Re: A Link for Dan

2010-05-02 Thread Doug Pensinger
My mistake.  Posted on a fan page for Niel Stephenson.  Stephenson has
no facebook presence.


On Sat, May 1, 2010 at 7:20 PM, Doug Pensinger wrote:
 Posted to Facebook by Niel Stephenson



Re: On Listmail

2010-05-02 Thread Kevin O'Brien

Doug Pensinger wrote:

Ahem.  Hello?  Anyone here
Just got back from Penguicon. I had breakfast with Karl Schroeder, which 
was fairly wide-ranging in looking at Canada and the US, among other 
topics. And attended a great talk by Geoffrey Landis that discussed the 
physics of time travel.

But your point about Facebook and Twitter may be correct, to some 
degree. The unfortunate thing about that is neither medium is worth a 
damn for any serious conversation. I am not in Dan Minette's league, as 
3-4 paragraphs into an e-mail I start to run out of steam, but you 
simply cannot talk intelligently at 140 characters per message.


Kevin B. O'Brien TANSTAAFL  Linux User #333216

The obvious mathematical breakthrough would be development of an easy 
way to factor large prime numbers - Bill Gates, The Road Ahead


RE: On Listmail

2010-05-02 Thread Dan Minette
I'm here, but moderated because I have a new email account.  Folks are busy,
so I haven't seen my first email, or we no longer see our own emails.  BTW,
Doug, as shocking and horrendous as the accident was, (the entire bottom
casing was blown up miles by the gas pressure) I am no fan of NIMBY.  If you
want to stop drilling for oil, then California should stop using fossil
fuels, not let others take all the risks for them. 


RE: On Listmail

2010-05-02 Thread Dan Minette
I guess I'm off moderation, I just didn't see my first post.  I was off
listmail for a while because I moved to Grove OK.  My wife took a call to
the small town and we are renting a house on Grand Lake.  It's beautiful
there, and we are lucky in that the housing market is full of houses that
aren't selling, so we can rent a house with 250 feet of lake shore, two very
big (around 30' x 40') boat docks, 2.5 acres, 2400 sq. feet for 1500/month.
The land is valued at $750,000k without the house.

I've been working more than full time, helping out at church, and my wife's
been working 70 hour weeks.  This is her first week of vacation.

So, that's where I've been.  

Dan M. 


Re: On Listmail

2010-05-02 Thread Doug Pensinger
Hi Dan, I'm glad to see you're still around and that you've escaped Houston.

 You  wrote:

 Doug, as shocking and horrendous as the accident was, (the entire bottom
 casing was blown up miles by the gas pressure) I am no fan of NIMBY.  If you
 want to stop drilling for oil, then California should stop using fossil
 fuels, not let others take all the risks for them.

It's not really not NIMBY, it's not on my pristine coast.  If the oil
were in the Mojave or if they found more in the central valley,it
would be different.

You used to argue that off shore drilling was safe, an argument that,
as you have noted, has quite literally been blown out of the water.
Drilling in a protected shore would be no different than drilling in
Yosemite or Yellowstone.

If anything good is to come out of this disaster, its that we'll be
taking a closer look at offshore drilling, and that nobody will even
be suggesting that we rape the California coast for a few buckets of

Beyond that, you're right, we should stop using fossil fuels as
quickly as is practicable.  I favor large state and federal taxes on
gas and oil to subsidize research and development on alternatives and
the development of mass transit.  Maybe in light of this debacle a few
more people will see it my way.

Not in Anyone's Back Yard maru
