Re: [board-discuss] Board of Directors Meeting 2023-03-20

2023-03-29 Thread Paolo Vecchi

Hi Cor and all,

On 29/03/2023 15:58, Cor Nouws wrote:

Hi Andreas,

Andreas Mantke wrote on 29/03/2023 12:04:

7. Status Report, Discuss: TDF 2023 Budget Planning (tdf-board, 5 mins)

Thorsten and Gabor declared a personal interest on the above topics (see
above). I ask if they both attended the call and the discussion during
this three topics of the private part of the meeting. Who lead the
meeting as chair during this three topics?

A personal interest is not a conflict of interest which in general is 
not a reason to abstain from discussing topics.

Just a comment about the last statement as I believe we discussed the 
matter extensively within the board and also on board discuss:

In previous discussions I took as an example the "Code of Conduct for 
the Members of the European Commission" (not to be confused with our use 
of Code of Conduct) as IMHO is the standard we should aim at in regard 
to the first 7 articles.

There we can read (Art. 2(6)): " A conflict of interest arises where 
a personal interest may influence the independent performance of their 
duties. ..."

and then: "Members shall recuse themselves from any decision or 
instruction of a file and from any participation in a discussion, debate 
or vote in relation to a matter that falls under Article 2(6)."

It is very simple and clear.

Some argued that TDF is not an EU institution but that should not stop 
us to aim for very high standards in demonstrating independence, 
objectivity and impartiality when performing our duties.

Taking in consideration the various interests within the community of 
course a member of the board that has declared a personal interest can 
put on the table a detailed proposal but then he/she should stay 
completely out of of the discussion and refrain from influencing in any 
way the decision process.

I presume it is common knowledge that a conflict of interests isn't 
confirmed only when directors with a personal interest cast their vote, 
the perceived/actual conflict of interests materialises also along the 
whole decision process if the directors influence the process and other 
non conflicted members.

Just like a supplier, after having presented a quote for 
services/products then only those that have no personal interests on the 
matter should be present and discuss the merits of the proposal and ask 
questions if necessary.

If the "supplier" has reasons to object on the decision then naturally 
the non conflicted members will would discuss the merits of the 
objections separately.

It might seem convoluted but that's, IMHO, a good way to have all the 
opinions heard while taking decisions in an independent, impartial and 
objective way which shouldn't lead to perceived or actual conflict of 

Those that still don't have made their mind up in regards to what 
conflict of interests are, and how affect also the private sector, will 
find this document very useful:

It contains quite a few examples/definitions which could help us in 
having a common understanding of personal interests, conflict of 
interests and how to deal with them leading by example from within the 

Dealing with perceived conflict of interests is a team effort:
"Importantly, a conflict of interest exists even where the conflict in 
question is merely apparent, since the individual in question is neither 
required nor expected to be able to judge situations in which they are 
involved with an impartial, objective and independent eye."

So when someone spots a potential issue it is good that the board is 
notified so that we can review our decisions and improve our processes.

Then: "In order to shield themselves against conflict-of-interest risk, 
organisations must widen their prevention measures beyond actual 
conflicts of interest to include apparent conflicts of interest, which 
can also harm their image and erode trust."

That's absolutely true and seeing yet another notification of perceived 
impropriety it's a signal that we need to further improve on our 
transparency, processes and a common understanding of how to deal with 
personal interests so that we provide no reasons for doubts.

Further question: why didn't declare Cor also a personal interest about
this three topics?

Sorry if it is not there. IIRC I said the same applied for me - as is 
usually the case - so my name should be there in the minutes too.




Paolo Vecchi - Member of the Board of Directors
The Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 Berlin, DE
Gemeinnützige rechtsfähige Stiftung des bürgerlichen Rechts
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Re: [board-discuss] Board of Directors Meeting 2023-03-20

2023-03-29 Thread Cor Nouws

Hi Andreas,

Andreas Mantke wrote on 29/03/2023 12:04:

7. Status Report, Discuss: TDF 2023 Budget Planning (tdf-board, 5 mins)

Thorsten and Gabor declared a personal interest on the above topics (see
above). I ask if they both attended the call and the discussion during
this three topics of the private part of the meeting. Who lead the
meeting as chair during this three topics?

A personal interest is not a conflict of interest which in general is 
not a reason to abstain from discussing topics.

Further question: why didn't declare Cor also a personal interest about
this three topics?

Sorry if it is not there. IIRC I said the same applied for me - as is 
usually the case - so my name should be there in the minutes too.


Cor Nouws, member Board of Directors
The Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 Berlin
Gemeinnützige rechtsfähige Stiftung des bürgerlichen Rechts
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Re: [board-discuss] Board of Directors Meeting 2023-03-20

2023-03-29 Thread Andreas Mantke

Hi all,

Am 24.03.23 um 09:55 schrieb Florian Effenberger:

The Document Foundation
Board of Directors Meeting 2023-03-20
Meeting Minutes

Date: 2023-03-20
Location: Jitsi

Session chair: Thorsten Behrens
Keeper of the minutes: Stephan Ficht

In the meeting:
   Board Members - Thorsten, Cor, Paolo, Gabor, Emiliano, Laszlo
   Board Deputy Members - Gabriel
   Membership Committee Members - Gustavo, Marina
   Membership Committee Substitute Members -
   Community - Andreas
   Team - Florian, Stephan, Sophie, Guilhem, Stéphane

Representation: Gabriel for Ayhan


Any updates regarding director affiliations and substantial interests:
* no changes, current affiliations see election page:
* Gabor and Thorsten notify the board of trustees of allotropia's
  partnership with Collabora, through which they now fund part of
  our development work

Would any of the directors present need to declare an interest, for
any of the listed agenda items?
* 1.
* 2.
* 3.
* 4.
* 5. Thorsten, Gabor
* 6. Thorsten, Gabor
* 7. Thorsten, Gabor
* 8.
* 9.


### Private Part

5. Status Report, Discuss: Improve tendering process (tdf-board, 5 mins)

6. Status Report, Discuss: Next steps legal ToDo items (Paolo Vecchi,
20 mins)

7. Status Report, Discuss: TDF 2023 Budget Planning (tdf-board, 5 mins)

Thorsten and Gabor declared a personal interest on the above topics (see
above). I ask if they both attended the call and the discussion during
this three topics of the private part of the meeting. Who lead the
meeting as chair during this three topics?

Further question: why didn't declare Cor also a personal interest about
this three topics?


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