Colext: Engañabobos (SULFNBK.EXE)

2001-05-28 Por tema PANG2001


Reported on: April 17, 
Last Updated on: May 15, 2001 at 05:28:25 

The following hoax email has been reported in Brazil. The original email is 
in Portuguese; it is followed by an English translation. 
CAUTION: This particular email message is a hoax. The file that is 
mentioned in the hoax, however, Sulfnbk.exe, is a Microsoft Windows utility that 
is used to restore long file names, and like any .exe file, it can be infected 
by a virus that targets .exe files.Original Portuguese 
version:Vocês acreditam que uma amiga da lista enviou um alerta e os 
procedimentos que deveriam ser tomados para a possível detecção do maledeto 
SULFNBK.EXE. e eu fui conferir só por desencargo de consciência. Pois é...O 
bichinho tava lá, escondidinho até da McAfee e do Norton, talvez esperando algum 
gatilho prá começar a trabalhar, né?Aí vão, moçada, as orientações que eu 
segui à risca e que me levaram ao tal coisinha ruím:1 - 
Iniciar/Localizar Pastas. Digite o nome do "mardito": SULFNBK.EXE2 - Se for 
encontrado, abra o Windows Explorer, vá até a pasta onde ele se encontra alojado 
e delete-o de lá ou do próprio ambiente do Localizar; - Não click com o botão 
esquerdo sobre ele e não abra o arquivo nem em caso de incêndio, ok?3 - 
Apenas delete o bichinho.4 - O meu estava em Windows/Command. 5 - O 
vírus da pessoa que passou o aviso estava em Windows/Config.Sim, o 
Norton e nem o McAfee não detectou. Não sabemos se ele faz algum estrago na 
máquina, mas acho que ninguém aqui vai querer testar para saber, né?Gente, 
sem brincadeiras, já tirei o meu daquiE nem imaginava que tivesse 
hóspedes no PC. Minha vacina está super-atualizada!!!Façam o mesmo, 


2001-05-23 Por tema PANG2001

Cantina virtual de los COLombianos en el EXTerior

Dice PANG:  Dave Emery ha puesto al día su lista de ''engañabobos'' y
''chanzas pachunas.''  Aquí va:


Net hoaxes, urban legends  rumors...
New Additions

Hoax = False, deliberately deceptive information
UL = Urban Legend - a popularly believed narrative, typically false
Rumor = Anecdotal claims - may be true, false, or in between
Junk = Flotsam and jetsam of the Net

PLEASE NOTE:  You can also locate specific items by typing relevant words
into the Search box at the top of any page.

Updated 05/23/01

'Giant Cat' Update [Hoax]
A mystery partially solved. The creator of the photo seen 'round the world
pleads guilty to trying to make his daughter laugh.  (Added 05/23/01)

Crocodile Eats Golfer [Hoax]
Just stopped for a little snack between the fifth and sixth holes...  (Added

HIV Needles on Gas Pump Handles (REPOST) [Hoax]
Circulating again, one year later. Watch out for that nozzle!  (Reposted

Jessica Koopmans: Missing Child [Outdated]
This email alert was valid, but the child's body was discovered on May 11.
Police say she was murdered.  (Added 05/17/01)

Blue Packages w/Sponges Containing 'Lethal Substance' [Hoax]
A variant of 2000's Klingerman Virus alert. Pay it no heed.  (Added

Lou Reed Is Dead [Hoax]
Not really, but this email hoax fooled several radio stations into reporting
Reed's death as hard news.  (Added 05/08/01)

The Story of 'Taps' [UL]
History and folklore collide in this email tale about the origin of this
touching and famous bugle call.  (Added 05/08/01)

Snowball, the Giant Mutant Cat [Hoax]
Photo of an Ontario man showing off his 87-pound housecat born near a
nuclear reactor site.  (Added 05/07/01)

GeoCities Is Closing Down! [Hoax]
Yahoo plans on deleting all GeoCities Websites without notice - or so the
email rumor goes.  (Added 04/30/01)

Alaska Airlines Flight 261 [UL]
Did a crashing airliner unaccountably remain aloft for nine minutes while a
pastor's wife led fellow passengers in prayer?  (Added 04/27/01)

Gasoline Boycott 2001 [Junk]
Chain letter urges recipients to protest high gasoline prices by refusing to
patronize Exxon/Mobil service stations. Shades of the Great Gas Out!
(Added 04/27/01)

Outback Steakhouse Chain Letter (REPOST) [Hoax]
Still circulating: Email says that Outback Steakhouse and RH Power, Inc. are
offering free food to everyone who forwards the message on.  (Reposted

'Jedi Religion' Census Campaign [Hoax]
An email now circulating in Australia and England claims that if enough
people enter Jedi as their religion on census forms, it will become an
officially recognized faith.  (Added 04/17/01)

Free Champagne! [Hoax]
Forward this message and Veuve Clicquot will send you a free case of French
champagne.  (Added 04/12/01)

U.S. Government to Monitor Employee Email in April [Hoax]
It either happened already on April 2 or will continue all month long,
depending on which version of the email rumor you read.  (Added 04/05/01)

Law Firm Memo on Replacing Murdered Secretary [Hoax]
Callous memo stipulating schedule changes after an employee's murder turns
out to be a prank.  (Added 03/29/01)

Slavemaster [Rumor]
2001 variant of a year-old rumor based partly on fact about a Net
stalker/murderer who called himself Slavemaster.  (Added 03/23/01)

U.S. Marines Intentionally Dishonored Bill Clinton [Rumor]
Is the president's Marine helicopter crew treating G.W. Bush with more
respect than it treated Bill Clinton?  (Added 03/19/01)

Missing Child: Christopher John Mineo Jr. [Rumor]
An AOL chain letter that has no basis in fact, so far as we can tell.
(Added 03/15/01)

Black Heritage Stamps to Be Discontinued [Rumor]
This rumor returns year after year, even though the U.S. Postal Service
continues to issue new African American Heritage stamps annually.  (Added

Darrell Scott's Columbine Testimony [Rumor]
TRUE: Darrell Scott, father of a victim of the Columbine shootings,
delivered an impassioned speech before Congress which has since been widely
distributed by email.  (Added 03/07/01)

Rat Droppings on Soft Drink Cans (REPOST) [Rumor]
This message about a store clerk in Hawaii who supposedly died from being
exposed to rat droppings is circulating again.  (Reposted 02/26/01)

Nike: 'Sweatshop' Not Allowed on Personalized Shoes [Rumor]
Nike has confirmed that this email exchange between the company and a
customer with an agenda really occurred.  (Added 02/21/01)

Prayer Request: Missionary David Allen [Junk]
This document is almost four years old. David Allen is just fine and no
longer needs your prayers for his survival.  (Added: 02/15/01)

To unsubscribe send an email to:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
with UNSUBSCRIBE COLEXT as the BODY of the message.


Colext: EngañaBobos

2001-01-17 Por tema PANG2001

Cantina virtual de los COLombianos en el EXTerior

Este es el ltimo listado de ''engaabobos''  (hoaxes). Cada vez que les
llegue una alarma de esas que sabemos, miren primero esta listica y
cercirense de que no los estn tomando del pelo...

PANG=== Virus Hoax Listings

A Moment Of Silence Hoax
A Virtual Card For You Hoax
All Seeing Eye hoax
America Online FlashNews Hoax
AOL 83 Minutes
AOL Instant Message Hoax
AOL4FREE Hoax or What?
Baby New Year Hoax
Big Brother hoax
Bud Frogs Screen Saver Hoax
Bugslife Screensaver Hoax
Cat-Colonic hoax
CELCOM Screen Saver
Cell Phone Virus
Dana hoax
Deeyenda Hoax
Despite Hoax
Disney Hoax
Flashmaster G
Friends Hoax
Frogs and Fishes Hoax
Funprog hoax
Ghost.exe Hoax
Girl Thing hoax
Good Times Hoax
Great Gas-Out Hoax
Guts to Say Jesus
Happy New Year Hoax
Intel Special Offer Hoax
Internet Flower hoax
Irina Hoax
Join The Crew Hoax
Lump of Coal
Missing Child Hoax
Nokia Screensaver hoax
Penpal Hoax
Pikachus Ball hoax
Pokemon hoax
Pool Party email hoax
Sandman URL hoax
Valentine Greeting Hoax
Win a Holiday Email Hoax
Windows 98 Warning Hoax
Work Hoax
Your friend D@fit

To unsubscribe send an email to:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
with UNSUBSCRIBE COLEXT as the BODY of the message.

Un archivo de colext puede encontrarse en:
cortesia de Anibal Monsalve Salazar