Tony Blair interview: transcript in full [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-09-21 Thread Knight, Jonathan

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Try not to throw up at this. Butcher Blair's hypocrisy is unbelievable. This
is a man responsible for the deaths of thousands of people and for
encouraging terrorists world wide. The, I hesitate to call him a man, is

Wednesday, 19 September, 2001, 13:11 GMT 14:11 UK 
Tony Blair interview: transcript in full
UK Prime Minister Tony Blair was interviewed on BBC's World Service's
Newshour on Tuesday about the UK's role following last week's terror attacks
in the US. Here is the transcript of the interview in full. 
Alex Brodie: Is Osama Bin Laden your prime suspect? 
Tony Blair: He is the prime suspect. 
We are still assembling the evidence and we have said we will do so in a
careful and measured way. 
But we've known for some time of his activities and those of his associates,
that have been designed to spread terror around the world that are I believe
fundamentally contrary to the basic teachings of Islam. 
And in respect of this particular incident there's no doubt at all - as both
ourselves and President have said - he is the prime suspect. 
AB: Him alone or anybody else? 
TB: Well, when we assemble the evidence finally, we will present it to
But as we have said he is the prime suspect. 
AB: Have you seen evidence yourself? 
TB: Yes of course, all the time we are going through evidence that comes to
us from various sources and what is important, as I said the other day, is
that when we proceed, we proceed on the basis of a hard-headed assessment of
that evidence. 
But I think, people are still taking in the enormity of what happened last
Thousands of people killed in the worst terrorist incident of all time. 
This was the worst terrorist incident in respect of British citizens -
incidentally 200 - 300 killed - since World War II. 
When you think that Britain went through the Blitz when we were under attack
- day in day out - for several years and we lost just over 20,000 of our
Here were 5,000 or more murdered, literally, in a day and I think some
impression is given of just how serious this is. 
Let's be quite clear as well, the thing that we have to confront and the
reason why we have to take action against this apparatus of terrorism at
every level, is that if these people were able to kill more people they
The only limits on their actions are not moral in any sense at all - they
are practical or technical. 
AB: Is it Osama Bin Laden who you have the evidence against that he was
actively involved in planning what happened in the United States or is it
just that you have evidence that he has set up a network? 
TB: Well Alex, when we are in a position to put evidence before people, we
will put it before them then. 
What we have said so far, because people have asked us and it's right
because this is where the evidence tends, that he is the prime suspect. 
AB: Anybody else? 
TB: There may be various other people but that is a matter that we can deal
with when we come to present the evidence fully? 
AB: And do you know where he is? 
TB: We know that he is in Afghanistan. 
We know the various places that he has been. 
But it is important that other people co-operate with us in ensuring that he
is brought to justice and this is a situation in which those who have been
harbouring him or helping him have a very simple choice. 
They either cease the protection of Bin Laden or they will be treated as
people helping him. 
AB: This is echoing what George Bush said isn't it about how we will go not
just for the perpetrators but for those who harbour him - and you are
talking about the Taleban? 
TB: Well, for all those people who have been in a position where they have
been helping or harbouring terrorism - the way that it operates, camps that
are dedicated to training people in it. 
These are people trained in these camps who go out and basically wreak havoc
wherever they can, killing many, many innocent people. 
And although what happened last week is obviously an atrocity almost beyond
our imagination, it is not an isolated incident - in that sense, there has
been a history going back over several years. 
Now you mention the Taleban - the Taleban have a very clear choice - the
Taleban either cease to help or harbour those that are fermenting terrorism
or they will be treated as part of the terrorist apparatus themselves. 
Now they have that choice and they should consider very, very carefully the
consequences that they face at this moment of choice. 
AB: If they don't give him up, what are those consequences? 
TB: Those are the consequences again that we will consider and we will
announce the appropriate response when we have made up our minds. 
AB: So what you are looking for the Taleban to do now, is to say - you can
have him we will extradite him, we will give him up. 
TB: We are looking for the Taleban to co-operate on the basis of the
evidence that we present - 


2001-09-21 Thread mart

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Forward from mart.
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- Original Message - 
From: william m mandel [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, September 21, 2001 12:27 AM
Subject: A LONG VIEW

 by William Mandel
Oakland, California
 9/11/01 5:36 PM

The attacks on the Pentagon and the World Trade Center
 are the most important event in world history since the collapse of the
 Soviet Union.
The disappearance of the USSR ended a half century in
which two powers dominated the world. The casualties in New York,
Washington, and in the skies made an end to the belief that the United
States could continue waging wars costing us no blood, whether in no-fly
 zones over Iraq, in Kosovo, or anywhere else on any continent.
For fifty-six years Washington has successfully conducted
mass murders of noncombatant civilians from the air with no fear of
retaliation. In 1945, when Japan could no longer strike back, there was
Hiroshima, 75,000 killed. Then Nagasaki, 40,000 killed. The Korean War
cost that country, with no possible means of harming the United
States, 4,000,000 dead [Encyclopedia Brittanica] versus 34,000
Americans, or more than 100 Koreans per American. Most of the Korean deaths
were caused by American carpet bombing (white phosphorus, napalm,
explosives)to break the will to resist, and therefore
 were predominantly civilian.
 The numbers in the Vietnam War were of the same orders of
 magnitude.Desert Storm has slaughtered 6,000 Iraqi children per month
 since the end of the fighting, due to the embargo against
Until now the vast majority of Americans have clucked
their tongues over these things and gone about their business. No more.
The deaths in the collapsed New York towers, the Pentagon, and the crashed 
airliner are 6,000 [number corrected post 9/11]. The super-expensive
space and  information age espionage technology of the National Security Agency, 
as well  as the more conventional activities of the CIA and FBI are now the
laughing stock of the world. As to the Defense Intelligence Agency in
the Pentagon, I wonder if it was accidental that the plane striking that
building hit exactly the section where that agency was housed.
 There is simply nothing Washington can do to restore the
situation existing before this morning. Even if it decides to blame
Saddam Hussein, and nukes Baghdad off the face of the earth, it will
accomplish nothing in a world of suicide bombers and underground
organizations capable of working in complete secrecy and with perfect
coordination. Undoubtedly U.S.intelligence(?!)operations will be multiplied.
That guarantees absolutely nothing.
 The Korean War was accompanied by the rise of
 McCarthyism. It is possible that today's events may bring similar
 hysteria and suppression of civil liberties. Not only would that further diminish the
civil liberties that are one of this country's proudest achievements,
but by so doing it would reduce the ability of the citizenry to ask the
necessary questions about the policies responsible for the hatred of the
United States expressed in this catastrophe.
 The time has come to realize that the motivation that
brought about our Revolutionary War in 1776 is the strongest single
force active in the world today. Peoples will be independent, no matter what
Washington, Wall Street, and Silicon Valley want to do with and in their
countries. The United States must either adapt to that or suffer the
fate of ancient Rome.
William Mandel, Oakland, California
(37 years [1958-1995] on Pacifica Radio stations
 Do you teach in the social sciences?  Consider my SAYING NO TO POWER
 (Creative Arts, Berkeley, 1999), for course use.  It was written as a
 social history of the U.S. for the past three-quarters of a century
 through the eyes of a participant observer in most progressive social
 movements (I'm 84), and of the USSR from the
 standpoint of a Sovietologist (five earlier books) knowing that country
 longer than any other in the profession.  Therefore it is also a history
 of the Cold War.  Positive reviews in The Black Scholar, American
 Studies in Scandinavia, San Francisco Chronicle, forthcoming in Tikkun,
 etc.  Chapters are up at

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RE: Those 4000 Israelis? [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-09-21 Thread Sandeep Vaidya (LMI)

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According to the the Washington Post that about 113 Israelis are reported to be 
missing in the WTC.

-Original Message-
Sent: 21 September 2001 04:19
Subject: Re: Those 4000 Israelis? [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]


In a message dated 9/20/2001 7:11:10 PM Pacific Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

For it to be true, those 4000 people would have had to 
maintaain absolute secrecy.  

Are you prepared to say that no Israeli's worked in the WTC? 

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Re: email address phone number for Barbara Lee [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-09-21 Thread John Jay
Title: Re: email address  phone number for Barbara Lee [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

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Well, not quite - but I AM suggesting that Serbs learn to fight dirty.

No - the last thing the Serbs, pro-Serbs (PLUS Macedonians and others 
persecuted by Albanians) should do is actually jump ONTO the global 
anti-muslim lynch mob themselves... BUT, what we/they definitely should 
do (since the American-led anti-Muslim lynch mob already exists) is do 
the non-Albanian causes some good, for a change...! By making sure 
that this US lynch-mob is left in no doubt as to the direct 
ethnic connection between Muslim KLA/NLA terrorists in Kosovo 
and Macedonia and their Muslim terrorist brothers-in-arms all 
over the world. Don't worry - the American-led lynch-mob itself 
can do the rest... 

So, what I AM advocating is... that we just make sure that that the word 
Muslim is ALWAYS clearly juxtaposed with the word Albanian - and 
with abbreviations KLA or NLA - wherever and whenever we possibly can... 
Ergo: if we find ourselves mentioning Albanian terrorists - KLA or NLA - 
ALWAYS make sure that the word Muslim is also prominently included too... 

Too many ignorant Americans - (the ones in the lynch mob) - fail to make 
that connection... It's up to us all to make very, very sure that they do! 

That's all.


Subject: Re: email address  phone number for Barbara Lee [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]
Date: Mon, Sep 17, 2001, 8:25 pm

Dear ppdscat,

I may be misinterpreting you (I hope I am), but aren't you suggesting that 
the Serbs and other Slavs should jump on the global anti-Muslim lynch mob in 
order to forward their own narrow territorial interests? Personally I find 
such a view revolting and would be very suprised if you were indeed 
advocating it. As a Serb and a victim of an attrocious ten year concerted 
propaganda campaign to demonize my people I will NEVER, repeat NEVER, engage 
in the demonization of another people. The only way for the Serbs to 
emancipate themselves at this critical historical moment is to join the 
global people's struggle against racism and war, support the defence of 
patriots and progressives around the world - or to use a word that 
encapsulates both concepts, fight the new milenarian IMPERIALISM of NATO (aka 
The Old Colonial Club). If the Serbian leadership instead chooses to lach 
onto the current imperialist lynch mob of the global elites it will only 
deepen and reinforce the process leading to the destruction and subjugation 
of Slavic and other people's across the globe. It is time for Serbs 
everywhere to speak out against the current racist backlash, condemn American 
nationalism, and STOP NATO!



In a message dated 17/09/01 12:49:03 Eastern Daylight Time, 

 Ridiculous - that's true... 
 But there's something BIG in here for pro-Serbs - and
 Macedonians too, come to that!... Both could do their
 respective causes some presentational good by fastening
 onto it like a steel trap and never letting go...


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Re: email address phone number for Barbara Lee [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-09-21 Thread John Jay
Title: Re: email address  phone number for Barbara Lee [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

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Cossack, with respect, both Kole (as he hoped) and you it seems, do indeed 
missunderstand what I'm suggesting. No - I'm not advocating Muslim-bashing... 
That, in case you haven't noticed - thanks to America's reactions to its own 
pain and grievously wounded pride - is now already taking place! 

And so - since there is little we can do to stop it - I'm simply suggesting that 
Serbs (plus, of course, other non-Albanians who've been made to suffer at the 
hands of the KLA/NLA terrorists - with the help of the USA) SHOULD NOW TAKE 

NATO wants Americans to remain unaware of that connection. So we should make 
sure that as many as possible quickly become acquainted with it. Once they do, 
the potential advantage to be gained by Serbs, non-Albanians and Macedonians 
suffering under NATO's military occupation should be patently obvious.


From: Mitchell Jackson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: email address  phone number for Barbara Lee [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]
Date: Mon, Sep 17, 2001, 10:26 pm

- Bravo Kolja, dobro receno!

I agree with you completely, of course. I've heard far too much 'Islam bashing' to be comfortable. We must STOP the demonization. Stop the murder. Stop the hatred. Weed out the 'bad actors' (not political targets but the psychotic lunies who live for death and destruction). Learn to hate your neighbor and you will soon learn to hate me.


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U.S. Denies Report That Israel Warned of Militants' Entry [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-09-21 Thread TOOLGT

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I still smell rats.

 Click here: U.S. Denies Report That Israel Warned of Militants' Entry
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2001-09-21 Thread Rick Rozoff

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[And that intelligence agencies from the US and other
key NATO nations ran training camps for the very
villains they're now prepared to wage world war in the
name of, from Pakistan to Albania and elsewhere.
Acknowledging this, the indisputable, would work
against the 'dominant narrative' of the policy makers
and global imperialists. When history and the truth
get in the way of a war of conquest and acquisition, a
smart gambler doesn't bet on the first two.]  

NATO, UN Deny Bin Laden Has Bases in the Balkans

PRISTINA, Sep 21, 2001 -- (Agence France Presse) The
United Nations Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK) and NATO's
multi-national KFOR taskforce both said Thursday there
is no evidence that Osama bin Laden's followers have
cells in Kosovo.

Both organizations were responding to allegations made
by Serbian Interior Minister Dusan Mihajlovic on
Wednesday that bin Laden's supporters are active
throughout the Balkans.

We believe we have a very tight grip on the
activities in Kosovo ... and we don't have any
evidence. We are not aware, KFOR spokesman Commander
Roy Brown told AFP.

Simon Haselock, head of communication for UNMIK said:
We don't have any information on that. If some
authorities have information about a possible threat,
it is extremely important it is presented to the
relevant authorities in Kosovo.

It seems highly unlikely to me, he added.

Mihajlovic said bin Laden's organization had two bases
in Bosnia-Herzegovina, two in Kosovo, and was also
present in Albania -- claims which have already been
denied by Albania and Bosnia. ((c) 2001 Agence France

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Slovakia, Czech Republic, Poland To Form Joint Armed Force [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-09-21 Thread Rick Rozoff

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[To hunt down Al-Qaida cells and shadowy Iraqi
operations in Central Europe, no doubt.] 


Slovakia, Czech Republic, Poland to Form Joint Armed

ORAVSKY PODZAMOK, Sep 21, 2001 -- (Agence France
Presse) The defense ministers of Slovakia, the Czech
Republic and Poland signed an accord on Thursday
creating a joint military force, as Slovakia steps up
its efforts to join NATO, local radio reported.

Slovakia is seeking to join its brigade partners as a
NATO member when the alliance extends membership
invitations at a ministerial meeting in Prague in
November next year, Czech minister Jaroslav Tvrdik

The brigade will be headed by a Slovakian general, as
part of the country's increased efforts to integrate
with the military alliance, Tvrdik said.

The September 11 terrorist attacks on the United
States prove that integration is the only possible
path, he added.

The brigade, composed of the three countries' elite
battalions and conforming to NATO standards, is to
comprise 2,500 soldiers and be fully operational
around 2004-2005.

It is thought that the armed unit could take part in
NATO and European Union peacekeeping exercises.

Poland and the Czech Republic joined NATO in March
1999. ((c) 2001 Agence France Presse) 

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Terrorism We Can Tolerate [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-09-21 Thread Rick Rozoff

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And actively support and finance.

A Serb Woman Killed in Kosovo

PRISTINA, Sep 20, 2001 -- (Agence France Presse) A
Serb woman was killed late Wednesday near the town of
Urosevac in southern Kosovo and her suspected killer
arrested, a spokesman for the UN Mission in Kosovo
(UNMIK) said Thursday.

Sladjana Bungul, 37, married to an (ethnic) Albanian,
was found dead hit on the head with axe, Andrea
Angeli told AFP.

He added that a 38-year old Kosovo Albanian had been
arrested immediately afterwards by UNMIK police on
suspicion of having committed the crime.

Bungul was killed in Dranjak, a village 12 kilometers
(seven miles) away from Urosevac.

The Serb minority in Kosovo has been regularly
targeted by ethnic Albanian extremists since the
province came under international protection in June
1999. ((c) 2001 Agence France Presse) 

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Greek Government: Despite NATO Denials.... [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-09-21 Thread Rick Rozoff

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Greece Suspects Bin Laden Accomplices Recently Visited

ATHENS, Sep 19, 2001 -- (dpa) The Greek government
said Wednesday that it suspected accomplices of Osama
bin Laden, the prime suspect in the investigation into
last week's terrorist attacks in the United States,
had visited the Balkans.

We know that colleagues of bin Laden have visited the
Balkans recently, which is why we need tougher
security measures in the region, Foreign Minister
George Papandreou said after a parliamentary debate on
the government's new anti-terrorism law.

An unconfirmed report in the Athens daily To Vima
Wednesday said that accomplices of bin Laden had
visited Kosovo and Albania in February and possibly
passed through Greece.

The United States has named bin Laden, a Saudi
millionaire living in exile in Afghanistan, as the
prime suspect behind the September 11 terrorist
attacks in New York and Washington, which are believed
to have claimed more than 5,400 lives.

The U.S. believes bin Laden was behind a number of
other attacks, including the 1998 bombing of two
American embassies in East Africa which killed 238

(C)2001. dpa Deutsche Presse-Agentur 

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Those Harboring Terrorists 'Will Share Their Fate'? [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-09-21 Thread Rick Rozoff

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New Albanian Rebel Group Formed in Southern Serbia

BUJANOVAC, Sep 19, 2001 -- (Agence France Presse)
Ethnic Albanian rebels in Kosovo have formed a new
group which is seeking to join parts of southern
Serbia to an independent Kosovo, a Serbian official
said Wednesday.

The National Liberation Army for Western Kosovo is
seeking to make the towns of Presevo, Bujanovac and
Medvedja part of UN-run Kosovo and may include members
of a former rebel group active in southern Serbia and
which disbanded at the end of May under an agreement
with NATO.

Milovan Coguric said the new group formed in early
August is an attempt to carve out this part of
southern Serbia with the aim of annexing it, along
with Kosovo, to a Greater Albania or an independent
state of Kosovo.

Rebels of the previous Liberation Army for Presevo,
Medvedja and Bujanovac fought Serbian forces for over
a year in southern Serbia before agreeing to pull back
under NATO pressure.

Under a deal struck with NATO, ethnic Albanians were
to gain representation in southern Serbia but leaders
of the new group say Serbian authorities are dragging
their feet in implementing the deal.

Some 70 percent of the 100,000 inhabitants of southern
Serbia are ethnic Albanian.

Among the founders of the new group are Muhamet
Xhemaili, Shefqet Musliu and Shaquir Shaqiri who were
also instigators of the previous rebel army.

But Xhemaili denied Tuesday that he was involved in
the new rebel group but told AFP that he was ready to
take up arms again if the lives of ethnic Albanians in
Presevo were not improved.

Serbian police had said in August that a new
terrorist group in southern Serbia was responsible
for the murder of three Serbian police officers in the
Muhovac region. ((c) 2001 Agence France Presse) 

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Fw: US subversion in Belarus admitted [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-09-21 Thread mart

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- Original Message - 
From: New Worker Online 
Sent: Friday, September 21, 2001 11:28 AM
Subject: [pttp] US subversion in Belarus admitted

International story - 21/9/2001.

US subversion in Belarus admitted.

by Steve Lawton

ALEXANDER Lukashenko, who was overwhelmingly re-elected President of
Belarus a fortnight ago, has survived a US destabilisation effort and
blocked its longer term aim of creating a pro-Western state on the Russian border.

The process was monitored by hundreds of international observers with
backing from 45 countries -- a measure of how much 'interest' there has
been in the strategically sensitive state. The observers grudgingly
accepted the result.

But the United States had been busily orchestrating Lukashenko's downfall
from its embassy in Minsk, capital of Belarus.

US Ambassador Michael Kozak, in a candid letter to The Guardian (August
25), likened the US effort to change the course of the election as a Latin American 
Contra-style operation.

He said that the United States' objective and to some degree methodology
are the same in Belarus as that conducted in Nicaragua in the 80s.

Nicaragua was subjected to mercenary anti-communist killers called Contras in a war 
claiming at least 30,000 lives. They were organised by the US Administration under 
President Ronald Reagan against the liberation forces the Sandinistas, but also in 
other guises elsewhere against the Salvadoran FMLN in particular.

An official at the US embassy in Minsk told The Times (September 3) that
they had assisted around 300 non-governmental organisations, media and
political forces that were seeking political change.

The main Belarus daily Sovetskuya Belorussiyu (September 5) alleged US,
British and German intelligence agencies had cooked up a plan to get rid of Lukashenko.

The paper, which sourced its information to Moscow, said that the
Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) group based in Minsk and 
assorted NGOs were used as a cover.

Lukashenko has a popular mandate because he has so far managed to salvage
some semblance of economic and social order out of the Soviet Union's
demise. That has kept most peoples' heads above water and prevented a
collapse of the state into Western hands.

This puts a rather different light on the assassinations of Lukashenko's
opposition leaders, said by Western agencies to have been carried out by
death squads at his instigation. This has been used to brand him in the
West as an unreconstructed communist dictator who simply eliminated rivals to hold on 
to power.

So reports, prior to Kozak's admission, that had been exposed by
Lukashenko's Government and by state media at the time and still ridiculed now look a 
sight more credible.

News programmes over the last six months have frequently alleged US covert operations 
in Belarus. Last February, for instance, one programme said that over an eight year 
period hundreds of US spies had visited Belarus, a relatively small country, through 
the US embassy. It accused the US of fomenting separatist and religious divisions.

Opposition organisations from the Youth Front of the Belorussian Popular
Front to the Belorusian Independent Trade Union -- among many accused of
being US-funded -- have mocked the Lukashenko Government for branding any
opposition as tantamount to being an imperialist spy.

So the real meaning of Kozak's interview with Belarus National TV on 21
December 2000 is now clear. (This was the one that was pulled from the TV
schedule, never to be aired, and which the US embassy in Minsk decided,
nevertheless, to stick on its website).

He arrogantly explained, while maintaining the democratic value of the
Bush-Gore election shenanigans, that the perception exists in the United
States and in Europe that the processes by which the [Belarus] Parliament
was recently appointed or selected did not meet...basic standards of
democratic processes that are applied to all

[We've reached a] situation now where we've got a Parliament that we
aren't able to recognise as being representative of the Belorusian people. He added 
that there is a fundamental problem of the credibility of the electoral process [in 

Kozak appears not to have done US-assisted groups any favours by his
admission now that Lukashenko has been elected. Belarus remains close to
Russia, not least because it is economically heavily dependent: President
Vladimir Putin has endorsed Lukashenko.

The broader connection of this US role is not coincidental in the light of the deep 
involvement of its forces -- military and intelligence -- in
former Yugoslavia's Macedonia and other parts of the Balkans.

Nato-EU expansion up to Russia's borders has been persistently warned
against by President Putin. That, so far, has been foiled. But now the US
is about to unleash its dogs of war 


2001-09-21 Thread Prof. Francis Boyle

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Francis A. Boyle
Law Building
504 E. Pennsylvania Ave.
Champaign, IL 61820 USA

-Original Message-From: Boyle, Francis 
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: Friday, September 21, 2001 9:18 
AMTo: abolition-caucus@egroups. com (E-mail)Subject: 
[abolition-caucus] INVOKE MONTREAL SABOTAGE CONVENTION!Importance: 
HighSensitivity: Private

The 1971 Montreal 
Sabotage Convention is directly on point here, and provides a comprehensive 
framework for dealing with the current 
dispute between the United States and Afghanistan over the tragic events of 11 
September 2001. Both States are contracting parties to the 
MontrealSabotage Convention, together with 173 other States in the World 
. The United States 
isunder an absolute obligation to 
resolve this dispute with Afghanistan in a peaceful manner as required by 
UN Charter Article 2(3) and Article 33 as well as 
by the Kellogg-Briand Pact of 1928, as 
well as in accordance with the requirements of the Montreal 
Sabotage Convention--all of which 
treaties bind most of the States of the World. In addition, 
the United States should offer to submit this entire dispute to the 
International Court of Justice in The Hague (the so-called World Court) on the basis of the Montreal Sabotage 
Convention, and should ask the 
Government of Afghanistan to withdraw its Reservationto World Court jurisdictionas permitted by article 14(3) of the Montreal Sabotage Convention. Furthermore, all other contracting parties must invoke the Montreal 
Sabotage Convention against both the United States and Afghanistan in order to 
produce a peaceful resolution of this 
Francis A. Boyle
Professor ofInternational 

Francis A. Boyle
Law Building
504 E. Pennsylvania Ave.
Champaign, IL 61820 USA

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Fw: The Terror Crusade: A Giant Case of PTSD [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-09-21 Thread mart

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- Original Message - 
From: NY Transfer News 
Sent: Friday, September 21, 2001 11:44 AM
Subject: [CubaNews] The Terror Crusade: A Giant Case of PTSD

Via NY Transfer News * All the News That Doesn't Fit

Now officials are now concerned that the sea wall underneath the
smoking ruins of the Trade Center might collapse, flooding the subway
tunnels and perhaps causing a new wave of casualties. 

The clean-up and recovery crews are having trouble dealing with the
grisly reality of mammoth destruction and mass death. Even the fire
dept personnel and the cops are overwhelmed. Civilian construction
crews aren't trained for this sort of thing. New York City is
functioning at a slow limp, with major roadways partially closed.
Moving roadblocks and security checks slowing down everything.

The Feds are extremely worried about a second strike -- to water
supplies, nuclear plants, and large gatherings like the memorial for
the WTC victims. They admit they have no idea what to expect.

The economy, in trouble before September 11, is in a complete

Much of the population is in a horrified, grief-stricken trance of
fear. They can't believe it happened here. Some people are numb,
others enraged. Everyone is irrational.

Knowing nothing about their government's real foreign policy, they
are astounded that their country isn't loved the way a beacon of
freedom should be loved. Their defense department failed to defend
them. Their intelligence agencies don't seem to have any

They have barely begun to comprehend that this isn't just another
video game. They seek answers and the comfort of certainty after the
strikes of September 11th.  But rather than steady leadership,
they get... Flags.  Wanted Dead or Alive. The Imbeciles' Crusade at
the OK Corral.

The Feds say there will be NO release of intelligence information,
and immediately the press is filled with contradictory leaks and
rumors from 'sources close to the investigation.' 

A reassuring official announcement that the hijackers have been
identified turns out to be premature -- another FBI blunder.

They are told the economy is strong, but the stock market is diving
and thousands of jobs disappear overnight.

They are told to prepare for a long war, with many casualties.  But
they don't know who the Enemy is. Rumsfeld says the Prime Suspect is 
not the only Enemy. There are many more (but who)? In many countries

George says, If you aren't with me, you're with the Terrorists. But
no one seems to knows who the Terrorists are.

The nation has a whopping case of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder.
The treatment of choice is not more trauma, more violence, more
chaos and death. But that's just what the doctor ordered - a recipe
for madness and self-destruction. Welcome to the Terror Crusade.

Thursday September 20 04:26 PM EDT 

Sea Wall Below WTC Is Shaky; Security Fears Stalk New York


A new worry is hampering rescue and recovery operations in the
still-smoldering ruins of New York's World Trade Center: the possible
collapse of a sea wall below the site.

Forty U.S. senators toured the still-smoldering ruins of New York's
World Trade Center today as rescue and recovery workers worried over
a new threat -- the possible collapse of an underground sea wall
built to provide a stable base before the towers were erected.

From the outside it looks structurally sound, New York City Mayor
Rudolph Giuliani said. But we don't know what it looks like from the
inside, and that's the concern.

Amid those concerns and the ongoing search for survivors, complicated
again today by rain, Giuliani led the senators through the debris and
muck at ground zero.

I'm from a part of the country that has been hit by hurricanes
repeatedly, said Senate Minority Leader Trent Lott, R-Miss. But I
must say, I've never seen anything comparable to what we have seen
here today, the magnitude of it and the horror of it.

Fear of Instability

The twin towers rose 110 stories, but also went 70 feet into the
bedrock below, with a 3-foot-thick concrete wall acting like an
underground dam against New York Harbor water seeping through
surrounding landfill.

Recovery experts fear rubble and debris may be all that is holding
the walls of that underground structure in place.

If the material is not removed carefully, it could send water from
the harbor into the space, and possibly into nearby subway tunnels
that run under where the Trade Center buildings stood before two
hijacked planes slammed into the twin towers on Sept. 11.

We have to proceed very, very carefully, Giuliani said.

Still Hoping, Despite Long Odds

Searchers still were unwilling to give up hope survivors might be

After every move is made the fire department is looking for any
voids during their searches and rescue attempts along with our moves
to move debris for them to be able to move 

Fw: [Spy News] Misdirection [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-09-21 Thread Mrs. Jela Jovanovic

Visit our website: HTTP://WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK

- Original Message -
Sent: Wednesday, September 19, 2001 1:23 PM
Subject: [Spy News] Misdirection

 Letter from Ramallah - "Israel is pounding us even as I write"

 Sept 16, 2001 - Ramallah

  I am writing to you now to the sound of Israel's "Defense Forces"
pounding  the
 living daylights out of my hometown Ramallah. As the whole world is  too
 paying tributes to the victims of terror attacks in NYC and DC,  Israel
has had
 a field day in terror attacks of their own on us here.  Since the attacks
in the
 US, the Israelis have taken their assaults on  Palestinians to new
 Every day they have invaded a few cities using tanks, helicopters, and
 jets. Since the beginning of the intifada, there has not been so much
 aggression like that  witnessed since last Tuesday.

  No one could put this clearer than Shaul Mofaz, Israel's Chief of Staffs,
 boasted that his forces have killed tens of Palestinians and no one in
 world said anything. Indeed, since last Tuesday there have been
 attacks on each Palestinian city for no reason. Since the  beginning of
 Intifada Israelis have carried out only 2 or 3 such attacks, while since
 Tuesday, there has been at least a dozen. Tens of  Palestinian martyrs
 fallen, and their cries have fallen on deaf ears  in this world. Everyone
 to be more interested in backing that raging  cowboy Bush as he declares
 country going into war against a yet  unidentified enemy. The attack on
the WTC
 and Pentagon, is a clear act of  terror that I, and millions of
 denounce. Yet it must be  really painful to see how the whole world has
 nothing to do in the  last few days but mourn the victims, while more than
 million and a half  civilian Iraqis have died since the beginning of the
 terror campaign on  Iraq. Why did no one weep for them, why did no one
weep for
 the hundreds  of thousands in Rwanda, and why is my people's suffering
under the
 illegal  Israeli occupation no longer interesting to anyone?

  Excuse me if my thoughts are a bit incoherent, or if my sentences seem to
 little sense, but it is really hard to concentrate with Apache  choppers
 hovering a few hundred feet above your head, armored tanks  unleashing
 might on your neighborhood, all sorts of missiles  flashing across your
 and a nearby building being obliterated to  rubble. If you don't hear from
 anymore, then know that one of those  missiles has managed to find its way
to my
 room, turning me into a  meaningless number in a meaningless statistic
that no
 one will pay  attention to. For some inexplicable reason I felt like
 this here  and now, and sharing it with you, I would really appreciate it
if you
 could pass it on to as many people as possible. Israel must not be allowed
 continue its attacks on Palestinians.

  If terror is to be fought in this world, state terror is the first terror
 must be eradicated. American attacks on civilians in Iraq, Sudan, and
 Yugoslavia, and Israel's continued terror in Palestine are primary

  Finally, my heart goes out to every victim of terror in the world, to the
 people of Hiroshima, Auschwitz, Rwanda, Baghdad, Belgrade, Vietnam, New
 and DC, it is at moments like this that I feel your suffering and  pain. I
 now honestly say that I know what it feels like to be a  victim.


  Saifedean Ammous

 Ramallah, Palestine

 Source (Islamic Association of Palestine)

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Fw: The Israelis Have a New Target for US [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-09-21 Thread mart

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- Original Message - 
From: NY Transfer News 
Sent: Friday, September 21, 2001 11:44 AM
Subject: [CubaNews] The Israelis Have a New Target for US

Via NY Transfer News * All the News That Doesn't Fit

The Israelis Have a New Target for the USA

[ ...and the Brits at Janes Information Group are happy
to oblige by dressing up the Israeli agenda and spreading
it around. 

Janes call it an alternative view, but it looks more like 
Israeli intelligence is just pointing George's nose at an 
additional target they'd like to have taken out. And sowing 
confusion, and muddying the waters. And widening the 
Armageddon Crusade to include Iraq. And then perhaps Syria, 
or maybe Lebanon ...

The Israelis may be thinking they can sell the US on anything, 
right now; confidence in US intelligence is at an all-time low, 
and sinking ever lower, as dead Saudi hijackers turn up alive
and as the CIA/DIA/FBI/NSA seem to stumble around in a desert 
of ignorance. 

To paraphrase Oscar Wilde, it's the Immoral leading the
Unspeakable, with a little assistance from the faded Imperial.

There are traps within traps in this crisis, and Cowboy George
might be dumb enough to fall into all of them. -- NY Transfer]


This Sept 19, 2001 excerpt is from Janes Foreign Report at:

Foreign Report:
Who Did It? An Alternative View

Israel's military intelligence service, Aman, suspects that Iraq is
the state that sponsored the suicide attacks on the New York Trade
Center and the Pentagon in Washington. Directing the mission, Aman
officers believe, were two of the worlds foremost terrorist
masterminds: the Lebanese Imad Mughniyeh, head of the special
overseas operations for Hizbullah, and the Egyptian Dr Ayman Al
Zawahiri, senior member of Al-Qaeda and possible successor of the
ailing Osama Bin Laden.

The two men have not been seen for some time. Mughniyeh is probably
the worlds most wanted outlaw. Unconfirmed reports in Beirut say he
has undergone plastic surgery and is unrecognisable. Zawahiri is
thought to be based in Egypt. He could be Bin Ladens chief
representative outside Afghanistan.

The Iraqis, who for several years paid smaller groups to do their
dirty work, were quick to discover the advantages of Al-Qaeda. The
Israeli sources claim that for the past two years Iraqi intelligence
officers were shuttling between Baghdad and Afghanistan, meeting with
Ayman Al Zawahiri.

According to the sources, one of the Iraqi intelligence officers,
Salah Suleiman, was captured last October by the Pakistanis near the
border with Afghanistan. The Iraqis are also reported to have
established strong ties with Imad Mughniyeh.

Weve only got scraps of information, not the full picture, admits
one intelligence source, but it was good enough for us to send a
warning six weeks ago to our allies that an unprecedented massive
terror attack was expected. One of our indications suggested that
Imad Mughniyeh met with some of his dormant agents on secret trips to
Germany. We believe that the operational brains behind the New-York
attack were Mughniyeh and Zawahiri, who were probably financed and
got some logistical support from the Iraqi Intelligence Service

Mughniyeh was the only one believed to have tried it before. On April
12th 1997, he was reported to be only two hours away from achieving
the highest goal of any terrorist organisation (until last week):
blowing up an Israeli El-Al airliner above Tel Aviv. A man carrying a
forged British passport with the name Andrew Jonathan Neumann was in
a Jerusalem hotel preparing a bomb he was supposed to take on board
an El-Al flight leaving Israel, when it accidentally went off. Andrew
Jonathan Neumann was very badly injured but strong enough to reveal
later to the Israelis that he was not British but Lebanese, and that
his operation was supposed to be a special gift to Israel from Imad

A psychopath

Bin Laden is a schoolboy in comparison with Mughniyeh, says an
Israeli who knows Mughniyeh . The guy is a genius, someone who
refined the art of terrorism to its utmost level. We studied him and
reached the conclusion that he is a clinical psychopath motivated by
uncontrollable psychological reasons, which we have given up trying
to understand. The killing of his two brothers by the Americans only
inflamed his strong motivation.

Experts on Iraq and Saddam Hussein also believe that Iraq was the
state behind the two terror masterminds. In recent months, there was
a change, and Iraq decided to get into the terror business. On July
7th, they tried for the first time to send a suicide bomber, trained
in Baghdad, to blow up Tel Aviv airport (Foreign Report No. 2651).

Our sources believe that it will be very difficult to get to the
bottom of this unprecedented terror operation. However, they 

Fw: US prepares for 'ground war' [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-09-21 Thread mart

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- Original Message - 
From: Barry Stoller 
Sent: Friday, September 21, 2001 2:10 PM
Subject: [C-I] US prepares for 'ground war'

AP; AFP. 21 September 2001. Pentagon Orders More Planes to Gulf; Cuba's
official press suspicious of threats in Bush's speech Bush engaged in
state terrorism: Zyuganov. Combined reports, edited.

WASHINGTON, HAVANA and MOSCOW -- The Pentagon on Friday ordered more Air
Force planes to support a buildup of U.S. firepower in the Persian Gulf
area, as the Bush administration prepared to strike back at terrorism.

The Pentagon has kept a lid on most information about military
deployments following last week's twin terrorist attacks.

Victoria Clarke, spokeswoman for Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld,
said the U.S. military is ready, but she did not comment on specific

You'll see a lot of activity, she said in an interview. We're
preparing for what could very well be a wide range of options. So, you
will see a lot of people moving, you'll see a lot of equipment moving.

The Air Force announced that 5,131 members of the Air Force National
Guard and Air Force Reserve have been ordered to active duty. They are
from 29 units in 24 states and the District of Columbia.

Rumsfeld has said he expects 35,500 members of the Reserve and National
Guard to be called up.

The Pentagon is repositioning military forces to prepare for action,
Rumsfeld said, but would not provide details. Other officials said both
active and reserve forces are beginning to move.

The Air Force is sending 100 to 130 aircraft to the Gulf region, a
senior defense official said, including fighters and B-1 and B-52
bombers. Also, tanker aircraft began deploying from U.S. bases Thursday
to establish an air bridge for refueling fighters and bombers as they
cross the Atlantic.

The Air Force has fighter aircraft in Saudi Arabia and Kuwait, and the
Army keeps a virtually permanent presence in Kuwait with soldiers and
war materiel sufficient to equip an additional 5,000 troops.

The Navy's 5th Fleet headquarters is on the Gulf island emirate Bahrain,
and it normally keeps one aircraft carrier on patrol in the Gulf
year-round. It now has one in the Gulf and one nearby in the Arabian
Sea; a third -- the USS Theodore Roosevelt -- left port at Norfolk, Va.,
on Wednesday en route to the Mediterranean. Each carrier has 75 aircraft
aboard and is accompanied by a dozen warships.

Early Friday in Japan, the USS Kitty Hawk, the only U.S. aircraft
carrier stationed in the western Pacific, left its port in Yokosuka for
an undisclosed location. The carrier has a crew of 5,500 sailors, naval
aviators and Marines and typically carries 70 aircraft.

A contingent of about 2,100 Marines also is in the Gulf, and a
similar-size unit is headed in that direction.

[N.B.] House Speaker Dennis Hastert, R-Ill., said bluntly that a ground
war is expected.

[N.B.] We're going to have people on the ground somewhere, sometime and
we're going to have to face these people -- go into the shadows where
they live and work and take them out, he said Friday on NBC's Today.

AFP. 21 September 2001. Cuba's official press suspicious of threats in
Bush's speech.

The official Cuban press responded with marked suspicion Friday to US
President George W. Bush's address before the US Congress a day earlier,
bristling at what it deemed an implicit threat and saying the leader's
words inspired doubt.

The central themes of Bush's speech culminated in a threat and
pressure, which immediately inspired doubt, the official daily Juventud
Rebelde charged.

The daily deemed as threats Bush's remarks that either you are with us,
or you are with the terrorists and, from this day forward, any nation
that continues to harbor or support terrorism will be regarded by the
United States as a hostile regime.

Cuba is one of seven countries the US State Department deems a state
supporter of terrorism, along with Iran, Iraq, Libya, Sudan, North Korea
and Syria.

Havana, for its part, has accused Washington of promoting state
terrorism against Cuba for the past 40 years.

Russian Communist Party leader Gennady Zyuganov accused US President
George W. Bush on Friday of waging state terrorism by threatening to
attack the Taliban militia in Afghanistan.

The United States wants to be the judge and the hangman at the same
time, said Zyuganov, who heads the largest party in Russia's State Duma
lower house of parliament.

That is genuine state terrorism, Zyuganov said, accusing the US
president of paving the way for a war against all countries he does not

The communist leader said he was particularly irritated by Bush's call
for nations to choosing sides, the US president saying Thursday that
either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

This Discussion List is the 

Say no to war! Join us in a vigil! [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-09-21 Thread Sandeep Vaidya

Visit our website: HTTP://WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK

Say no to war! Join us in a vigil!

When: Thursday, 27th Sept. 2001 at 6:30PM
Where: The Dail, Dublin

All are welcome! Call 672 7803/087 2225742 for more details
Please pass on this email to others.

Statement from the Campaign to End the Iraq Sanctions.

Justice not retribution is the only way forward for humanity.

The Campaign to End Iraq Sanctions extends our deepest sympathies and 
condolences to the families and friends of the innocent civilians who were 
killed in the United Sates on the 11th September in the World Trade Centre, 
the Pentagon and in Pensyliviana. The sudden and arbitrary taking of life 
by an individual, government or group is immoral and wrong whether it be in 
America, Iraq, Sudan or Yugoslavia.

Since Tuesday the 11th September we have seen images of the carnage and the 
faces of human misery and loss from America. We have witnessed the 
magnitude of the waste and destruction. And we have shared their pain, 
confusion and fear. The coverage was however, in stark contrast to the 
media's past coverage of the Gulf War, when, instead of real buildings 
exploding over and over again, we saw only sterile views of concrete 
targets -- there and then gone. We did not see the destruction and carnage 
nor the misery on the faces of people whose loved ones were killed and 
buried under the rubble and whose lives had been changed terribly and 
unrecognisable in a matter of seconds.

Yet, whilst thousands of American families mourned for the dead and injured 
the Bush administration took advantage of the tragic human toll to 
strengthen and intensify the Pentagon's war machine. Not two days after 
this attack, whilst the Pentagon and the World Trade Centre were still 
burning, President Bush, talked of how America was at War. This was before 
any group had taken responsibility or before any concrete facts were 
established  who were America at war with? The Middle East was put centre 
stage backed up by irresponsible media coverage. A whole culture was held 
accountable and guilty. The backlash of anti- Muslim and Islamic feeling 
has had consequences for the innocent throughout the World, sadly from 
America to Ireland. Innocent people are being targeted with hatred and 
violence as a result of the naked racism expressed, condoned and encouraged 
by World leaders such as Tony Blair and President Bush.

Throughout the week what has been glaringly absent and in fact has been 
repressed by the media, has been any attempt to explore, discuss or 
understand possible motives of the terrorists, why would they do it? What 
was their political agenda? At a time when the World is in shock we have 
seen Bush calling for retribution, revenge and war. Afghanistan, where an 
estimated 5.5 million people will be totally dependent on food aid this 
coming winter as a result of a three year drought, and the ravaging of 
their country by the repressive Taliban regime, is the prime target of 
American and NATO's vengeance. Poverty is already so severe that hundreds 
of thousands can not afford to travel to food distribution centres, and 
thus face certain starvation. The majority of the population have not even 
heard about the events in America.

Yet, their fragile existence is the target of the most powerful and 
supposed democratic countries in the world. Pakistan has been handed an 
ultimatum by President Bush that either they assist in the destruction of 
Afghanistan or they will also be viewed as an enemy. The Campaign is 
calling on the Irish government and World leaders to truly live up to the 
values of humanity and halt the impeding human carnage that now faces our 
world. The potential destruction and decimation of a poor, oppressed and 
innocent people will not only result in the escalation of civilian deaths 
both in the Middle East and in the West, but will also result in the death 
of the spirit of humanity. It is a time for true democratic leadership 
based on the values of justice, peace and the equal value of life whether 
it be an American or Afghani life. It is a time for world reflection and 
not blind retribution. It is a time to truly invoke the values of peace and 
justice that reflects the values of humanity as we recognise the 
vulnerability and the fragility of all human life. No amount of body bags 
be they Irish, English, American, Afghan or Pakistani will bring the 
innocent victims of violence back to their grieving families. Justice not 
retribution is the only way forward for humanity.

This Discussion List is the follow-up for the old stopnato that 

LMNOP Sunday Peace Walks at Lake Merritt, 3 P.M. [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-09-21 Thread Steve Wagner

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Please forward hither  yon:

Lake Merritt Neighbors Organized for Peace (LMNOP) invites you to
join us on weekly peace walks around Lake Merritt in Oakland. Every
Sunday at 3:00.
Meet at the columns at the east end of the Lake, between Grand 
Lakeshore Avenues.  Near Grand Ave. exit off 580 freeway. Most
well-known nearby landmark: Grand Lake Theater.
 Justice Not Revenge! 

Information:  (510)763-8712, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Petition to stop the violence [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-09-21 Thread Nancy Hey

Visit our website: HTTP://WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK

 The following message was posted to the Baltimore Green Party list:

 Date: 9/17/01 10:49:23 PM Eastern Daylight Time
 From:[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Martin and Gita Lefstein)

 Hi all--here's something easy but important that we can all do. . . . It
 makes me feel like I can at least try to have my opinion heard in the midst
 of all the craziness that's surrounding me down here.  Please forward the
 following message.

 I saw a sign today that read Save the world - Love someone.  With all the
 terror going on right now, it is scary to think of what might come next,
 what sort of retaliatory measures our government might take.  But we now
 have an extraordinary opportunity to show the world that we will not stand
 for violence. Now is a time for love and compassion, not revenge and more
 killings. President Bush has the power and responsibility to respond to the
 attacks against our country. A violent response -  attacks against other
 countries or groups - will not accomplish anything, but will only continue
 this unending cycle of violence.  Justice must be served, but not at the
 cost of more innocent lives around the world. Before it is too late, let's
 show the world that peace is an alternative.

 If you agree with this sentiment, please add your name to this list, and
 pass it on to your friends.  And EVERY 10th PERSON, please forward
 this to the White House at [EMAIL PROTECTED]  The immediacy of this
 situation requires urgent action. We can only hope that our voices will help
 to put an end to the killing.


 1. Michelle Oliveros-Larsen, Amherst, MA
 2. Supurna Banerjee, Amherst, MA
 3. Jiehae Park, Amherst, MA
 4.Chris Mancini, Poughkeepsie,MA
 5.Miranda Harris, New York, NY
 6. Gabrielle Revlock, Phila., PA
 7. Martha Curren-Preis, Phila., PA
 8. Kate Blakinger, Bryn Mawr, PA
 9. Lena Dalke, Alamo, TX
 10. Julie Bruck Philadelphia, PA
 11. Lee Watkins, Amherst, MA
 12.Ben Lefstein, Amherst, MA
 13. Martin S. Lefstein, Baltimore, MD
 14. Gita Lefstein, Baltimore, MD
 15. David L. Fishman, Owings Mills, MD
 16. Nancy A. Hey, Bethesda, MD


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Susan Sontag on the WTC Attack, lies and deceptions [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-09-21 Thread Steve Wagner

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The WTC Attack, Sep 11 2001
Commentary and Analysis
Susan Sontag in The New Yorker


  The disconnect between last Tuesday's monstrous dose of reality and
the self-righteous drivel and outright deceptions being peddled by
public figures and TV commentators is startling, depressing. The voices
licensed to follow the event seem to have joined together in a campaign
to infantilize the public. Where is the acknowledgment that this was
not a cowardly attack on civilization or liberty or humanity or
the free world but an attack on the world's self-proclaimed
superpower, undertaken as a consequence of specific American alliances
and actions? How many citizens are aware of the ongoing American
bombing of Iraq? And if the word cowardly is to be used, it might be
more aptly applied to those who kill from beyond the range of
retaliation, high in the sky, than to those willing to die themselves
in order to kill others. In the matter of courage (a morally neutral
virtue): whatever may be said of the perpetrators of Tuesday's
slaughter, they were not cowards.

  Our leaders are bent on convincing us that everything is O.K. America
is not afraid. Our spirit is unbroken, although this was a day that
live in infamy and America is now at war. But everything is not O.K.
And this was not Pearl Harbor. We have a robotic President who assures
us that America still stands tall. A wide spectrum of public figures,
in and out of office, who are strongly opposed to the policies being
pursued abroad by this Administration apparently feel free to say
nothing more than that they stand united behind President Bush. A lot
of thinking needs to be done, and perhaps is being done in Washington
and elsewhere, about the ineptitude of American intelligence and
counter-intelligence, about options available to American foreign
policy, particularly in the Middle East, and about what
constitutes a smart program of military defense.

  But the public is not being asked to bear much of the burden of
reality. The unanimously applauded, self-congratulatory bromides of a
Soviet Party Congress seemed contemptible. The unanimity of the
sanctimonious, reality-concealing rhetoric spouted by American
officials and media commentators in recent days seems, well, unworthy
of a mature democracy.

  Those in public office have let us know that they consider their task
to be a manipulative one: confidence-building and grief management.
Politics, the politics of a democracy-which entails disagreement, which
promotes candor-has been replaced by psychotherapy. Let's by all means
grieve together. But let's not be stupid together. A few shreds of
historical awareness might help us understand what has just happened,
and what may continue to happen. Our country is strong, we are told
again and again. I for one don't find this entirely consoling. Who
doubts that America is strong? But that's not all America has to be.

-- Susan Sontag

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RE: Susan Sontag on the WTC Attack, lies and deceptions [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-09-21 Thread Jim Yarker

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Dear Steve,

Damn straight - and get ready for lots more in this vein, now that the
Beautiful People have the picturesque and risk-free setting they require to
oppose militarism, viz. now that's it's clear to all that the Bush White
House has overplayed its hand on the Sympathy Thing.  You'll pardon my
venom.  It's all for Sontag, and none for you.  Best, jy

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Reuters on lessons from Yugoslavia [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-09-21 Thread Petokraka78

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[While air strikes might have U.S. popular backing, Bush has acknowledged 
that it doesn't make sense to fire a $2 million missile into a $10 dollar 
tent to hit a camel in the butt. ]

Yugoslavia worrying precedent for U.S. air power
By Douglas Hamilton
MANAMA, Sept 21 (Reuters) - If the 1999 war with Yugoslavia is anything to go 
by, the United States may launch 1,000 warplanes against Osama Bin Laden's 
Afghan hideouts without destroying or even crippling his shadowy forces. 

Ultimately, troops on the ground backed by a credible threat of invasion 
might be required for a successful assault. 

America and its NATO allies had some 900 aircraft flying at the height of 
Operation Allied Force, completing some 35,000 sorties on Yugoslav targets 
over 78 days, for a remarkably thin haul in enemy casualties and military 

Following last week's devastating suicide attacks in the United States, for 
which Washington says bin Laden is a prime suspect, Defense Secretary Donald 
Rumsfeld said on Thursday U.S. military forces were being deployed to help 
fight a new war on terrorism. 

He gave no details, but three aircraft carriers and air deployment announced 
by defence officials could place up to 500 U.S. warplanes in the 
Mediterranean, Gulf and Indian Ocean areas for what Washington suggested 
could be a strike against Afghanistan. 

In that war-ravaged, impoverished country, military targets for U.S. pilots 
would be far fewer than in Yugoslavia. 

In the 1999 bombing campaign launched over President Slobodan Milosevic's 
brutal crackdown on ethnic Albanians in Kosovo, NATO said it destroyed 93 
Serb tanks. The Serbs said they lost only 13 and military experts said there 
was very little sign of a shattered army in Kosovo. 

In the end, Milosevic's Yugoslavia yielded only when Washington and NATO got 
serious about a land invasion, setting a mid-September 1999 date for an 
offensive by some 210,000 troops, according to diplomatic sources. 


In one of the acknowledged strategic errors of the Kosovo campaign, a ground 
offensive against Yugoslavia had originally been ruled out by then-President 
Bill Clinton. 

President George W. Bush has ruled nothing out in his war against terrorism 
in the wake of the September 11 attacks with hijacked airliners on New York's 
World Trade Center and the Pentagon in Washington. 

Rumsfeld has declined to say if elite Special Operations troops might move 
towards the Afghanistan region, but said army elements were part of his 
deployment order. 

While estimates of the Taliban's antiquated arsenal vary widely, military 
experts say their fighters could spend years punishing an occupied force from 
the rugged hills and valleys of the countryside. 

While air strikes might have U.S. popular backing, Bush has acknowledged that 
it doesn't make sense to fire a $2 million missile into a $10 dollar tent to 
hit a camel in the butt. 

It would most probably be a futile waste of expensive precision-guided 
munitions, as well as a public failure to strike a decisive blow at the 


This reflects the dilemma faced by the United States and allies in Kosovo, 
when Western public opinion rapidly ran out of patience with NATO's inability 
to stop, and punish, the so-called fielded forces of the Yugoslav Army. 

Western media demanded to know why bombs were being rained on refineries far 
away from the scene of suspected genocide. 

But air force generals don't like plinking tanks and they don't like bombing 
mud, said a frustrated former NATO Supreme Commander Europe, General Wesley 
Clark, at the time. 

Clark fought an uphill battle with his Pentagon bosses to deploy a symbolic 
ground force of 5,000 troops plus Apache attack helicopters and Army tactical 
missiles in neighbouring Albania, as a token of NATO's readiness to invade. 

It came late and was never thrown into battle and it was unclear how decisive 
the move was in bringing about the Yugoslav surrender. 

Not a single U.S. or NATO soldier was killed in combat in the Western 
alliance's first hot war, but Clark warned this must not be seen as the 
ideal model for modern conflict. 

If there's nothing worth fighting for and maybe dying for, then maybe 
there's nothing worth living for, he said. 

07:32 09-21-01

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Re: Susan Sontag on the WTC Attack, lies and deceptions [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-09-21 Thread LesterSchonbrun

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In a message dated 9/21/2001 7:25:15 PM EST, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

   It's time to have a Nobel Prize for
 Hypocrisy.  And if there's any justice, the first recipient should be
 (edging out Christopher Hitchens just by a whisker) Susan Sontag.

Oh, there are s many candidates.  How about Tom Friedman.  He said on 
Terry Gross that this was a time for surgical strikes.  I was reminded that 
he called for less surgical strikes against Belgrade.   I wanted to write 
to Gross and tell her she could have scored a journalistic coup by reminding 
him of that, and asking him to explain.

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Lukashenko Sworn in as Belarussian President [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-09-21 Thread Bill Howard

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[Via Communist Internet... ]

[Subscribe: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ]
.Lukashenko Sworn in as Belarussian President .

Alexander Lukashenko was sworn in as the Belarussian president for the
second term Thursday, Russian news agency reported.
Lukashenko was re-elected in the September 9 presidential election with a
support rate of 76 percent.
Speaking at the inauguration ceremony, Lukashenko thanked the Belarussian
people for their confidence and trust.
Noting the government is facing a responsible and difficult period, the
president, who will take office for another five years, vowed to further
develop a powerful policy of social welfare.
We have a idea to built a powerful and prosperous Belarus, he added.
Russian President Vladimir Putin sent a congratulation message to Lukashenko
on the same day, pledging to further strengthen bilateral relations.
Our countries are steadfastly and invariably working on the consolidation
of the fraternal friendship, cooperation and multifaceted relations in the
(Russian-Belarussian) union, Putin wrote.
I am confident we can solve the grand tasks of further integration between
Russia and Belarus in the interests of strengthening the union and ensuring
welfare and prosperity of our peoples he added.

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[PNEWS] The nuclear threat: Pakistan could lose control of its ars

2001-09-21 Thread Party of Citizens

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-- Forwarded message --
Date: Fri, 21 Sep 2001 20:30:45 -0400
Reply-To: Progressive News  Views [since 82]
Subject: [PNEWS] The nuclear threat: Pakistan could lose control of its
 arsenal  (from The London Times)

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From: Jim Farmelant [EMAIL PROTECTED]


The nuclear threat

Pakistan could lose control of its arsenal


West's worst scenario

A LEADING authority on Pakistans nuclear programme has given warning of a
nightmare scenario in which a destabilised Pakistan lost control of its
nuclear weapons to supporters of the Taleban.  Any military action against
Muslim terrorists within Afghanistan will have to take account of that,
said George Perkovich, a nuclear weapons expert at the W. Alton Jones
Foundation in Charlottesville, Virginia, who has specialised in the
nuclear arms race between India and Pakistan.

He dismissed any prospect that the present Government of Pakistan would
use its nuclear armoury, but said that questions about the security of the
weapons should be high on the agenda of the military planners.

My guess would be that the US and the UK are thinking about that now, Mr
Perkovich said. If things go wrong, what do we do? Do we send commandos
in to get the weapons and take them out in helicopters, like the last days
in Saigon? Has this even been discussed with the Pakistanis? Militarily,
Pakistan's nuclear weapons are its crown jewels, but valuable as they
may be for asserting national pride in the rivalry with India, they are of
little use in the awkward diplomatic situation the Pakistani Government
now faces.

Mr Perkovich said that Pakistan has about two to three dozen potential
nuclear weapons, all based on highly enriched uranium. Tests carried out
in 1998 demonstrated that they work.  Pakistan also has medium-range
missiles capable of reaching targets in India, if no farther afield.

In normal times, they keep the warheads separate from the missiles, he
said, and the fissile uranium the core of the weapon is not kept in
the warhead, which consists of electronics and high explosives, but
doesn't have the fissile core in it. It's all dressed up and nowhere to

Assuming this is still true, it would make it much harder for those
unfamiliar with the system to assemble the weapon and make it work.

The fissile core, about the size of a melon and weighing up to 66lb, can
be sub-divided into segments that can be stored separately. So the entire
weapon can be split into components that in themselves are innocuous.

So what we have are a range of different components, with different
groups controlling them, he said. Each part is well guarded and they
have taken great care to assess the reliability and security of the

In addition to having the weapons disassembled and safely stored, he said
that the Pakistanis will have given thought to how they would be evacuated
in an emergency.

The most worrisome thing is the fissile core. That's easily moveable,
which is both g ood and bad. It's bad because Saddam Hussein could make a
bid for it, good because it means it could be put on a helicopter and
taken out of harm's way.

He believes that changes in organisation this year make it clear that
grown-ups in Pakistan are trying to make the whole system orderly and
under control. The integration of two competing teams, both run by
egomaniacs, into a single organisation, he says, is a good sign.

Until then, both and missile development were split between the A. Q. Khan
Research Laboratories (KRL) named after Abdul Qadeer Khan, self-proclaimed
father of the Pakistani bomb and the Pakistan Atomic Energy Organisation
(PAEC), led by Asfad Ahmad Khan.

When both were retired in March, the move was attacked by Narwaz Sharif,
the former Prime Minister, as a hideous conspiracy designed to roll back
the nuclear programme and weaken the country. He called on people to rise
up and thwart the conspiracy. In fact, there was little public reaction.

On Tuesday Dr Khan went out of his way to reassure people about the
weapons security. Thousands of people are involved in the supervision
who discharge their duty as a sacred mission and the masses should not
worry about the security of the nuclear installation, he told reporters
after assuming the duties of patron-in-chief of his old laboratory.

While rivalry existed between the two men and their respective
laboratories, Pakistan had an internal arms race, which accelerated its
acquisition of nuclear weapons and 

The roots of hatred [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-09-21 Thread Miroslav Antic
Title: Message

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causes The roots of 
hatredSep 20th 2001 From The 
Economist print edition Whatever its mistakes, the 
idea that America brought the onslaught upon itself is absurd




WHO is to blame? The 
simple answerthe suicide attackers, and those behind themis hardly adequate, 
just as it would hardly be adequate simply to blame Hitler and his henchmen for 
the second world war, without mentioning the Treaty of Versailles or Weimar 
inflation. But that does not exculpate the perpetrators of last week's 
onslaught, just as the Versailles treaty does not excuse Auschwitz: whatever 
their grievances, nothing could excuse an attack of such ferocity and size. So 
what explains it? A surprising number of people, and not just gullible fanatics 
looking for someone to hold responsible for the hopelessness of their lives, 
believe that to a greater or lesser extent America has reaped as it 
If this charge is to be 
taken at all seriously, it must first be separated from the general 
anti-Americanism fashionable in some left-wing circles in Europe, say, or even 
Latin America. It may be reasonable to dislike the death penalty, a society so 
ready to tolerate guns, even the vigour of a culture that finds its expression 
in unpretentious movies and McDonald's hamburgers, but none of these could 
conceivably explain, let alone justify, a single act of terrorism. Similarly, 
though globalisation clearly arouses fury among protesters, and concern among 
some more moderate critics, it would be ridiculous to think that last week's 
attack was prompted by any American antipathy towards welfare payments, closed 
economies or restraints on speculative capital movements.
The charge that in 
politics the United States is arrogant, even hypocritical, may deserve more 
notice. America has recently brushed aside some good international agreements 
(on nuclear testing, for example, a world criminal court, land mines), as well 
as dismissing some bad ones (the Kyoto convention on global warming) with an 
insouciance unbecoming to the world's biggest producer of greenhouse gases. Its 
understandable determination to pursue a missile shield threatens to upend the 
system of deterrence and arms control that has so far saved the world from 
nuclear Armageddon. It has refused to pay its dues to the United Nations, even 
as it has cut its aid for the world's poorest. Its eagerness to prosecute 
African and Balkan war criminals while refusing to allow its own nationals to 
submit to an international court has made it seem unwilling to hold itself to 
the standards it imposes on others. 
Were these actions 
unwise? Possibly. Have they caused resentment? Yes. But could that resentment 
plausibly have motivated a single one of last week's suicide attackers? 
The seeds of discord
Perhaps it would be more 
profitable to look deeper into the past. During the half-century of the cold 
war, the United States undoubtedly subordinated principles as well as causes to 
the overriding concern of defeating communism. The great upholder of laws at 
home was happy to trash them abroad, whether invading Grenada or mining 
Nicaraguan harbours. It propped up caudillos in Latin America, backed 
tyrants in Africa and Asia, promoted coups in the Middle East. More recently, it 
has been willing to kick invaders out of Kuwait, to strike at ruthless states 
like Libya and Iraq and, moreover, to go on trying to contain them with 
sanctions and, in Iraq's case, with almost incessant bombardment. Is it here 
perhapsespecially in the Middle Eastthat America has gone wrong?
No. The Economist 
has not been an uncritical supporter of American policy in the Middle East. We 
have been more ready to argue the Palestinian case than have recent 
administrations and believe that the United States could sometimes have done 
more to restrain Israel. We have also pointed out that the policy of sanctions 
against Iraq, whatever its intention, in practice punishes innocent Iraqis and 
thus allows Saddam Hussein to blame the West, notably America, for the deaths of 
thousands of Iraqi children. Perhaps nothing does more to fuel anti-American 
resentment in the Arab world. Such criticisms as we have made, however, in no 
way imply that we think America was wrong to fight the Gulf war or to try to 
disarm Saddam afterwards. It was also right to stand by Saudi Arabia as an ally, 
however much that annoyed zealots. Similarly, whatever Israel's mistakes, 
America can hardly be accused of having failed to try to bring it to a peace: 
every administration of recent years has attempted to bring the two sides 
together, and none has come closer than Bill Clinton's last year.
America defends its 
interests, sometimes skilfully, sometimes clumsily, just as other countries do. 
Since power, like nature, abhors a 

Fw: Codename embarrassment [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-09-21 Thread mart

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- Original Message - 
From: NY Transfer News 
Sent: Friday, September 21, 2001 3:35 PM
Subject: [CubaNews] Codename embarrassment

Via NY Transfer News * All the News That Doesn't Fit

source - MichaelP [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[If it is still possible to howl at the President Select and his
bone-headed administration, perhaps there is still hope.

The intellectual quality and level of cultural propaganda packaging
in this Crusade indicates they are going to get slaughtered -- no
doubt about it.

The ultimate absurdity of Muslims giving the US Government opinions
on what is and is not blasphemous in its choice of War Titles
(and the US government making hasty retreats from their messy faux
pas) needs no comment.

You can't drop napalm and white phosphorous on Third World children
without conducting a good series of Focus Groups. What can Baby Bush
be thinking?]

GUARDIAN (London), Friday September 21, 2001
by Julian Borger

Codename embarrassment

Washington, Sept 21--An embarrassed Pentagon yesterday was forced to
rethink its choice of codename for the war on terrorism declared by
President Bush after Muslims complained that the name Infinite
Justice was blasphemous.

The defence secretary, Donald Rumsfeld, distanced himself from the
offending phrase, saying it had been thought up by someone,
somewhere, but doubting it would last.

He said: Obviously, the United States does not want to do or say
things that create an impression on the part of the listener that
would be a misunderstanding.

A White House official said it was likely the name would be withdrawn
after complaints from Muslim clerics that infinite justice could
only be provided by God, not the US government.

The name was leaked on Wednesday night, as details emerged of
deployments of US air power to the Gulf - the most visible sign so
far of the military build-up ahead of a conflict whose protagonists
and aims remained unclear yesterday.

Nihad Awad, the head of the Council on American Islamic Relations,

When it is translated to some concepts in Arabic, it refers to
something that belongs to God and that could cause some
misunderstanding between the United States and some Muslim countries.
So it would be wise to withdraw the term.

Previously, President Bush drew criticism by his use of the word

for the anti-terrorist campaign, as for Muslims the medieval crusades
were still thought of with horror.

Some US commentators also criticised the word infinite. The liberal
online magazine said Americans were looking for some
reassurance that the conflict we face is not infinite - that Bush's
team can define a reasonable set of achievable objectives so we can
declare victory some time in our lifetimes, preferably sometime

  NY Transfer News Collective   *   A Service of Blythe Systems
Since 1985 - Information for the Rest of Us 
339 Lafayette St., New York, NY 10012  e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Refuting Christopher Hitchens [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-09-21 Thread Aaron

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I think that the appended article by Christopher Hitchens is worth the effort of 
refuting because he and The Nation magazine still have some influence over sections of 
the left. My contribution to that refutation follows. Feel free to plagiarize from it 
if you think you can do a better job. No credit to me is necessary.

 - Aaron

P.S. I put 'American' in quotes so as not to insult the rest of the peoples of the 
Western Hemisphere. I often just write it as 'AmeriKKKan', but I thought that might be 
too distracting to those trying to follow my argument. I have, however, used 'United 
Snakes' when not wanting to abbreviate to 'U.S.'. I hope lovers of long, scaly, 
limbless reptiles will not be too offended.

The Nation

October 8, 2001

Against Rationalization
by Christopher Hitchens


In one form or another, the people who leveled the World Trade Center
are the same people who threw acid in the faces of unveiled women in
Kabul and Karachi, who maimed and eviscerated two of the translators
of The Satanic Verses and who machine-gunned architectural tourists
at Luxor.

Hitchens has no more knowledge of who carried out the 911 attacks or what motivated 
them than the rest of us have. But his whole argument is based on the above 
presumption. Actually, it can't even be called a presumption since starting it with 
the phrase, in one form or another, makes it so vague as to be almost meaningless.

I was apprehensive from the first moment about the sort of
masochistic e-mail traffic that might start circulating from the
Chomsky-Zinn-Finkelstein quarter, and I was not to be disappointed.
With all due thanks to these worthy comrades, I know already that the
people of Palestine and Iraq are victims of a depraved and callous
Western statecraft. And I think I can claim to have been among the
first to point out that Clinton's rocketing of Khartoum--supported by
most liberals--was a gross war crime, which would certainly have
entitled the Sudanese government to mount reprisals under
international law.

With all due thanks to Mr. Hitchens for his understanding of these facts, I don't 
think any of us 'masochistics' are aiming our exposures of imperialism's crimes at 
people like him.

It is worse than idle to propose the very trade-offs that may have
been lodged somewhere in the closed-off minds of the mass murderers.

Were their minds any more closed off than those of the millions of United Snakes 
patriots who call for bloody 'retaliation' against the peoples and nations who 'in one 
form or another' (to use Hitchens' phrase) were responsible for the 911 attacks?

The people of Gaza live under curfew and humiliation and
expropriation. This is notorious. Very well: Does anyone suppose that
an Israeli withdrawal from Gaza would have forestalled the slaughter
in Manhattan?

In the mechanical way Hitchens poses the question, probably not.

It would take a moral cretin to suggest anything of the sort;

Millions of us 'moral cretins' speculate that, if the people who gave their own lives 
in carrying out the attacks were indeed from the Middle East, they may well have been 
motivated by rage at the U.S. backing for Israeli state terror and at the U.S.-led 
mass murder of about 1,500,000 mostly Arab, mostly Muslim people in Iraq. And that 
wouldn't be any less true if that rage led them to Muslim fundamentalism in the 
absence of a mass communist (or other secular anti-imperialist) movement.

[T]he bombers of Manhattan represent fascism with an Islamic face,
and there's no point in any euphemism about it. What they abominate
about the West, to put it in a phrase, is not what Western liberals
don't like and can't defend about their own system, but what they do
like about it and must defend: its emancipated women, its scientific
inquiry, its separation of religion from the state.

Is the World Trade Center, the Pentagon or the other supposed targets (the White 
House, the Capitol, or Camp David) a particular locus or symbol of emancipated women, 
scientific inquiry, or separation of religion from the state? Aren't they rather loci 
and symbols of 'American' imperial economic and military domination?

Any decent and concerned reader of this magazine [i.e., The Nation]
could have been on one of those planes, or in one of those buildings
--yes, even in the Pentagon.

Yes, decent people were on those planes, and some of them might have had the poor 
judgement to be readers of The Nation, for which they certainly shouldn't have been 
killed. But the persons killed inside the Pentagon were no more innocent victims than 
were any Germans (other than spies or prisoners) killed inside a bombed Gestapo or 
Wehrmacht building.

...this is an enemy for life, as well as an enemy of life.

Hitchens is writing about the Islamicists, and he is right. But, on a world scale, the 
United Snakes and its imperialist allies are overwhelmingly more 

Fw:7000 Protesters at Meeting of Finance Ministers. [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-09-21 Thread mart

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- Original Message - 
From: reg 
Sent: Friday, September 21, 2001 5:31 PM
Subject: [C-I] Protesters at Meeting of Finance Ministers from the Oread Daily


Around 7000 protesters marched in east Belgian city of Liege as 
European finance ministers began gathering to discuss the economic 
impact of the US terror attacks.  With police patrolling in boats and 
helicopters near the city center, riot police with water canons were 
visible, and all roads to the site of the meeting were blocked. The 
marchers, from around the 15-nation EU and Eastern Europe, demanded 
that the finance ministers make jobs and social welfare their major 
priority, said Waltraud Etz from the European Trade Union 
Confederation.  The demonstrators said that about 200,000 jobs had 
been lost in Europe since January and urged the finance ministers to 
tackle that problem as well.  Banners were spotted which read, The 
euro is coming but not the jobs and  End horror of capitalism.
Sources: Ananova, Reuters

The Oread Daily provides daily (Monday-Friday) progressive, left, 
anti-racist, anarchist, commie, activist, environmental, Marxist, 
revolutionary, etc. news and information from around the US and 
around the world. The Oread Daily was a mimeographed sheet that came 
out first in the summer of 1970 in Lawrence, Kansas. It was 
irreverent, radical, spicy, revolutionary et. al. Now, three decades 
later it returns. To view the entire Oread Daily, please visit:

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2001-09-21 Thread Miroslav Antic

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September 21, 2001


Putin is offered the chance to become father to a new system

Author: Svetlana Babaeva, Georgy Ilichev
[from WPS Monitoring Agency,]


 We are entering an undetermined situation. There is no place in 
the world for a new equivalent of the Roman Empire; but a leader is 
required. Putin may become such a leader if he does not allow his 
country to become involved in a war, proves capable of proposing 
unifying initiatives, and shapes Russia's interests and line of 
conduct. These are the opinions of some Russian political scientists 
who gathered yesterday at the Civil Debate club to discuss Russia's 
role in the new world order and formulate a new agenda for the 
 There are other assessments. Economist Mikhail Delyagin, speaking 
about the US: It has reclaimed the mandate of world leader. There is 
no consensus on evaluations of the general situation either: some 
consider that World War IV has started (the Cold War was considered 
to be World War III), others that the old era has ended, while the 
new one has not yet begun.
 Despite the absence of a clear definition of the point we are at, 
the political scientists at Civil Debate (incidentally, they are 
sponsored by the authorities to some extent) tried to shape the new 
agenda for the Russian political establishment. Speakers said that 
this is the first large-scale crisis in which Russia can express its 
own position - a crisis in attempts to guarantee security for itself 
while ignoring the security of others.
 Political scientist Gleb Pavlovsky and other experts who may be 
described as close to the top decision-making circles proposed to 
develop a new security system. Their proposals can be reduced to some 
key points. The first is as follows: contemporary (also political) 
institutions, which had inherited much from the Cold War, have shown 
their inability to respond to new threats. It is necessary to reform 
NATO, the UN - and the UN Security Council, which must be deprived of 
the status of Washington's regional committee by means of admitting 
new members. In addition, the security system must be collective, 
without a dominant force but with a leader, possibly Putin, and all 
civilized countries as members of the system. Close cooperation 
between special services, especially in intelligence exchange, must 
become a subdivision of this system. Since Russia has various forms 
of intelligence, it will be able to be on an equal footing with the 
leading world powers, primarily with the US.
 Also, new initiatives and think-tanks are required; otherwise 
Russia will remain shackled by an antiquated foreign policy and will 
continue to counter new threats by old methods.
 It is not ruled out that some of these initiatives will be 
announced by the president within days.
 Statements made by many senior state officials and political 
scientists are remarkably similar on a few points: the need to 
transform NATO into a structure which does not dictate ideology; the 
need to admit new states into the process of shaping the world order 
(via the UN Security Council); active cooperation between the G-8 
member nations, especially their special services.
 Another point was mentioned by Alexander Auzan, director of the 
Consumer Groups Confederation, at a roundtable meeting. He said that 
society itself would cope with solving some of the problems - such as 
ethnic and religious conflicts, which will inevitably arise and which 
must not develop into international antagonism, relations between rich 
and poor, etc. He added: As a citizen, a taxpayer, I am willing to 
pay additional taxes to maintain the special services if they deliver 
Khattab, Basaev, and others within a year, preferably to stand trial. 
However, I do not wish to pay for satellites which can detect the 
light of a cigarette but cannot see a detachment of 100 guerrillas.
 Another leading Russian political scientist, Dmitry Trenin, 
deputy director of the Moscow Carnegie Center, expressed a sharper 
opinion about Russia's foreign policy. He spoke of the role of a 
junior partner being prepared for Russia, rather than a leader's 
 Trenin thinks that the major problem Russia faces now is simple 
and cruel: whether we should fight side by side with the Americans, or 
try to stay out of it. If we make the wrong decision here, we will 
have to pay a very high, almost exorbitant, price.
 Admitting the obvious - the fact that the terrorist attacks 
proved to be an ugly 

Bush Announces New Cabinet Level Office For Homeland Security [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.

2001-09-21 Thread Miroslav Antic
Title: Message

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Bush Announces New Cabinet Level Office For Homeland Security
President Bush last night announced the creation of a new White House office 
to lead the government's efforts to defend the American public against 
terrorists and named Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Ridge (R) to the Cabinet-level post, 
according to The Washington Post. ( )
As the first director of the new Office of Homeland Security, Ridge will 
coordinate 40 federal agencies and departments, overseeing everything from the 
interaction between the FBI and the CIA in developing and using intelligence to 
working with governors and state agencies to adequately prepare for potential 
"There are precedents that should worry us," writes Cato Vice President for 
Defense and Foreign Policy Studies Ted Galen Carpenter in "Exploiting the New 
War on Terrorism." ( ) "America's involvement in World War I was a major factor leading to 
the adoption of Prohibition. In World War II, the government acquired the power 
to withhold income taxes from workers' payrolls -- a 'temporary' measure that is 
with us still and serves to disguise the extent of the tax burden on Americans. 
During the Cold War the 'national defense' justification was used to pass laws 
that had nothing to do with that task. It is not coincidental that the 
legislation that gave the federal government a foot in the door on educational 
matters was the National Defense Education 
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Will Barbara Lee's Risky Gamble Pay Off? [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-09-21 Thread Miroslav Antic
Title: Message

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Will Barbara Lee's 
Risky Gamble Pay Off? Earl Ofari Hutchinson, AlterNetSeptember 19, 
California Congresswoman Barbara Lee, a black Democrat, is gambling that she 
won't share the fate of Montana Republican Jeanette Rankin, Oregon Senator Wayne 
Morse, and Alaska Senator Ernest Gruening. Rankin cast the only congressional 
vote against Franklin Roosevelt's declaration of war against Japan following the 
Pearl Harbor attack in 1941. Morse and Gruening cast the only votes against the 
Tonkin Gulf resolution that gave Lyndon Johnson full power to wage war in 
Vietnam in 1965. 

The voters didn't forgive or forget their dissent. Rankin left Congress in 
1943, and Morse and Gruening were trounced in their re-election bids. Lee 
followed their example when she cast the lone vote against giving President Bush 
carte blanche to unleash war against terrorists. She ignored polls that show 
that a staggering number of Americans want a swift, pulverizing hit against 
terrorists even if that means body-bagging innocent civilians in the process. 
The vote was her personal message to Bush to think before lobbing bombs, cruise 
missiles, and ground troops at Afghanistan. 

Lee is not off base in her dread that Bush's big stick will turn terrorist 
wanted man Osama bin Laden and the Afghan Taliban into mythic heroes among their 
supporters, swell the ranks of terror bombers, cripple relations with moderate 
Arab and Palestinian leaders, and torpedo chances for an Israeli-Palestinian 
deal. Some British and French officials, and Bush's Arab allies, have implored 
him to use caution and restraint in dealing with Afghanistan. 

But the parallel to the dissent over America's entrance into World War II and 
Vietnam don't hold up. Much of the world was already at war when the Japanese 
attacked the U.S. military, and while the Vietnam war was a towering disaster, 
with heavy racist, and imperial overtones, the Americans that filled the body 
bags were mostly combatants. Those filling the bags at the Trade Center and 
Pentagon are clerks, typists, computer processors, security guards, fire 
fighters, and beat police officers. And, those European officials and Arab 
leaders that voiced mild dissent to U.S. war making in the next breath pledged 
their total support to any action Bush takes. 

Lee also banks that in bucking Bush and the public's war mania she speaks for 
her core supporters, the black voters in the Berkeley and Oakland districts she 
represents. Lee claims that she received thousands of emails from those 
constituents urging her to take a stand against Bush and war. But this also 
rests on the shaky belief that blacks are less willing to back America's wars 
than whites. This is pure myth. 

During America's wars, black protest has always given way to black 
patriotism. Black divisions distinguished themselves in the Civil War and the 
Spanish American War. During World War I, black scholar, and activist, W.E.B. 
Dubois in a Crisis Magazine editorial rallied blacks to the flag with a call to 
close ranks and forget their racial grievances. They flocked to a segregated 
army in droves. Patriotic fever among blacks soared during World War II. Black 
newspapers carried headlines "Buy a Liberty Bond and Win the War." Not only did 
blacks buy millions of dollars in war bonds, they also staged victory balls, 
rallies, and fund drives. During the Korean conflict, blacks again dutifully 
trudged off to yet another foreign battlefield. 

The massive 1960s protests, and urban riots, heavyweight boxing champ, 
Muhammad Ali's draft refusal, the relentless attack by Malcolm X, the Black 
Panthers, and black power advocates on the Vietnam war as "racist," and 
"imperialist," did not dissuade blacks from fighting and dying in 
disproportionate numbers in Vietnam. In the Gulf War in 1991, blacks composed 
more than one-third of the fighting force. When Congress voted unanimously to 
authorize Clinton to wage war against Serbia in 1998, other than Lee who cast 
the sole vote against the war resolution, and a small number of black militants, 
there was scarcely a murmur of opposition among blacks. 

The week before the Trade Center and Pentagon terror attacks, Congressional 
Black Caucus members were savaging Bush for not attending the World Racism 
Conference, the Florida vote fraud, and his tax rebate that further drained 
billions from the budget coffers for health and education programs. The moment 
after the attacks, they instantly reversed gear, rallied round the flag, and 
with not a peep of public protest, other than Lee, backed Bush's war power 
resolution. The Black Caucus's most vocal Bush critics, Georgia representative, 
Cynthia McKinney and Texas Representative, Eddie Bernice Johnson, even issued 
public statements that sounded every bit as bellicose as Bush's. 

The reflexive liberal politics of 

PEARL HARBOR II: The Technology of Manipulation [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-09-21 Thread Mrs. Jela Jovanovic

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Dear readers!

Here's another article from the Russian press about the US
terrorist attacks.

The URL of this page is:


  PEARL HARBOR II: The Technology of Manipulation
Did Washington know about the World Trade Center attacks in advance?

   G. Shcherbatov

ARI (Agency of Russian Information),
   Sept. 12, 2001

Translated from the Russian, slightly abridged and modified

  Two years  ago, on the eve of the beginning of the 2nd Chechen War, when
  apartment  houses were being blown up in Moscow,  evidence surfaced that
  they  might have been  blown up  not by Chechen  terrorists, but by  the
  Kremlin,  to create a  pretext to  declare war. Now  some are voicing  a
  similar  theory in relation  to the  recent New York  terrorist attacks,
  i.e.,  that Washington itself  had a  hand in them.  If this sounds  too
  far-fetched for you, then read on.

  Live coverage  of the attack was just getting underway in  New York, and
  already  we were hearing  the words:  Pearl Harbor, Pearl  Harbor. It's
  another  Pearl Harbor! Just how  accurate this comparison was  could be
  judged by  the cold shiver that ran up my spine and the spines of others
  who remember their history.

  For  consumers of  hamburgers raised  on the  Hollywood version of  that
  tragedy,  Pearl Harbor!  is a  rallying cry  to destroy the  infidels,
  only  with Arabs this  time in the role  of the Japanese. I  can imagine
  how  fat-bottomed housewives all over America shed  patriotic tears into
  their popcorn  at the sight of those boys singing on  the Capitol steps.
  Those  more  skeptical of  official American  propaganda, however,  will
  find the following facts to be a good memory-refresher:

  On  December 7, 1941  a surprise  Japanese air-attack over  Pearl Harbor
  resulted  in   4574  casualties  (killed,  injured,  and  missing),  177
  aircraft,  two  destroyers,  two  squadron  minesweepers  and a  lot  of
  smaller  vessels destroyed. That day  went into US history as  a day of
  infamy.  This   has  been  pounded  into  the  heads  of  all  American
  schoolchildren  for the  last 60  years. But what's  been beaten out  of
  their heads just as insistently?

  1.  On  January  27,  1941, the  US  ambassador  in Tokyo  informed  his
  government  that  in case  of conflict  between the  United States  and
  Japan, the Japanese intend a surprise attack on Pearl Harbor.

  2.  The  legendary  Soviet  agent  Richard  Sorge  informed  the  Soviet
  Government  in October 1941  that the  Japanese intend to  attack Pearl
  Harbor  in  the  next  60  days,  and  received  an  answer  that  this
  information  had been  passed on to  President Roosevelt. (From  Sorge's
  admission, published in the New York Daily News of May 17, 1951.)

  3.  From September  1941 until  the moment of  the attack, all  Japanese
  communiques intercepted  and deciphered by American intelligence pointed
  to the  impending attack on Pearl Harbor, but they were not passed on to
  local command:  Documents published after the war show that the American
  base  in Hawaii  was deprived  of all  information about the  inevitable
  attack.  Even such  agitprop  as the Discovery  Channel is in  agreement
  with this.

  4.  On December 1, 1941,  the head of the Far East Division  of US Naval
  Intelligence wrote  in his report to the commander of the Pacific Fleet:
  War  between the  United States  and Japan  will begin  in the  nearest
  future.  The report never reached the commander's desk,  because it was
  accidentally detained by his superiors.

  5.  On December 5, 1941 Colonel Sadtler from  US military communications
  wrote  the following telegram to his command, based  on information he'd
  received:   War  with  Japan   will  begin  immediately;   exclude  all
  possibility of a second Port Arthur. This telegram was also detained.

  6.  The  Japanese'  answer to  Roosevelt's  ultimatum,  tantamount to  a
  declaration  of war, was received by Washington on the  6th of December,
  1941. Not a word of this was passed on to the Pearl Harbor command.

  In  addition to these  incontrovertible facts  there are the  memoirs of
  three  high-ranking commanders of the  US Navy, all participants  in the
  events  surrounding  Pearl  Harbor: Rear  Admiral  Kimmel,  head of  the
  Pacific   Fleet;  Fleet  Admiral  Halsey,  under   Kimmel's  command  in
  December, 1941;  and Rear Admiral Theobald, commander of the minesweeper
  squadron at Pearl Harbor.

  From Kimmel's  memoirs: It was part of Roosevelt's plan that no warning
  be  sent  to  the  Hawaiian  Islands.  Our leaders  in  

Why Americans are so Blind [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-09-21 Thread Miroslav Antic
Title: Message

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Why Americans are so Blind 


by Henrey H. 
Why do Americans, who otherwise have a fair moral 
sense and have often intervened around the world to protect victimized groups, 
continue to tolerate any and all Israeli crimes against Palestinians, and then 
blame the Palestinians for fighting back? Why do Americans consider Palestinians 
undeserving of basic human rights? Why don't Americans realize that Zionism is a 
form of ethnic and religious bigotry and discrimination? Why did Americans go to 
war on the basis of UN Resolutions in order to prevent the ethnic cleansing of 
Kosovo, yet continue to aid and abet the ethnic cleansing of Palestine in 
contradiction to the UN Resolution 242 and 338? 
Having been raised in a typical American 
Protestant family, I believe I can shed some light on this issue. I was once 
there myself. America's moral blindness on this issue is due to many factors 
working together, reinforcing each other:

  Physical Isolation -- 
  Americans live on a continent on the other side of the Earth. Most Americans 
  never travel to the Middle East. Here they may know some Jews, but few know 
  any Palestinians. Americans are not close enough to the people or the conflict 
  to receive any unbiased factual information. They must rely on the American 
  media for information. 
  Media Bias -- The American 
  media and political establishment is rabidly pro-Israeli for a variety of 
  reasons, some listed below. Many newspapers and media giants are owned by 
  Israel-sympathizing Jews. In addition, the Israeli propaganda machine is 
  sophisticated and powerful, practically guaranteeing that Americans receive 
  nothing but pro-Israeli propaganda. Any one who attempts to criticize Israel's 
  actions is shouted down with the all-purpose charge of "anti-Semitism". Any 
  attempt to present a "neutral" journalistic view of current events in the 
  Middle East plays into Israel's hand, as such a treatment ignores the 
  historical and moral context that has produced the current violence. The movie 
  "Exodus", seen by millions of Americans, presented the ethnic cleansing of 
  Palestine as a peaceful transition. 
  Jewish manipulation of the American 
  Political system -- Politicians are afraid of the Zionist lobby. They 
  should be. 
  No comprehension of suffering 
  -- Americans generally have grown up comfortably in a stable country 
  that was never threatened. They have no idea what life is like for people who 
  see relatives killed, who are displaced from their homes, who live under the 
  power of a hostile tribalistic government, who have their houses bulldozed, 
  whose ability to earn a living depends on their captor's whims. Americans 
  simply cannot understand why the Palestinians hate their overlords so much 
  that they will take up stones against soldiers firing bullets. Let any 
  American live with some Palestinians in the West Bank for a few days and his 
  views would be transformed. 
  Shared Racism and Genocide -- 
  America, like Israel, was created by Europeans with a genocide of the 
  indigenous people. White settlers drove the American Indians off their 
  ancestral land. If they fought, they were killed. Indians were confined to a 
  few reservations. No thought was given to the rights of the Indians. Whites 
  believed that God wanted them to have the land. Until recent years, the Indian 
  genocide was celebrated in Western movies, and never criticized in schools. 
  Just as Indians were considered uncivilized heathens not deserving basic 
  rights; so are the Palestinians. The parallels between the establishment of 
  the American and Israeli states are many. The American genocide and 
  enslavement of African people likewise has been insufficiently recognized, 
  criticized, or corrected. Racism thrives at a subconscious level in the vast 
  majority of Americans' minds. Americans consider themselves and their country 
  to be especially righteous and blessed by God. The Israeli Jews, of course, 
  consider themselves the "Chosen People". The religious bigotry and tribalism 
  inherent in this idea require no comment. 
  The Bible -- Having little 
  history of their own, and being descended largely from fervent Christians, 
  Americans have grown up in Sunday schools being taught stories from the Bible 
  about the Jews--their suffering in Egypt, their march through the desert, 
  their wars, their kings, their prophets, their heros and heroines, etc. 
  From the Old Testament, American kids learn that the Jews' attack upon, 
  conquest of, and slaughter of the Canaanites, Philistines, and other 
  indigenous peoples of Palestine was good and right; ordained by God 
  himself! Imagine the effect of such ideas on little 
  children! The Old Testament makes it clear: Jews-Good: Canaanites-Bad. Now of course,