, the appslib place is not a problem
to share my apps but a new way to touch new users, new fans, and
perhaps to have new revenus when appslib accepts monetized apps.

This is an Android developer point of view.

On 8 nov, 09:14, Al Sutton a...@funkyandroid.com wrote:
 I welcome Charbax making my posts publicly available so that people
 can make their own minds up, and I just wish Archos would also allow
 us to do the same with the emails and documents that back our claims.

 Please remember, some of my posts on his site have quoted text at the
 start which and on the two line summary view that Charbax posted the
 link to it looks like I wrote those quotes, so if you see something
 you object to please view the whole post with quote formatting.

 Now this really should go to -discuss.


 On Nov 8, 7:25 am, Fred Grott(Android 

 fred.gr...@gmail.com wrote:
  Charbox your slander definition seems to be somewhat unique and

  In most posts I see a constant theme of a developer who bought an
  Archos device and who loves it detailing specific issues that hamper
  the user experience..

  On Nov 7, 6:38 pm, Charbax char...@gmail.com wrote:

   alsutton has spent huge amounts of time over the past couple months
   posting disparaging posts against Archos on thehttp://forum.archosfans.com
   , posting every type of unfounded and slanderous allegation against
   Archos that one can nearly think of, that were not sensible degree of
   scepticism, that are part of him having a premeditated agenda in
   trying to publicly attack Archos reputation, stir controversial,
   inflammatory, irrelevant, or off-topic discussions on the unofficial
   Archosfans forum, that is in fact about participating in spreading FUD
   about a competitor (appslib vs andappstore) on public internet forums
   without a full disclosure.

   When you are contemplating to prepare a court case against a company,
   you don't go spend 2 months disparaging that competing company on the
   internet forums for that company (maybe even blogs).

   That'd be like Microsoft employees spreading lies about apple on apple
   fansites and forums a couple months before they announce to sue each

   alsutton's favorite Archos bashing theme was to basically recommend
   that nobody should buy the Archos 5 Internet Tablet with Android
   because it would in his knowledgeable and expert mind and with all his
   exclusive contacts in the Android development community (even with him
   having all kinds of contacts with Google engineers), that he could
   always with all kinds of certainty say that Archos would never be able
   to use the Google Apps and the Google Marketplace. He posted this
   speculation of his as fact on the forum for dozens and dozens of times
   and he would bring it up in dozens of different threads even bringing
   things like this up in totally unrelated threads.

   If, as a moderator of that site, I hadn't actually deleted several of
   the worst of such unrelated allegations posted by alsutton on the
   forum (and which I somewhat regret now since it would have been better
   to have the complete archive of his worst offending posts), you would
   be able to find many more such attacks on Archos reputation in the
   posts throughout all his posts 

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[android-developers] Re: Is your Android app on Archos Market ?

2009-10-22 Thread arnouf

I'm not an Archos employee !
I think that this story is a little bit strange, because I don't think
that Archos did something like that if they want have a good place on
the android place...

Now, I can't confirm if Archos or AndAppStore are right but I don't
think why Archos should stole codes...

On 21 oct, 16:11, Streets Of Boston flyingdutc...@gmail.com wrote:
 Same here.
 If they indeed did that, then i won't put my app there.

 On Oct 20, 1:25 pm, niko20 nikolatesl...@yahoo.com wrote:


  Maybe I will wait until I find out if you really stole the code for
  your app store from the andAppStore developers. At least that is the
  current allegation.


  On Oct 20, 3:55 am, arnouf arnaud.far...@gmail.com wrote:

   If you  have developed or if you are developing applications, and they
   are on the Android Market - Great! - But these apps are only
   available for devices that have contracts with Google.

   Archos, a major PMP manufacturer, launched its first device on 25th of
   September: the Archos 5 IT. Archos has a real community of fans who
   are waiting for applications for their devices. This device is the
   first of a long product line (the first Archos phone should be
   available soon too!).

   It's a new opportunity for your applications to find new fans! 

   You can post your apps, for free, on the Archos Market called Appslib

   Today, only free applications are available for distribution on
   AppsLib, but Archos promises the possibility to distribute your paid
   apps soon !

   Don't wait : more applications, more users, more fans...and more
   revenue (soon)!

   Arnaud- Hide quoted text -

  - Show quoted text -
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[android-developers] Is your Android app on Archos Market ?

2009-10-20 Thread arnouf

If you  have developed or if you are developing applications, and they
are on the Android Market - Great! - But these apps are only
available for devices that have contracts with Google.

Archos, a major PMP manufacturer, launched its first device on 25th of
September: the Archos 5 IT. Archos has a real community of fans who
are waiting for applications for their devices. This device is the
first of a long product line (the first Archos phone should be
available soon too!).

It's a new opportunity for your applications to find new fans! 

You can post your apps, for free, on the Archos Market called Appslib

Today, only free applications are available for distribution on
AppsLib, but Archos promises the possibility to distribute your paid
apps soon !

Don't wait : more applications, more users, more fans...and more
revenue (soon)!

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[android-developers] NullPointer using default ArrayAdapter

2009-09-13 Thread arnouf


My following code does an exception when I'm trying to display the
dropdownview. I uses the default standard object ArrayAdapter
displaying string...but there is an issue that I can't resolve. I
tried a lot of thing...So maybe i'm tired or i don't understand
something somewhere!

Thanks for your help

mRegions is an array of String, not null.
mSpinnerRegions is my spinner view.

ArrayAdapterString adapterRegion = new ArrayAdapterString(this,
android.R.layout.simple_spinner_item, mRegions);

09-13 15:13:21.795: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(12503):
09-13 15:13:21.795: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(12503): at
09-13 15:13:21.795: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(12503): at
09-13 15:13:21.795: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(12503): at
09-13 15:13:21.795: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(12503): at
09-13 15:13:21.795: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(12503): at
09-13 15:13:21.795: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(12503): at
09-13 15:13:21.795: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(12503): at
09-13 15:13:21.795: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(12503): at
09-13 15:13:21.795: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(12503): at
09-13 15:13:21.795: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(12503): at
09-13 15:13:21.795: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(12503): at
09-13 15:13:21.795: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(12503): at
09-13 15:13:21.795: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(12503): at
09-13 15:13:21.795: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(12503): at
09-13 15:13:21.795: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(12503): at
09-13 15:13:21.795: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(12503): at
09-13 15:13:21.795: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(12503): at
09-13 15:13:21.795: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(12503): at
09-13 15:13:21.795: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(12503): at
09-13 15:13:21.795: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(12503): at
09-13 15:13:21.795: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(12503): at
09-13 15:13:21.795: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(12503): at
09-13 15:13:21.795: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(12503): at
09-13 15:13:21.795: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(12503): at
09-13 15:13:21.795: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(12503): at
09-13 15:13:21.795: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(12503): at
09-13 15:13:21.795: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(12503): at
09-13 15:13:21.795: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(12503): at
09-13 15:13:21.795: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(12503): at
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[android-developers] Re: NullPointer using default ArrayAdapter

2009-09-13 Thread arnouf

Ok I found !

The problem is using a String[]. i replace String[] by an
ArrayListString, now it works.

If somebody can explain the issue, i'll read it with interest.


On Sep 13, 5:26 pm, arnouf arnaud.far...@gmail.com wrote:

 My following code does an exception when I'm trying to display the
 dropdownview. I uses the default standard object ArrayAdapter
 displaying string...but there is an issue that I can't resolve. I
 tried a lot of thing...So maybe i'm tired or i don't understand
 something somewhere!

 Thanks for your help

 mRegions is an array of String, not null.
 mSpinnerRegions is my spinner view.

 ArrayAdapterString adapterRegion = new ArrayAdapterString(this,

 09-13 15:13:21.795: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(12503):
 09-13 15:13:21.795: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(12503):     at
 09-13 15:13:21.795: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(12503):     at
 09-13 15:13:21.795: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(12503):     at
 09-13 15:13:21.795: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(12503):     at
 09-13 15:13:21.795: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(12503):     at
 09-13 15:13:21.795: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(12503):     at
 09-13 15:13:21.795: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(12503):     at
 09-13 15:13:21.795: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(12503):     at
 09-13 15:13:21.795: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(12503):     at
 09-13 15:13:21.795: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(12503):     at
 09-13 15:13:21.795: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(12503):     at
 09-13 15:13:21.795: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(12503):     at
 09-13 15:13:21.795: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(12503):     at
 09-13 15:13:21.795: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(12503):     at
 09-13 15:13:21.795: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(12503):     at
 09-13 15:13:21.795: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(12503):     at
 09-13 15:13:21.795: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(12503):     at
 09-13 15:13:21.795: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(12503):     at
 09-13 15:13:21.795: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(12503):     at
 09-13 15:13:21.795: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(12503):     at
 09-13 15:13:21.795: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(12503):     at
 09-13 15:13:21.795: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(12503):     at
 09-13 15:13:21.795: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(12503):     at
 09-13 15:13:21.795: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(12503):     at
 09-13 15:13:21.795: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(12503):     at
 09-13 15:13:21.795: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(12503):     at
 09-13 15:13:21.795: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(12503):     at
 09-13 15:13:21.795: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(12503):     at
 09-13 15:13:21.795: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(12503):     at
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[android-developers] Survey for french Android developers

2009-08-24 Thread arnouf

Hi everyone,

This message concerns especially french guys (not necessary living in
I'm making a study about french Android developers and contests (ADC2,
Samsung Mob!le).

Less than 3 minutes are sufficient to answer.

Thanks by advance for your answers.

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[android-developers] Proxy SDK 1.5r1

2009-08-10 Thread arnouf

Hi all,

With this SDK version I can use my emulator using a proxy server.
There is three solutions:
- add values in system table
- configure -http-proxy in eclipse run menu
- configure APN on emulator to set the proxy

When I use Android browser, it's really slow but it's working...If I
try to to a post from my application, I take an ANR and some minutes
later a socket time out.

Somebody knows the solution?
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