Re: Torchwood: Children of Earth

2009-07-25 Thread William T Goodall

On 25 Jul 2009, at 04:02, John Williams wrote:

I just watched the 3rd season of Torchwood, which was a 5 episode
mini-series called Children of Earth. What a disappointment.


Then I looked at the Torchwood forum on, and found that quite
a few people posting thought Children of Earth was the best
science-fiction they have seen in quite a while! One post even
compared it to Firefly. Ouch.

I quite enjoyed it. The ending was weak as usual for Davies.

I'm trying to think of any good sci-fi on television recently, or
coming soon, but the only thing I can think of is Dollhouse. Umm, and
possibly A Game of Thrones, if it ever makes it to HBO, but that is
fantasy, not science fiction.

The pilot for _Virtuality_ was good, and they're still shopping that  
around looking for international partners so it may yet become a  
series. The trailer for the latest Stargate spinoff, _Stargate  
Universe_ makes it look like the best thing in that franchise for many  

In the new season TV the remake of _V_ starring Morena Baccarin and  
_FlashForward_ based on the novel by Robert J Sawyer both look  

_Lost_ and _Fringe_ both return. _Lost_ was excellent last season and  
I expect great things from the final season. _Fringe_ kicked up a gear  
with the twists and revelations at the end of the first season so it  
will be interesting where that goes.

William T Goodall
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“Babies are born every day without an iPod. We will get there.” - Adam  
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Re: Torchwood: Children of Earth

2009-07-25 Thread John Williams
SPOILERS for Torchwood: Children of Earth below
SPOILERS for Torchwood: Children of Earth below

Here are just a few of the things that ruined the story for me:

Hostile, bloodthirsty aliens show up and the first thing the
government does is assassinate their elite special-ops team of alien
experts, and destroy said team's base of operations which contains
much technology and alien-fighting weapons. And the kill order goes
through a politician's secretary and is sent by email, with a copy of
the kill order kept in said secretaries sent-mail box.

A pair of ordinary looking contact lenses have a built-in hi-def
camera and an energy-source capable of powering the camera AND a
high-power transmitter capable of undetectably transmitting video for
miles (while being in direct contact with human eyes), but this
technological wonder lacks a simple audio microphone. And the people
who utilize this technological wonder can produce no other useful
defensive or offensive weapons to help them against government
assassins or hostile aliens, nothing except ordinary handguns and

The government that assassinated their elite alien-fighting team just
before encountering hostile aliens does virtually nothing to detect,
locate, defend against, or attack the aliens that are demanding they
be given millions of human children to be put to a fate worse than
death. Instead, said government uses other special-ops teams to pursue
the alien-fighting team members (who are still alive) and families of
the alien-fighting team.

Aliens with the capability to beam themselves down to earth from
undetectable spaceships (and to beam millions of children back up),
able to cause all the children on earth to simultaneously speak for
them (or to each speak a different message depending on which country
they are in), able to graft human children onto their bodies well
enough to be used as something like an adrenal gland, and able to
instantly synthesize out of thin air a deadly virus throughout a large
government building...said aliens cannot synthesize a
desperately-wanted chemical (or chemicals) for themselves.

Every country in the world is instructed that they must provide 10% of
their children to hostile aliens for either unspecified reasons or a
fate worse than death, and this knowledge is somehow kept secret from
most of the world's population, not mentioned in the news media. None
of the other countries so informed decide to take action against the
hostile alien confined in a well-known location, not attempting to
capture, interrogate, kill, or bomb said alien.

The prime minister of Britain, calmly working at his desk, has a
trusted subordinate sent into his office, and casually informs him
that the subordinate's two children will be given to hostile aliens to
suffer a fate worse than death, and said subordinate will give a news
conference saying how happy he is about this. The prime minister then
continues calmly with paper-work at his desk. The subordinate, instead
of trying to hide his family, calmly asks his secretary to submit the
proper form to get a government handgun, then takes said handgun home
and shoots his wife and children (one bullet each) and then shoots

The chief government assassin, who has spent the past several days
abducting innocent women and children and killing everyone in sight,
including her fellow agents, has a change of heart and asks one of her
attempted-murderees to help her attack the aliens. The aliens who have
an undetectable spaceship, and are able to transmit messages to all
the children in the world and remotely-control the children to speak
as they wish...said attempted-murderee having previously walked up to
the alien with nothing but a handgun and declared war on the alien,
then lamely shot a few rounds at the bullet-proof glass around the
alien while the alien kills everyone in the building. The
attempted-murderee, now that he is asked nicely by the chief
government assassin, suddenly knows how to rig up a few pieces of
equipment in a warehouse to transmit on the mysterious
children-remote-control frequency to remotely kill all the aliens,
even the ones on the undetectable spaceship, and all he needs is for
his grandson to stand there and wirelessly resonate, shake, bleed, and
collapse in order to accomplish this extremely timely alien-genocide.
Personally, instead of pressing the KILL ALIENS button on my Harmony
universal remote, I would have pressed the SEND JUNKIE ALIENS TO
BETTY FORD button, but I suppose that might have over-stressed the
government's universal health-care budget.


RE: Torchwood: Children of Earth

2009-07-25 Thread Gary Nunn

 _Lost_ and _Fringe_ both return. _Lost_ was excellent last 
 season and I expect great things from the final season. 
 _Fringe_ kicked up a gear with the twists and revelations at 
 the end of the first season so it will be interesting where that goes.

I have to agree with John, Torchwood was a disappointment. That doesn't mean
I didn't enjoy it, I just expected more since the entire season consisted of
only 5 episodes.

I had hoped for more science fiction. Instead, I think they were going for
the shock value of the storyline.

I agree with John about Lost. Personally, I think the last season will
either blow viewers away, or it will be lame.  I hope they don't follow the
trend that's developed in the last few years of taking 8 month mid-season
breaks.  Lost did that and it REALLY annoyed me when Battlestar Galactica
did that.

As for Fringe, it was just ok, until the last few episodes, then I was
blown away. I'm very much looking forward to the next season.

I'm a Eureka fan. I love that show even though it's silly and campy.

Warehouse 13 - After two episodes, I'm not impressed or hooked yet, but I'll
give it a few more episodes.

I've also been watching Primeval on BBC America.  SciFi Channel just started
showing it.  I didn't care for the first few episodes, but became hooked as
the story arc developed.  Of Course, BBC didn't renew Primeval and tonight's
cliffhanger episode will be the series last episode.

I have high hopes for Stargate: Universe. I just hope the commercials don't
show only the best parts of the show.

I miss the days of Farscape.



RE: Torchwood: Children of Earth

2009-07-25 Thread Simon Curtiss
 I hope they don't follow the trend that's developed in the last few years
of taking 8 
 month mid-season breaks.  Lost did that and it REALLY annoyed me when 
 Battlestar Galactica did that.

I thought that was due to the Writers strike?



Re: Torchwood: Children of Earth

2009-07-25 Thread Richard Baker

Gary said:

I've also been watching Primeval on BBC America.  SciFi Channel just  
showing it.  I didn't care for the first few episodes, but became  
hooked as
the story arc developed.  Of Course, BBC didn't renew Primeval and  

cliffhanger episode will be the series last episode.

The BBC didn't renew Primeval because it wasn't a BBC series: it was  
made by and shown on ITV in the UK. Apparently it was ITV's attempt to  
counter the success of the revived Doctor Who but was somewhat less  
successful in the ratings.



The Poop on the Kindle

2009-07-25 Thread Doug Pensinger
So who has a Kindle (I know someone mentioned them before), how do you like
it and what do you read on it?
I just got one today and am attempting to download the NY Times (free 14 day
trial) right now.  It seems like it's taking a long time...


Re: The Poop on the Kindle

2009-07-25 Thread John Williams
On Sat, Jul 25, 2009 at 8:25 PM, Doug wrote:
 So who has a Kindle (I know someone mentioned them before), how do you like
 it and what do you read on it?
 I just got one today and am attempting to download the NY Times (free 14 day
 trial) right now.  It seems like it's taking a long time...

I have a Kindle DX. I'm pleased with the display size and contrast. I
am less than pleased at the navigation, which is klunky, but I knew
that before I bought it.

I don't read any newspapers on it, since I tend to get my news from
the web with a computer. I read mostly fiction on it. My library of
paper books takes up a lot of space, and I wanted to reduce its size,
or at least stop its growth. Unfortunately, few of the science fiction
books in my library are available in Kindle format, less than 1 in 5.
Fortunately, most new releases come out in Kindle now, but often
delayed some time after the hard cover is released.

I'm not sure why your download is taking a long time, unless it is a
problem with the NYT system. When I download books over the cell
network (Whispernet), it generally only takes a few seconds, never
more than a minute. My Kindle is able to get a 3G connection with 4 or
5 bars in my home. Does yours have a similar signal?


Re: The Poop on the Kindle

2009-07-25 Thread Doug Pensinger
John  wrote:

 I have a Kindle DX. I'm pleased with the display size and contrast. I
 am less than pleased at the navigation, which is klunky, but I knew
 that before I bought it.

 I don't read any newspapers on it, since I tend to get my news from
 the web with a computer. I read mostly fiction on it. My library of
 paper books takes up a lot of space, and I wanted to reduce its size,
 or at least stop its growth. Unfortunately, few of the science fiction
 books in my library are available in Kindle format, less than 1 in 5.
 Fortunately, most new releases come out in Kindle now, but often
 delayed some time after the hard cover is released.

 I'm not sure why your download is taking a long time, unless it is a
 problem with the NYT system. When I download books over the cell
 network (Whispernet), it generally only takes a few seconds, never
 more than a minute. My Kindle is able to get a 3G connection with 4 or
 5 bars in my home. Does yours have a similar signal?

They talked about the whispernet in the instructions I've read so far, but I
didn't realize exactly what it was.  Before I got the thing I assumed that
downloading was via the computer/net.  Silly me.  I just downloaded a book
and it seemed to load pretty quickly.

Is there any free content?  The instructions said there was some sort of pdf
translation software but implied that it wasn't free and that it didn't
always work right.  It also said something about being able to load your own

RTFM maru

Re: The Poop on the Kindle

2009-07-25 Thread John Williams
On Sat, Jul 25, 2009 at 9:16 PM, Doug wrote:

 They talked about the whispernet in the instructions I've read so far, but I
 didn't realize exactly what it was.  Before I got the thing I assumed that
 downloading was via the computer/net.  Silly me.  I just downloaded a book
 and it seemed to load pretty quickly.

The default is to download over the cell network (I don't like to call
it by the saccharine whispernet), but you can choose to download book
files to your computer and then transfer to the kindle via USB.

 Is there any free content?

There are free books available on!133141011%2Cn%3A154606011bbn=154606011sort=price

There are other sources as well, just google free kindle books

 The instructions said there was some sort of pdf
 translation software but implied that it wasn't free and that it didn't
 always work right.  It also said something about being able to load your own

The Kindle DX can display PDF files -- just hook the USB cable to a
computer, and the Kindle DX shows up as a MSC device. You can drag
book files, PDF files, etc.

I believe the Kindle 2 allows you to transfer PDF files from the
computer vias USB after filtering through a translation program. Or
you can pay a fee for Amazon to translate the PDF file and download it
to the Kindle 2 over the cell network. But I'm not positive about any
of that (one reason I got the DX was so I did not have to bother with
