Re: [CFCDEV] Rails-Style Migrations (for fun and profit?)

2007-07-13 Thread Sammy Larbi

Hi Eric,

I actually didn't implement all that much in cfrails - simple up and 
down for tables only, and you are right - it only works in MS SQL Server 
(mainly due to the column type name differences for autonumber fields).  
Other than that, I think I've left the column type up to the developer 
to avoid having to abstract that out myself (although this will 
eventually change).  Another glaring hole is that the included runner 
doesn't respect version numbers, so you cannot go up and down to 
specific instances in time (without writing your own script).  I also 
plan to change that behavior.

That said, migrations are low on the list of things I need to do for 

In any case, I do see value in it.  I'm trying to move away from tags, 
so I probably wouldn't use this version, but I'm sure some people prefer 


Eric O'Connell wrote, On 7/13/2007 10:28 AM:

Hi folks,

I started to get anxious about keeping my developer and production 
database schemas in sync, so I decided to implement a rails-style 
migration functionality. I'd already implemented about 90% of it when 
I came across cf_rails, but I thought I'd show it off anyway. Like 
cf_rails, it is currently mssql-only, but a connection adaptor layer 
could be added fairly easily.

Anyway, here's what the migration syntax looks like:

cf_create_table tableName=foo force=true
cf_column name=bar type=varchar
cf_column name=baaz type=integer

cf_add_column tableName=foo name=quux type=datetime

cf_remove_column tableName=foo name=baaz

cf_drop_table tableName=foo

And here is an actual migration script:

cfcomponent extends=com.iba.migration.instance output=yes
cffunction name=up returnType=void output=no access=remote
cf_add_column tableName=cart name=discountCode type=varchar(30)

cffunction name=down returnType=void output=no access=remote
cf_remove_column tableName=cart name=discountCode

If anyone is interested in it, I could clean it up and release it. If 
not, oh well :)

Eric O'Connell
IBA Webmaster
941-921-7443 x15

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Re: [CFCDEV] More on class objects aka single class Service objects

2007-07-08 Thread Sammy Larbi
I've been following this discussion pretty intently, but haven't had 
much to add, since Sean covers it so well.  One thing is below, however, 
that I don't recall was mentioned or not.

Jaime Metcher wrote, On 7/5/2007 5:32 PM:

My fixed mental model is everything is an object.  I can write (and have
done so) object oriented code in Pascal, CF 4.0, perl and (yes, Tom), macro
assembler.  Where the language features aren't there to help out, they can
be simulated or worked around - but this is harder, more error prone and
usually slower than when they are.  It also means that I have to remember
how the workarounds work - the mental model is more complex and less

So, in CF:
1. Classes aren't objects.  This can be worked around by creating a separate
CFC, an instance of which will act as the class object.  In CF it seems to
be common practice to put whole-of-class methods and data into service,
manager and gateway objects which therefore act in combination as a class
object.  Service objects I've seen often provide whole-of-class methods for
more than one class, as well as logic spanning classes.

I don't think static methods (or class methods) are especially object 
oriented.  Certainly they /can/ be acceptable in your code, but they are 
more procedural in nature.

Someone correct me if I'm wrong.


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Re: [CFCDEV] More on class objects aka single class Service objects

2007-07-05 Thread Sammy Larbi

Sean Corfield wrote, On 7/5/2007 10:58 AM:

This comes back to my (frequent) comment that there is no one true way
to do OO.

Excepting of course, my way.

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Re: [CFCDEV] Questions migrating to OO

2007-07-04 Thread Sammy Larbi

Casey Dougall wrote:
On 7/2/07, *Nando* [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

cfcomponent displayName=List hint=I'm a List that belongs to a
certain User output=false
cffunction name=init access=public output=false

cfargument name=ListID type=string required=false
default= /
cfargument name=UserID type=string required=false
default= /
cfargument name=ListName type=string required=false
default= /
cfset setListID(arguments.ListID) /
cfset setUserID(arguments.UserID) /
cfset setListName(arguments.ListName) /
cfreturn this /

I'm not a OO guy myself but found it interesting as anything at 
cfunited. My question about the above deals about changing the order 
of arguments. I haven't see anything that really deals with this and I 
would think this is one of the biggest challenges with anything using 
components and at some point adding on to an application from 
somewhere in the middle.

Using the example above, a few months down the line you need to access 
this list not by ListID, but by ListCategoryID. Now where this may be 
the last argument used, is this the best way to go about designing 
cffunctions? I'd like to put ListCategoryID first without messing up 
my scripts that depend on ListID being first. What's the best way to 
handle this?

As you mention, there really is no way to handle it.  Either put it last 
and make it not required, create a new function, or start naming your 
arguments everywhere.  Of course, you could also just bite the bullet 
and go change all that other code as well.  Most people choose a 
different option, however.

There may be other ways, but those are the 4 that stick out at the moment.

Finally, there are refactoring tools in other languages that might be 
able to help you in those languages, but not CF.  Also, method 
overloading is available in many statically typed languages.


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Re: [CFCDEV] Need to qualify function with scope?

2007-06-14 Thread Sammy Larbi

Jim Cassata wrote, On 6/12/2007 8:10 PM:

definitely OT but how exactly does one prepare to eat his own foot? Is
it eaten directly off the bottom of the leg or is there some other
method involved?



I was prepared mentally only.  I think if I was preparing it physically, 
I'd have to cut it off and cook it, probably using salt and pepper as 
well.  I don't like it raw, so I would likely not have eaten it directly 
from the bottom of the leg.

HTH, =)

--- Sammy Larbi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


Sean Corfield wrote, On 6/12/2007 2:34 PM:

On 6/11/07, Sammy Larbi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I don't generally bother scoping them - I don't see a point or any
usefulness in immediately knowing whether a function is public or
private when I'm using it within its own CFC.

Note that you cannot call a private function using

Of course not!  =) But, I think you can use variables.someFunc(),
I didn't test it before writing this, so I'm fully prepared to eat my



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Re: [CFCDEV] OT: Quick AJAX Poll

2007-06-12 Thread Sammy Larbi
Most of our stuff was home-spun (before the term came about and before 
there was a different framework for it on every corner) and remains so 
today, simply because there's not much value in switching.

For most of the newer stuff I've used Scriptaculous/Prototype, but I've 
been slowing getting into Spry for CF development, simply because I 
figured eventually that would be integrated into CF.  I guess we'll 
see.  For Rails development, I've used Scriptaculous/Prototype since 
that's integrated into the framework and there are helper methods that 
use it. 


Brent Nicholas wrote, On 6/12/2007 12:07 PM:

Hey all -
So I'm wonder how many people are using AJAX in this group and what 
you're using.
I'm using dojo right now and have done a few simple things with it on 
the site, but am looking at doing a full application with AJAX.
Has anyone used Prototype? I've been told it's #1, but I hear the same 
about dojo. Right now I'm finding dojo a little cryptic, despite the 
few 'starter guides'.
I'm initially looking for reasonable learning curve and loose coupling.
Thanks for your time,

Brent Nicholas - 248.767.5516 - [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
There, I guess King George will be able to read _that_!

 - John Hancock

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Re: [CFCDEV] Need to qualify function with scope?

2007-06-12 Thread Sammy Larbi

Sean Corfield wrote, On 6/12/2007 2:34 PM:

On 6/11/07, Sammy Larbi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I don't generally bother scoping them - I don't see a point or any
usefulness in immediately knowing whether a function is public or
private when I'm using it within its own CFC.

Note that you cannot call a private function using this.someFunc()...
Of course not!  =) But, I think you can use variables.someFunc(), though 
I didn't test it before writing this, so I'm fully prepared to eat my foot.


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Re: [CFCDEV] Application.cfc: where to set DSN

2007-06-11 Thread Sammy Larbi

Tom Chiverton wrote, On 6/8/2007 8:50 AM:

On Friday 08 Jun 2007, Joe Lakey wrote:

To use a Config CFC, would I hard-code the settings variables in the
Config CFC file, instantiate it in application scope in
onApplicationStart(), then call application.config.getDSN() (for


What would be the benefit of this approach over including a 
settings file in onApplicationStart() and/or onRequest()?

Including a file has overhead (reading the file from disk), where as accessing 
an application var. is just reading memory.

You might want to benchmark it though, to see if it really makes much of a 
difference (after all, if it's included often, it'll be in the disk cache).


Or compiled with the other template, or of course you can check to see 
if the parameters have been defined, and only include it if not.  I 
wouldn't suspect this to be an issue at all, but I've been known to be 
wrong on occasion. =)


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Re: [CFCDEV] Application.cfc: where to set DSN

2007-06-11 Thread Sammy Larbi

Brian Kotek wrote, On 6/8/2007 2:18 PM:
Philip, questions are good. However, these questions don't really have 
any bearing on why you would use ColdSpring. It makes no difference 
what my database tables look like, what methods the CFCs have, what 
the datasource looks like, what mapping you use for your component 
paths, or what the index.cfm or maintenance screens look like. 

But, it would be good to know/understand why you have so many classes 
(for what seems like it should just be a simple Product class), what 
they are doing, and why you have designed them that way. 

It would be off topic to the expressed subject, but it would be good.  =)


What ColdSpring does is create CFCs for you and manage their 
relationships so you don't have to (it also does a lot more such as 
AOP and remote facade generation but those are separate topics). It's 
completely generic. It will work with any CFCs, whether you are using 
a database or not, and regardless of what the CFCs actually do or how 
you display the data they provide.

However, if code would help, have a look at the code from my 
presentation at the Frameworks conference earlier this year:

Hope that helps,


On 6/8/07, *Phillip Senn* [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Thanks Brian for your posts.

In your blog, you use this as an example:



   bean id=productService class=components.ProductService

  constructor-arg name=productFactory

 ref bean=productFactory /


  constructor-arg name=productDAO

 ref bean=productDAO /


  constructor-arg name=productGateway

 ref bean=productGateway /




   bean id=productDAO class=components.ProductDAO

  constructor-arg name=config

 ref bean=config /




   bean id=productGateway class=components.ProductGateway

  constructor-arg name=config

 ref bean=config /




   bean id=config class=components.config

  constructor-arg name=configFile





   bean id=productFactory class=components.ProductFactory /




   1. What does the Product table look like?
   2. What does ProductService.cfc look like?
   3. What does ProductFactory.cfc look like?
   4. What does ProductDAO.cfc look like?
   5. What does ProductGateway.cfc look like?
   6. What does Config.cfc look like?
   7. What does Application.cfc look like?
   8. What does your ColdFusion datasource look like in the cfide
   9. What does your mapping look like if you refer to
  10. What does your Index.cfm page look like?
  11. What does your maintenance screen look like?
  12. What does your Report screen look like?
  13. What does your Inquiry screen look like?


When I use the phrase look like, what I'm trying to convey to
you is:

What is the exact source code for this /thing/ which I'm
describing, whether it be a sql script, a ColdFusion component, a
cfm page that outputs plain old HTML with javascript and cascading
style sheets, or a cfm page that outputs a flex application.


I'm trying to show you that I'm not trying to be obnoxious, but
rather that I have lots of questions.



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Re: [CFCDEV] Config Bean vs. Struct vs. ????

2007-06-11 Thread Sammy Larbi

Jeff Chastain wrote, On 6/7/2007 4:06 PM:

Is there any reasoning / logic behind having your configuration 
information stored in a bean vs. some other method? I have seen some 
applications design using a collection of configuration beans and 
other applications designed using an xml file that is just read and 
parsed into a ‘config’ structure. If your configuration information is 
not really changing (maybe this is a bad assumption), is there any 
reason for having the extra overhead of the beans and their 
instantiation instead of just a static structure of key = value pairs?

There may be encapsulation issues, for example if you don't want your 
components that use the configuration to be too tightly coupled to the 
/implementation/ of that configuration. Now, you can avoid this yourself 
(though experience has shown it is hard to do), but having it as a bean 
means you can change any any of the implementation details and be fairly 
sure its not going to break any code that relies on it (since the 
implementation details, presumably, were hidden).



-- Jeff

*From:* [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] *On Behalf Of 
*Peter Bell

*Sent:* Thursday, June 07, 2007 3:44 PM
*Subject:* Re: [CFCDEV] Application.cfc: where to set DSN

+1. Only thing I put into application.cfc (in terms of a config 
property) is which I need to include the framework 
that calls the application specific config bean that contains all of 
the other app specific config info. Encapsulating it in a config bean 
gives you a bunch more flexibility to change how it is created or 
stored without breaking the API you expose to the rest of your app.

Best Wishes,

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Re: [CFCDEV] Need to qualify function with scope?

2007-06-11 Thread Sammy Larbi

Joe Lakey wrote, On 6/11/2007 12:37 PM:

If a function within a CFC calls another function within the same CFC,
is it necessary to qualify the function call with this or variables?
What if there is a known possibility of a name collision with a function
outside of the CFC?


As Brian mentioned, there isn't really a possibility of collision.  You 
may have the same name, but you will need to prefix that call with the 
name of the object it's contained in.

I don't generally bother scoping them - I don't see a point or any 
usefulness in immediately knowing whether a function is public or 
private when I'm using it within its own CFC.

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Re: [CFCDEV] Application.cfc: where to set DSN

2007-06-07 Thread Sammy Larbi

Hi Joe,

In my view, a DSN is a variable that properly belongs to an 
application.  Therefore, I'd go with putting it in onApplicationStart, 
since by the very nature of its name, implies that you are setting 
variables belonging to the application.

Others may view it differently, however.


Joe Lakey wrote, On 6/7/2007 11:03 AM:

Another newbie question to provide a little light diversion from
interfaces and method overloading...

My application uses only one DSN, and I'd like to set it in one place.
I'm cfincluding two files in onRequest(): server_config.cfm, which sets
server/environment variables, and app_config.cfm, which sets
application-specific variables; both set variables in Request scope. It
would seem that one of these includes would be the place to set the DSN,
i.e., cfset Request.DSN = myDSN. However, in onApplicationStart()
and onSessionStart() I'm instantiating components that take the DSN as
an argument to their init() methods. If I understand the sequence that
Application.cfc methods are executed, onApplicationStart() and
onSessionStart() won't have access to variables set in onRequest(). So
if I want to set the DSN in only one place, where is the best place to
do it?

It's probably obvious (and there's probably a better way to architect
the whole app to avoid this, but...), but I'm still getting my mind
around this OO stuff.


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Re: [CFCDEV] viruses?

2007-05-24 Thread Sammy Larbi
It didn't really bother me - I was just worried because it seemed like I 
was getting hundreds of them (but, as others pointed out, it was just 
the one) so I figured Avast was just acting stupid and I had to reboot.

Everything was good then.  (Thanks to everyone who responded as well)

Rob Brooks-Bilson wrote:

Just a quick note.  We do run a virus scanner on the listserv, and for 
the most part, it does a decent job.  I do apologize, however for the 
occasional one that gets by.



*05/24/2007 07:36 AM*

Please respond to cfcdev




[CFCDEV] viruses?

Hey guys,

It seems I got hit pretty hard with a virus from cfcdev this morning.  
Its not done anything bad (that I can tell) except Avast keeps coming up

saying there was a virus found and blah blah blah. Can't seem to get rid
of the message - dunno if its because it came in 100s of times or if
something is seriously wrong.

In any case, I just wanted to ask if anyone else got hit from the list
or if  I am way off base?


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Re: [CFCDEV] here we go again...

2007-05-24 Thread Sammy Larbi

Eric Knipp wrote:
If you can successfully outsource programming, you can successfully 
outsource project management, as well.

I know Shell is doing that.

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Re: [CFCDEV] Is there a point to staying here?

2007-05-22 Thread Sammy Larbi

Tom Chiverton wrote, On 5/22/2007 10:36 AM:

On Tuesday 22 May 2007, Barry Beattie wrote:

a powerful introspective IDE, sure

I'm going to keep buying Mark JD until he's done writing that feature in 
CFEclipse :-)


Mark, I hate to do this to you, but...

Tom, that doesn't give him much incentive to finish it, does it?   =)


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Re: [CFCDEV] baseComponent.cfc

2007-05-05 Thread Sammy Larbi

That's One True Language, surely =).

Peter Bell wrote, On 5/4/2007 2:30 PM:

Actually, it was a crazed Ruby programmer who wrested control of my keyboard
from me - apologies. You know I'd never say something like that about the
one true language (after ColdFusion) :-

On 5/4/07 3:18 PM, Aaron Roberson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


Personally I'd leave that to the enterprise Java guys. They've got
enough clutter anyway with all the hacks to handle static typing and those
big ole XML config files *winks-and-then-runs-for-cover*:-

You better run fast and hard :)~


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Re: [CFCDEV] Oh how I wish we had method overloading!

2007-05-05 Thread Sammy Larbi

Andrew Scott wrote, On 5/4/2007 7:42 PM:

There would be no need for any
any exists, becaue we can't have 2 methods with different arguments.

I think of it the other way around.  We can't have 2 methods with 
different arguments /because/ any exists.  Any exists because we're 
using a dynamically typed language.  I kind of like that =).

On 5/5/07, *Sammy Larbi* [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Andrew Scott wrote, On 5/4/2007 11:32 AM:
 *lol* The same way the underlying technology does it

But how can you do that when you can pass any type into a method?

 On 5/4/07, *Sammy Larbi* [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Sorry for the confusion Arron, I meant that question to be
more like
 how would you implement /actual/ method overloading in CF
 itself. =)

 Aaron DC wrote, On 5/4/2007 8:14 AM:
  I would implement it exactly the same way I did in the code I
  to the list 1-2 hours ago. With the function I defined,
you can call
  save() like so:
  save(somestruct, arg1)
  save(somestruct, arg1, arg2)
  save(someobject, arg1)
  save(someobject, arg1, arg2)
  If you want to make the arguments required, test for their
  and generate an error.
  Sammy Larbi wrote:
  Aaron DC wrote, On 5/4/2007 7:26 AM:
  If you can simulate it (as in the example I just
showed), does it
  really matter if it makes it into CF8?
  Andrew Scott wrote:
  I agree, it would so good if we could create methods with
  arguments. I have flagged this as a wish, so I doubt it
will make
  CF8... But who knows...
  And how would you implement it?  I see three choices:
  1) require named arguments, and distinguish on the name
  2) require typed arguments, and distinguish on the type
  3) keep the option of naming/typing arguments, and only
 it if
  attempting to overload a method (throwing an error if, when
 using the
  method, someone forgets to name arguments, if that is chosen.
  Don't forget, we also have optional arguments, so you can
use that
  for overloading too...
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Re: [CFCDEV] baseComponent.cfc

2007-05-04 Thread Sammy Larbi
I haven't taken a look, but my guess would be that it doesn't.  In order 
to use getProperty() rather than get(property) (I'm assuming this is 
generated dynamically), you would have to write the methods to a file 
and include it in the class, since there is no way to generate methods 
dynamically in CF.  It's not hard to do by any means, but then you'll 
want to think about how do I cache it and reuse it until its changed, 
so I can limit the # of disk accesses?  (assuming that becomes a 
problem) and such.

I'm still hoping for that functionality /sometime/ =)


Aaron Roberson wrote, On 5/3/2007 8:03 PM:

Hey guys,

I just read Jeffry Houser's Data Gateway article in CFDJ and went and
downloaded Hal Helm's baseComponent. What I have been looking for is a
way to create a baseObject bean so that I can have generic getters and
setters. The caveat is that I would like to be able to access those
bean properties in my views as getProperty() instead of
get(property). Does the get and set methods within Hal's
baseComponent.cfc support such am implementation? From a quick look at
the code it appears it does, although it may just be checking for the
existence of a specific accessor or mutator in the child object.

Anyone know for sure? Is my requirement even possible to be met?


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Re: [CFCDEV] Oh how I wish we had method overloading!

2007-05-04 Thread Sammy Larbi

Aaron DC wrote, On 5/4/2007 7:26 AM:
If you can simulate it (as in the example I just showed), does it 
really matter if it makes it into CF8?


Andrew Scott wrote:

I agree, it would so good if we could create methods with different 
arguments. I have flagged this as a wish, so I doubt it will make 
CF8... But who knows...

And how would you implement it?  I see three choices:
1) require named arguments, and distinguish on the name
2) require typed arguments, and distinguish on the type
3) keep the option of naming/typing arguments, and only require it if 
attempting to overload a method (throwing an error if, when using the 
method, someone forgets to name arguments, if that is chosen.

Don't forget, we also have optional arguments, so you can use that for 
overloading too...


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Re: [CFCDEV] Oh how I wish we had method overloading!

2007-05-04 Thread Sammy Larbi
Sorry for the confusion Arron, I meant that question to be more like 
how would you implement /actual/ method overloading in CF itself. =)

Aaron DC wrote, On 5/4/2007 8:14 AM:
I would implement it exactly the same way I did in the code I emailed 
to the list 1-2 hours ago. With the function I defined, you can call 
save() like so:

save(somestruct, arg1)
save(somestruct, arg1, arg2)

save(someobject, arg1)
save(someobject, arg1, arg2)

If you want to make the arguments required, test for their existence 
and generate an error.


Sammy Larbi wrote:

Aaron DC wrote, On 5/4/2007 7:26 AM:
If you can simulate it (as in the example I just showed), does it 
really matter if it makes it into CF8?


Andrew Scott wrote:

I agree, it would so good if we could create methods with different 
arguments. I have flagged this as a wish, so I doubt it will make 
CF8... But who knows...

And how would you implement it?  I see three choices:
1) require named arguments, and distinguish on the name
2) require typed arguments, and distinguish on the type
3) keep the option of naming/typing arguments, and only require it if 
attempting to overload a method (throwing an error if, when using the 
method, someone forgets to name arguments, if that is chosen.

Don't forget, we also have optional arguments, so you can use that 
for overloading too...


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Re: [CFCDEV] Oh how I wish we had method overloading!

2007-05-04 Thread Sammy Larbi

And apologies for misspelling your name =)

Sammy Larbi wrote, On 5/4/2007 8:46 AM:
Sorry for the confusion Arron, I meant that question to be more like 
how would you implement /actual/ method overloading in CF itself. =)

Aaron DC wrote, On 5/4/2007 8:14 AM:
I would implement it exactly the same way I did in the code I emailed 
to the list 1-2 hours ago. With the function I defined, you can call 
save() like so:

save(somestruct, arg1)
save(somestruct, arg1, arg2)

save(someobject, arg1)
save(someobject, arg1, arg2)

If you want to make the arguments required, test for their existence 
and generate an error.


Sammy Larbi wrote:

Aaron DC wrote, On 5/4/2007 7:26 AM:
If you can simulate it (as in the example I just showed), does it 
really matter if it makes it into CF8?


Andrew Scott wrote:

I agree, it would so good if we could create methods with 
different arguments. I have flagged this as a wish, so I doubt it 
will make CF8... But who knows...

And how would you implement it?  I see three choices:
1) require named arguments, and distinguish on the name
2) require typed arguments, and distinguish on the type
3) keep the option of naming/typing arguments, and only require it 
if attempting to overload a method (throwing an error if, when using 
the method, someone forgets to name arguments, if that is chosen.

Don't forget, we also have optional arguments, so you can use that 
for overloading too...


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Re: [CFCDEV] baseComponent.cfc

2007-05-04 Thread Sammy Larbi
Well, like I said, it /is/ possible, but I was thinking it would be 
unlikely he'd have done it that way.  I mean, of course you can wrap it 
in a specific one as well (that you write in the derivative class), but 
I was doubting he'd have gone through the trouble of writing it to a 
file and including it in the base class. 

I should probably stop speaking as if I'm representing him though... =)

Aaron Roberson wrote, On 5/4/2007 9:34 AM:


I didn't think it was possible to use getProperty() on a generic
getter but as I was searching Google and the various mailing lists I
came across a conversation between Hal and Sean Corfield. In it, it
sounded as though Hal was explaining to Sean that his generic gets and
sets could be accessed that way, but I couldn't view the entire
conversation (for lack of navigation skills through mailing list
archives) so I wasn't sure.


On 5/4/07, Sammy Larbi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I haven't taken a look, but my guess would be that it doesn't.  In order
to use getProperty() rather than get(property) (I'm assuming this is
generated dynamically), you would have to write the methods to a file
and include it in the class, since there is no way to generate methods
dynamically in CF.  It's not hard to do by any means, but then you'll
want to think about how do I cache it and reuse it until its changed,
so I can limit the # of disk accesses?  (assuming that becomes a
problem) and such.

I'm still hoping for that functionality /sometime/ =)


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Re: [CFCDEV] Is there a point to staying here?

2007-05-01 Thread Sammy Larbi

Brent Nicholas wrote, On 4/30/2007 5:26 PM:

Mike -
I see plenty of good talks about CFC OO and various other topics. 
Lot's to learn. You should check the web page that allows you to 
browse the postings and see if you are actually getting all of them. 
Otherwise maybe your spam filter is only letting spam through and 
filtering the conversations.

That's what I was thinking, since he replied to an email from November...

 Subject: [CFCDEV] Is there a point to staying here?
 Date: Tue, 1 May 2007 08:11:18 +1000

 Is there any point to staying on this list? For a month I've had nothing
 but spam.

 Is there any legitimate traffic on this list at all any more? Or am 
I the

 last one left with the spammers? Or should I turn out the lights as I

 Mike Kear
 Windsor, NSW, Australia
 0422 985 585
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 -Original Message-

 Of Raymond Camden
 Sent: Wednesday, 22 November 2006 1:40 AM
 Subject: [CFCDEV] [ADMIN] Testing if back up

 Just testing. Please reply if you get this. (And if you see other
 folks reply, don't bother. :)


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Re: [CFCDEV] An example of a NotificationService

2007-04-22 Thread Sammy Larbi

Sean Corfield wrote, On 4/22/2007 1:12 PM:

On 4/21/07, Marc [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
The example shows just variables.notificationService.send(.), but I'm 
trouble figuring out how the exact call and the actual implementation 

look.  What goes inside send()?  If the message content itself goes in
there, doesn't that get messy?  Should all the attributes of a CFMAIL 
tag be

accounted for, and if so, how?

There is of course no one true answer here but there are lots of
reasonable degrees...

A simple send() method might take from=, to=, subject=, body= and,
yes, pass in a string containing the message both. I'm using this
approach right now for a site I'm working on. Yes, constructing the
body in the calling code and passing it in is a little messy. See

At least there's cfsavecontent to make it less messy.  Can you imagine 
trying to do something like that in Java? =)

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Re: [CFCDEV] Soft Coding (Article on WTF)

2007-04-12 Thread Sammy Larbi

Patrick McElhaney wrote, On 4/12/2007 9:44 AM:
WTF has a great article on Soft Coding. We all know that Hard 
Coding is bad, and we try to put information that's likely to change 
in configuration files. But as this article explains, our assault on 
Hard Coding can go too far, and we end up with something even worse: 
Soft Coding.

I'm sure the short (2.5 page) article will be making the rounds on 
social networking sites soon. Since ColdFusion developers seem to be 
particularly susceptible to Soft Coding, I thought I would post it here. 


I read it earlier this morning and it's worth the read.  I thought about 
putting it up here too, but looks like you beat me to it =)

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Re: [CFCDEV] Soft Coding (Article on WTF)

2007-04-12 Thread Sammy Larbi

Tom Chiverton wrote, On 4/12/2007 10:23 AM:

On Thursday 12 Apr 2007, Patrick McElhaney wrote:

Still prefer the old name :-)


I know, me too!

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Re: [CFCDEV] table driven file system

2007-04-12 Thread Sammy Larbi
I've used the path solution before... in fact, I don't immediately see a 
reason not to in this situation.

Aaron DC wrote, On 4/12/2007 4:10 PM:

Hi Janet

Ok, you just pwnt my knowledge on folder / file storage :-) Adjacency 
wha? Kind of reminds me of the phone interview I had when someone 
asked for a definition of referential integrity... 3rd year Uni 
database theory learnt over a decade prior to the phone conversation 
was difficult to recall at that instant but I digress.

I have to store folders and files in a database design for an 
application I am developing. I created an initial folder table similar 
to yours. The right way. Then worked out what I wanted to be able to 
do with the data stored in that table, from within the application. 
omg. I have to what? NB: this was not using SQL Server. I'm only 
hinting that when I was starting out with this problem, the solution 
looked like far too much work :-)

Being the decidedly lazy developer that I am, I totally denormalised 
(to the nth degree) the design, giving me:



My design is not used directly for display purposes, I do not have to 
build a tree with it, but I imagine it would not be that difficult if 
I had to. I probably will in time. MS Windows can be funny: when 
drawing a tree, it displays a [+] next to a directory whether that 
directory contains something or not. It's not until you click / 
dbl-click it that the display updates - removing the [+] if there are 
no subdirectories in there. I figure if Windows can do it, so can I. A 
LIKE and a '%' would probably suffice.

The most common actions I have to perform (to date) are:
does this file some path \ some file exist in the database?
list all the files in some path folder?

I have also totally ignored the possibility (for now) of a tree change 
(pun intended) but figure a well placed '%' in an UPDATE LIKE 
statement should work.

The fact that others have developed solutions to the problem does not 
surprise me, and using someone else's working code is always a great 
option. My solution feels amateurish by comparison, but it's 
satisfying my Rule 1 (does it work?), and is darn simple to implement. 
Hope it provides food for thought.

It would be interesting to put together a quick list of functions:
add file (to folder)
rename file (within folder)
delete file
move file
add folder
rename folder
move folder
delete folder
draw tree
list files in folder
does file exist in folder

and see the code / SQL associated with each one from the adjacency 
model or any other wacky models people may come up with.


J MacKay wrote:


It sounds like you're hinting that the adjacency model is not the way 
to go? I should have specified that I'm not building this from 
scratch. I'm working with pre-existing structures and code (pre-MX 
and cfcs). So any changes must coexist with the existing structure 
(adjacency model) for now.

I'm not arguing the merits of one method over the other. I agree 
there are different advantages to each approach.  I think the 
original designers went with the adjacency model because they 
expected a lot of structural changes which can be a more expensive 
operation when using nested sets. But as you hinted, querying a 
hierarchy is usually easier with nested sets :)

Truthfully I'm not always a fan of the adjacency model. But thats 
what I've got to work with right now. If you have any thoughts about 
converting it to something more managable or performant without 
drastically disturbing the existing structure I'm all ears.



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Re: [CFCDEV] Class methods part I - what's a static method?

2007-04-11 Thread Sammy Larbi

Sean Corfield wrote, On 4/10/2007 6:00 PM:

Any layer of abstraction in
pretty much *every* language adds performance overhead. For example,
virtual methods have a perfomance overhead compared to non-virtual
methods in general. So polymorphism causes a performance overhead.
Encapsulation also causes a performance overhead because you need to
call methods to access data instead of just accessing data directly.

I seem to remember a time when people talked about having fewer ... (was 
the term at the time functions, procedures, subroutines?) just because 
of the performance hit. (and I think I should be too young to remember 
that! =))

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Re: [CFCDEV] Class methods part I - what's a static method?

2007-04-06 Thread Sammy Larbi

Phillip Senn wrote, On 4/6/2007 8:24 AM:

I'm going to talk about the elephant in the middle of this conversation.
With computers, speed is everything.

Speed of execution rather than development, I gather is what you mean 
from the rest of your comments?

Are there any time studies between dynamic languages and static ones?
If the speed of ColdFusion is about the same as java, then we can talk
about the subtle differences between the languages.  

I think the general consensus is that dynamic languages usually perform 
slower than their static counterparts.  But, I'm not sure if I'm 
addressing the right question (or if you were asking the right question) 
since we were talking about static (or class) methods as opposed to 
object methods.  In any case, I thought you brought up some interesting 
points so I wanted to respond =).

But if they're
miles apart, then we're talking miles vs. kilometers (to keep with the
same metaphor).

I'd like to see an average elapsed time for
cfloop from=1 to=100 Index=I


FOR I=1 TO 100

Back in December Vince Bonfanti explained that benchmarks like this 
aren't very helpful 
and why.  I can't vouch for the accuracy of his statements, since I 
don't know much about benchmarking, but they made sense to me.

And even if they did reliably show which language was faster (which 
almost certainly will not be CF on that list), I may very well still say 
so what? or who cares?  I don't need it to run as fast as the 
electrons travel through the processor, memory, and motherboard.  I just 
need it to run fast enough to give my users a good experience.  
Otherwise, I might try programming in a lower level language, if that 
were my goal.

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Re: [CFCDEV] Class methods part I - what's a static method?

2007-04-05 Thread Sammy Larbi

Jaime Metcher wrote, On 4/4/2007 4:30 PM:

The thing that made me think was this statement - Smalltalk doesn't have
static methods, neither does Ruby.  The implication being that static
methods are just another Java thing that doesn't apply to dynamic languages.

Am I missing some crucial distinction between static methods and class
methods?  I don't know Java well enough to be sure, but the Ruby docs
actually state that they are equivalent. I don't know Ruby, but can anyone
imagine Smalltalk without class methods and variables?

As you said, Ruby does indeed have class methods, and they are the same 
thing as static methods - they are not tied to any particular object.  
Now, I don't know if there are some subtle differences behind that and 
the naming conventions...

As for Smalltalk, I don't know enough about it to say anything useful.  
But, I do think static or class methods can provide a useful distinction 
between their object counterparts.

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Re: [CFCDEV] Class methods part III - is there problem?

2007-04-05 Thread Sammy Larbi

Jaime Metcher wrote, On 4/4/2007 8:37 PM:

In ColdFusion, you could have a singleton CFC instance (of type
MyThingClass) associated with your regular CFC instances (of type
MyThing) and use the Smalltalk-style model. In fact, if MyThingClass
was really a factory CFC for MyThing objects, the chances are that
you'd be squarely in the Smalltalk-style world here - your class
methods and class variables would simply be (non-static) methods
and variables on your factory object and you could ask the factory for
actual instances of MyThing.

Yes, this is what I'm doing.  Does anyone think this is weird?


Not weird, but it could be overkill.

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Re: [CFCDEV] newbie - where to handle component composition

2007-04-05 Thread Sammy Larbi
A good place to start is where Peter explained it:  
(and probably other posts on that blog as well)

J MacKay wrote, On 4/5/2007 11:36 AM:

 Although I do use ColdSpring myself, there are other DI frameworks:

Any thoughts or opinions on the differences between Lightwire and 


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Re: [CFCDEV] Your password has been successfully updated

2007-04-03 Thread Sammy Larbi

Tom Chiverton wrote, On 4/3/2007 5:46 AM:

On Monday 02 Apr 2007, Nando wrote:

I believe it was sent to the whole list by a spammer. I assumed the
attachment was a trojan or a virus and trashed the email.

Or someone is trying to gain access to all the accounts in the hope of finding 
one he can use to post here.


But... he already posted here... ? ==)

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Re: [CFCDEV] newbie: needs an opinion on component structure

2007-04-02 Thread Sammy Larbi

Joe Lakey wrote, On 4/2/2007 10:47 AM:

I like this explanation of what a controller is and does; it clarifies
the controller concept a little for me. I have a couple of follow-up
newbie questions:

1. Should the user action (i.e. clicked link or submitted form) go to a
controller cfc or to a cfm page that interacts with the controller cfc?


I'm not aware that you could have it go directly to a CFC and run 
anything (it would ask you to log in to view the documentation, unless 
you've set something up to do it differently)...

2. How should the controller cfc direct the browser to the view layer:
cfincluding the view page, redirecting with cflocation, or something

I like cfincluding, as it allows you to get the state correct before 
rendering.  For example, if the user logs in, and you have already 
rendered the menu before performing the login action, the menu will not 
have changed to reflect the new actions available to the user.  I 
suppose you could do something similar with cflocation, and I would do 
so in cases where it is appropriate: for example, there was an interrupt 
created somewhere that needs attention and it doesn't make sense to keep 
them on the same page.  But in general, I'd still be using cfinclude to 
render the page that was arrived at by the cflocation.

I hope that made any sense.

Others will have their views as well, and good reasons for them.   Those 
are mine, and I offer a money back guarantee if you aren't satisfied =)


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Re: [CFCDEV] Help with Component Path/Package

2007-03-29 Thread Sammy Larbi

Tom Chiverton wrote, On 3/28/2007 11:00 AM:

On Wednesday 28 Mar 2007, J MacKay wrote:

Well, I didn't think it was in the components, but in their
instantiation (ie, createObject(..)).  But yes, I think even the
addition of a simple function getComponent(componentName) would help
tremendously, if you removed the path info from it.

Well, you could write your own, based on a recursive search of the filesystem.
The performance hit is gonna be *huge* though.

Well, I was thinking that you might just be in a couple of places 
looking for components...

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Re: [CFCDEV] Uploading Files and CFCs

2007-03-29 Thread Sammy Larbi

Ryan Everhart wrote, On 3/29/2007 6:25 AM:
This may be a dumb question, but can you use a cfc to upload files?  
Do they have access to the form scope when executed?  The way my 
application is being built is sorta like a framework where I have 
pages called views which display all my data then I have action pages 
which do stuff like add/remove/update data in the db via CFCs.  So my 
question is, on an action page can I call a component that will be 
able to upload a picture from a form, or do i have to do the actual 
upload on the action page itself then do any other actions (rename, 
move, add file name to db) on the cfc.  Thanks!  I've been thinking 
about this all night but haven't tested it out yet.

Try it out!  CFCs do have access to the form scope, but generally I 
think people tell you to only depend on a structure, and pass in the 
form scope instead.  I think I have actually tried uploading a file in 
one, so assuming I'm not making up past experiences (which, on occasion 
I probably have done), I'm pretty sure it will work.

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Re: [CFCDEV] Uploading Files and CFCs

2007-03-29 Thread Sammy Larbi

Anthony Israel-Davis wrote, On 3/29/2007 11:39 AM:

I would suggest a design that has a high amount of reuse (that's one of
the reasons for using a CFC!) so instead of passing in the entire form
structure and depending on the form names, you may want to consider
passing in each attribute individually and returning the cffile variable
for additional processing.  Here's an example:

That's true.  You should only use the entire form scope if you intend to 
you all of it (or, perhaps if you have another really good reason)

cffunction name=upload access=public output=false
returntype=struct hint=returns the cffile struct
cfargument name=fileField type=string
required=true hint=This is the name of the form field that contains
the file
cfargument name=acceptType type=string
required=false default= hint=Valid File Types
cfargument name=nameConflict type=string
required=false default=MakeUnique hint=nameConflict value for

cfreturn cffile !--- OR Whatever you name your return variable ---



-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Sammy
Sent: Thursday, March 29, 2007 9:12 AM
Subject: Re: [CFCDEV] Uploading Files and CFCs

Ryan Everhart wrote, On 3/29/2007 6:25 AM:
This may be a dumb question, but can you use a cfc to upload files?  
Do they have access to the form scope when executed?  The way my 
application is being built is sorta like a framework where I have 
pages called views which display all my data then I have action pages 
which do stuff like add/remove/update data in the db via CFCs.  So my 
question is, on an action page can I call a component that will be 
able to upload a picture from a form, or do i have to do the actual 
upload on the action page itself then do any other actions (rename, 
move, add file name to db) on the cfc.  Thanks!  I've been thinking 
about this all night but haven't tested it out yet.

Try it out!  CFCs do have access to the form scope, but generally I
think people tell you to only depend on a structure, and pass in the
form scope instead.  I think I have actually tried uploading a file in
one, so assuming I'm not making up past experiences (which, on occasion
I probably have done), I'm pretty sure it will work.

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Re: [CFCDEV] Help with Component Path/Package

2007-03-28 Thread Sammy Larbi

Nando wrote, On 3/27/2007 2:28 PM:

If your primary motivation is to document your classes ... well, when 
i understood what was really going on under the hood, it made more 
sense to me to put that in the hint tag ... but that's me.

That's pretty much how I feel about it.

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Re: [CFCDEV] Help with Component Path/Package

2007-03-27 Thread Sammy Larbi
Adding to the possibility of ant scripts and the best being replicating 
your environment, you might use a mapping to bypass the appname on the 
local box. 

Also, you may want to use a factory (if it is conceivable, or for future 
apps) that would instantiate all your objects.  Then, if you migrated 
the com. part into it, you could just change it in one spot instead of 

Peter Bell wrote, On 3/27/2007 12:57 AM:

Hi Aaron,

Most common solutions are replicating environments between dev and
production or an ant script with a Regex for the changes on pushing to your
production server.

Best Wishes,

On 3/27/07 1:42 AM, Aaron Roberson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


On my local windows machine running XP Pro and IIS 5 I specify the
component path like so:


But on my remote server running Windows 2000 Server and IIS 5 I have
to specify the component path like so:


This is a huge problem because it requires that I change the
path/package name on every object invocation and within every object
that returns a full qualified path and object name as the return type
or accepts an argument with the path and object name as the type.

Just to let you know, my webroot locally is C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\ (app
path as C:\Inetpub\wwwroot) and my webroot remotely seems to be
something like D:\home\ (app path D:\home\appname).

What is the answer to this?

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Re: [CFCDEV] newbie questions about cfproperty and cffunction returntype paths

2007-03-27 Thread Sammy Larbi

J MacKay wrote, On 3/26/2007 4:51 PM:
- Is there any benefit to using cfproperty in a cfc that is not used 
as a web service?

It might make for better documentation.  But it might also make for more 

1) Put all cfcs in a single directory .. 

Not a good idea if you have lots of cfcs, but you probably knew that.

2) Suck it up and use the full path .. 

Wouldn't be too bad if you can do it dynamically.

3) Spit in the face of best practices and use returntype=any. 

I hope Mr. Practices is into that sort of thing, because if not, he must 
be steaming mad (but not mad enough to fight back, yet).  That's my 
favorite choice, in most situations.

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Re: [CFCDEV] ORM: Generic Child Array in Parent Bean

2007-03-22 Thread Sammy Larbi

Alpino, Justin wrote, On 3/21/2007 1:21 PM:
Hi Robert,

I think there are pros and cons for using that approach:

- smaller components
- less code to maintain
- more flexible

- too ambiguous (you don't know what the component holds just by looking
at it)
- increased coupling between objects (calling objects must know the
names of internal data structures)

I disagree with this, as although you don't need to know the actual name 
of the variable in the other method, you might as well.  Who is going to 
make getAddress return the person's name? 

- forces order of calling the setter before getter (when requested
arrays are not previously defined. will throw an exception rather than
something expected like an empty array)

The generic approach could also check that the variable is defined, and 
then define it.  (Of course, there is no check that the variable actual 
/should/ exist in this way, unless you guarantee that anything valid 
will be defined before or in the init method.)

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Re: [CFCDEV] Light framework?

2007-03-16 Thread Sammy Larbi
 through those terms so i really
 understand what control is inverted here and why it's helpful for me
 to understand it that way in order to use ColdSpring. Are you up to

 I easily get the concept wiring my services/CFCs together so
they can
 work together and i think that's easy for most people to
 I still don't get the inversion of control thing. There's a central
 config file, i can manage all the dependencies from there. why
is that
 considered inverted? to be honest, the concept just isn't
useful to
 me to understand how to use ColdSpring. (i kinda wish i could have
 turned the word ColdSpring upsidedown there, made it inverted! ;-)


 On 3/15/07, Sammy Larbi [EMAIL PROTECTED]
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]  wrote:
  Very well said. I can certainly see a disconnect now that you
put it
  the way you did (and particularly after reading your blog entry at
  I still wonder if even given that explanation (though surely a
  would understand better), would they know they needed it if
they didn't
  understand what inversion of control was, and the purpose it
  Nando wrote, On 3/14/2007 1:16 PM:
   As someone who is self-taught, I'm saying that the language, the
   pattern lingo that is used, can be a barrier to
understanding what
   ColdSpring can do for you in simple terms. It tends to imply
to the
   learner that they need to study OO patterns before they can
use a
   If instead, one says to an aspiring OO newbie who is
   ColdSpring can instantiate (linked to a clear and simple
   the objects or CFCs that your whole application needs for
you, and
   wire them together so that they can work with each other.
   As anyone who has tried to architect an application that
uses CFCs can
   tell you, working out how the CFCs should work together can
be one of
   the most difficult parts of designing and coding your
   especially for a beginner. As you progress, it often involves
   reworking of your code significantly, and can easily introduce
   mistakes. This is particularly true if someone is
inexperienced with
   object orientation and hasn't come to the point where they
have a
   preferred way of organizing their objects to work together.
It's also
   certainly true for an experienced programmer, because new
   or unrecognized aspects of the application can pop up at any
   forcing you to rethink your design.
   ColdSpring uses a simple XML language in it's configuration
file that
   is easy to pick up. Depending on your level of experience,
it can take
   anywhere from a hour or two to learn the basics, to perhaps
a day if
   you are really new to all this. To reorganize the way your
CFC's work
   together or add another CFC to your app, you can simply and
   rewire them in the config file (and perhaps add a bit of
code to your
   objects). Here are some examples to get you started:
   Then show some comprehensive examples, so they can start
using it
   immediately (although certainly not as well as an experienced OO
   architect). Explain a few cavets along the way. And that
opens doors
   to further learning, as experience is an excellent teacher.
   At the end, you can say:
   By the way, ColdSpring is based on the Java framework Spring. In
   object oriented pattern speak, it's an Inversion of Control
   For further reading and study, is a
good place to
   On 3/14/07, Sammy Larbi [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Nando wrote, On 3/13/2007 5:02 PM:

 IF ... someone is new to CFCs and OO and all this lingo,
they can
 certainly use ColdSpring without conceptually
 understanding Inversion
 of Control. But it probably doesn't at all seem like it
to them.

They could, but how would they know they wanted to, or that
 it would be
beneficial in particular cases?
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Re: [CFCDEV] Light framework?

2007-03-15 Thread Sammy Larbi


Very well said.  I can certainly see a disconnect now that you put it 
the way you did (and particularly after reading your blog entry at  However, 
I still wonder if even given that explanation (though surely a person 
would understand better), would they know they needed it if they didn't 
understand what inversion of control was, and the purpose it served?

Nando wrote, On 3/14/2007 1:16 PM:


As someone who is self-taught, I'm saying that the language, the 
pattern lingo that is used, can be a barrier to understanding what 
ColdSpring can do for you in simple terms. It tends to imply to the 
learner that they need to study OO patterns before they can use a 

If instead, one says to an aspiring OO newbie who is self-taught:

ColdSpring can instantiate (linked to a clear and simple definition) 
the objects or CFCs that your whole application needs for you, and 
wire them together so that they can work with each other.

As anyone who has tried to architect an application that uses CFCs can 
tell you, working out how the CFCs should work together can be one of 
the most difficult parts of designing and coding your application, 
especially for a beginner. As you progress, it often involves 
reworking of your code significantly, and can easily introduce 
mistakes. This is particularly true if someone is inexperienced with 
object orientation and hasn't come to the point where they have a 
preferred way of organizing their objects to work together. It's also 
certainly true for an experienced programmer, because new requirements 
or unrecognized aspects of the application can pop up at any time, 
forcing you to rethink your design.

ColdSpring uses a simple XML language in it's configuration file that 
is easy to pick up. Depending on your level of experience, it can take 
anywhere from a hour or two to learn the basics, to perhaps a day if 
you are really new to all this. To reorganize the way your CFC's work 
together or add another CFC to your app, you can simply and quickly 
rewire them in the config file (and perhaps add a bit of code to your 
objects).  Here are some examples to get you started:

Then show some comprehensive examples, so they can start using it 
immediately (although certainly not as well as an experienced OO 
architect). Explain a few cavets along the way. And that opens doors 
to further learning, as experience is an excellent teacher.

At the end, you can say:

By the way, ColdSpring is based on the Java framework Spring. In 
object oriented pattern speak, it's an Inversion of Control container. 
For further reading and study, is a good place to 

On 3/14/07, Sammy Larbi [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Nando wrote, On 3/13/2007 5:02 PM:
  IF ... someone is new to CFCs and OO and all this lingo, they can
  certainly use ColdSpring without conceptually understanding Inversion
  of Control. But it probably doesn't at all seem like it to them.

 They could, but how would they know they wanted to, or that it would be
 beneficial in particular cases?

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Re: [CFCDEV] Light framework?

2007-03-14 Thread Sammy Larbi

Nando wrote, On 3/13/2007 5:02 PM:

IF ... someone is new to CFCs and OO and all this lingo, they can
certainly use ColdSpring without conceptually understanding Inversion
of Control. But it probably doesn't at all seem like it to them.

They could, but how would they know they wanted to, or that it would be 
beneficial in particular cases?

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Re: [CFCDEV] Matching Field Names

2007-03-13 Thread Sammy Larbi

Mark Ireland wrote, On 3/13/2007 2:03 AM:

Doesnt everybody have their own conventions for field/column names? 
Yes, I like the convention that column_name=field_name.   There are 
conventions about naming individual variables as well, but this one 
makes it easy to map them.

(I mean couldnt you guess what you called something if you knew its 
purpose? Like its existence implies one thing and its value another?) \
Of course.  For zip code I might guess it was called zip or 
postalcode or zipcode.  But, if I kept it the same as my column name 
(or the other way around, if you prefer to think in those terms), then I 
would know both if I could remember one of them.  Other examples abound, 
I'm sure =)


From: Sammy Larbi [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [CFCDEV] Matching Field Names
Date: Thu, 08 Mar 2007 13:16:43 -0600

Steve Bryant wrote, On 3/8/2007 12:48 PM:

At 11:52 AM 3/8/2007, Sammy Larbi wrote:
I've had so much trouble with differing form field names vs. 
correspondingly different names (say for an update), I'm not sure 
why anyone would want to have different form field names...=)


I generally have the same form field names as argument names as 
well, but what kind of trouble have you had?

Oh, just things like what did I name that field again? Oh let me 
open the file and take forever to scroll through and find it.  Stuff 
like that... nothing that CF has done to me or anything.

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Re: [CFCDEV] Light framework?

2007-03-13 Thread Sammy Larbi

+1 from me to this and Peter's suggestion of it.

Matt Woodward wrote, On 3/13/2007 9:38 AM:

The basic concepts of Fusebox haven't changed that much, and to me,
spending time learning an old version when you're just starting out
doesn't make any sense whatsoever. The underlying framework core has
changed to be all CFCs, but that doesn't mean the end user has to know
anything about CFCs to use it. Furthermore, I'd disagree with your
contention that learning FB3 is any easier than learning the current
version. To me it just seems like it's a waste of time and ill advised
to learn an old version when you're just going to have to learn the
new versions anyway if you intend on keeping up with FB in your

On 3/13/07, RADEMAKERS Tanguy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


General comment--I'm not sure why you'd learn a version of any
framework that's that old.

Two reasons:

1) because it's easier to learn fb 3 than fb 5 (or 6 or 7 or whatever
they're up to by now).


2) because once you have learned fb 3, it will be easier to go on and
learn fb 4, 5, 6, whatever.

Remember, Joe is looking for something from which he can transition to
a heavier framework.


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Re: [CFCDEV] ArgumentCollection

2007-03-09 Thread Sammy Larbi

Brian Rinaldi wrote, On 3/8/2007 6:56 PM:
I think using argumentCollection is a completely valid way of doing 
things. I use it all the time. Why write everything out when you can 
do things like argumentCollection=form or argumentCollection=url? 
You'll also find it in my code generator whereby I turn a query row 
into a struct and init a new bean using argumentCollection. Suffice it 
to say I use it wherever I can. I think it does a couple of beneficial 
things, the primary being that when your arguments change you don't 
need to go around updating your function calls. The second is, it 
makes handling empty values easier. For instance, let's say you were 
passing a full name you might say 
user.init(firstName=firstName,mi=mi,lastName=lastName). However, how 
do you handle the middle initial (mi) if it isn't defined because it 
is not required. You could pass an empty string and code your function 
to check for that, or you could just use argumentCollection. This is 
actually a poor example, since it works better for numeric and other 
types where, if you type check your arguments as you should, you can't 
use empty string as a null equivalentbut I think you get my drift.

Absolutely, I use it for similar reasons as well.  But, I don't know 
that if I was hand-coding things, I would use it quite so much.  A 
generator or framework is one thing, but daily use and having to think 
about it is another.  It may makes things easy in the short run, but I 
would think that having to go back over some code a year after you wrote 
it (or someone being new to it altogether) would be difficult if the 
code documents itself like that...

Brian Rinaldi
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Dave Watts wrote:
Q: If you have a ton of arguments, is using 
ArgumentCollection the best practice?

I wouldn't go so far as to say it's a best practice or it's not, but my
personal preference is only to use ArgumentCollection when I might have an
unknown number of arguments.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software

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Re: [CFCDEV] ArgumentCollection

2007-03-09 Thread Sammy Larbi
I liked the message (made me smile even!), but, even if you had some 
method, say calculateTax, you would rather pass an entire form than just 
pass form.priceWithNoTaxYet?

Aaron DC wrote, On 3/8/2007 9:16 PM:

fire addfuel=true
// save the form (default)
// save the URL
someStruct = StructNew();
someStruct.someKey = Some value;
// etc...

// save some structure


cffunction name=Save
   cfargument name=someData type=structure default=#form#

I've been playing with CFCs for a few months now, having just 
converted an ASP (OO) framework I developed (loosely based on a PHP 
framework I studied) into CFML. In my weaker hours I may have possibly 
developed constructs similar to the one above, but would not admit to 
it on the grounds that someone may decide it's a bad practice (TM).

You will never catch me programming or condoning the practice of 
passing in individual FORM elements to a function when I can pass in 
the entire FORM structure.


Nando wrote:
Shrug ... you can just as easily accept a struct as an argument, 
calling it something like arguments.submittedValues, and pass the 
form scope to the function that way.


cffunction name=processMyForm
cfargument name=submittedValues

Phillip Senn wrote:

Someone recently asked if passing the form scope was a best practice.
I found an interesting method called ArgumentCollection, but I don't
know very much about it.

Q: If you have a ton of arguments, is using ArgumentCollection the best

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Re: [CFCDEV] scafold component

2007-03-09 Thread Sammy Larbi

Tom Chiverton wrote, On 3/9/2007 6:02 AM:

On Thursday 08 Mar 2007, Sammy Larbi wrote:

I've had so much trouble with differing form field names vs.
correspondingly different names (say for an update), I'm not sure why
anyone would want to have different form field names...=)

Hang on, are you saying I can update any field in the database by changing a 
form POST / GET ?!?


Can't tell if that is facetious or not =)  But, yeah, that's what I've 
been working on lately - change a DB column and change is reflected 
throughout application.  But not the other way around (I've thought 
about doing that too, believe it or not - just not sure of its value, 
since I tend to work the other way)

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Re: [CFCDEV] scafold component

2007-03-09 Thread Sammy Larbi

Tom Chiverton wrote:

On Friday 09 Mar 2007, Sammy Larbi wrote:

Can't tell if that is facetious or not =)  But, yeah, that's what I've
been working on lately - change a DB column and change is reflected
throughout application.  But not the other way around (I've thought
about doing that too, believe it or not - just not sure of its value,
since I tend to work the other way)

What if I modified your form's POST ? Can I now alter anything I like then ?



Not sure exactly what you mean.  I'll describe in better detail what I 
meant, and then await your reply. 

Right now, I have it such that there is (for example) a Demographic 
object that relates to a Client.  So, in my database, I have a 
Demographic table and a Client table.  I create a couple of components 
that extend some base components I have (without any other code), and 
then I've got a form to insert a new client, update an existing one, 
delete an existing one, a listing of them all, plus a bunch of methods 
to allow me to manipulate it (very similar to Ruby on Rails, if you've 
used it).  I've got the same stuff for the demographics.  In code, I let 
the Client know that it should auto-load some columns from the 
associated Demographic row when it is created, because I want those to 
be available to me to show with my Client object.  I do similar stuff 
for Demographic.  But, Demographic has a bunch of foreign keys to things 
like Valid Races and Valid Age Ranges,  so rather than having a text 
field to put an int for the key, I tell it to load a select which should 
be populated from the respective tables (eventually, I may automate a 
lot of that too).

What I was saying about the other way around is basically, instead of 
relying solely on the db, allow myself to define properties in my 
objects, and then if they don't exist in the DB, automagically create 
those respective columns in the DB/table.  So, the form wouldn't do it, 
as that is generated based on the object, but the object definition 
might effect changes in the database schema.

About modifying anything you like -- I'm not sure what you mean by 
that, but yes, if you want to you can certainly do that.  In the 
controller you could modify the form structure and its keys (not that 
that may be a good idea), but in the model, it extracts from the form 
any keys which it has itself, and then you could define a method, 
beforeSave() where you could do calcualtions if you need.

Does any of that hit on what you meant? =)


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Re: [CFCDEV] ArgumentCollection

2007-03-08 Thread Sammy Larbi
On Thu, 2007-03-08 at 08:36 -0500, Phillip Senn wrote:
 Someone recently asked if passing the form scope was a best practice.
 I found an interesting method called ArgumentCollection, but I don't
 know very much about it.
 Q: If you have a ton of arguments, is using ArgumentCollection the best

I think in general, you should strive to not have too many arguments in
a method.  But if you do, and they can all be related, it would be
better to use a struct, in that case, as it helps break down the number
of arguments and better organize them.

As for using ArgumentCollection as a substitute for that, I think that
would be valid, but others may disagree.

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Re: [CFCDEV] scafold component

2007-03-08 Thread Sammy Larbi
On Tue, 2007-03-06 at 17:37 -0800, Jim Cassata wrote:
 I have a question. is it ok to pass the #form# structure to the CFC as a 
 single variable? Or is it better to pass the individual form arguments? I 
 know both work in CF, just wondering if one way is better for making the CFC 
 more universal (have plans for some Flex down the road)

I guess it would depend on how you are using it.  If you pass it as a
struct and really need everything, then I don't see a problem (as in,
you are updating a user, and the form contains all that information you
need).  But in cases where it would be lying to say I need a struct,
which would hide the real value you want, then I think that would be
bad.  An example of this would be something like calculateTax(form).
Well, you don't want form, you want only the price stored in the form.

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Re: [CFCDEV] scafold component

2007-03-08 Thread Sammy Larbi

Steve Bryant wrote, On 3/8/2007 11:14 AM:

At 10:43 AM 3/8/2007, Tom Chiverton wrote:

On Thursday 08 Mar 2007, Steve Bryant wrote:
 needs, you can use argumentCollection to pass in the whole form
 structure - with each field being used as a separate argument.

But you must then never change a form field name - you don't know if 

being used by the CFC or not.

Definitely a good point. Any time that you use a shortcut like that 
you are creating a non-documented dependence. Certainly, using named 
arguments does a better job of documenting the dependencies (and 
allowing you to use different field names than your argument names).

I've had so much trouble with differing form field names vs. 
correspondingly different names (say for an update), I'm not sure why 
anyone would want to have different form field names...=)

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Re: [CFCDEV] Matching Field Names

2007-03-08 Thread Sammy Larbi

Steve Bryant wrote, On 3/8/2007 12:48 PM:

At 11:52 AM 3/8/2007, Sammy Larbi wrote:
I've had so much trouble with differing form field names vs. 
correspondingly different names (say for an update), I'm not sure why 
anyone would want to have different form field names...=)


I generally have the same form field names as argument names as well, 
but what kind of trouble have you had?

Oh, just things like what did I name that field again? Oh let me open 
the file and take forever to scroll through and find it.  Stuff like 
that... nothing that CF has done to me or anything.

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Re: [CFCDEV] CFC interaction and persistent scopes (newbie questions)

2007-03-06 Thread Sammy Larbi


I didn't have the time to read all of this, but I thought I might answer 
a couple of the questions that I have read.  First, to get a good 
background in OO, there are plenty of resources available.  I'd check 
out a book on the subject for sure.  Also, I always like to point people 
to Bob Martin's site, where he lists the principles of OO design.  Those 
really helped stuff click for me.  ... also, look 
up cohesion and coupling and understand them.   If you need, you might 
want to read more basic things about the terminology, but so far you 
sound like you've probably done that ... More follows...

Joe Lakey wrote, On 3/6/2007 2:08 PM:

I've started reading some of the MVC stuff on the web, but it's still a
little above my head. I'm really having trouble differentiating between
the model and controller layers. 

The model is where you put the business logic (also commonly called 
domain logic) of your application.  For instance, if you were doing a 
shopping cart, you'd want to put classes like Product, Customer, etc in 
there, and methods that know how to calculate the total of an order, 
save orders, and stuff like that. 

The controller does just what it says- it controls the application.  It 
wires together the view and the model, so to speak.  This is where you 
might put authentication checks like if isAuthenticated() show admin 
stuff.  That's really a bad way to describe it, but you'd put the 
knowledge of how to do the authentication in the model layer (probably) 
and put the actual authentication in a controller.  I suppose you could 
also put it in the model, but that, to me, would be a lot more hassle 
and doesn't follow logically (although others may differ in their 
opinion).  Basically, a control would route requests and let the view 
have the information it needs from the model.  That's how I look at it.

2. If a CFC extends another CFC, does the init() method need to call
Super.init()? If so, why doesn't this create two instances--one of the
parent CFC and one of the child CFC? Does super.init() automatically
receive arguments passed to init(), or do they have to be explicitly
passed to super.init()?


If you redefine the init method, no, it won't call it unless you also 
call super.init().  And no, it wouldn't automatically receive any 
arguments.  Init is just a convention that was established to get 
information into your CFCs, as there is no real constructor to call to 
do that.  Therefore, it would behave as any other method.

3. If a method overrides a method of a base CFC, does the child method
need to to call super.myMethod()? 
Not unless you want to perform the super functionality in addition to 
your overriding of it.  This is bad example, but the only one I have in 
my head right now: suppose in Base.cfc you have a method like 
displayDiv.  Then, in  Derived.cfc you want that method that would wrap 
that div in a box.  You could have something like

cffunction name=displayDiv 
div style=border: 1px solid black; 
super.displayDiv() // this will set whatever was being done originally


Of course, this is a poor example, but my mind is drawing blanks right now.

What if the child method is only
intended to override part of the parent method's functionality? For
instance, the method may set a number of properties, but the child
method only needs to override some of those properties. 
Well, you'll either need to factor better, or override all the 
properties.  I'd prefer to factor better.  There are also patterns that 
you might want to look up after gaining some experience.  In particular, 
there is one that might apply here.  I can't think of the name though.  
I'm not thinking strategy, but something else (strategy is similar in 
intent to what I'm thinking,... anyone want to jump in and help me?)

Also, similar to
question 2, does super.myMethod() receive arguments passed to
myMethod(), or must they be explicitly passed to super.myMethod()?

No, again, you'll need to pass it.

4. How is a method of one object made available to the methods of
another object? 

You can either use composition/aggregation (in which the object you are 
trying to reuse would be contained within your object), or you can use 
inheritance, as you've mentioned above.  Most of the time, you'll 
probably be using containment.  Inheritance is generally only advised 
for when what you're doing is really inheritance.   

Can a property of the second object be a reference to
the first object? 
It can, but generally you don't do that.  You'd provide getters and 
setters (also called accessors and mutators by some) to do that for the 
properties you want others to be able to edit.  This deals with 
encapsulation (but encapsulation is much more than just that).  If you 
use the this scope on these properties, then you can access them.  
Most people advise against that.

If so, is the first object 

Re: [CFCDEV] Notes while attending a meeting

2007-03-01 Thread Sammy Larbi
That sounds a lot like my initial attempts at CFCs/OOP in general.  Some 
people might have called them God-Components/Objects.   I like to think 
of them as experiments in anti-patterns. =)

Phillip Senn wrote, On 2/28/2007 2:13 PM:

When objects attack

Objects gone bad

Objects gone wild



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Re: [CFCDEV] Where should I validate form submissions?

2007-03-01 Thread Sammy Larbi

Peter J. Farrell wrote, On 2/28/2007 4:48 PM:

So after a while, letting the bean know how to validate itself became
unreasonable for us.  In the end, we don't mind that our beans are very
stupid and a bit anemic.  Those are my two cents and I'm sure in the
future I'll have more to say.

I don't see this as an either-or issue.  I've not used this strategy in 
CF, but in Java, I might create a Validator class which would know how 
to validate very common things, like length, isnumber, isdate, and 
such.  Then, the model would compose an object of type Validator.  But, 
the key is, it would set its own validation rules to be followed in the 
Validator object.  Anything not common enough to make it into the 
Validator would be performed in the bean itself.  So basically, you 
might have a routine like

// in the constructor, we've set up the validator as a private member 
_validator, and set its rules somehow.

public boolean isValid()
  result = true;
  // perform custom validation, building an errorMessage as required.
  if (somethingDoesntValidate)
  return result  _validator.isValid(my_info);

I've found the approach does a good job of staying DRY and abstracting 
don't-need-to-know validation logic.


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Re: [CFCDEV] CFC best practice (was ROI;)

2007-02-20 Thread Sammy Larbi


For those questions I'd take a look at and 
specifically the first 5 principles listed there.  It's a great 
introduction to OOD.  If you encounter a term you haven't seen, I'd look 
it up to understand it.  Finally, I'd have a look at the DRY principle, 
because that one is pretty helpful too.

If you're down for a bigger read, check out Steve McConnell's Code 
Complete 2 (I'm currently reading it).  It has a lot of information 
regarding the questions you asked (plus a lot more).  I've also heard 
good things about Head First OOAD, which would address some of your 
questions, but I haven't read it myself.


Jim Cassata wrote, On 2/19/2007 4:04 PM:

even the mechanics of using CFC's properly might
be a hidden mystery in the beginning, one that you
may not find explained clearly anywhere.


YES Nando! huge emphasis on properly! I can make the CFCs work real 
fast and real easy, but am I doing it properly? I have no idea. I have 
been religiously following the Forta CFMX7-WACK but the examples are 
so basic. How many fnctions in a CFC are too much? How many CFC 
invokes in a CFM page are too much? WHen to use CFObject vs CFInvoke?

For example one of my cfm pages maybe had a query joining 4 tables and 
then 4 other queries that get records from some supporting tables. How 
should I break that logic into CFCs and CFFunctions? Well, by not 
knowing the answer to that question my approach has been to put the 
functionality for that page into it's own function, with cffunctions 
to similar pages grouped into the one CFC. If I did add a feature, 
instead of updating multiple cfm pages, now I go to one CFC and update 
several cffunctions. Better than the way it was but is it proper? or best?

As for the ModelGlue, if I want an existing app to be in MG am I 
essentially rewriting the whole thing?


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Re: [CFCDEV] CFC best practice (was ROI;)

2007-02-20 Thread Sammy Larbi
I haven't read the Head First design patterns book, but I've read the 
Gang of Four.  I always felt like design patterns followed from the 
principles (which I assumed would be in HF OOAD), and that it might be 
better to know the principles and then learn the patterns.  But, since I 
haven't read either of them, I can't say for sure.

I can say that the GoF design patterns book is not where I'd go to get 
my feet wet though =).


Peter Bell wrote, On 2/20/2007 7:47 AM:

Head first OOAD is a good book, but it assumes a familiarity with OO
coding. I'd actually read head first design patterns before their OOAD book
(which is good, but to my mind, not intro level). The DP book isn't
specifically about OO, but it covers the basics and also introduces a bunch
of patterns you're going to need to learn over time to get how to make OO
work in practice.

Best Wishes,

On 2/20/07 7:02 AM, Sammy Larbi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:



For those questions I'd take a look at and
specifically the first 5 principles listed there.  It's a great
introduction to OOD.  If you encounter a term you haven't seen, I'd look
it up to understand it.  Finally, I'd have a look at the DRY principle,
because that one is pretty helpful too.

If you're down for a bigger read, check out Steve McConnell's Code
Complete 2 (I'm currently reading it).  It has a lot of information
regarding the questions you asked (plus a lot more).  I've also heard
good things about Head First OOAD, which would address some of your
questions, but I haven't read it myself.


Jim Cassata wrote, On 2/19/2007 4:04 PM:

even the mechanics of using CFC's properly might
be a hidden mystery in the beginning, one that you
may not find explained clearly anywhere.


YES Nando! huge emphasis on properly! I can make the CFCs work real
fast and real easy, but am I doing it properly? I have no idea. I have
been religiously following the Forta CFMX7-WACK but the examples are
so basic. How many fnctions in a CFC are too much? How many CFC
invokes in a CFM page are too much? WHen to use CFObject vs CFInvoke?

For example one of my cfm pages maybe had a query joining 4 tables and
then 4 other queries that get records from some supporting tables. How
should I break that logic into CFCs and CFFunctions? Well, by not
knowing the answer to that question my approach has been to put the
functionality for that page into it's own function, with cffunctions
to similar pages grouped into the one CFC. If I did add a feature,
instead of updating multiple cfm pages, now I go to one CFC and update
several cffunctions. Better than the way it was but is it proper? or best?

As for the ModelGlue, if I want an existing app to be in MG am I
essentially rewriting the whole thing?


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Re: [CFCDEV] CFC best practice (was ROI;)

2007-02-20 Thread Sammy Larbi
Yes, this is akin to magic numbers (which are bad).  There is no way to 
tell that servertype 1 means production or even that it doesn't refer 
to something like web, file, or print server.

It would have even been better just to make the column a string type and 
just put production and such in there, I think in this case.  In 
general I'd probably put it in another table and have it refer to that 
if it can change, but for a simple application, I probably wouldn't bother.


Jim Cassata wrote, On 2/20/2007 12:13 PM:
while on the subject of best practice, I have a question re CFC practice. 

In the days I made my app, I have a table (simplified) that lists IT servers. 
Looks kinda like this:

serverid | servername | servertype |
1 |win01  |1|
3 |win09  |2|
2 |win06  |3|

Now server type was just 1=production, 2=dev, 3=test. 

And as such no servertype table was ever made, I just had the cfml convert the 
number to name in the cfm pages, like this:

Server Type: cfswitch... /cfswitch

Is this a bad practice? am wondering if this way of handling information is too much 
putting business logic into presentation layer  Might I find out in Flex that 
I can't display the server type text after retrieving a query result?

Thanks all, enjoying the dialog very much!

Jim C

- Original Message 
Sent: Tuesday, February 20, 2007 10:55:26 AM
Subject: RE: [CFCDEV] CFC best practice (was ROI;)

I am smack in the middle of the Head First OOAD book right now, reading it
rather closely (but not doing the exercises yet... Shame on me!).

I can say this book is definitely one to have, although I don't 100% agree
with their approach to discovering requirements. I'd say I actually agree to
only about 50% of their requirements gathering approach...  But it could be
that they took their particular route in order not to turn the book into a
Head First Project Management book of some sort. ;) 

The actual process of working through what constitutes a class and when and
where you might consider creating new classes or not is actually presented
very well; it's definitely one that I welcome, right next to my Head First
Design Patterns, Head First HTML/CSS/XHTML, Head First Java, and Head First
JSP and Servlets! :)


   Behalf Of Peter Bell
   Sent: Tuesday, February 20, 2007 10:31 AM
   Subject: Re: [CFCDEV] CFC best practice (was ROI;)
   Head first design patterns much easier than GoF and 
   also includes basics from polymorphism on up. While I'd 
   assumed OOAD book would be the basics, my experience 
   was that it was more intermediate, although I was in a 
   rush when I skimmed it and haven't had a chance to get 
   back to it yet for a proper read. It even says 
   somewhere that it is for people who can already do OO 
   programming and is moving you to next level to help 
   with analysis and design . . .
   Best Wishes,


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Re: [CFCDEV] ROI (was CFC best practice)

2007-02-19 Thread Sammy Larbi

Phillip Senn wrote, On 2/19/2007 10:33 AM:

 Will I see a savings of time by the time I am done?

That's been the unspoken question for so many people.

I doubt the savings of time would be noticed by the time he finished, 
but it would be evident when maintaining the code, I think. And, its not 
just time-saving that comes into play here - we also should think about 
the headache poor design can cause, and the inertia we have to overcome 
when needing to work on something that was not designed well.

I wonder what the group has to say about that.

It used to be (back in the 80's) that you could cost justify an 
expense if you could show a 3 year Return On Investment (ROI).

In other words, if a new piece of equipment paid for itself within 3 
years, you could more than likely get it approved.

Taking that analogy into the time-save category, and recognizing that 
we are now working on Internet time,

Q: What do you think should be a good ROI should be for spending your 
time on a new technology?

This might be helpful in making the millions of little decisions that 
I've been making all along.

I haven't ever looked at it like that. I just like to learn, so when 
I've got the time, I try to pick up something new. More often, I don't 
have time, but I'll be able to learn new things as a byproduct of the 
particular project I'm working on. I would be interested though, if 
someone did have a way to map the learning of new technology to ROI.

If I create this shortcut, will it save the amount of time that it 
took me to create it over the span of the next x years/months/weeks?

That's what I'm working on now. But, it's sort of backward. This stuff 
took me all these years. A lot of it is not designed as well as it could 
be, maintenance is a nightmare in some cases, and a lot of it could have 
been extracted as reusable code. (from a lower level viewpoint than 
just message boards or login screens). I've looked at it that way, 
and decided I may as well do something about it.

If I put business logic in CFCs…

Well, one would have to do it correctly first =). But, I don't think 
procedural apps have to be unmaintainable. You can screw up procedural 
code just as easily as OO code - I think we've just come to think of 
procedural as being poorly designed. This doesn't have to be the 
case. I think well-designed OO through CFCs still can offer more 
benefits than well designed procedural code, and possibly enough to 
justify looking at it from an ROI perspective. Certainly there is a lot 
of literature and an almost an entire industry preaching the benefits of 
OO over procedural code...

If I learn this framework…

What about just writing one? =)


*From:* [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] *On Behalf Of 
*Jim Cassata

*Sent:* Saturday, February 17, 2007 11:29 AM
*Subject:* Re: [CFCDEV] CFC best practice

thanks Nando!

I have been looking at ModelGlue in order to get my brain around what 
it actually is. I do not understand what a framework is and am 
trying to get a grasp on what it is and how I will benefit.

Not sure of the benefits because:
1) My web app is already built consisting of 750 cfm files
2) I am the sole developer

I am saying not sure because that is the boat I am in. (which is 
floating nicely) I just sunk two solid weeks of my life into CFEclipse 
and am now seeing some benefit.

So, as I am going through my web app to put BL into CFCs, should I now 
be recreating is as a new app in ModelGlue? Will I see a savings of 
time by the time I am done or will it be like more of a rewrite of my app?

- Original Message 
Sent: Friday, February 16, 2007 8:47:12 PM
Subject: Re: [CFCDEV] CFC best practice


I've been thinking about your post in the back of my mind for a few 
days. I have a suggestion for you to think about. Try ModelGlue out. 
MG, because of the way it's structured, throws you in the water so to 
speak with CFC's. You use CFC's to do everything except the display . 
And it's really not too difficult to learn.

What will probably happen is you'll soon be making your first design 
mistakes, which are similar to putting your shoes on the wrong feet, 
or your shirt on backwards. And that's when you begin to learn 
something valuable, because you then need to figure out how the shirt 
or the shoes fit properly in your application design.

So the nice thing about MG is that it plops you in a world filled with 
CFC's to begin with. At first, that might be foreign and a little 
frustrating, but the MG QuickStart guide is really easy to follow and 
that helps. Try it out with a simple, personal project first.

A disclaimer about Flex tho'. MG is for HTML apps with perhaps Flex 
widgets. It becomes useless if your app is entirely Flex based. MG is 
also appropriate if you have a Flex 

Re: [CFCDEV] ROI (was CFC best practice)

2007-02-19 Thread Sammy Larbi

Eric Knipp wrote, On 2/19/2007 11:29 AM:
As far as ROI is concerned - doesn't that depend a lot on the ROI 
goals of your business?  As a small business owner you must have some 
revenue targets, which somehow map back to what kind of productivity 
you need to achieve as a developer.  I like Barney's explanation of 
the time it took him to learn CFC's - it could take you more, or less 
than that.  Bottom line, CFC's are going to do a few things for you

(a) make you more efficient as a developer
(b) make your application easier to manage
(c) make your application easier for someone you hire (when your 
business grows - hopefully) to manage for you more cheaply

(d) make your application easier to sell (when the time comes)

I know you probably meant this, but just to be explicit:  CFCs don't do 
those things for you, good design does.  I've written CFC-based apps 
that are more horrendous than their non-CFC cousins. =)


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Re: [CFCDEV] 2 SoftReferences pointing to the same CFC

2007-02-15 Thread Sammy Larbi


That /is/ strange.  I just read the docs on it, and it does mention 
specifically At that time [the garbage collector] may choose to clear 
atomically all soft references to that object.

Certainly atomically means all both references should be collected.  

But, you probably already knew that =).

Can you share how you are (re)producing the behavior? 


Mark Mandel wrote, On 2/14/2007 7:45 PM:

Hey all,

I'm wondering if anyone has seen behaiviour where you have 2
SoftReference objects pointing to the same CFC, and one soft reference
will get picked up by the JVM and garbage collected, but the other one

It's doesn't seem like it should be possible, but it seems to be
happening to me.

Any thoughts?


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Re: [CFCDEV] RE: DW vs Eclipse

2007-02-08 Thread Sammy Larbi

Tom Chiverton wrote, On 2/8/2007 8:43 AM:

On Wednesday 07 Feb 2007, RADEMAKERS Tanguy wrote:

before being able to see it on your dev server. Plus this means you will
have lots of non-working checkins in svn.

You shouldn't get hung up on always having a working HEAD.


Why do you say that?  I've always been taught not to break builds when 
you check-in code.  Wouldn't that require being hung up on that?

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Re: [CFCDEV] Source Control Breaking Builds (was RE: DW vs Eclipse)

2007-02-08 Thread Sammy Larbi

Tom Chiverton wrote, On 2/8/2007 10:31 AM:

On Thursday 08 Feb 2007, Sammy Larbi wrote:

You shouldn't get hung up on always having a working HEAD.

Why do you say that?  I've always been taught not to break builds when
you check-in code.  Wouldn't that require being hung up on that?

Who cares if HEAD is broken ? 
Not the real web site, because that's on a locked down branch, right ?

Not the QA/test site, because that's running against a tag, no ?
So it's only you and your fellow developers. If you have some massive, 
going-to-take-weeks  change to make, but still want to check in at internal 
checkpoints in case your hard disk catches fire, you should be on a branch. 
If you are hacking at the one file that has a problem, a quick IM or shout 
around the room should be all that is needed to make sure no one else is 
goind to update to the 'funny' revision. The only time other dev. members 
should be running an update is if they are working on a file after someone 
else has done with it.


What if I want to be able to ship/go live at _any_ time?  I cannot do 
that with broken code (I'll have to revert to the last known good state, 
but who can tell when that was if we don't concern ourselves with having 
working code in the repository).

As far as the hassle it causes developers, you could IM (or shout) to 
everyone not to check out the latest code, assuming everyone is willing 
and able to comply with your wish, and not be affected work-wise.  They 
have the latest just-before you committed, then someone else checks in 
bad code and possibly leaves for the day, then another, now yours is 
fixed, but someone else's isn't so someone else still can't check out 
the latest, and so on. 

I don't see (yet?) why it should be so hard to not check in bad code, or 
what reasons you might have for wanting to do so.   Even in the case you 
mention, where you might be hacking at one file for some short time, 
what is the problem with making sure it works before you commit? 

I'd just rather not check in broken code.  It doesn't seem like a sound 


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Re: [CFCDEV] RE: DW vs Eclipse

2007-02-07 Thread Sammy Larbi

RADEMAKERS Tanguy wrote, On 2/7/2007 12:41 PM:

the downside to this approach is that you have to check in a change
before being able to see it on your dev server. Plus this means you will
have lots of non-working checkins in svn.



I would have assumed that you'd be testing before checking in the code.  
But, I may have been assuming wrong.

-Original Message-
Of Stijn Dreezen

Sent: Wednesday, February 07, 2007 5:18 PM
Subject: Re: [CFCDEV] RE: DW vs Eclipse

Basically you can edit code where-ever you want with eclipse, if you 
combine cfeclipse with some version control plugin. We often use 
subversion to create our repositories and check in/out code on 
a windows workstation with eclipse using a subversion plugin. Updates 
can be sent to where-ever you want on your linux dev server by 
creating a working copy 
somewhere in your webroot and add /path/to/working-copy and svn up in 
hooks/post-commit in your subversion repository. This will update the 
working copy on your dev server each time you check in some code.
All transmissions are done via http, so this will basically work 

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Re: [CFCDEV] RE: DW vs Eclipse

2007-02-07 Thread Sammy Larbi

RADEMAKERS Tanguy wrote, On 2/7/2007 1:05 PM:

I would have assumed that you use your dev server to test your  


I just also assumed i knew what was meant and didn't focus too much on 
the exact terminology, but rather the intent of the statement.  Again, I 
may very well be assuming too much, since that's two assumptions on the 
same sentence =)

-Original Message-
Of Sammy Larbi

Sent: Wednesday, February 07, 2007 8:05 PM
Subject: Re: [CFCDEV] RE: DW vs Eclipse

RADEMAKERS Tanguy wrote, On 2/7/2007 12:41 PM:

the downside to this approach is that you have to check in a change
before being able to see it on your dev server. Plus this 

means you will

have lots of non-working checkins in svn.


I would have assumed that you'd be testing before checking in 
the code.  
But, I may have been assuming wrong.

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Re: [CFCDEV] RE: DW vs Eclipse

2007-02-07 Thread Sammy Larbi
My assumption was that dev server meant repository. Like, you might have 
local machine for actual development/testing, then dev server for the 
code repository, then production server, and so on.

I wouldn't check in code before I had tested it, so I agree with you. 

I probably just scanned it and put in too many assumptions.  My 
apologies for that.

In any case, my assumptions and misunderstandings led to a blog post 
where I've gotten a few good comments.  The post is essentially 
worthless, except to pose the questions, but the comments have been 
useful to me (so, you can scroll down to them, or answer the question as 
well, if you wanted).

RADEMAKERS Tanguy wrote, On 2/7/2007 2:08 PM:

I'm not being picky about dev vs. test. My point was about the use
of svn to ... update the working copy on your dev server each time you
check in some code.

You shouldn't have to check in code to see your changes, you should just
be able to save your file and then reload your browser (whilst java
developers around you gasp in amazement). Once it's all working (well,
once there are no more really obvious bugs), THEN you check it in...

Or am i still misunderstanding?



-Original Message-
Of Sammy Larbi

Sent: Wednesday, February 07, 2007 8:56 PM
Subject: Re: [CFCDEV] RE: DW vs Eclipse

RADEMAKERS Tanguy wrote, On 2/7/2007 1:05 PM:

I would have assumed that you use your dev server to test your  

I just also assumed i knew what was meant and didn't focus 
too much on 
the exact terminology, but rather the intent of the statement. 
Again, I 
may very well be assuming too much, since that's two 
assumptions on the 
same sentence =)

-Original Message-
Of Sammy Larbi

Sent: Wednesday, February 07, 2007 8:05 PM
Subject: Re: [CFCDEV] RE: DW vs Eclipse

RADEMAKERS Tanguy wrote, On 2/7/2007 12:41 PM:

the downside to this approach is that you have to check in a change
before being able to see it on your dev server. Plus this 

means you will

have lots of non-working checkins in svn.


I would have assumed that you'd be testing before checking in 
the code.  
But, I may have been assuming wrong.

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Re: [CFCDEV] DW? Eclipse?

2007-02-06 Thread Sammy Larbi
I'm a big CFEclipse fan.  DW started getting slow and having problems 
with my file system, for reasons unbeknownst to me.  I was never a huge 
fan of it anyway (though I did like it better at first than CF Studio 
4.5).  I like CF Eclipse now.  I haven't studied it enough to have any 
concrete reasons, it just feels better to me.

Jim Cassata wrote:


Just wondering what people coding CF are using, Dreamweaver?,
and why. I like DW, have been using it for the last few years. As I
venture into Flex territory, Adobe has seen fit to introduce me to
Eclipse. I am interested in your opinions on IDEs in the CF world.


Jim Cassata

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Re: [CFCDEV] How many objects is too many?

2007-02-06 Thread Sammy Larbi

Hi Jaime,

Funny enough, I posted about this a little while back at  

I discussed more from the point of view of having fewer classes, and 
thought that I may be subconciously writing bad code for two possible 
reasons (well, I didn't re-read the post for this, but this is what I 
think I said):

1) I may be concerned in the back of my head about the overhead
2) It may be just some bad habits in CF, as I tend to have many more 
objects in Java (for instance)

-Sammy Larbi

Jaime Metcher wrote:

When you're modelling your application, how much attention do you pay 
to minimizing the number of objects instantiated?  Obviously CF has a 
higher object creation overhead than some other languages.  OTOH, the 
gist of much OO practice (and many patterns) is to create lots of fine 
grained objects.   I often read that a typical noob error is creating 
too few objects with too many responsibilities.
So, how often do you find yourself thinking well, in Java or 
Smalltalk I'd do xyz, but in CF I'd better not because I'd end up with 
too many objects?  Which is another way of asking to what extent we 
need to modify existing OO practices to allow for CF's limitations.
A couple of points of reference:
1. This post was prompted by a discussion with Mark Mandel on the 
transferdev list.  I'd spotted an issue purely because of the massive 
slowdown that occurred when 700 objects were inadvertently created.  
That issue has been resolved, but it left me wondering, if I can't 
instantiate 700 objects how many can I create?  10?  50?  This has 
huge implications for how we architect our apps.
2. I have a Dolphin Smalltalk image that, from a fresh install, 
reports instantiating 160,000 objects.  Obviously with an object 
system this slick you don't worry much about throwing in a few hundred 
more.  Given that CF's comfort zone is probably a couple of orders of 
magnitude lower, maybe a lot of the standard advice on OO design just 
doesn't apply to CF?
Any thoughts appreciated.

Jaime Metcher

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Re: [CFCDEV] Closures, mixins, and udf includes

2007-02-01 Thread Sammy Larbi
4.  Multiple Inheritance - A person can be an engineer and a husband and 
any other number of things.  How can you have this functionality unless 
you are putting a bunch of methods in the Person class that don't really 

Jaime Metcher wrote:

I can think of three rationales for mixins:

To make dynamically defined helper methods available to clients of the
original object.  This can't be done by simple delegation - you have to know
about a method before you can delegate it, and the mixin might not be known
until runtime.

Where the methods are known but not always wanted, like debugging hooks.
You might have a debugging factory method that mixes debugging methods into
all your objects, where the production factory method does not.

Where you really could handle it with delegation but are too lazy to write
all the delegation methods.  I think it's this last one you're expressing a
dislike for.  In general I would agree with you.

Oh, I just noticed you were looking for replies from smart experienced
folks.  Oh, well, too late now...;)

Jaime Metcher


-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Barry
Sent: Thursday, 1 February 2007 2:58 PM
Subject: Re: [CFCDEV] Closures, mixins, and udf includes

more like

objA = CreateObject(component,

cfcomponent name=A

   cffunction name=init
   cfargument name=helper type=any hint=helper
routines in a CFC to decorate this CFC /
   cfset variables.helper = arguments.helper /
   cfreturn this /


(actually for smaller jobs I've just been passing a reference to the
kernel into the CFC and running the getHelper() within there, since
most of the time the CFC actually decorates the kernel - think of it
as a reference back to the parent)

What hassle?

two things I don't like about includes (within CFC's) are:
 managing the include files in conjunction with CFC. in a case of an
include for each SQL statement where there's 50 of them that's 51
files to move around.

documentation: comming across a helper method and asking WTF is this
and where did it come from? instead of cfreturn
variables.helper.doSomething(result) / and additionally, seeing what
helper.doSomething() is in the CFC explorer. Perhaps I've been burnt
by Fusebox 3 bad practices?

I realise that everyone has their favourite mousetrap. I just prefer
to have methods (even static ones) within CFC's. Infact the only time
I bother now-a-days with cfinclude is for taglibs for the UI.

different strokes, etc.


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Re: [CFCDEV] To Type or Not To Type?

2007-01-29 Thread Sammy Larbi

Hi Ryan,

I'm not a huge fan of typing my arguments and return types, so I'll get 
that out of the way and you can take the rest of this with that in mind.

1) There isn't really a parallel that I can think of in the Java world.  
Basically, any external libraries are built with your code, so there 
aren't really any mappings to speak of in that regard. 

2) I'm not in the habit of providing absolute paths when I do type my 
arguments, and as you've pointed out, it isn't a good idea at least in 
that regard.  I'll just provide foo as the return type.  Not sure how 
that works in very complicated directory structures, but at least within 
each component, it will work.  It is one of the problems I had with how 
CFUnit relied within itself all the way down from the org package.


Ryan Guill wrote, On 1/29/2007 12:07 PM:

Hey guys,

I'm working on designing a new project, and in thinking through some
of it I came across this.  Sorry if this is a newbie question, but
just thought I would get some reactions.

When typing objects in cf, the typing depends on how the objects were
created, not on the actual path to the objects (physical path).

For instance, say I create an object called foo in the {application
root}/com/ directory, so {root}/com/foo.cfc

and I give it an init call like so:

cffunction name=init access=public

cfreturn This /

Okay, so now I go to a new page somewhere and I create an obect out of
the component like so:

cfset = createObject(component, /

All good right?  The return type says, the create object uses and everything works fine.

Okay, now lets say I make a new mapping in cf to the com directory,
called com_mapping.

So now I try to create an object out of the cfc using the following code:

cfset variables.fooWithMapping =
createObject(component, /

An error is thrown, because the path to the cfc that you are using the
create the object is not exactly the same as the type specified in the
returntype of the init...  Since foo is still accessible using, and that is the actual path to the cfc, shouldn't it still

If you change it to returntype=any both calls work, but you loose
that type checking.

Now,  I know all about duck typing and the possible performance
concerns of typing, but at the end of the day, the typing was intended
to be used like this, and this seems a little illogical?  I don't have
a java background and don't know if this issue would translate well to
the java world, but I would be interested in seeing if there was some
sort of correlation.

For an example of why this matters, imagine that you had multiple
releases of the same application, myApp v1 and myApp v2 that you
wanted to have both available at the same time on the same server.  So
for example:

{domain}/myApp/v1/ and {domain}/myhApp/v2/

The same code base except v2 is just a newer copy with some new
features right?  Well lets say the application uses an external
resources such as some sort of framework.  Lets say for example its
transfer.  So v1 of the application uses v0.5 of transfer, and v2 of
the application uses v0.6 of transfer.  If transfer uses typing in its
objects (I really have no idea, ive never used transfer, this is just
an example) then you can't just use a new mapping to get to the new
version in v2 from v1.

Sorry for the long email, just curious if anyone has ran into this and
possible workarounds... because if the framework uses typing in its
objects (this would also apply to inheritance of objects I would
think) then its not really an option to go through and change return
types to any everywhere...

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Re: [CFCDEV] Spam on the list

2007-01-09 Thread Sammy Larbi

Raymond Camden wrote, On 1/9/2007 6:22 AM:

As far as I know SmarterMail does not support that option, but I agree
it would be a good idea.

I think Rob said he was going to look into CAPTHA and a forms based
subscribe option. If so we can try that route.

A good alternative would be Jake Munson's CF Form Protect (at  I've been using it for one of our 
clients, and it has worked well for the past month or so.  However, I 
must note that I haven't actually been checking the false-positives, 
just noticed there isn't spam coming through.


I see a new spam this morning and I'm honestly surprised. I was
worried I had made the spam checker _too_ tight last night.

On 1/9/07, Tom Chiverton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On Tuesday 09 January 2007 05:17, Sammy Larbi wrote:
 What about a semi-moderated system, where people's posts only go to 
 list once they have been approved (but not every post- just the 

This works well on FlexCoders.

Turning of the subscribe by email option and having a CAPCHA for web 

sign up are both good options as well.

Tom Chiverton
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Re: [CFCDEV] TDD for ColdFusion

2006-12-22 Thread Sammy Larbi

Jeff Chastain wrote, On 12/21/2006 5:57 PM:

There is always a need for both unit and integration testing, I just don't
like mixing them.  Part of test driven development as I understand it is to
write the test for the object, then develop the object.  

I'm not sure if you meant this or not, but for clarity's sake, I'll 
describe it more like write a test, then make that test pass.  The way 
I read what you said above, it sounded like write all the tests, then 
write the class. 

How do you do this
if you first have to write the dependent objects?  

You don't first have to write the dependent objects.  When you find 
yourself in need of one, then you create it.  But you don't write the 
whole thing.  Just stub the method you think you need and have it return 
what you are expecting - no real code.  When you need real code, you 
write the test for it first, as you always would.

There is a reason for the
popularity of the mock and stub frameworks in other languages ... it makes
testing more precise.  

It can do that, yes.  But, I'm not sure if that is why they are 
popular.  Several thought leaders in the Agile movement, as far as 
I've been able to ascertain,  either don't use them as extensively as 
some people do (ie, perhaps they'll only mock database calls so the 
tests can still run fast, or interaction with the file system, for 
similar reasons), or promote them for use in projects that are are 
already well established and have no tests.  I haven't seen anyone 
recommend them just for testing without dependencies.  You still are 
depending on the mock, after all. 

Yes, you may never run into problems with a dependent
object breaking the object you are testing, but I don't really see that as a
reason to allow the possibility.  If it did happen, you could have a long
dependency chain, part of which you might not be able to test (the event
object in Mach-II for example) and debugging would be as difficult as it
would be without unit tests.


I'm not familiar with Mach-II, but I would have thought long dependency 
chains are not generally advisable.   And I'm certainly no expert on 
that, so I could well be wrong.  I can't remember a time when I've had 
more than 4 or 5 in a chain though.  In either case, it is important to 
note that if they would be there without the mocks, they will be there 
with the mocks too.  And still further, if you had been doing what I 
attempted to describe, all of it would be under test (that I can see - 
but I may certainly have not explained it well enough, or I could be 
missing something).  The same cannot be said if you are only using 
mocks, however.

Can you provide an example, to help me see it?

I have just seen a lot more posts recently about unit tests and TDD, but I
have not seen any examples short of very simple objects with no


Do you have an example you'd like to see in mind?  I sat here thinking 
of one for a couple of minutes, but I didn't find one in my head.  But, 
perhaps I can think of one later, if you don't have one in mind.


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Re: [CFCDEV] Session Facade / Scopes in CFCs -- was Two Quick Questions About CFCs

2006-12-22 Thread Sammy Larbi

Peter Bell wrote, On 12/21/2006 5:16 PM:

As for Q2, stick the data into a session variable. The biggest question is
what should stick the data into the session variable. The view doesn't as it
displays state - it doesn't change it (by recording within the session what
this person has viewed). Then ask whether if you were using Flex front end
you'd want this to still work. If so, it can't go in your (HTML specific)
controller, so put it in your model.


I like that you've thought about uses in different front ends.  It's 
something I know I should consider, but don't do so as often as I should.

It IS OK for your model to be session aware as long as you distinguish the
different uses of session state (on my list of things to blog about) and
allow the appropriate uses to be handled by model and controller

I think it could be OK.  Well, I'm not sure that information is 
appropriate in a model, but I think it could be ok for a CFC to be 
session aware.  In particular, I can see it would be inappropriate for a 
CFC to be relying on a session variable it doesn't create itself, or for 
code outside a CFC to rely on a session variable created within (a 
different) one, but for the case that it creates and uses it itself, I 
don't see any immediate drawback.

You MAY want to use a session façade as it will help if you ever change the
way you implement session state, but the debate as to whether to use scope
facades is still open - Doug Hughes posted about this some time back on his
blog. If you don't know what a session façade is, just stick this in the
model to start with and you can always refactor to a session façade down the
line. If you get the big architectural choices right upfront, tweaking the
smaller ones down the line is a good approach to avoid overthinking things.


You might also have some method setVarInStruct(var, struct),  but I'm 
not sure what advantages or disadvantages that  may provide. 

On the other hand, I don't immediately see what benefit using a facade 
may provide above the drawbacks I mentioned of using sessions in CFCs 
directly.  I'm fairly sure there are some, so I wanted to ask you all.  
Well, I could see that it can handle the case a variable doesn't exist 
for you, so that is a nice thing... but what else?


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Re: [CFCDEV] TDD for ColdFusion

2006-12-22 Thread Sammy Larbi
Oh that's sweet.  I didn't know version 2 was out now.  I'll be using 
that for my db calls now for sure. 


Kurt Wiersma wrote, On 12/21/2006 6:12 PM:
Robert Blackburn developer of cfUnit has a nice post about a mock 
object testing setup he created.


On 12/21/06, *Jeff Chastain* [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

There is always a need for both unit and integration testing, I
just don't
like mixing them.  Part of test driven development as I understand
it is to
write the test for the object, then develop the object.  How do
you do this
if you first have to write the dependent objects?  There is a
reason for the
popularity of the mock and stub frameworks in other languages ...
it makes
testing more precise.  Yes, you may never run into problems with a
object breaking the object you are testing, but I don't really see
that as a
reason to allow the possibility.  If it did happen, you could have
a long
dependency chain, part of which you might not be able to test (the
object in Mach-II for example) and debugging would be as difficult
as it
would be without unit tests.

I have just seen a lot more posts recently about unit tests and
TDD, but I
have not seen any examples short of very simple objects with no


-Original Message-
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf
Of Sammy Larbi
Sent: Thursday, December 21, 2006 5:47 PM
Subject: Re: [CFCDEV] TDD for ColdFusion

Jeff D. Chastain wrote, On 12/21/2006 4:00 PM:
 This is a cross-post with CF-Talk, but I figured this list is a bit
 more cfc oriented.  I am really trying to get into test driven
 development as the benefits are fairly obvious after having done
 development any other way.  However, in terms of doing this with
 ColdFusion, I am either not getting it or there is a lot of talk
 on regarding TDD, but not much in actual practice.

 My biggest issue comes with object dependencies.  Ideally, your
 objects are as loosely coupled as possible, but it is simply not
 possible to have an application full of completely disjoint objects
 with no dependencies at all.  One of the premises of unit testing
 though is to test only the functionality of one individual object or
 unit and not test all of its dependencies.  Other languages
appear to
 handle this with mock objects which allow for simulating and
 any object dependencies.

Of course, you could directly test those too.

 However, the mock object frameworks for Java and other languages
 simply don't port to ColdFusion because of language construct
 differences.  Without a mock object framework, the only other
option I
 see is to hand create and maintain stub or mock objects, and
this just
 does not seem like a feasible practice in an application of any

A while back, I thought of attempting to develop a mock object
framework for
CF (or better put, I thought about thinking about it).  But, as I
below, I haven't seen much use for one in my own development, so
I've pretty
much dropped the idea.

 So, how do you test ColdFusion objects when there are dependencies

I haven't yet found myself in need of a true mock.   In cases where
I'm testing class A which does have a dependency B, I go ahead and
the stubs in B as I need them, and let that class grow into the
real thing
over time, as needed.  I don't think there's anything wrong with
tests - in fact, we need those too.  In the cases where I have
needed unit
tests (in the proper sense of the term), I might then go ahead and
create class C, which is basically a mock that extends B.  It's
not really
a mock (well, we had a huge discussion about this on the TDD list
a couple
of months ago), but it serves the purpose of basically truly
isolating A.
In any case, I don't find that need
happening often.   Further, I haven't noticed that I've ever
gotten into
trouble when something in B breaks the tests for A - it's normally
obvious, even if it doesn't break the tests for B.  In fact, I've
often had
more trouble with my fake mocks than with my integration tests.  Of
course, this phenomenon is not unique to me in Coldfusion.
I've also experienced it in Java.  Ron Jeffries talked about never
(or very
rarely) needing to use a proper mock as well.

Does that make any sense?


Re: [CFCDEV] TDD for ColdFusion

2006-12-22 Thread Sammy Larbi

I don't know how Robert did it, but I can see how it might be done.

1) instantiate an object of the type passed in to your init method
2) write a temp cfc that extends it.  inject your own methods into that cfc.
3) instantiate the temp cfc and return it in your init method
3) overwrite the inherited methods as needed

Robert may have a more elegant way than writing to a temp file, but none 
of mine seemed to work (for instance, in the past I've made parents 
become their children based on expectations of the user, but that only 
works if the child already extends the parent.) 

I could also see injecting your own methods into the object, along with 
some blank functions as pointers... perhaps using closures when the user 
overrides a function (which would probably need to be done in the first 
one anyway)... but even that would require writing to a temp file.


Peter Bell wrote, On 12/21/2006 9:29 PM:

I haven't made the TDD jump yet (top resolution for next year - that and
FitNess for integration testing), but I'm having a hard time understanding
how you'd do unit testing WITHOUT some kind of mock object.

BTW, have you blogged about HOW you implemented the mock object? I'd love to
get an idea of the approach you used (I WILL download the source code and
figure it out, but was wondering if you'd give the lazy part of me a hint

Best Wishes,

On 12/21/06 10:17 PM, Robert Blackburn [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


Thanks for the reference to my post Kurt :o)

I just responded to Jeff's CF-Talk post, but I figured I would follow
up here too.

The mock object is still a rather new feature of CFUnit (only
available in the v2.0 beta). And I must admit at first I was not sure
how frequently mock objects might be used in CF unit testing. But
since launching this I have been using it a lot in my own work. And it
has been a real boon to the stability and quality of my tests.

On 12/21/06, Kurt Wiersma [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Robert Blackburn developer of cfUnit has a nice post about a mock object
testing setup he created.


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Re: [CFCDEV] TDD for ColdFusion

2006-12-22 Thread Sammy Larbi
Thanks for that.  Martin got across the points I was trying to make 
(plus many more) much better than I could have. 

Paul Kenney wrote, On 12/22/2006 1:31 AM:
Whenever I see someone talking about the need for mocks when unit 
testsing, this essay by Martin Fowler comes to mind:

Read it and then ask yourself if its really mocks you need.


On 12/21/06, *Jeff D. Chastain*  [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

This is a cross-post with CF-Talk, but I figured this list is a
bit more cfc oriented.  I am really trying to get into test driven
development as the benefits are fairly obvious after having done
development any other way.  However, in terms of doing this with
ColdFusion, I am either not getting it or there is a lot of talk
going on regarding TDD, but not much in actual practice.

My biggest issue comes with object dependencies.  Ideally, your
objects are as loosely coupled as possible, but it is simply not
possible to have an application full of completely disjoint
objects with no dependencies at all.  One of the premises of unit
testing though is to test only the functionality of one individual
object or unit and not test all of its dependencies.  Other
languages appear to handle this with mock objects which allow for
simulating and testing any object dependencies.  However, the mock
object frameworks for Java and other languages simply don't port
to ColdFusion because of language construct differences.  Without
a mock object framework, the only other option I see is to hand
create and maintain stub or mock objects, and this just does not
seem like a feasible practice in an application of any size.

So, how do you test ColdFusion objects when there are dependencies

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Paul Kenney
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Re: [CFCDEV] Two Quick Questions About CFCs

2006-12-22 Thread Sammy Larbi
I would ask/add? if we really need all that for this one example.  As 
soon as the second one popped up, I'd start considering it, but I might 
follow YAGNI until then... unless I was already using ColdSpring or 
Lightwire, of course.


Peter Bell wrote, On 12/21/2006 8:45 PM:

Agreed 100%. I mentioned that in passing, but if you're still getting up to
speed with service layers and DAO's, throwing in AOP as well could be

I agree it is the ideal approach as this sounds like the text book logging
cross cutting concern which is used as the example for AOP everywhere. I
just pointed out that you could initially put the call to the logging object
in your service methods and then refactor it into advice once you got a
little more comfortable with OO and CS and all of the other joys of OOP in

Best Wishes,

On 12/21/06 9:15 PM, Barry Beattie [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


considering the counter is a by-product of the getting of the record,
wouldn't this be a suitable candidate for AOP? (in this case

I'm just throwing up the counter is much like a logging process and
the getting (and processing) of data might not need direct cluttering
with other concerns?

just a thought

On 12/22/06, Aaron Roberson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On 12/21/06, Peter Bell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi Aaron,

To take a slightly different tack:
- You don't want to track this in view as responsibility of view is to
display state - not to change it (by recording an updated number of views)
- If you ever added an AJAX or Flex or web service front end, would you want
to keep track of number of those views as well? If so (which would make
sense for most use cases) you want to add this to your model - not your
(HTML specific) controller.
- As to where to put this in the controller, I'd put it into your service
objects (or managers if that is what you call them). Why? Well, some time
you might add caching so you don't always return to the db, so the
DAO/Gateway is probably the wrong place, but you always have to ask the
UserService to get a list of users or ProductService to get a list of
products, so add the code there.

Thank you for filling in some more of the details. Because the counter
would have to increment the value of a field in the db record, it
seems odd to put this in the service layer however. What do you think
about Sammy's suggestion of having two methods - one for views which
increments the counter and one for edit forms which does not

As for Q2, I am going to have to take a look at Doug Hughes stuff and
come back to it, I am at a complete loss not knowing anything about


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Re: [CFCDEV] TDD for ColdFusion

2006-12-22 Thread Sammy Larbi

Jeff D. Chastain wrote, On 12/22/2006 9:39 AM:

Yes, what I thought I said was that test drive development was to 
write the test the object you are working on before you create that 
object.  The problem comes in when that object then depends upon 
another object, etc. etc.

Jeff, that is indeed what you said.  But, if I hear someone say that, I 
think they are writing the entire suite of tests first, then creating 
the class to pass those tests.  I didn't think you meant that, but I had 
only wanted to clarify for anyone who may be reading this and 
misunderstand you, as I might have.


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Re: [CFCDEV] TDD for ColdFusion

2006-12-22 Thread Sammy Larbi

Jeff D. Chastain wrote, On 12/22/2006 9:39 AM:


Yes, what I thought I said was that test drive development was to 
write the test the object you are working on before you create that 
object.  The problem comes in when that object then depends upon 
another object, etc. etc.

If you check out the Martin Fowler link that Paul posted earlier, it 
discusses very well two possible testing approaches ... state based 
and interaction base.  State based testing tests the entire depenendcy 
tree in one test.  Interaction based testing focuses only on testing 
the specific object and its functionality.  As stated in Wikipedia, 
unit testing really follows Fowler's definition of interacton based 

I read it and I guess I'd consider myself more of a state based tester 
than interaction based.  I have used stubs on occasion, and like he 
mentions (and as did I), there are typically few of them, so no need for 
mocks if you prefer to test that way.

This is the way I would prefer to test as I can quickly pin point 
exactly where an issue is rather than having a dozen tests fail with 
different errors because one object they all depened upon had an issue.

That's fine.  I was simply telling the story of how I practice TDD.  If 
you prefer to use mocks, I certainly have no problem with that! =)  I 
also said I've yet to run into the potential problems you described (and 
apparently, a lot of people don't, otherwise I would assume everyone 
would be recommending interaction based testing all the time).  But, 
also a lot of people prefer to use mocks.  There are smart people on 
both sides of the isle so to speak. 

I haven't found that I often get a lot of tests failing because of one 
object they depend on being broken.  I have had it happen, of course, 
but even when it does, I've never run into a problem figuring out who 
was the culprit.  But, I've only been doing this for just under a year, 
and even if I had been doing it 10 years, I'd still think that other 
people have different experiences and I'd recommend they use the style 
that they find the most benefit in.

Mock objects (and stub objects) fit into the interaction based testing 
model in that they allow you to stub out the interface of the 
dependent object, making the assumption that it works as it should and 
therefore focusing your testing on the single object at hand.   Mock 
objects take a stub object one step further and allow you to perform 
additional assertions as to whether the depend object's interface is 
being utilized correctly ... in other words, if function X was called 
3 times, was passed a single integer, and function Y was not called at 

Yes, and now that I see Robert Blackburn has introduced mocks into 
CFUnit, I will be using them for stubs on my db calls for objects that 
use others who access the database.  But, I expect I'll still be using 
state based testing, as like Martin Fowler said in that article, 
Personally I've always been a state-based tester and thus far I don't 
see any reason to change. I don't see any compelling benefits for 
interaction based testing, and am concerned about the consequences of 
coupling tests to implementation. I also suffer from the disadvantage of 
not trying interaction based testing on anything more than toys.  
However, unlike him, I can see some compelling benefits, at least for 
some cases that I would have liked to know how many times I've called 
methodX().  Though, I expect he is pragmatic and would use them if he 
found the need - I think he probably just meant something more like not 
enough compelling benefits or something of the sort.

Testing objects and their dependencies in a real world scenario is 
not a bad thing at all.  In fact, it is called integration testing.  I 
just want to perform unit testing seperately from integration testing 
so that when something crops up in my integration tests, I know that 
the individual objects are doing what they are supposed to.

I thought I mentioned that it was called integration testing.  In any 
case, I had meant to.  But, I don't think it's useful in the development 
scenario to focus on what to call your tests, so I may very well have 
left it out.  My apologies if I was confusing, or didn't get my idea 
across well. =)


-- Jeff

Jeff Chastain wrote, On 12/21/2006 5:57 PM:
 There is always a need for both unit and integration testing, I just 
 like mixing them. Part of test driven development as I understand it 
is to

 write the test for the object, then develop the object.

I'm not sure if you meant this or not, but for clarity's sake, I'll
describe it more like write a test, then make that test pass. The way
I read what you said above, it sounded like write all the tests, then
write the class.

 How do you do this
 if you first have to write the dependent objects?

You don't first have to write the dependent 

Re: [CFCDEV] TDD for ColdFusion

2006-12-22 Thread Sammy Larbi

Peter Bell wrote, On 12/22/2006 9:43 AM:

Hi Sammy,

Just got to jump in on a point here . . .


I'm not familiar with Mach-II, but I would have thought long dependency
chains are not generally advisable.   And I'm certainly no expert on
that, so I could well be wrong.  I can't remember a time when I've had
more than 4 or 5 in a chain though.  In either case, it is important to
note that if they would be there without the mocks, they will be there
with the mocks too.  And still further, if you had been doing what I
attempted to describe, all of it would be under test (that I can see -
but I may certainly have not explained it well enough, or I could be
missing something).  The same cannot be said if you are only using
mocks, however.

Lets imagine that ObjA calls ObjB calls ObjC calls ObjD (not best practice,
but it does happen sometimes with complex models and interactions).

If you mock ObjB then ObjA calls MockB which (if I get mocks right) just
stubs out and responds as appropriate to calls from ObjA. If you don't do
this you aren't really doing unit testing because you're doing a functional
test on ObjA, ObjB, ObjC AND ObjD when you run your unit test on Obj A and
all of them have to work right for the test to pass so your ObjA test ISN'T
testing the single unit of ObjA but it's entire dependency chain.

I have very little sense of unit testing in practice yet, so let me know if
I'm missing anything here! :-


No, Peter... you are exactly right.  I thought I mentioned it *wouldn't* 
be *unit* testing in my first post, but I'm guessing I didn't now that 
I've got 2 people explaining it to me =).

But, you did help me see that I was wrong when I said In either case, 
it is important to note that if they would be there without the mocks, 
they will be therewith the mocks too.  I had originally intended that 
to mean the chain will be there in the real code with the mocks, and it 
will be in the test code with the mocks as well.  But, I didn't think it 
through enough.  Clearly, the chain wouldn't be in the mocks/test, it 
would only be in the real code.

In any case, the chain of four or five that I was referring to was 
something along the lines of a view calling a controller which called a 
model which called another class that was a facade to java.sql (to 
create connections and statements) which also used another facade to the 
record set returned.  Something like that anyway.  You might take it a 
step further and say the chain ended with the classes in the sql 
package, and whatever they relied on. 


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Re: [CFCDEV] Session Facade / Scopes in CFCs -- was Two Quick Questions About CFCs

2006-12-22 Thread Sammy Larbi

Peter Bell wrote, On 12/22/2006 10:14 AM:

Hi Sam,

Main benefit I've heard is if you want to change the way you handle sessions
in general - otherwise scope facades have limited utility.


What do you mean by change the way you handle sessions in general?  As 
in, change all that data to be stored in a cookie, or something?


Best Wishes,


You might also have some method setVarInStruct(var, struct),  but I'm
not sure what advantages or disadvantages that  may provide.

On the other hand, I don't immediately see what benefit using a facade
may provide above the drawbacks I mentioned of using sessions in CFCs
directly.  I'm fairly sure there are some, so I wanted to ask you all.
Well, I could see that it can handle the case a variable doesn't exist
for you, so that is a nice thing... but what else?

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Re: [CFCDEV] Session Facade / Scopes in CFCs -- was Two Quick Questions About CFCs

2006-12-22 Thread Sammy Larbi

Teddy Payne wrote, On 12/22/2006 10:30 AM:
I use them to remove a shared scope from my CFCs.  If I wanted to 
change where variables are stored, I can just change the facade and my 
controller never changes.

That makes sense.  Thanks.


On 12/22/06, *Peter Bell* [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi Sam,

Main benefit I've heard is if you want to change the way you
handle sessions
in general - otherwise scope facades have limited utility.

Best Wishes,

 You might also have some method setVarInStruct(var,
struct),  but I'm
 not sure what advantages or disadvantages that  may provide.

 On the other hand, I don't immediately see what benefit using a
 may provide above the drawbacks I mentioned of using sessions in
 directly.  I'm fairly sure there are some, so I wanted to ask
you all.
 Well, I could see that it can handle the case a variable doesn't
 for you, so that is a nice thing... but what else?

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Adobe Certified ColdFusion MX 7 Developer
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Re: [CFCDEV] TDD for ColdFusion

2006-12-22 Thread Sammy Larbi
Thanks Jeff.  I had thought you were simply asking about dependencies in 
TDD.  I enjoyed the discussion anyway, and learned a thing or two, so 
thanks to you, as well as everyone else who participated.


Jeff D. Chastain wrote, On 12/22/2006 11:40 AM:

Sam -

All of your points are valid.  This is another one of those areas 
where there is not a black and white, right vs. wrong answer.  As long 
as the app goes out the door, on time, on budget, and meets the specs, 
it does not matter a tremendous amount what happened in between.  
Unless you happen to be the next person that gets to tweak the code.

My main question in all of this was that the strict defniniton of unit 
testing is to test an object without all of its dependencies.  Mock 
and stub objects seem to be the way to do that in other languages, but 
there had been very little discussion about doing this in ColdFusion 
(at least that I have seen).  So, I wanted to see if and how people 
developed unit tests in ColdFusion.


Jeff D. Chastain wrote, On 12/22/2006 9:39 AM:

 Yes, what I thought I said was that test drive development was to
 write the test the object you are working on before you create that
 object. The problem comes in when that object then depends upon
 another object, etc. etc.

 If you check out the Martin Fowler link that Paul posted earlier, it
 discusses very well two possible testing approaches ... state based
 and interaction base. State based testing tests the entire depenendcy
 tree in one test. Interaction based testing focuses only on testing
 the specific object and its functionality. As stated in Wikipedia,
 unit testing really follows Fowler's definition of interacton based

I read it and I guess I'd consider myself more of a state based tester
than interaction based. I have used stubs on occasion, and like he
mentions (and as did I), there are typically few of them, so no need for
mocks if you prefer to test that way.

 This is the way I would prefer to test as I can quickly pin point
 exactly where an issue is rather than having a dozen tests fail with
 different errors because one object they all depened upon had an issue.

That's fine. I was simply telling the story of how I practice TDD. If
you prefer to use mocks, I certainly have no problem with that! =) I
also said I've yet to run into the potential problems you described (and
apparently, a lot of people don't, otherwise I would assume everyone
would be recommending interaction based testing all the time). But,
also a lot of people prefer to use mocks. There are smart people on
both sides of the isle so to speak.

I haven't found that I often get a lot of tests failing because of one
object they depend on being broken. I have had it happen, of course,
but even when it does, I've never run into a problem figuring out who
was the culprit. But, I've only been doing this for just under a year,
and even if I had been doing it 10 years, I'd still think that other
people have different experiences and I'd recommend they use the style
that they find the most benefit in.

 Mock objects (and stub objects) fit into the interaction based testing
 model in that they allow you to stub out the interface of the
 dependent object, making the assumption that it works as it should and
 therefore focusing your testing on the single object at hand. Mock
 objects take a stub object one step further and allow you to perform
 additional assertions as to whether the depend object's interface is
 being utilized correctly ... in other words, if function X was called
 3 times, was passed a single integer, and function Y was not called at

Yes, and now that I see Robert Blackburn has introduced mocks into
CFUnit, I will be using them for stubs on my db calls for objects that
use others who access the database. But, I expect I'll still be using
state based testing, as like Martin Fowler said in that article,
Personally I've always been a state-based tester and thus far I don't
see any reason to change. I don't see any compelling benefits for
interaction based testing, and am concerned about the consequences of
coupling tests to implementation. I also suffer from the disadvantage of
not trying interaction based testing on anything more than toys.
However, unlike him, I can see some compelling benefits, at least for
some cases that I would have liked to know how many times I've called
methodX(). Though, I expect he is pragmatic and would use them if he
found the need - I think he probably just meant something more like not
enough compelling benefits or something of the sort.

 Testing objects and their dependencies in a real world scenario is
 not a bad thing at all. In fact, it is called integration testing. I
 just want to perform unit testing seperately from integration testing
 so that when something crops up in my integration tests, I know that
 the individual objects 

Re: [CFCDEV] TDD for ColdFusion

2006-12-21 Thread Sammy Larbi

Jeff D. Chastain wrote, On 12/21/2006 4:00 PM:
This is a cross-post with CF-Talk, but I figured this list is a bit 
more cfc oriented.  I am really trying to get into test driven 
development as the benefits are fairly obvious after having done 
development any other way.  However, in terms of doing this with 
ColdFusion, I am either not getting it or there is a lot of talk going 
on regarding TDD, but not much in actual practice.

My biggest issue comes with object dependencies.  Ideally, your 
objects are as loosely coupled as possible, but it is simply not 
possible to have an application full of completely disjoint objects 
with no dependencies at all.  One of the premises of unit testing 
though is to test only the functionality of one individual object or 
unit and not test all of its dependencies.  Other languages appear to 
handle this with mock objects which allow for simulating and testing 
any object dependencies.  

Of course, you could directly test those too.

However, the mock object frameworks for Java and other languages 
simply don't port to ColdFusion because of language construct 
differences.  Without a mock object framework, the only other option I 
see is to hand create and maintain stub or mock objects, and this just 
does not seem like a feasible practice in an application of any size.

A while back, I thought of attempting to develop a mock object framework 
for CF (or better put, I thought about thinking about it).  But, as I 
explain below, I haven't seen much use for one in my own development, so 
I've pretty much dropped the idea.

So, how do you test ColdFusion objects when there are dependencies 

I haven't yet found myself in need of a true mock.   In cases where 
I'm testing class A which does have a dependency B, I go ahead and 
create the stubs in B as I need them, and let that class grow into the 
real thing over time, as needed.  I don't think there's anything wrong 
with integration tests - in fact, we need those too.  In the cases where 
I have needed unit tests (in the proper sense of the term), I might 
then go ahead and hand create class C, which is basically a mock that 
extends B.  It's not really a mock (well, we had a huge discussion about 
this on the TDD list a couple of months ago), but it serves the purpose 
of basically truly isolating A.  In any case, I don't find that need 
happening often.   Further, I haven't noticed that I've ever gotten into 
trouble when something in B breaks the tests for A - it's normally 
pretty obvious, even if it doesn't break the tests for B.  In fact, I've 
often had more trouble with my fake mocks than with my integration 
tests.  Of course, this phenomenon is not unique to me in Coldfusion.  
I've also experienced it in Java.  Ron Jeffries talked about never (or 
very rarely) needing to use a proper mock as well.

Does that make any sense?


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Re: [CFCDEV] Two Quick Questions About CFCs

2006-12-21 Thread Sammy Larbi

Aaron Roberson wrote, On 12/21/2006 4:18 PM:

FIRST Q: My current application tracks who many times an individual
record is viewed by incrementing a value each time it is queried. How
would I do this in a MVC app, given that an individual record could be
queried for display in a view or for editing in a form?

I might have a method say like this (with appropriate syntax and 
arguments you need -- this is just a shell):

function getRecordForEdit()
   ...get the record ...
   return record;

function getRecordForView()
   record = getRecordForEdit();
   increment the number of times viewed
   return record

Though, I'm sure there are better ways... that is just what immediately 
comes to mind.

SECOND Q: How do I track what records a user has viewed during a
session (such as a product - like how Amazon displays items you have

I'd probably just use an array of structures stored in the session...  
At least that seems like the most straightforward way.


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Re: [CFCDEV] Spam on the list

2006-12-18 Thread Sammy Larbi
I haven't noticed enough to make me annoyed or anything.  But, my 
filters in Thunderbird may be reducing it, for all I know. 


Lyons, Larry wrote, On 12/18/2006 6:35 AM:

There has been a lot of spam coming through the list lately. Any chance
it can be reduced Ray? The way its been increasing you may want to
change the name of the list to CFCSpam soon.



-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Roland Collins

Sent: Monday, December 18, 2006 2:04 AM

Oo.I want 12MM   Ray - you know you want to split 
this with me,
and I'm offering this to you as a last chance.  If you don't 
take him up on this, I will :-P


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Re: [CFCDEV] Spam on the list

2006-12-18 Thread Sammy Larbi

Well, I must say I did get that one.  But, I've long deleted it...

Tom Chiverton wrote, On 12/18/2006 8:49 AM:

On Monday 18 December 2006 14:10, Lyons, Larry wrote:

I've received a number of spam messages from CFCDEV, the most recent was
RE: [CFCDEV] PROPOSAL GET BACK TOME. Its not a huge number, maybe 5 or 6

Didn't make it through whatever filters I have here, sorry.
Are you sure it came from the list, and didn't just appear to ? Can you post 
the headers ?


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Re: [CFCDEV] Does a CFC know what variable name it's stored within?

2006-12-08 Thread Sammy Larbi
Interestingly, Per Djurner and I were talking about that very issue just 
yesterday.  His solution, which I thought was awesomely creative, was to 
throw an error, find the line number of your cfset, read the file, and 
find the variable name.  Well, something basically like that, except we 
were talking about function names.  However, it would still work with 
variables, since the concept is the same.

Now, we both realize we'd like to see a better solution, but it works 
for the time being (unless of course, you are trying to distinguish 
between more than 1 on the same line).


Ed Griffiths wrote, On 12/8/2006 8:40 AM:


Quick question. If you store an object in a variable like this:

cfset myObject = createObject(component,testObject).init()

Is it possible to interrogate some method or metadata associated with
testObject in order to find out what variable name it has been stored within
(myObject in this case)?

Thanks for your help,

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Re: [CFCDEV] Does a CFC know what variable name it's stored within?

2006-12-08 Thread Sammy Larbi
I should also note that I haven't looked deep into a meta-data solution, 
so it would be worth exploring those structures (which I plan to do 
sometime soon)


Ed Griffiths wrote, On 12/8/2006 8:40 AM:


Quick question. If you store an object in a variable like this:

cfset myObject = createObject(component,testObject).init()

Is it possible to interrogate some method or metadata associated with
testObject in order to find out what variable name it has been stored within
(myObject in this case)?

Thanks for your help,

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Re: [CFCDEV] Does a CFC know what variable name it's stored within?

2006-12-08 Thread Sammy Larbi
One other note - we were not talking about function names themselves, 
but pointers to functions.  Such as: 

cfset newfunction = oldfunction

Sammy Larbi wrote, On 12/8/2006 9:25 AM:
Interestingly, Per Djurner and I were talking about that very issue 
just yesterday.  His solution, which I thought was awesomely creative, 
was to throw an error, find the line number of your cfset, read the 
file, and find the variable name.  Well, something basically like 
that, except we were talking about function names.  However, it would 
still work with variables, since the concept is the same.

Now, we both realize we'd like to see a better solution, but it works 
for the time being (unless of course, you are trying to distinguish 
between more than 1 on the same line).


Ed Griffiths wrote, On 12/8/2006 8:40 AM:


Quick question. If you store an object in a variable like this:

cfset myObject = createObject(component,testObject).init()

Is it possible to interrogate some method or metadata associated with
testObject in order to find out what variable name it has been stored 

(myObject in this case)?

Thanks for your help,

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Re: [CFCDEV] Does a CFC know what variable name it's stored within?

2006-12-08 Thread Sammy Larbi
Well, in the case Per and I were talking about, we wanted the method 
names generated by the cfc, and the programmer only to use those names.  
But I guess if you work in Java a lot, you're used to having to tell it 
a million times what to do... so you could look at:

function_i_want_to_call(parameters to function it references, 
function_i_want_to_call)  where the last parameter is also part of the 
function being pointed to

as being similar to

Class obj = new Class();

It's a bit retarded that way, so ideally I'd like to stay away from it 
if possible.


Ryan Guill wrote, On 12/8/2006 9:55 AM:

Why not just pass the variable name into the constructor when creating
the object and let the object hold on to it?

On 12/8/06, Sammy Larbi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

One other note - we were not talking about function names themselves,
but pointers to functions.  Such as:

cfset newfunction = oldfunction

Sammy Larbi wrote, On 12/8/2006 9:25 AM:
 Interestingly, Per Djurner and I were talking about that very issue
 just yesterday.  His solution, which I thought was awesomely creative,
 was to throw an error, find the line number of your cfset, read the
 file, and find the variable name.  Well, something basically like
 that, except we were talking about function names.  However, it would
 still work with variables, since the concept is the same.

 Now, we both realize we'd like to see a better solution, but it works
 for the time being (unless of course, you are trying to distinguish
 between more than 1 on the same line).


 Ed Griffiths wrote, On 12/8/2006 8:40 AM:

 Quick question. If you store an object in a variable like this:

 cfset myObject = createObject(component,testObject).init()

 Is it possible to interrogate some method or metadata associated with
 testObject in order to find out what variable name it has been stored
 (myObject in this case)?

 Thanks for your help,

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 instructions at

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Re: [CFCDEV] Does a CFC know what variable name it's stored within?

2006-12-08 Thread Sammy Larbi
Actually, this is quite a bit easier that I thought.   This function 
will output the names of all the variables (I think) that reference your 
component, given a scope.  I got the idea for inserting a UUID from 
looking at cfcUnit, so I gotta give credit there.  Of course, it will 
need to be in your component.

cffunction name=getTheNameOfTheVariableThatContainsMe output=true
   cfargument name=variablesScope required=true
   cfset this.testkey = createUUID()
   cfloop list=#structkeylist(variablesScope)# index=name
   cfif isStruct(variablesScope[name]) and 
structKeyExists(variablesScope[name],testKey) and 
variablesScope[name].testKey eq this.testKey

   cfset structDelete(this,testKey)

Ed Griffiths wrote, On 12/8/2006 8:40 AM:


Quick question. If you store an object in a variable like this:

cfset myObject = createObject(component,testObject).init()

Is it possible to interrogate some method or metadata associated with
testObject in order to find out what variable name it has been stored within
(myObject in this case)?

Thanks for your help,

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Re: [CFCDEV] Does a CFC know what variable name it's stored within?

2006-12-08 Thread Sammy Larbi
As a caveat, I don't think it will get outside variables in the 
variables scope unless you call it from outside the cfc, of course.  
But, you may find a neat way around that.

Sammy Larbi wrote, On 12/8/2006 11:31 AM:
Actually, this is quite a bit easier that I thought.   This function 
will output the names of all the variables (I think) that reference 
your component, given a scope.  I got the idea for inserting a UUID 
from looking at cfcUnit, so I gotta give credit there.  Of course, it 
will need to be in your component.

cffunction name=getTheNameOfTheVariableThatContainsMe output=true
   cfargument name=variablesScope required=true
   cfset this.testkey = createUUID()
   cfloop list=#structkeylist(variablesScope)# index=name
   cfif isStruct(variablesScope[name]) and 
structKeyExists(variablesScope[name],testKey) and 
variablesScope[name].testKey eq this.testKey

   cfset structDelete(this,testKey)

Ed Griffiths wrote, On 12/8/2006 8:40 AM:


Quick question. If you store an object in a variable like this:

cfset myObject = createObject(component,testObject).init()

Is it possible to interrogate some method or metadata associated with
testObject in order to find out what variable name it has been stored 

(myObject in this case)?

Thanks for your help,

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Re: [CFCDEV] Does a CFC know what variable name it's stored within?

2006-12-08 Thread Sammy Larbi
For me, it was academic.  When some one has a tough problem that I can't 
see immediately how to find an answer to, I like to find an answer.  
That compulsion gets stronger as the number of this can't be done 
replies increase.  =) 

I can't answer for Ed as to what his need is, however.  But I can say 
that the use Per and I were discussing was trying to evaluate 
dynamically what a function should do based on its name. 


Teddy Payne wrote, On 12/8/2006 11:35 AM:
Now, this looks academic.  What would be the use of knowing the name 
of variable that stores the memory location of the object's invocation?
On 12/8/06, *Sammy Larbi* [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Actually, this is quite a bit easier that I thought.   This function
will output the names of all the variables (I think) that
reference your
component, given a scope.  I got the idea for inserting a UUID from
looking at cfcUnit, so I gotta give credit there.  Of course, it will
need to be in your component.

cffunction name=getTheNameOfTheVariableThatContainsMe
   cfargument name=variablesScope required=true
   cfset this.testkey = createUUID()
   cfloop list=#structkeylist(variablesScope)# index=name
   cfif isStruct(variablesScope[name]) and
structKeyExists(variablesScope[name],testKey) and
variablesScope[name].testKey eq this.testKey
   cfset structDelete(this,testKey)

Ed Griffiths wrote, On 12/8/2006 8:40 AM:

 Quick question. If you store an object in a variable like this:

 cfset myObject = createObject(component,testObject).init()

 Is it possible to interrogate some method or metadata associated
 testObject in order to find out what variable name it has been
stored within
 (myObject in this case)?

 Thanks for your help,

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cf_payne /
Adobe Certified ColdFusion MX 7 Developer
Atlanta CFUG (ACFUG):
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Re: [CFCDEV] Config.cfc is released and available for download

2006-11-30 Thread Sammy Larbi

Peter (and all),

I'm probably a bit jaded, since I've spent the last 3 months on a Java 
project, where XML config is the norm.  But, as I see it, the benefits 
you've mentioned for XML config files,  while certainly valid, are not 
something you can have only with XML.  I've written up about it, and may 
write in more detail later.

A lot of that is re-introducing the issue, for anyone who may not be 
familiar (probably 1/2 of it)... If prodded, I may go more in depth on 
why I don't think those benefits are exclusive to XML.  I neglected to 
mention any benefits I see exclusive to programmatic config files, 
except the glaringly obvious it's not XML, unless you're using CFML 
(which I didn't even mention outright.)  Part of that is that I haven't 
looked deep enough to find if there are any benefits exclusive to 
programmatic config files.

Anyway, feedback is always welcomed and appreciated... it can help me 
flush out my own ideas, and most importantly well help me (well, all of 
us really) learn.  But, I have to say,  don't think I'm saying anything 
new here:

Peter Bell wrote, On 11/26/2006 2:48 PM:

Hi Sam,

Looking forward to your thoughts when you have the time to respond. Truth is
I don't like XML, so I'm looking for any excuse not to use it, but I also
want to be intellectually honest and highlight all of the benefits that XML
provides so hopefully I'll make the best decision for my use case rather
than just following my prejudices!

Best Wishes,

On 11/26/06 8:36 AM, Sammy Larbi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:



You make some good points.  I plan to read those articles within the
next couple of weeks and write up a response if I'm still not completely
convinced.  Its just that right now, because the semester is coming to a
close, I can't give it the time/attention a good response deserves.  I
hope you'll excuse the delay =).


Peter Bell wrote, On 11/25/2006 10:44 AM:

Hi Sam,

There are a few reasons. And what was going to be an email turned into a

Here are my latest thoughts on XML for configuration.

Best Wishes,

On 11/25/06 9:07 AM, Sammy Larbi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:



Don't take this the wrong way, as it is a genuine question, but when I
read it, it sound sort of heckling.  It is not meant to be, so forgive
me if it sounds that way to you.

When and why would I want to use this?  In particular, why is it better
than say cfinclude template=config.cfm where config.cfm sets all my



jim collins wrote, On 11/24/2006 6:39 PM:

What is config.cfc? Config.cfc allows application and session
variables in a ColdFusion application to be set from an XML file.
Config.cfc is available for download at
For subversion users the link is:

A big THANK YOU to Nic Tunney for his help, code review, and creating
the Application.cfc example. You rock dude.


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Re: [CFCDEV] Config.cfc is released and available for download

2006-11-30 Thread Sammy Larbi

Peter Bell wrote, On 11/30/2006 2:19 PM:

I do agree about storing the data in a db which is how I handle ALL of my
metadata, but if I required everyone to load up a metabase just to use
LightBase, it'd never be used. 
Of course, that would be silly =).  But, it's not bad to consider as an 
optional feature.

Given that I'm generating the files, it matters less to me whether they are
validated or not as I can validate metadata pre-generation, but I still like
the self validating benefits of the XML files with DTD enough to use them as
a best practice.


Now, when you say self validating ... Might you explain what all it 
validates?  I'm having trouble understanding what benefits that provides 
above the programmatic variety.

I would agree that there are many projects where an XML file would be
overkill, but I don't feel on balance that they do any substantial harm and
for my use case (a framework) they are worth the extra trouble.

FWIW, my conversion came when I actually started USING the programmatic
config for LightWire. There were cases where I was getting funky errors and
a DTD (and a little additional CF validation) would have helped.


I'd love to try and use both versions, if you have them available, to 
get a better understanding of what you mean.   As I mentioned in the 
post, lately all my configuration has been pretty simple - so I can 
easily be overlooking something.  But even where I need categories (as 
I think Joe Rinehart called them, or perhaps sections), I still find 
it easier to do something like:

db.dsn = datasource;
db.username =sam;
db.password = password;
app.title_background_color = ##69;
app.title_text_color = white;

and so forth, as an example, rather than the equivalent XML.  But, I 
could see how that might get troublesome for beans without some care as 
to the aesthetic structure of the file (I mean, don't be intertwining 
arrays with different indexes) ... but I'd still prefer to look at, and 
try to figure out what's going on in a file that looked like that (you 
know, but still had say, the arrays indexed properly and in order in the 
file) , as opposed to the XML.

You're right about the unit tests, but I'm not sure whether they replace the
benefits of the DTD or extend them. Will play with that and let you know!


You know, I thought about that as well.  But, I don't know enough about 
DTDs to make the observation.  I'm fairly sure I could write a simple 
one, based on my little experience and recollection, but I can't even 
tell you what good they are, except to verify the syntax of your own 
little DSL, as you mentioned.

Best Wishes,

On 11/30/06 2:24 PM, Sammy Larbi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


Peter (and all),

I'm probably a bit jaded, since I've spent the last 3 months on a Java
project, where XML config is the norm.  But, as I see it, the benefits
you've mentioned for XML config files,  while certainly valid, are not
something you can have only with XML.  I've written up about it, and may
write in more detail later.

A lot of that is re-introducing the issue, for anyone who may not be
familiar (probably 1/2 of it)... If prodded, I may go more in depth on
why I don't think those benefits are exclusive to XML.  I neglected to
mention any benefits I see exclusive to programmatic config files,
except the glaringly obvious it's not XML, unless you're using CFML
(which I didn't even mention outright.)  Part of that is that I haven't
looked deep enough to find if there are any benefits exclusive to
programmatic config files.

Anyway, feedback is always welcomed and appreciated... it can help me
flush out my own ideas, and most importantly well help me (well, all of
us really) learn.  But, I have to say,  don't think I'm saying anything
new here:

Peter Bell wrote, On 11/26/2006 2:48 PM:

Hi Sam,

Looking forward to your thoughts when you have the time to respond. Truth is
I don't like XML, so I'm looking for any excuse not to use it, but I also
want to be intellectually honest and highlight all of the benefits that XML
provides so hopefully I'll make the best decision for my use case rather
than just following my prejudices!

Best Wishes,

On 11/26/06 8:36 AM, Sammy Larbi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:



You make some good points.  I plan to read those articles within the
next couple of weeks and write up a response if I'm still not completely
convinced.  Its just that right now, because the semester is coming to a
close, I can't give it the time/attention a good response deserves.  I
hope you'll excuse the delay =).


Peter Bell wrote, On 11/25/2006 10:44 AM:

Hi Sam,

There are a few reasons. And what was going to be an email turned into a

Here are my latest thoughts on XML for configuration.

Re: [CFCDEV] Config.cfc is released and available for download

2006-11-26 Thread Sammy Larbi


You make some good points.  I plan to read those articles within the 
next couple of weeks and write up a response if I'm still not completely 
convinced.  Its just that right now, because the semester is coming to a 
close, I can't give it the time/attention a good response deserves.  I 
hope you'll excuse the delay =).


Peter Bell wrote, On 11/25/2006 10:44 AM:

Hi Sam,

There are a few reasons. And what was going to be an email turned into a

Here are my latest thoughts on XML for configuration.

Best Wishes,

On 11/25/06 9:07 AM, Sammy Larbi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:



Don't take this the wrong way, as it is a genuine question, but when I
read it, it sound sort of heckling.  It is not meant to be, so forgive
me if it sounds that way to you.

When and why would I want to use this?  In particular, why is it better
than say cfinclude template=config.cfm where config.cfm sets all my



jim collins wrote, On 11/24/2006 6:39 PM:

What is config.cfc? Config.cfc allows application and session
variables in a ColdFusion application to be set from an XML file.
Config.cfc is available for download at
For subversion users the link is:

A big THANK YOU to Nic Tunney for his help, code review, and creating
the Application.cfc example. You rock dude.


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Re: [CFCDEV] Config.cfc is released and available for download

2006-11-25 Thread Sammy Larbi


Don't take this the wrong way, as it is a genuine question, but when I 
read it, it sound sort of heckling.  It is not meant to be, so forgive 
me if it sounds that way to you.

When and why would I want to use this?  In particular, why is it better 
than say cfinclude template=config.cfm where config.cfm sets all my 



jim collins wrote, On 11/24/2006 6:39 PM:

What is config.cfc? Config.cfc allows application and session
variables in a ColdFusion application to be set from an XML file.
Config.cfc is available for download at

For subversion users the link is:

A big THANK YOU to Nic Tunney for his help, code review, and creating
the Application.cfc example. You rock dude.

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