FW: Vatican STILL hiding its WWII Holocaust crimes! [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-07-31 Thread Jim Yarker

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-Original Message-
From: dd chukurov
Sent: Tuesday, July 31, 2001 1:37
To: Tribunal Watch List
Subject: Vatican STILL hiding its
WWII Holocaust crimes!


Tuesday, 31 July 2001 11:11 (ET) 

UPI hears ...

Insider notes from United Press International for July 31, 2001:


A panel of six Jewish and Catholic scholars, assembled in 1999 by the
Vatican to investigate the papacy and the Holocaust, has refused to submit a
final report. The savants had hoped to put to rest allegations of silence on
the part of Pope Pius XII about the fate of the Jews. The Vatican had said
the panel would be given every assistance. But instead of opening up its
archives, Vatican officials presented the panel members with copies of the
11-volume Acts and Documents of the Holy See during World War II, published
nearly 40 years ago. All requests for further, original documentation were
refused. The panel sent a letter to the Vatican saying, We cannot see a way
forward at present and believe that we must suspend our work. Scholars
point out that in the published Acts there are no references to the
original sources and no guarantee as to the integrity and scope of its
inclusions. Vatican officials have accused the panel scholars of bad faith.

Copyright 2001 by United Press International.
All rights reserved.

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RE: Zastava Workers Protest in Kragujevac [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-07-31 Thread Jim Yarker

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'We arrived in the central Serbian city of Kragujevac several hours later
than planned, due to an overly ambitious schedule and the delay caused by
Jaime's injury. Despite our belated arrival at Zastava factory in
Kragujevac, management staff had waited patiently and they were there to
greet us. Zastava was the largest factory in the Balkans, and certainly the
largest I've seen anywhere. Primarily a manufacturer of automobiles and
trucks, Zastava supplied 95 percent of automobiles operating in Yugoslavia.
This diverse factory also produced tools and machinery.
'It was far too tempting a target for NATO. Shortly after the inception of
NATO's war, workers at Zastava organized human shields to protect the
plants. Zastava workers sent an open letter to the public of NATO countries
and email messages to Western leaders and NATO, notifying them of their
action. Their letter proclaimed that we, the employees of Zastava and
citizens of freedom-loving Kragujevac, made a live shield, and that workers
would remain in the factory to protect with their bodies what provides for
their and their families' living. In the early hours of April 9, NATO sent
its reply to the workers' letter, in the form of bombs and missiles.
Miraculously, no one was killed, but 120 workers were wounded, 30 of them
seriously. One woman lying on a stretcher, her head bandaged, said, I can
only tell Clinton, we will build a new factory. He cannot destroy
everything. Three days later, Zastava endured another onslaught, and 20
more workers were wounded. The six largest plants at Zastava lay in ruins.
Interestingly, NATO ignored the plant that manufactured AK-47 automatic
rifles. Their intention was to cripple industry.
'According to Dragan Stankovic, export director for Zastava, the factory
complex in Kragujevac employed 28,000, and an additional 8,000 in associated
Zastava factories throughout Yugoslavia, most of which were also bombed.
Stankovic pointed out, Of all the catastrophes that befell us, we consider
the humanitarian catastrophe to be the biggest. One of the components of
this catastrophe, he felt, was that workers in many factories depended on
Zastava, and with its destruction they and their families, 200,000 people in
all, were left without a means of livelihood. Zastava's director, Milosav
Djordjevic, ruefully concluded, On the nights of the 9th and 12th of April,
all our dreams were destroyed in a mere 15 minutes of bombing. It was
difficult for him to understand the mentality that could inflict death and
destruction. We couldn't believe that some people exist who would kill
other people. It was all too easy for me to believe, after months of
exposure to the ranting of Madeleine Albright, Bill Clinton, Tony Blair and
Jamie Shea. Stankovic personally witnessed the attacks on April 9th. He was
in his apartment during the first detonations at 1:40 AM, which felt like
an earthquake. Approximately eight hours later, he was on the grounds of
Zastava when the second assault came. I saw a series of mushroom clouds,
he said, a series of mushroom clouds, strong light and fire, like an atomic
bomb. Strangely, he could hear neither the aircraft nor the explosions.
You could see the explosions and big fires only. You couldn't hear
anything. '
Greg Elich, Yugoslavia Amid the Maelstrom,

-Original Message-
Sent: Tuesday, July 31, 2001 1:58 PM
Subject: Re: Zastava Workers Protest in Kragujevac [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

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As far as I remember Kragujevac and the Zastava plant workers resisted NATO
vociferously.  Including an anti-NATO letter during the bombings and the
destruction of their factory.  I find it hard to believe that these same
people cheered NATO on, but I could be wrong...



In a message dated 31/07/01 06:29:29 Eastern Daylight Time,

 Subj: Re: Zastava Workers Protest in Kragujevac [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]
 Date:  31/07/01 06:29:29 Eastern Daylight Time
 From:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Rick Rozoff)

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 Good job all of you. The word SCAB seems to work, too.

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2001-08-06 Thread Jim Yarker

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[...I think I'll post Szamuely's letter, written when he was fired. - Jared]

I'd like to see that letter.  Jy

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Vatican attack misguided [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-08-08 Thread Jim Yarker

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Vatican Slander Allegation Unwarranted

For Immediate Release

August 8, 2001
Jonathan Levy and Tom Easton, Attorneys
Tel. 513-528-0586

Vatican spokesman Rev. Peter Gumpel has accused Jewish historians
on a special Holocaust commission of ``clearly incorrect behavior,'' charging
that they have helped mount a ``slanderous campaign'' against the Catholic
Church. Gumpel said several of the Jewish members of the commission had
``publicly spread the suspicion'' that the Holy See was trying to hide
documents ``that in their judgment could be compromising.''

However, World War II era documents in possession of attorneys
suing the Vatican Bank for laundering Nazi gold tell a different story.
According to Jonathan Levy, co-counsel for plaintiffs in the class action
lawsuit, Alperin v. Vatican Bank, plenty of evidence already exists to tarnish
the reputations of both Pope Pius XII and his successor Paul VI. I dont
understand the Vatican position, said Levy, Army
counterintelligence documents from 1945-1947 period document Nazi war criminals
from the Balkans being sheltered at the Vatican. The then Vatican Secretary of
State Montini, later Paul VI, met regularly with Ante Pavelic, known as the
Butcher of the Balkans.

The lawsuit against the Vatican Bank and Franciscan Order is based
in part on a 1998 US State Department report that implicates the Vatican in the
laundering of Nazi gold. The Vatican is widely believed to have destroyed
incriminating documents. Pius XII and Paul VI were in bed with the Nazis
acting as their landlord, travel agent, and banker, said Levy, referring
to the Vatican sheltering of Nazi war criminals in safe houses, Vatican
provided escape routes or ratlines to South America, and use of the Vatican
Bank to launder Nazi funds.

Levy says he will make available on his firms web site copies of
the most damning documents including one authored by Special Agent William
Gowen, one of the few remaining witnesses to Vatican complicity with former




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RE: US Bill On Restrictions On Zimbabweans Is Racist [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-08-08 Thread Jim Yarker

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Cough up your breakfast television

There's a regular feature on CITY-TV's Breakfast Television in Toronto,
where a guy comes out in his bathrobe, armed with a mug of coffee and a
highlight pencil, and gives commentary on some of the stories from the
morning's newspapers which have caught his eye.  His picks this morning were
supposed to show that the world was falling apart.  Exhibit A? The horrible
violence against whites in Zimbabwe, which we all agree surely heralds the

But in the course of deploring these developments, he actually SAID that the
country had enjoyed good race relations before Mugabe starting stirring
things up.  The 15-year war of terror by the white minority Ian Smith régime
against Zimbabwe's black majority, which claimed more than 40,000 black
Zimbabwean lives, preceded by decades of institutional racism and a
colour-based land tenure system still in place that would make antebellum
Mississippi look socialist - all this was airbrushed out of history,
banished down the same memory hole which contains the factual débris of what
happened in Yugoslavia between 1941 and 1945.

There's at least a certain consistency here.  This same station was running
South African government tourism ads during the minority rule era in South
Africa.  And the station's owner, Moses Znaimer, who also owns MuchMusic,
(cross Randolph Hearst with Jann Wenner and you get the idea) decreed that
MM was not to play Public Enemy songs because of the group's
anti-semitism.  You gotta lay down the line sometime, you see.


-Original Message-
From: Rick Rozoff [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, August 06, 2001 2:12 AM
Subject: US Bill On Restrictions On Zimbabweans Is Racist

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America is basically a racist country. Its history is
a history of racism, slavery and colonialism. Our
former slave masters can never be our liberators.
We want to see democracy in Harlem because charity
begins at home.

'US bill on restrictions on Zimbabweans is racist'

HARARE: A US Senate bill which could usher in visa
restrictions against people responsible for violence
in Zimbabwe is racist, Zimbabwean Information Minister
Johnathan Moyo said in an interview Sunday with a
pro-government newspaper.

The bill is a racist bill because it's targeting
African people whose crime is to seek the restoration
of their fundamental rights, Moyo said in The Sunday

America is basically a racist country. Its history is
a history of racism, slavery and colonialism. Our
former slave masters can never be our liberators,
Moyo said.

The bill, which passed late Wednesday, asks the
administration of President George W. Bush to consult
with other nations on ways to implement visa
restrictions and other targeted sanctions against
those responsible for political violence in Zimbabwe.

Known as the Zimbabwe Democracy and Recovery Act,
the bill would also double funding for democracy
programs in the southern African nation and urges US
support of observers for upcoming parliamentary and
2002 presidential elections.

Zimbabwe is embroiled in a bitter land row over
government attempts to seize land from white farmers
without compensation in a bid to correct colonial-era

The land reforms have been accompanied by violent
invasions of white farms by militant veterans of
Zimbabwe's 1970s liberation war, who have also been
tied to political violence that has left some 35
people dead during the last year.

Moyo said the United States should promote democracy
at home instead of meddling in Zimbabwe affairs.

We want to see democracy in Harlem because charity
begins at home.

The people don't understand how a country that does
not want to apologise for slavery in Africa, a country
that does not want to compensate Africa for
colonialism ... can poke its nose on the affairs of
Zimbabwe. I can't see a normal president signing such
a racist bill, he said.

( AFP )

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Sara Flounders of IAC and Michel Chossudovsky interviewed on Macedonia [WWW.STOP

2001-08-14 Thread Jim Yarker

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RealAudio clip of interview with
Dennis Bernstein of KPFA Berkeley

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correction [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-08-14 Thread Jim Yarker

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Interview was conducted by Nicole Hanrahan

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RE: Freedom of Expression [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-08-25 Thread Jim Yarker

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Talk about your textbook cases of muzzling free speech.  Somebody get on the
blower to Amnesty and Human Rights Watch over this.  If this was a KLA
narcotrafficker, they'd have already convened a press conference by now.

-Original Message-
From: Lee Mager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Saturday, August 25, 2001 12:15 PM
Subject: Re: Freedom of Expression [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

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So Milosevic tried to bring to public knowledge his views on his illegal
detainment by a bunch of murdering liars? The scoundrel! I tell you, the
more I hear about that man...

From: Jim Yarker [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Freedom of Expression [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]
Date: Sat, 25 Aug 2001 12:14:08 -0400

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-Original Message-
From: Gregory Elich [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Saturday, August 25, 2001 11:07 AM
To: Undisclosed-Recipient:;
Subject: Milosevic Threatened with Loss of Privileges After Giving U.S.
Television Interview

Associated Press
August 24, 2001


By Anthony Deutsch, Associated Press

Amsterdam, Netherlands (AP) Former Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic
warned Friday that he could lose jail privileges after he gave an
unauthorized interview to Fox television.

Fox said Milosevic initiated the interview by phoning the station from a
telephone just outside his cell at the U.N. detention unit at The Hague,
where he is awaiting trial for alleged war crimes against Kosovo Albanians
in 1999.

''We found out that he had spoken with a journalist in violation with the
rules of detention and he has been warned that if there was to be a
repetition that it could result in a withdrawal of all privileges,'' said
Jim Landale, spokesman for the Yugoslav war crimes tribunal. ''The
is crystal clear to him.''

Fox said in an e-mail that Milosevic was surrounded by guards during the
phone call, but they did not intervene.

Landale said he could not confirm the circumstances of the call. He called
the incident ''regrettable'' and said Milosevic had claimed he was unaware
he had broken rules by giving the interview.

Landale said Milosevic could forfeit his communications privileges, except
with an attorney present. Detainees are normally free to buy prepaid
telephone cards at the prison store.

Milosevic is known to frequently telephone family, supporters and leaders
his political party in Belgrade.

According to a transcript of the interview, Milosevic again charged that
tribunal is illegitimate and denied Serb forces had systematically
war crimes.

''There are individual crimes, but there was clear order that any crime has
to be punished immediately and whoever did it have to be arrested,'' he

As proof, ''more than 500 different individuals were arrested by the police
or the army,'' he said. Crimes ''were consequences of chaotic situation
created by massive bombing of NATO.''

Milosevic was transferred to the tribunal June 28 from Belgrade, where he
had been arrested in April on charges of abuse of power and corruption
during his 13-year rule. The former leader declined to enter a plea or
appoint lawyers to defend him against the war crimes accusations, and the
judges entered innocent pleas to all the charges.

Asked in the interview if he regretted the tens of thousands of people
killed during the Balkan wars, Milosevic said: ''All of us are sorry for
death of any person all around the world.''

Milosevic said he had always acted in the interest of a united Yugoslavia,
and expressed confidence in his public support back home.

''I have very, very wide and very strong support within my people,'' he
said. ''So, they understand how they have brought that puppet regime now in
Belgrade with those stolen elections and they understand that that is the
way to occupy Yugoslavia, and everything is now worse than it was before.''

Milosevic, who was ousted from power in October, was succeeded by President
Vojislav Kostunica.

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RE: NYT Calls For Coup Against Bully of Belarus [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-08-30 Thread Jim Yarker

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"Scribblers in Manhattan know what's best for the people of 
Eastern Europe and the world; locals can't 
be trusted to recognize their true 
interests - after all, look how 
often they vote the wrong 
And not just the scribes of the wire services and 
Manhattan editorial desks - let's not forget the scribes in the Peace Movement, 
Civil Society Inc., and the innumerable outposts of the Birkenstock 
International; the Herrenvolk in casual dress, who dole out pious lectures to 
Eastern Europeans about their "nationalism" ("Imagine there's no 
countries...")and the perils of "anti-Nato militarism" - roughly the equivalent 
of evoking the threat of "African-American militarism" during the Reconstruction 
era - as their own countries continue their unprovoked and murderous march to 
the gates of Moscow. They make me want to eat greasy food from non-biodegradable 
containers and play "Kalifornia Über Alles" at peak volume. 

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RE: Macedonian Rebels Retreat To Kosovo, Released By NATO [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-09-02 Thread Jim Yarker

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Nato forces fear a phoney peace...

Runner up for the Goebbels Prize to The Observer (and let's hear it for ALL
our fine contestants...)

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RE: Human Rights, Open Society, Rule Of Law On NATO's Eastern Flank [WWW.STOPNAT

2001-09-02 Thread Jim Yarker

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You left out Self-Determination.

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Belarus Pre-election report [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-09-02 Thread Jim Yarker

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should be wary of the extent to which the envoys of their countries are giving
Western-style democracy a bad name in Belarus. The OSCE Advisory and Monitoring Group chief in Belarus,
Hans Georg Wieck, former head of West German intelligence service, participated
in an opposition demonstration in central Minsk the day before the
parliamentary election last year.
US Ambassador Kozak was active in Latin America, when, ironically, anti-Communist death
squads and disappearances were every day events. He played a major role
in coordinating US democracy assistance to the Nicaraguan
opposition in the elections there in February, 1990 _ along with Mark Palmer,
another critic of Belarus today.

Various official Western
agencies and spokesmen seem determined to pre-judge the outcome of the
presidential elections in Belarus. The disjuncture between the active election
campaign witnessed on the ground in Belarus and their statements denying it are
a worrying phenomenon. Why do OSCE officials fail to notice opposition
posters and activists in the streets or opposition candidates speaking for up
to half an hour at a time on state television?

Report from BHHRG

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2001-09-05 Thread Jim Yarker

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One of
these days, great minds will discover whats really going on with Justin

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Postmark Prague on Nato 2002 Summit [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-09-06 Thread Jim Yarker

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  News and Views from the
  Communist Press

Fw: Postmark Prague news release on Nov.2002 NATO summit in

From Ken Biggs, 7/09/01 02:39:17 

Español] [Em
Português] [En
Français] [In
Italiano] [Auf
Deutsch] [-]

News release/feature (700 words) 

NATO SUMMIT IN PRAGUE November 21st/22nd
At a Communist Party press conference on August 23, the chair of the Czech
Republics Communist Union of Youth JOSEF GOTTWALD announced that the recent
15th World Festival of Youth and Students in Algiers had endorsed its call for
an international peaceful protest action in Prague against the summit. Its call
was also well-received by the more than 13,000 delegates from 143 countries who
took part in the festival. Leaders of the World Federation of Democratic Youth,
the festivals organiser, will meet in Prague shortly to discuss the nature of
the protest. 

asks Vaclav Vertelar of the Czech Left daily Halo Noviny* 
The size and militancy of anti-globalisation demonstrations at summits of the
worlds richest and most powerful is growing. They peaked at the G8s Genoa
summit. What goes on at the meetings themselves is usually pushed far into the
background. Instead, pictures of battles between the police and demonstrators and
words full of blood and violence dominate the TV news and front pages. But two
questions have to be asked. Why are these summits held at all and what are the
results? Why are they held in different countries and cities, like world sports
* Negative results 
Only in some cases do these summits have an agenda dealing with specific
fundamental issues of major importance to the world. Their results are usually
very modest or virtually nil, especially from the point of view of the leaders
and countries taking part. Of late they have brought only negative results for
the organising state and city: huge sums spent on organisation, security and
repairing the damage done during street battles. Perhaps originally the idea
was that the organising city would enhance its reputation and benefit from
related building projects and the profits from summit-related tourism. In
fact, quite the opposite has been the case. The cost outweighs the income,
which is certainly not the case with sports championships! 
* Brussels or New York? 
The agenda, course and method of arranging political and financial summits
mobilises the anti-globalisation forces and violent militant groups. They set
the timetable. If this doesnt change, the demonstrations and accompanying violence
will increase further. So why go on with all this? 
Would they be any the less world events if they were more rationally
organised and held at the UNs headquarters, which was set up for such
purposes? Or, in the case of EU and NATO summits, in Brussels? 
Opponents of this idea will say that there would be demonstrations there too.
This is only partly true. If the summit agendas were changed so that they dealt
much more with real problems, and if the discussions were democratically
prepared and the main opposition organisations and respresentatives invited, a
substantial improvement in the situation could be expected. 
Anyway, the next G8 talks will be held deep inside Canadas forests or in the
inaccessible Rocky Mountains, while the World Trade Organisation will meet in
November in the sun-baked desert of the Arab emirate of Qatar. All other things
being equal, this will solve nothing. The opponents of globalisation will
simply look for other ways of making their point. 
* Prague 
The organisers of NATOs summit in Prague in November 2002 are granite-like in
their resolve to go ahead. According to Alexandr Vondra, the Czech governments
plenipotentiary for the summit and its US ambassador, he is not thinking of
moving the summit from Prague. Its inappropriate to react to disturbances by
making concessions, he says. 
So there is no prospect of any reversal of the escalation of violent struggle
by various groups at this stage of the establishment of global capitalism. (I
have resisted the temptation to call this an intensification of the class
struggle.) The government has learned nothing from the IMF/World Bank summit
held in Prague in September 2000. It promised a huge income for Prague from
summit-related tourism and greater prestige for Prague and the Czech Republic
throughout the world. Nothing of the sort happened. Quite the opposite. The
summit cost several billion crowns which there is no hope of recovering. In
addition, the situation today and in a years time will be different and worse.
So, while there is still time, why not discuss holding the NATO summit at NATO
itself in Brussels? 

* This is an abridged translation of an
article published 

RE: WashTimes: Pure Fiction in Macedoinia [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-09-09 Thread Jim Yarker

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I think this is the first time that I've encountered the term
non-negotiable estimate.  I bet it won't be the last.

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Sense and Nonsense About September 11th [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-09-12 Thread Jim Yarker

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RE: Israeli intelligence: Iraq financed attacks [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-09-13 Thread Jim Yarker
Title: Message

Visit our website: HTTP://WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK

Exactly. The notion than any state
or government would want to run the risk of having something like this lead
back to them, given the U.S.'s limitless capacity to take it out of their
hides, is something we would all do well to question, esp in the case of a
state whose entire thrust in foreign policy is understandably to try to remove
itself from under the Anglo-American boot. Keep your guard up for references
to state sponsorship. Of course,
theres been state sponsorship of bin-Laden. See preceding posts for what state that is. 

Interesting how anxious the authorities
(and the media) were to trumpet the fact that the flight manual supposedly
found in the Boston hotel room of the suspected hijackers was in Arabic. I wonder what the high-profile
disclosure of this finding (or finding) did to further the case? It wasnt possible to say theyd
developed some important leads to the likely hijackers, incl a flight manual in
a hotel room, and just leave it at that?
I have a feeling that would have sufficed, if the flight manual had been
in English, or Danish. But they
obviously WANTED to highlight the fact that it was in Arabic. I guess that was just so that
Arab-Americans and Arab-Canadians could sleep a little easier, just like Mr.
Giuliani wants. These are agencies
which sit on any info they want  wave off any questions they want to  release
info only to suit their purposes.
They WANTED that to come out.
And then todays pogroms (and more to come). Shame on those motherfuckers.


From: Francisco Javier Bernal
Sent: Thursday, September 13, 2001
5:54 PM
Subject: Re: Israeli intelligence:
Iraq financed attacks [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

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BS, why would
somebody with an estimated fortune of $250 millions need of Saddam Hussein's
financial support?

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Palestinian People's Party, Press Release over acts of b=?i

2001-09-13 Thread Jim Yarker

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  News and Views from the
  Communist Press

Palestinian Peoples Party, Press Release over acts of
bombing in the US

From SolidNet, 14/09/01 02:01:22 

Español] [Em
Português] [En
Français] [In
Italiano] [Auf
Deutsch] [-]

Palestinian People's Party, Press Release over acts of bombing in the US 

Palestinian People's Party, Thu, 13 Sep 2001 
http://www.palpeople.org ,

Press Release over acts of bombing in the US 

The Palestinian People's Party warns of the scheme of Sharon's government which
is trying to exploit the bombing operations with planes that targeted the World
Trade Center in New York and the US Defense Department in order to settle
accounts with the Palestinian leadership and people through forming the
so-called international front to fight terrorism that offers a
cover up for more acts of aggression against the Palestinian people and against
the other peoples of the world who are struggling to reinforce their
independence and right in self determination. 

We join our voice to the voices of all Palestinian, Arab, and international
forces in condemning the suicide operations in the US.And we affirm that the
attempt to picture the Palestinian people as supporters of such acts is nothing
but an Israeli attempt to justify the policy of tightening the aggression and

We understand the call to form the so-called international front against
terrorism which was advocated first by Israel as an attempt aiming to
exploit the aftermath and international reactions resulting from the bombing
operations that condemn the killing of innocent civilians. This Israeli call
aims to break the international isolation resulting from the policy of
colonialism and racial discrimination and the establishment of a new alliance
that can save it from its isolation and can allow it to resume its aggressions
against the Palestinian people. 

We stress that the current phase requires urgent efforts to form an
international front against colonialism and racial discrimination and
work on implementing the decisions of Durban Conference, mainly the formation
of an international movement against Israeli racial discrimination against the
Palestinian people. 

The Palestinian People's Party 

September 12, 2001 



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Don't Rebuild the Twin Towers [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-09-16 Thread Jim Yarker

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An Architecture of Doom and Dread

‘…one loss that mustn't be mourned are the
Twin Towers themselves, those blinding prongs that rose up like a tuning fork
above the Battery. Under other circumstances, thousands would have gathered to
cheer the planned demolition of these oppressive structures as lustily as they
have the implosions of the Kingdome in Seattle and other misbegotten
monstrosities of the 1970s. You could say the World Trade Center was a singular
atrocity--except there were two of them. As architectural historian Francis
Morrone wrote his 1998 Architectural Guidebook to New York: The best
thing about the view from the indoor and out observation decks of Two World
Trade Centeris that they are the only high vantage points in New York city from
which the World Trade Center itself is not visible.’


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Fred Halliday: He's Older and Wiser [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-09-16 Thread Jim Yarker

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I remember his analyses of the Gulf War and how I thought “it’s been a
long way down.”  Didn’t realize he still
had so much further to plummet:

“The United States is a country with a
record at home and abroad that arouses criticism and indignation and, in some
cases, rightly so: Vietnam, Nicaragua, the neglect of Palestinian rights, Cuba,
the grotesque irresponsibility of its gun laws and its media, the insidious
role of religion, and money in public life, to name but a few. Yet such
criticism has to be matched, and often is not, by a recognition of what that
country means and will mean for the world as a whole. 

“Too much discussion of the United
States, in Western Europe as much as elsewhere, is guided by a set of lazy
prejudices, condescending in continental Europe, more fetid (in Left and Right
variants) in the British case, demagogic and rancorous without proportion in
much of the Third World. 

“For all its faults, the United States
is, to date, the most prosperous country in human history, the one to which
many people, possibly half of the world, would like to emigrate to and work,
whose vitality in a range of fields from music to medicine outstrips all
others. In regard to many issues, gender and immigration among them, it has a
record that puts much of Europe to shame. 

“Much has been made, especially in recent
days, of American militarism and belligerency: this is, the discourse of cowboy
culture aside, a myth. No other major country has a record as restrained as the
United States: it had to be dragged into world war in 1941, as it was dragged
into Bosnia in 1995. 

“Sneering at American aggression comes
strangely from other countries, given their record in modern times: Britain and
France, who trampled over half of Asia and Africa, Russia and China, not to
mention Germany, Italy and Japan.”


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RE: News from Neptune for Sept. 21 (fwd)] [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-09-17 Thread Jim Yarker

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'Last week's terrorist crimes in New York are just that -- crimes, and not
an act of war, as the Bush Administration keeps bleating.  (Even the
insurance companies, who would be let off the hook if the New York losses
were the result of war, have admitted that they can't claim that.)'


Tell that to CNN, who didn't waste any time shifting gears from Attack on
America to America's New War.  Apart from the gleefully dishonest rush to
use the word war, I was trying to figure out just what bothered me so much
about the transition, and then I just heard Harry Shearer hit the nail on
the head on Le Show: new is the single biggest come-on word in the history
of advertising.  It's a HYPE word.  We can't be far shy of America's New
and Improved War.

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RE: Kole: Secular regimes [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-09-18 Thread Jim Yarker

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I still agree with Kosta that neither Iran nor Sudan can be characterized as
secular régimes (they don't have to be calqued on the Taliban to be
non-secular), and that this is the case whether one is speaking of the
governing parties' ideology or the larger legal/constitutional order in
these states.

That quibble aside, I still think this analysis is one of the most important
for showing a neglected aspect in all this business - namely, the
instrumentality of an occupation of the Hindu Kush region in completing the
encirclement (or the noose around) Russia/FSU.  With the arc of satellites
from the Balkans/Caucasus thus extended, the logical next/last step is the
self-determining of Xinjiang. (enter Human Rights).  It adds another piece
to the picture showing who gains from all this?

Good job, all of you.  I hope this is widely read by peace groups, and of
course, I fear it won't be.


-Original Message-
From: Rick Rozoff [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, September 18, 2001 7:24 AM
Subject: Kole: Secular regimes [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

Visit our website: HTTP://WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK

Dear Kole,
 Notwithstanding the lingering effects
of Khomeini era influence in Iran, nor the
introduction of Islamic law in Sudan, Iran now is
different than it was in 1979 - according to the US
itself at any rate - and neither Iran nor Sudan was
established as a theocratic state after World War II,
unlike several others I could name.
In no way can either be compared to Aghanistan under
both the Mujahedin and Talian regimes, as Western
propaganda is currently trying to portray them.
Similarly, Libya's constitution has an Islamic
flavoring, but could hardly be described as an Islamic
fundamentalist regime.
Both Iran and Sudan have had several governments since
1945, and the vast majority of years intervening
between then and now have seen purely secular
governments. As they may again at anytime.
Such is definitively not the case with US client
regimes and recipients of US military aid like
Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Oman, Kuwait, the
United Arab Emirates, etc.
Without splitting too many hairs, the US is 'building
a case' against several countries with no connection -
or with Sudan, no current connection - with the
alleged evildoer Osama bin Laden, and it seems
incumbent on all of us to acquaint Western friends -
who do not understand why Shiite Iran would not harbor
Wahhabi Sunni fundamentalists, for example - with the
For peace,

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Dennis Bernstein interviews Rep. Barbara Lee on Flashpoints [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.

2001-09-18 Thread Jim Yarker

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Dennis Bernstein w US House Rep Barbara Lee (her email).. Barbara was the lone congressperson to
vote against war.. Barbara:
I was in the Capitol that morning, meeting with.. about assistance for small
business.. in the dining room of the Capitol.. someone screamed.. we turned on
the TV.. we could not believe it.. all our phones were dead.. (discussion)..
(about her vote).. people are very angry right now.. I had to look into my
conscience, deal with my intellect.. secure the future for our children.. very
very scarey, (this legislation).. the use of restraint makes sense.. we had a
five hour debate on this.. going to war, a five hour debate.. it does democracy
a disservice.. we can not respond in a conventional way.. as a responsible
member of Congress. I have received thousands and thousands of calls and
emails.. thank you very much.. a critical junction in our history.. thank you
for your trust.. a very serious historical moment, how we respond will
determine the future of our planet.. Dennis:
thank you.. Gandhi: an eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind..

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RE: Blaming the U.S., whitewashing terror [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-09-19 Thread Jim Yarker
Title: Message

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Goes some way toward explaining why one
doesnt find too many copies of the Post in the bulldozed dwellings of the West
Bank/Gaza and in the Shia neighbourhoods of Beirut. 

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RE: Susan Sontag on the WTC Attack, lies and deceptions [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-09-21 Thread Jim Yarker

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Dear Steve,

Damn straight - and get ready for lots more in this vein, now that the
Beautiful People have the picturesque and risk-free setting they require to
oppose militarism, viz. now that's it's clear to all that the Bush White
House has overplayed its hand on the Sympathy Thing.  You'll pardon my
venom.  It's all for Sontag, and none for you.  Best, jy

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RE: Refuting Christopher Hitchens [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-09-22 Thread Jim Yarker

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'[T]he bombers of Manhattan represent fascism with an Islamic face,
and there's no point in any euphemism about it. What they abominate
about the West, to put it in a phrase, is not what Western liberals
don't like and can't defend about their own system, but what they do
like about it and must defend: its emancipated women, its scientific
inquiry, its separation of religion from the state.'

This is actually a close variation on Bush's claim, viz. They hate us
because we're free, because we're a beacon to the world... etc etc etc.
The whole things fits neatly into the well-established Hitchens  genre of
fake iconoclasm,  rolling out a safe, jingoistic, opportunistic apologia for
Imperialism and pretending he's courageously slaying some big dragon of
untruth or conceit nursed by fellow leftists.  None of the people he's
turding on were rationalizing the actions in question, nor issuing their
statements with a view to elucidating Mideast politics for Hitchens and his
crowd of snooty-toot friends. It's all just pure shadow-boxing - we're not
supposed to notice that (as usual) he's taking the Administration's line.

For all the efforts of this pompous tosser to manicure some reputation for
himself as an anti-imperialist friend of Arab peoples, his rotten political
stances have by no means been limited to the Balkans, Eastern Europe, and
Central America.  He lined up with Jesse Helms and the Republican Right to
press the demand for military exclusion zones in Iraq, the territory
therein to be administered by the U.S.-backed and -funded Iraqi National
Congress exile group, the exclusion of Iraq's forces from it's own
sovereign territory to be ensured and policed by U.S. firepower, of course.
And if Iraq were to say no to this perfectly reasonable demand, well, more
bombs, more babies who won't live very long, etc.  See here:


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FW: Uzbek leaders remain tight-lipped on anti-terrorism participati [WWW.STOPNA

2001-09-22 Thread Jim Yarker

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To our list's fine satirists:

Here's a piece of raw meat.  Bon appétit.  jy

-Original Message-
Janet M Eaton
Sent: Saturday, September 22, 2001 10:25 AM
To: Mai-not
Subject: san: Uzbek leaders remain tight-lipped on anti-terrorism

--- Forwarded Message Follows ---
Date:  Sat, 22 Sep 2001 07:04:55 +0200

Turkistan Newsletter Sat, 22 Sep 2001 18:12:39
Turkistan Bulteni ISSN:1386-6265
Uze Tengri basmasar asra yer telinmeser, Turk bodun ilining torugin
kem artati, udaci erti. [Bilge Kagan in Orkhon inscriptions]

Josh Machleder: 9/20/01

Uzbekistan has adopted a twin-track policy on possible US retaliation
against Afghanistan. In the international arena, Uzbek President Islam
Karimov's government has pronounced its support for possible US military
action against the Taliban, the radical Islamic movement that controls
about 90 percent of Afghan territory. Meanwhile, the government is keeping
a tight lid on the domestic media as part of an overall clampdown on civil

The United States has begun deploying warplanes to a variety of Central
Asian locations, including Uzbekistan, according to a report September 20
in the Washington Post. Other sources in Washington tell EurasiaNet that
American warplanes are destined not only for Uzbekistan, but also for

But Karimov has not explicitly acknowledged that Uzbekistan is making it
facilities available to the US military. Indeed, at a September 19 news
conference, Karimov stressed he was open to discussing concrete forms of
cooperation, while denying that any military cooperation arrangement had
been reached. Authorities in Tashkent on September 20 denied that US planes
were located on Uzbek territory, the Interfax News Agency reported.

Uzbekistan is Central Asia's most populous country with over 25 million
inhabitants. Many observers view the country, which was an important
staging area during the Soviet army's occupation of Afghanistan from
1979-89, as having the region's most developed military infrastructure. As
such, Uzbekistan could play a prominent role in supporting US strikes
against Afghanistan.

Uzbek statements designed for the domestic audience, circulated by
state-run television and newspapers, have used the September 11 tragedy to
vindicate government policies imposing strict limits on freedom of speech.
In addition, thousands of Uzbeks have been jailed in connection with a
campaign against forms of Islamic expression not explicitly sanctioned by
the state. [For additional information see the Eurasia Insight archives].

The crackdown followed bombings in the Uzbek capital Tashkent in February
1999. The blasts, blamed on Islamic radicals, were portrayed as an
assassination attempt against Karimov.

Since 1999, Uzbek authorities have responded to a guerrilla campaign waged
by the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan (IMU) by stepping up repression.
Karimov has cast the insurgents as Islamic terrorists. The IMU reportedly
has training and logistics bases in Taliban-controlled areas of
Afghanistan, and the insurgents' military leader, Juma Namangani, has ties
to the Taliban and Osama bin Laden.

The Uzbek media has trumpeted statements made by Karimov in recent years,
including one made at the 2000 United Nations Millennium summit, warning
about the dangers of terrorism, and calling for a multinational effort to
reduce the security threat posed by terrorists. Local media claim
Uzbekistan has been leading a fight against terrorism for years that has
gone unheeded, implying that had the West been more responsive to
Uzbekistan's warnings and security needs, the September 11 attacks might
possibly not have occurred.

Uzbek authorities remain concerned about domestic stability. Despite the
fact that the Uzbek government lauds the US move against Afghanistan, local
media has provided spotty coverage, encouraging the spread of rumors among
the population. While the world watched the September 11 attacks in
disbelief, Uzbekistan's state television did not interrupt coverage of the
President's Cup Tennis tournament. To residents of Tashkent, the lack of
news from local sources is no surprise, even considering that Uzbekistan
may be one of the strategic sites from which the US may launch retaliatory
military actions and there is much interest in how this may affect their

If we didn't have access to Internet or Russian TV, we would be the some
of last ones in the world to know, said one Tashkent resident. In the

Re: Hitchens: reactionary character etc... [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-09-23 Thread Jim Yarker

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Re: Hitchens: reactionary character etc...

 Subject: Re:
 Hitchens: reactionary character etc... 
 From: jenyan1
 Date: Fri, 21
 Sep 2001 13:50:31 -0500 (CDT) 

On Fri, 21 Sep 2001, John Cox wrote: from the current The Nation:  October 8, 2001  Against Rationalization by Christopher Hitchens   This was my induction into the now-familiar symbiosis of tribal piety and high-tech; a symbiosis consummated on September 11 with the conversion of the southern tip of the capital of the modern world into a charred and suppurating mass grave. Not that it necessarily has to be a symbol of modernism and innovation that is targeted for immolation. As recently as this year, the same ideology employed heavy artillery to destroy the Buddha statues at Bamiyan, and the co-thinkers of bin Laden in Egypt have been heard to express the view that the Pyramids and the Sphinx should be turned into shards as punishment for their profanely un-Islamic character.  Since my moment in Peshawar I have met this faction again. In one form or another, the people who leveled the World Trade Center are the same people who threw acid in the faces of unveiled women in Kabul and Karachi, who maimed and eviscerated two of the translators of The Satanic Verses and who machine-gunned architectural tourists at Luxor. Even as we worry what they may intend for our society, we can see very plainly what they have in mind for their own: a bleak and sterile theocracy enforced by advanced techniques. Just a few months ago Bosnia surrendered to the international court at The Hague the only accused war criminals detained on Muslim-Croat federation territory. The butchers had almost all been unwanted volunteers from the Chechen, Afghan and Kashmiri fronts; it is as an unapologetic defender of the Muslims of Bosnia (whose cause was generally unstained by the sort of atrocity committed by Catholic and Orthodox Christians) that one can and must say that bin Lade! nism poisons everything that it touches. Like a good Liberal, Hitchens rails against the Islamist while ignoringthe fact that the civilised have, for reasons best known to themselves,for the last hundred years or more, set themselves resolutely andviolently against every democratic and popular force in the Arab andIslamic worlds. Which western intelligence agency was it that collaboratedwith the theocratic Iranian regime as it liquidated the Iraniancommunist party, the Tudeh, in the 1980's. And most of those wailing todayabout the rights of women under theocratic regimes, were strangely silent,or even rallied around the banner of anti-communism, when it suited theirends to destroy a secular Afghan state (and a whole nation in the process)which advanced and protected the rights of those same women. The drivel spouted by Hitchens is symptomatic of the mendacity, basenessand corruption that have sunk themselves deeply into the soul of theWestern bourgeoisie.===PLEASE clip all extraneous text before replying to a message

  Hitchens: reactionary
  character of Bin Ladism 

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 what really happened to the plane that went down in PA? 
 Next by Date: Re: Forwarded from
 Anthony (Bush speech) 
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 reactionary character of Bin Ladism 
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 (Bush speech) 

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Another Dragon Slain [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-09-23 Thread Jim Yarker

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[Well folks,
arent you glad that someone
finally had the courage to do
it? Oh, let the appeasers and
milquetoasts howl about prejudicing the progress of re-unification efforts
which are opposed by Washington, about reinforcing so-called punitive
Washington policies like draconian sanctions and reneging on its commitment
to finance non-nuclear power for DPRK after ordering DPRK to abandon
nuclear. Let them squawk!! And get ready for the yammering of the fellow-travelers about the millions of
dead from U.S. aggression and the most thorough and relentless aerial
blitzkrieg ever visited on a single state for which there were no so-called reparations. At least someone on the Left can brave these cowardly distractions and
conceits, roll up their sleeves and give North Korea the laurel for Worlds
Worst Country. A fitting choice
to be sure, since it combines despotism with state failure, in sharp
contrast to Hitchenss favoured Bosnia, for example. 

Of course, the competition
was fierce, and among the also-rans is poor Zimbabwe, whose citizens will be
devastated to learn theyve now lost the title of Hitchs favorite African
nation. ]


  Worst of the Worst: Why North Korea is No. 1
  The hermit kingdom
  combines despotism with state failure


July 9 issue  A couple of
months ago, the White House held a screening of a movie about the life of
Varian Fry, the great prewar humanitarian who rescued innumerable artists and
writers from Nazified Europe. Several current leaders of humanitarian and
relief organizations were invited and one of them was presented to President
George W. Bush. What, inquired the chief executive, is the worst country in
the world? Congo, Mr. President, came the reply. Oh yesI had that Paul
Kabila visit me recently. So, whats the second worst country? Afghanistan
Mr. President. Rightwhere them loonies shoot up the statues.

not unlike choosing rogue nationsa parlor game that is open to interpretation,
whether informed or not. What goes
to make up a real hellhole? The chief ingredients are tyranny, chaos and
corruption, but in most countries, the lack of one tends to mitigate the
presence of the others. An authoritarian state can bring stability and order;
on the other hand, chaotic countries are more likely to have governments that
are not very good at repression.

In Baghdad I have been sickened by the
pervasive feeling of fear while feeling reasonably confident that, if I was
knocked down by a car, an ambulance would come. In the Congolese capital of
Kinshasa, I realized there would be nobody to call. Some dictatorships, like
China, are tough on crime as well as any form of disorder; Tiananmen Square on
an average day is very controlled but also very safe. Whereas in Zimbabwe,
which used to be my favorite African nation, the state now uses criminal
elements for law enforcement. Nor should one forget the systems and societies
that are perfectly open, unless you happen to be a member of the wrong race
or religion.

Yet there is one place on earth that is
home to all these forces of misery: the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea.
Into this tiny space has been packed the worst combination of absolute
despotism and utter breakdowna weird coincidence of totalitarianism with state

Its the totalitarian aspect that strikes
you first, as it did me when I visited North Korea last winter. Fifty years of
ultra-Stalinism have made the very idea of a private life almost unthinkable.
Every move and utterance is planned and scripted, with an entire people
endlessly mobilized for a cult of hysterical adulation. The president of the
country is a dead man named Kim Il Sung, whose rotund visage glares from every
wall. All other official leadership posts are held by his son Kim Jong Il,
whose birth is said to have been attended by miraculous signs and portents. All
films, all books, all newspapers and all radio and television broadcasts are
about either the Father or the Son. Everybody is a soldier. Everybody is an
informer. Everybody is a unit. Everything is propaganda.

There are no minorities in North Korea,
but that doesnt mean its society isnt intensely chauvinistic. Children are
drilled to think of Japanese and Americans, in particular, as monstrous. It is
forbidden for citizens to have any contact with the handful of foreign visitors.
One of my party-appointed guides told me that South Korea would need to be
liberated very soon by the North, before intermarriage and exposure to
outsiders could mongrelize the South Korean people.

The old justification for the Stalinist forced-march
system was that at least it led to development. But even in Pyongyang, 

How U.S. destroyed progressive secular forces in Afghanistan [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.U

2001-09-24 Thread Jim Yarker

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How U.S.
destroyed progressive secular forces in Afghanistan

By Deirdre Griswold

The media are suddenly full of opinions about Afghanistan, now that the
Bush administration is accusing Osama bin Laden and other Islamic
fundamentalists of being behind the attacks on the World Trade Center and

In the 1980s, the reactionary political elements now ruling Afghanistan
were working with the CIA to overthrow a progressive Afghani government
supported by the Soviet Union. After the spending of an ocean of blood and
billions of U.S. dollars, the reactionaries won. 

Washington was happy and unconcerned as its protégés went on to butcher
Afghani progressives, restore landlordism and repress women while fighting
among themselves. 

The eventual triumph of the Taleban faction represented a catastrophe
for the Afghani people. Just in the last year thousands of Afghani refugees
have died of starvation and exposure and Kabul, the capital, is such a
wasteland that the U.S., demanding vengeance, can't even find anything to bomb.

On Oct. 10, 1996, Workers World printed the following article about how
the U.S. strangled a popular revolution led by the Progressive Democratic Party
of Afghanistan (PDPA) against feudalism and imperialism.

Not that long
ago, the bourgeoisie could still feel pride in their revolutionary history.
They continued to celebrate the 1789 French Revolution and many other great
victories in the struggle against feudal oppression. 

They even
spoke approvingly of the 1917 overthrow of the czarist autocracy in Russia. The
problem, they said, was that the Bolsheviks had spoiled that struggle for
democracy by going too far. 

capitalism in this rotten age of U.S. imperialist conquest of the globe has
degenerated so far from its revolutionary roots that it is now, to borrow a
phrase from Henry Kissinger, to the right of the czar. And it is celebrating
the return of absolute feudal rule in Afghanistan. 

The powerful
media engines, their reach multiplied by the most modern technologies, are
presenting the world with instant photographic images of a lynching--that's all
it was--of the few progressives left in Kabul. .

To make the
deed more palatable, the media use adjectives like butcher to
describe former President Najibullah and his aides. Dragged out of the United
Nations compound where they had sought asylum for the last four years, they
were beaten to death and then left hanging for all to see. 

But among
themselves, foreign-policy experts for the U.S. establishment know that the
Afghani progressives' real crime was that they tried to carry out a social
transformation in their country in the direction of socialism. 

authority bears witness to this? None other than the U.S. Department of the
Army itself. 

The Pentagon
puts out what it calls country study books on almost every country in the
world. They are updated every few years. These books contain basic information
for the use of U.S. personnel traveling or working abroad. There's nothing
classified in them. They're available in most libraries. 

Country Study for 1986 has of course the anti-communist line expected of
a Pentagon publication. But it also contains much useful information about the
changes instituted by the Afghani Revolution of 1978. 

Freeing women and peasants

Before the
revolution, 5 percent of Afghanistan's rural landowners owned more than 45
percent of the arable land. A third of the rural people were landless laborers,
sharecroppers or tenants. 

Debts to the
landlords and to money lenders were a regular feature of rural
life, says the U.S. Army report. An indebted farmer turned over half his
crop each year to the money lender. 

the PDPA took power, it quickly moved to remove both landownership inequalities
and usury, says the Pentagon report. Decree number six of the revolution
canceled mortgage debts of agricultural laborers, tenants and small landowners.

revolutionary regime set up extensive literacy programs, especially for women.
It printed textbooks in many languages--Dari, Pashtu, Uzbek, Turkic and
Baluchi. The government trained many more teachers, built additional
schools and kindergartens, and instituted nurseries for orphans, says the
country study. 

Before the
revolution, female illiteracy had been 96.3 percent in Afghanistan. Rural
illiteracy of both sexes was 90.5 percent. 

By 1985,
despite a counter-revolutionary war financed by the CIA, there had been an
80-percent increase in hospital beds. The government initiated mobile medical
units and brigades of women and young people to go to the undeveloped
countryside and provide medical services to the peasants for the first time. 

Among the
very first decrees of the revolutionary regime were to prohibit bride-price and
give women freedom of choice in marriage. 

scientific polling on internment camps (can we spell Agenda?) [WWW.STOPNATO.

2001-09-24 Thread Jim Yarker

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third of New Yorkers favor establishing internment camps for individuals who
authorities identify as being sympathetic to terrorist causes, according
to a poll from the Siena College Research Institute. 

[Institute Director Douglas] Lonnstrom said he didn't know if those questioned
equated the phrase sympathetic to terrorist causes to


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where's the chlorpromazine? [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-09-24 Thread Jim Yarker

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must be said that by this, and by other lies and numberless other atrocities,
Milosevic distinguished himself as an enemy of Islam. His national-socialist
regime took the line on the towel-heads that the Bush Administration is only
accused, by fools and knaves, of taking. Yet when a stand was eventually
mounted against Milosevic, it was Noam Chomsky and Sam Husseini, among many
others, who described the whole business as a bullying persecution of--the
Serbs! I have no hesitation in describing this mentality, carefully and without
heat, as soft on crime and soft on fascism. No political coalition is possible
with such people and, I'm thankful to say, no political coalition with them is
now necessary. It no longer matters what they think.


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