Re: WSJournal: Western Moral Authority is based on White Supremecy

2006-05-04 Thread The Fool
 From: Matthew and Julie Bos [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 On 5/2/06 1:07 PM, The Fool  wrote:
  What you would expect to read in the more overtly racist Washington

 But just to entertain me, how can a newspaper be racist?

How about buying lists of subscribers to anti-semitic and white
supremecist magazines?:

For eight years, a major direct-mail firm specializing in the
Christian and conservative markets has been selling lists of the
readers of America's leading anti-Semitic newspaper and, since about
2001, its successor publication.

Response Unlimited, based in Waynesboro, Va., and headed by Christian
Right activist Philip Zodhiates, charges $100 for the rental of every
1,000 names of subscribers to the now-defunct Spotlight newspaper.
Founded by veteran anti-Semite Willis Carto, The Spotlight carried
anti-Zionist, anti-Semitic and wildly conspiracist articles
interspersed with ads for Klan, neo-Nazi and related hate groups.

According to Response Unlimited's website, Spotlight list purchasers
have included the *Republican Governors Association*; the National
Right to Work Foundation; the Mountain States Legal Foundation; U.S.
English, an English-only group; and the hard-right *Washington Times*

If the last and worst act of the whole regime had come immediately
after the first and the smallest, thousands, yes, millions would have
been sufficiently shocked – if, let us say, the gassing of the Jews in
43 had come immediately after the German Firm stickers on the
windows of non-Jewish shops in 33. But of course this isn't the way
it happens. In between come all the hundreds of little steps, some of
them imperceptible, each of them preparing you not to be shocked by the
next. Step C is not so much worse than Step B, and, if you did not make
a stand at Step B, why should you at Step C? And so on to Step D.
--They Thought They Were Free: The Germans, 1933-45
--by Milton Mayer

Re: WSJournal: Western Moral Authority is based on White Supremecy

2006-05-04 Thread Nick Arnett

I couldn't quite believe what I was reading.  This is a war that was first
justified by false intelligence, then justified by the idea that liberating
Iraq's people from its opressors.  And we're supposed to believe that some
sort of white guilt is holding us back from following through on liberating
the good people of Iraq from the insurgents?  How can race have anything do
to with *this* war when the people we are liberating and the people we are
liberating them from are racially indistinguishable?

This guy is just arguing for empire, Pax Americana.  As always, it is
self-serving to the wealthy and powerful, most of whom just happen to still
be white.  If this is how they hold *themselves* back, God help us if they
decide to stop doing so.  But I don't think they are the ones holding
themselves back.  I think it is people who disagree with them who are
restraining them, as our system of government intended.  They're made it
fairly clear how they'd behave if the opposition would just disappear.

Sadly, the more I think about this, the more I see his point about guilt.  I
have come to feel great sadness and occasional anger when I hear the
self-righteousness of those who oppose the war and the leaders who got us
into it.  I believe that self-righteousness is rooted in guilt, but I'm not
convinced it is white guilt.  Perhaps it is guilt appropriate to a nation
that consumes far, far more than its share of the world's resources and
pretends that it is even possible to bring our extravagant way of life to
the rest of the world.


Nick Arnett
Messages: 408-904-7198

Re: WSJournal: Western Moral Authority is based on White Supremecy [L3]

2006-05-03 Thread The Fool
 From: Matthew and Julie Bos [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 On 5/2/06 1:07 PM, The Fool wrote:
  What you would expect to read in the more overtly racist Washington
 The Opinion Journal is part of the Wall Street Journal.

I *said* that,  Or can't you read?
 But just to entertain me, how can a newspaper be racist?  If you need
 background info on Shelby Steele, you could start here:

the Times is the only major American newspaper that still features a
weekly Civil War page. They know the Times has become a reliable source
for extremist views on race, religion, immigration and Dixie. 

In 1998, Pruden, whose newspaper is the only major daily in America
that runs a weekly page about a war that ended 138 years ago, spoke to
the United Daughters of the Confederacy at the Manassas Battlefield
Park. He began by making the kind of promise most editors avoid at any
cost: I will never fail to respond to you when you call on me for
help, because I believe in what you are doing to cherish and protect
and preserve the heritage of our great Southern people. 
Concluding with a flourish, Pruden said Southerners ... hold loyalty
to two countries in our hearts. The second country is one baptized
137 years ago on this very field in the blood of First Manassas, a
country no longer at the mercy of the vicissitudes in the tangled
affairs of men, a country that lives within us, a country that will
endure for as long as men and women know love. ... God bless America,
God bless the Confederate States of America, and God bless you all. 

McCain, who wrote the story about Democrats and Dixie, has covered the
group's biannual conferences in 1998, 2000 and 2002, making the Times
the only major American newspaper to devote news stories to American
Renaissance. Since 1999, the Times has also reprinted at least six
excerpts from American Renaissance in its page-2 culture section, never
acknowledging the highly controversial nature of the source. 

McCain has made no bones about being a fan of American Renaissance,
writing a letter of warm congratulations to the magazine in 1997. 

Something else about McCain is even rarer: he belongs to a hate group —
the League of the South (LOS) — that shares some of American
Renaissance's views on race.

I know who he is thank you very much.

In 2006, Steele received the Bradley Prize for his contributions to
the study of race in America.

Hmm.  Where have I heard that name before?

 But that would be too easy.

Always Follow the Money.  You can tell a lot about an entity if you
look at the people and groups who fund them.  Who funds the Hoover
Institute (and gives the 'Bradley Prize'):

Other Bradley grantees include the Free Congress Research and Education
Foundation; the Hoover Institute on War, Revolution, and Peace; 

A man with extreme right-wing views, he was an early financial
supporter of the John Birch Society, one of the country's leading
far-right organizations

Allen-Bradley was one of the last major Milwaukee employers to racially
integrate, and then only through public and legal pressure. 

The New York-based John M. Olin Foundation grew out of a family
manufacturing business in chemicals and munitions. It funds nationally
influential right-wing think tanks like the Heritage Foundation, the
American Enterprise Institute, the Manhattan Institute for Public
Policy Research, and the Hoover Institute of War, Revolution and Peace.

In response to intense criticism of Losing Ground, Bradley president
Michael Joyce said, Charles Murray, in my opinion, is one of the
foremost social thinkers in the country.
After writing Losing Ground, Murray teamed up with the late Harvard
psychologist Richard Hernstein to write the book The Bell Curve:
Intelligence and Class Structure in American Life. 

The book was widely seen as a piece of profoundly racist and classist
pseudo-science, and was denounced by the American Psychological
Association. It had relied heavily on studies financed by the Pioneer
Fund, a neo-Nazi organization that promoted eugenicist research. 

Nope, no racism evident there.

A study by the grassroots organizing group A Job is a Right Campaign
has concluded that the Wisconsin welfare reform program known as W-2
was developed under the guidance of the Milwaukee-based Bradley
Foundation. Bradley is the country's leading ultra-conservative
foundation, which, among other things, funded the nortoriously racist
book The Bell Curve, by authors Charles Murray and Richard Hernstein.
Murray was actually brought in as a consultant by the task force that
developed W-2 for the state of Wisconsin.

The following are some of the highlights of the report:I - The Racist
Agenda of the Lynde and 

WSJournal: Western Moral Authority is based on White Supremecy

2006-05-02 Thread The Fool
What you would expect to read in the more overtly racist Washington

It began, I believe, in a late-20th-century event that transformed the
world more profoundly than the collapse of communism: the world-wide
collapse of white supremacy as a source of moral authority, political
legitimacy and even sovereignty. This idea had organized the entire
world, divided up its resources, imposed the nation-state system across
the globe, and delivered the majority of the world's population into
servitude and oppression. After World War II, revolutions across the
globe, from India to Algeria and from Indonesia to the American civil
rights revolution, defeated the authority inherent in white supremacy,
if not the idea itself. And this defeat exacted a price: the West was
left stigmatized by its sins. Today, the white West--like Germany after
the Nazi defeat--lives in a kind of secular penitence in which the
slightest echo of past sins brings down withering condemnation. There
is now a cloud over white skin where there once was unquestioned

In Japan, rape is how you say hello.  I am Learn custom from Hentais.
--Jack Chick Parody

Re: WSJournal: Western Moral Authority is based on White Supremecy

2006-05-02 Thread Matthew and Julie Bos
On 5/2/06 1:07 PM, The Fool [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 What you would expect to read in the more overtly racist Washington

The Opinion Journal is part of the Wall Street Journal.

But just to entertain me, how can a newspaper be racist?  If you need some
background info on Shelby Steele, you could start here:

But that would be too easy.