Re: [Bitcoin-development] instant confirmation via payment protocol backwards compatible proto buffer extension

2014-06-19 Thread Daniel Rice
 Supporting it in the protocol is easy. Building such a thing: that's
hard. Decentralised automated reputation systems are complex and subtle.

Bitcoin is valuable as a protocol because it is truly decentralized. The
complexity involved in building this system was expansive, but I think we
can all agree it was worth the trouble. With this particular topic of
instant transactions it seems we have to be very careful about pushing
Bitcoin in a centralized direction for the sake of a simple quick solution.
Building an automated system to solve the instant transaction problem will
be difficult, but also well worth the effort, and exactly like you're
saying Mike, I just want to make sure the door is left open protocol wise
for a robust solution in the future.

On Wed, Jun 18, 2014 at 9:09 AM, Mike Hearn wrote:

 I think that's true if you assume that the instant provider list is based
 on a by hand created list of accepted instant providers. That's how VISA
 works now and that's why I was asking for an approach where the
 trusted_instant_providers list is scalable because that seems very

 Supporting it in the protocol is easy. Building such a thing: that's hard.
 Decentralised automated reputation systems are complex and subtle.

 I don't feel strongly about whether the field should be optional or
 repeated, 100% of implementations in the forseeable future would just
 look at the first item and ignore the rest. But if later someone did crack
 this problem it would lead to a simple upgrade path. So perhaps you're
 right and the protobuf should allow multiple signatures. It means a new
 sub-message to wrap the pki_type, pki_data and signature fields into one,
 and then making that repeated.

 Up to Lawrence.

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Re: [Bitcoin-development] instant confirmation via payment protocol backwards compatible proto buffer extension

2014-06-16 Thread Daniel Rice
Jumping in on this conversation because I've been doing research in this
area. Using a list of trusted providers in the payment details will be very
limiting and not scalable. I understand the reason for wanting the
supports_instant field, but I think that's a bad idea because the list
could literally be a million providers. Secondly, some merchants already
support instant transactions without any trust signature, so they should
also be able to advertise that as well.

I also don't believe that trusted or not trusted is a valid on and off
switch. For example, I might trust an instant provider for a 1 btc
transaction, but not 1,000,000 btc. Trust is all about the risk involved.
We can definitely learn from the current financial system in this realm.

I 100% agree with the In Payment Message portion of the BIP extension.
Here's how I think this will practically shake out in an automated way:
Anyone can become an instant provider, but nobody will trust them at first.
As that particular instant provider processes more and more transactions
without any double spends, they essentially build up trust. Based on the
past history of a particular instant provider a risk factor could be
calculated for a given transaction. This would also factor in the size of
the transaction. It would be very similar to a credit file showing the past
history of that particular instant provider based on all the transactions
they signed.

Andreas Schildbach andreas at writes:

 Just a quick comment:

 The supports_instant field seems redundant to me. First, as per your
 spec, you can derive it from trusted_instant_providers. And second, why
 do you need it at all? Protobuf is designed so it will simply ignore
 fields you don't know. So you can just send the instant_* fields in the
 Payment message without harm.

Agreed, supports_instant is redundant and can/should/will go.

trusted_instant_providers on the other hand I think is needed.

Sometimes the providers will charge fees for instant.

While the software can ignore the fields,
users may not want to pay for instant when the merchant may not accept it or
care (even if it would not break the protocol it would still be a waste of

Does it make sense?

Not all transactions from GreenAddress provide double spend protection, there
are additional checks on prevout that are normally not done when spending
normally, etc
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Re: [Bitcoin-development] instant confirmation via payment protocol backwards compatible proto buffer extension

2014-06-16 Thread Daniel Rice
If you're hoping the instant providers list won't need to scale then you're
essentially saying that we need a solution to the double spend problem.
That is a good point. Double spends are one of the biggest issues remaining
in the protocol. I've seen so many people talk about bad experiences trying
to spend Bitcoin at a restaurant and waiting an hour for confirmations.
This entire BIP extension is a band aid for double spends. If double spends
are not resolved, there will be a million instant providers in the long run
and if double spends are resolved then this BIP extension is completely
unnecessary. Is solving doublespends off the table?

What if we solved doublespends like this: If a node receives 2 transactions
that use the same input, they can put both of them into the new block as a
proof of double spend, but the bitcoins are not sent to the outputs of
either transactions. They are instead treated like a fee and given to the
block solver node. This gives miners the needed incentive and tools to end
doublespends instead of being forced to favor one transaction over the

I will write up a BIP if this seems like a practical approach.

On Mon, Jun 16, 2014 at 5:19 AM, Mike Hearn wrote:

 Looking good! I think this is much better than the original draft. Agree
 with Andreas that supports_instant is simply equal to
 (supported_instant_providers.size()  1) which makes it redundant.

 Daniel is right that putting every possible provider in the Payment
 message might not scale in a world where there are huge numbers of
 instant-confirmation providers, but I'm hoping that we never have to scale
 to that size, because if we did that'd rather imply that Bitcoin has become
 useless for in-person payments without trusted third parties and avoiding
 that is rather the whole point of the project :) So I'm OK with some
 theoretical lack of scalability for now.

 A more scalable approach would be for the user to send the name and
 signature of their instant provider every time and the merchant just
 chooses whether to ignore it or not, but as Lawrence points out, this is
 incompatible with the provider charging extra fees for instantness. But
 should we care? I'm trying to imagine what the purchasing experience is
 like with optional paid-for third party anti-double-spend protection.
 Ultimately it's the merchant who cares about this, not me, so why would I
 ever pay? It makes no sense for me to pay for double spend protection for
 the merchant: after all, I'm honest. This is why it doesn't make sense for
 me to pay miners fees either, it's the *receiver* who cares about
 confirmations, not the sender.

 So I wonder if a smarter design is that the user always submits the
 details of their instantness provider and we just don't allow for optional
 selection of instantness. I'm not sure that works, UX wise, so is having a
 less scalable design to support it worthwhile?

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Re: [Bitcoin-development] instant confirmation via payment protocol backwards compatible proto buffer extension

2014-06-16 Thread Daniel Rice
 Any reason you think people will spread trust instead of consolidating of
bunch of instant transaction providers when time is critical?

Maybe you're right, but if you are, that's a huge reason not to implement
this. We should encourage proliferation of instant providers otherwise we
start becoming VISA all over again. That's a future for Bitcoin I'm not
excited about: Use one of these 4 companies, or you need to wait an
impractical amount of time before your transaction will go through.

Come to think of it, is the payment protocol really the place to put this
instant provider signature or should it be in the actual Bitcoin
transaction? If we don't believe there is a valid practical solution to
doublespends (some people have already emailed me critical feedback on my
proposal) then we absolutely need a trust network, but we would also want
it to be part of the public ledger for everyone to see.

On Mon, Jun 16, 2014 at 8:26 AM, Lawrence Nahum

 Daniel Rice drice at writes:

   If double spends are not resolved, there will be a million instant
 providers in the long run and if double spends are resolved then this BIP
 extension is completely unnecessary.

 I am not sure if double spends can be resolved, at the moment they are not
 and I highly doubt you will see millions instant providers just like I
 see millions Certificate Authorities and I don't see Million Credit Card

 Any reason you think people will spread trust instead of consolidating of a
 bunch of instant transaction providers when time is critical?

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Re: [Bitcoin-development] instant confirmation via payment protocol backwards compatible proto buffer extension

2014-06-16 Thread Daniel Rice
I'm trying to think through how to encourage the maximum number of instant
signature providers and avoid the VISA monopoly. Ideal case would be that
people can even be their own instant provider.

What if the protocol allowed multiple instant signatures on a transaction?
Would it encourage more instant providers? For example, a new instant
provider could bootstrap their own trust by paying an already trusted
instant provider to co-sign the same transaction. This would be useful in
the case that a new company tries to release a new wallet once the trust
ring is already established. Nobody will use that wallet because it does
not have the trusted history to do instant transactions, but if they can
pay a small amount per transaction to a third party to cosign, they can
build trust in their own signature till they can eventually have enough
trust on their own. This could be how an individual user could grow trust
in their own instant signature as well.

On Mon, Jun 16, 2014 at 11:09 AM, Mike Hearn wrote:

 I think many of us feel it'd be better if this kind of thing were not
 needed at all, however, the best way to ensure it doesn't end up being used
 is to write code, not to try and block alternative approaches. If Bitcoin
 is robust the market should sort it out. If it's robust for some
 transactions and not others, that makes for a fun project for a future
 generation of hackers to sort out.

 OK, enough philosophy - let's try and keep this thread just for discussion
 of the BIP itself from now on. If you'd like to continue debating the
 Future of Bitcoin please change the subject line and break it out into a
 new thread.

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Re: [Bitcoin-development] instant confirmation via payment protocol backwards compatible proto buffer extension

2014-06-16 Thread Daniel Rice
True, that would work, but still how are you going to bootstrap the trust?
TREZOR is well known, but in a future where there could be 100 different
companies trying to release a similar product to TREZOR it seems like one
company could corner the market by being the only one that is an accepted
instant provider at most vendors. It seems to encourage monopoly unless
there is a standard way to bootstrap trust in your signature.

On Mon, Jun 16, 2014 at 1:32 PM, Mike Hearn wrote:

 On Mon, Jun 16, 2014 at 10:29 PM, Daniel Rice

 I'm trying to think through how to encourage the maximum number of
 instant signature providers and avoid the VISA monopoly. Ideal case would
 be that people can even be their own instant provider.

 A provider does not have to be an interactive third party. One reason I
 suggested using X.509 is so secure hardware devices like the TREZOR could
 also be instant providers. The hardware would be tamperproof and assert
 using a secret key embedded in it that the tx came from a genuine,
 unflashed TREZOR. The the server can know the device won't double spend.

 In this way you have decentralised anti-double spending. Of course, it's
 an old solution. MintChip sort of worked a bit like this.

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Bitcoin-development mailing list

Re: [Bitcoin-development] instant confirmation via payment protocol backwards compatible proto buffer extension

2014-06-16 Thread Daniel Rice
Mike Hearn wrote:
 A more scalable approach would be for the user to send the name and
 signature of their instant provider every time and the merchant just
 chooses whether to ignore it or not, but as Lawrence points out, this is
 incompatible with the provider charging extra fees for instantness. But
 should we care? I'm trying to imagine what the purchasing experience is
 with optional paid-for third party anti-double-spend protection.
 it's the merchant who cares about this, not me, so why would I ever pay?

Lawrence Nahum wrote:
 I think you are wrong here.
 Just because up to date credit cards charged the merchant which in turn
 charged you and the ordinary cash payer doesn't mean a newer and better
 system can't be transparent from day one.

I don't think a whitelist of trust is a practical approach because you are
going to want to have varying levels of trust in different instant
providers. This would be based on how large their past transaction volume
has been. For that reason maybe another approach is an additional
negotiation message between the merchant and wallet. Merchant sends payment
details - wallet responds with their instant information requesting if an
instant transaction will be accepted for this transaction. Merchant weighs
the risk based on historical data about this particular instant provider
and the amount of the requested transaction - Merchant responds yes or no.

That approach avoids the scaling issue, but also allows for Lawrence's use
case of charging the user a fee only in the case where the instant
transaction is supported.

On Mon, Jun 16, 2014 at 1:29 PM, Daniel Rice

 I'm trying to think through how to encourage the maximum number of instant
 signature providers and avoid the VISA monopoly. Ideal case would be that
 people can even be their own instant provider.

 What if the protocol allowed multiple instant signatures on a transaction?
 Would it encourage more instant providers? For example, a new instant
 provider could bootstrap their own trust by paying an already trusted
 instant provider to co-sign the same transaction. This would be useful in
 the case that a new company tries to release a new wallet once the trust
 ring is already established. Nobody will use that wallet because it does
 not have the trusted history to do instant transactions, but if they can
 pay a small amount per transaction to a third party to cosign, they can
 build trust in their own signature till they can eventually have enough
 trust on their own. This could be how an individual user could grow trust
 in their own instant signature as well.

 On Mon, Jun 16, 2014 at 11:09 AM, Mike Hearn wrote:

 I think many of us feel it'd be better if this kind of thing were not
 needed at all, however, the best way to ensure it doesn't end up being used
 is to write code, not to try and block alternative approaches. If Bitcoin
 is robust the market should sort it out. If it's robust for some
 transactions and not others, that makes for a fun project for a future
 generation of hackers to sort out.

 OK, enough philosophy - let's try and keep this thread just for
 discussion of the BIP itself from now on. If you'd like to continue
 debating the Future of Bitcoin please change the subject line and break it
 out into a new thread.

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