Re: Wikis for Geeks: anyone have a wiki that supports CVS/SVN for users?

2005-04-26 Thread Sander Striker
Erik Abele wrote:
On 26.04.2005, at 19:48, Shane Curcuru wrote:
Here's a brilliant idea!  I'd love to find a wiki that also supports 
updates via some sort of geek-oriented interface, like CVS or SVN.  
That way, we could please both the millions of folks who like using 
the web - and can usually figure out how to update wikis pretty easily 
- as well as many of the really geeky folks in our community who can't 
stand wikis, but use CVS to store their home directories.

Any pointers?  Apologies in advance if I missed a really obvious wiki 
that easily supports a pluggable content provider, including CVS - I'm 
horrible at googling sometimes.

There is Greg's SubWiki but I'm not sure how far/alive it is, seems to 
be working though:
Yup.  Subwiki is functional, though some people would argue that it doesn't
support as much as MoinMoin does for example.  Leo Simons has been willing
to jump in and correct that, as have others.  Just a matter of tuits...
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RE: Inexpensive Lists

2004-07-22 Thread Sander Striker
 From: Nicola Ken Barozzi [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Thursday, July 22, 2004 8:45 AM

 Justin Erenkrantz wrote:
  Again, a list is fine.  I'd just prefer to find someone 
 else to host it: 
  the ASF isn't the end-all-be-all to all of your hosting 
 needs.  And, 
  obviously, feel free to invite all of the ASF folks to that 
 list.  --
 Apart from the fact that you have put much more energy in 
 talking against this than creating the list (hint hint ;-) ...

Infrastructure has received no list creation request from
any PMC.


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RE: Python anybody?

2004-07-17 Thread Sander Striker
 From: David Crossley [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Saturday, July 17, 2004 5:25 AM

 I wonder if we can give such a list some focus.
 Doing just python is too broad.
 We could limit to discuss tools that will help with 
 maintaining the Apache infrastructure. Of course Gump, 
 wiki-farm, maybe even Forrestbot, are all relevant.
 Also i imagine little utilities to report issues, such as to 
 scan svn to detect end-of-line issues.
 Of course the decisions and operations would still be 
 happening on the [EMAIL PROTECTED] list. This new list would 
 discuss only how to best build the tools.
 In this way our community is encouraged to help itself.
 Real-life issues is the best way to learn.

In that case infrastructure-tools@ or something like that
would be better, given Infra has lots of tools it wants
written, but no time to actually get around to it.


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RE: Subversion 1.0

2004-02-27 Thread Sander Striker
On Fri, 2004-02-27 at 16:22, Rich Bowen wrote:
 On Thu, 26 Feb 2004, BAZLEY, Sebastian wrote:
  -Original Message-
  From: Daniel L. Rall [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: 26 February 2004 17:32
  Subject: Subversion 1.0
  Seeing as how there is already a fair amount of tools support 
  available, and 
  with the advent of 1.0 that should turn into a flood, what's 
  the checklist of 
  TODOs to handle before dumping CVS?  Huge improvements over 
  CVS asside, I'd 
  much rather use tools built on top of Aapche software.  The 
  dogfood has 
  arrived, time for chow.
  How about a bowl or two of free nibbles?
  Perhaps there could be a test SVN project for committers to taste?
 I'd really appreciate that, so that I could have somewhere to screw
 things up in safety before screwing up a real repository.

Like this one?

I guess it is time to send out a somewhat larger announcement about
SVN within the ASF.  Combined with tips, tricks and general usage


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Re: Farewell to Martin Pöschl

2004-02-11 Thread Sander Striker
On Wed, 2004-02-11 at 18:21, Jim Jagielski wrote:
 I think it would be most appropriate for the ASF
 to send some sort of condolences to the Pöschl
 family (eg: flowers).

I agree.


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Re: Single Location for syndicated Apache blogs

2004-01-08 Thread Sander Striker
On Thu, 2004-01-08 at 20:11, Sander Temme wrote:
  Let's just register and be done with it.
 Would the Foundation handle that, and host it, or would that have to be a
 private initiative?

Didn't thom already do it?


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RE: Newsletter - to be or not to be?

2003-12-02 Thread Sander Striker
On Tue, 2003-12-02 at 18:26, Martin Cooper wrote:
 On Sun, 30 Nov 2003, Noel J. Bergman wrote:
   Do people want the newsletter to continue?  If so then I'm happy
   to edit the Oct/Nov issue with no promises to tackle subsequent
   issues - aiming to publish in a week or so.
  +1 and much thanks.
   As much as voting with +1s would be appreciated, voting with content would
   be better
  Tetsuya seemed to get good results by posting to all of the -dev lists.  You
  might post to a note to [EMAIL PROTECTED]  That way everyone is
  reached, and no one gets more than one.
 I would recommend against using committers@, for two reasons. First, AIUI
 and based on previous reactions to messages to that list, this is not the
 kind of thing that list is intended for.

Correct.  Since this is a list you can't opt-out from, and are on as
long as you are a committer, we should try and limit us to posts that
contain 'critical' information every committer needs to be aware of.

  Second, many contributors to the
 newsletter in the past were not committers, so that list won't reach some
 of the people who might help.
 It seems to me that this is in fact the perfect list for requests for
 newsletter content. After all, it's a community effort, so what better
 list than [EMAIL PROTECTED] If folks from individual projects feel that they
 might benefit from a wider dissemination of such requests, then they
 should feel free to redistribute the message within the lists that they
 deem appropriate. That should not be the responsibility of the newsletter
 editor, IMHO.



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RE: Apache T-Shirt Logo Contest

2003-10-29 Thread Sander Striker
 Sent: Wednesday, October 29, 2003 9:11 AM

 OK.  Here's my submission:


 The colors got a little tweaked when I converted to JPG, but that can be
 fixed, and if people think it's too busy, I can probably simplify it.  I
 was also thinking about dumping the green entirely and just using the
 color of the shirt itself as the field.  

We'd need green shirts, that shouldn't be a problem, should it?


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RE: ML Config (Re: Press PR)

2003-10-26 Thread Sander Striker
 From: Noel J. Bergman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Sunday, October 26, 2003 11:53 PM

  At least, and have wrong configurations.
  Please fix and notify it of the participants of
  these mailing lists after that.
 The owners of those lists (the  Incubator and WS PMCs respectively) can
 request a change to [EMAIL PROTECTED]  An alternative would be for them to
 submit a bug report against the infrastructure project via bugzilla.

Or drop a line to [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Or, in case of Incubator, take care of
it themselves, since there are plenty of people there with apmail
access.  Which kind of tends me to ask what exactly is 'wrong'.


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RE: Inappropriate use of announce@

2003-10-21 Thread Sander Striker
 From: Stefano Mazzocchi [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, October 21, 2003 11:59 AM

 I don't think David and Sander did such a bad thing, they expressed 
 their opinion, but I disliked the way they did and I wanted to 
 apologize for the feeling you got out of this.
 You felt sad but they probably felt angry at me because of this, but, 
 if they did, they didn't express it publicly.

For the record: no.  No negative feelings whatsoever.


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RE: Advert police strikes again

2003-09-24 Thread Sander Striker
 From: Tetsuya Kitahata [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, September 24, 2003 12:03 PM

 I asked Incubator PMC to give me a karma to do the
 same thing to incubator-site, however, they did not
 give me a karma it seems. As a result, incubator-site
 is still less cooperative to that advert campaign, it seems.

You just asked for karma, without specifying a reason for needing
it.  Not really a compelling reason to hand out karma.

A patch to the site to start off with would have been nice.
Then we would know why you wanted karma in the first place.


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RE: Follow the example

2003-09-19 Thread Sander Striker
 From: Ceki Gülcü [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, September 19, 2003 4:20 PM

 P.S. Personally, I advertised the ApacheCon at PHP-user groups
 in Japan the other day. I'd like to suggest you, Ceki, to solicit
 the advice and cooperation from the PHP folks, too.

 That is an excellent suggestion. However, I am not very familiar with the
 PHP crowd. I wouldn't know who to contact.



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RE: EU Software Patents

2003-08-26 Thread Sander Striker
 If anyone's counting a show of hands here I'm a European and +1 to opposing
 software patents in Europe and +1 to the ASF supporting the demo.



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RE: Draft proposal for EU patents protest

2003-08-26 Thread Sander Striker
 From: Gianugo Rabellino [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, August 26, 2003 9:47 PM

 Andrew Savory wrote: You will be redirected automatically to
 this site homepage in 60 seconds (or you can reach it directly by
 clicking a
  a href=...Continue to the ASF home page./a
 Well, this was actually thought out for more than just, 
 in case other PMC (with the approval of the Board, I assume) decide to 
 shut their TLP sites too (there is an ongoing proposal on the Cocoon PMC 
 and I'll send one to the XML PMC in minutes). Was yours meant as an 
 addition or as a modification?
 Anyway, just in case the board gives the green light, attached is the 
 (text corrected, thanks!) HTML page. It might need tweaks at the refresh 
 meta and last link to adjust it to the correct index page. The img 
 absolute link is on purpose, in case others want to apply this page to 
 their TLP sites too.

Hmmm.  I was more thinking all or nothing.  If the board approves, swap
the main httpd.conf for a config that will serve only this page.  We
swap configs again when the protest is over (a day?).


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RE: Draft proposal for EU patents protest

2003-08-26 Thread Sander Striker
 From: Sander Striker [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, August 26, 2003 9:55 PM

 Hmmm.  I was more thinking all or nothing.  If the board approves, swap
 the main httpd.conf for a config that will serve only this page.  We
 swap configs again when the protest is over (a day?).

Then again, although a stronger statement, maybe not.  Our users deserve
to be served as usual.


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RE: [Apache Newsletter Draft] News from YOUR PROJECTS in July, 2003

2003-08-01 Thread Sander Striker
 From: David Reid [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, August 01, 2003 3:02 PM

 Can we move discussions about newsletters to another mailing list?
 I know I'm not alone in finding that while some here will be interested,
 many aren't interested in assisting though will happily read the finished
 results. Regrettable? Certainly.
 Why not add a newsletter@ mailing list and those that feel they have
 literary bones can join there and contribute towards the newsletters
 production, then once it's ready and available it can be announced on
 announce@ (and possibly here as well).
 Life is too full of emails that can be considered spam already and I'd
 rather not add to that pile with messages (however well intentioned) about
 newsletters and the administration thereof.



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RE: Common documents across the ASF

2003-06-19 Thread Sander Striker
 From: Jeremias Maerki [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, June 19, 2003 8:52 AM

 There's the committers module. Every committer has access to this one.
 On 19.06.2003 05:09:39 Noel J. Bergman wrote:
  Why NOT have shared documents?  I've heard it said that the CVS organization
  is the barrier.  OK, so why not look at what reasonable steps could relieve
  that barrier?  What would happen if we had an Incubator module open to all
  ASF Committers?  Would that lower the barrier and increase reuse?

Hang on a minute.  Why does everyone need commit access to this one?  All ASF
members have commit access to it.  And more than a few others.  I'm sure it
isn't that hard to find someone to commit sent in patches.  Is generating
and sending in a patch considered too high a barrier?


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RE: The cash of our lives / Dvorak

2003-06-11 Thread Sander Striker
 From: Nicola Ken Barozzi [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, June 11, 2003 10:00 AM

 Greg Stein wrote, On 10/06/2003 21.01:
 Use Subversion.
   Release the baby!

Once Karl has finished up the branch/tag support in cvs2svn we can
do some experimenting with converting cvs repositories.  This is
the major obstacle, the price of not being able to look at history,
unless going back to some cvs graveyard, when moving to svn at this
point in time.  Hence the wait for cvs2svn to be finished.

And then there is the community backing.  Each project has to have
enough people wanting to move away from cvs, over to subversion.
I haven't done any polling, but I've a hunch that it won't be an
objectionless transition for all.


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RE: SVN (was: RE: The cash of our lives / Dvorak)

2003-06-11 Thread Sander Striker
 From: Greg Stein [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, June 11, 2003 11:31 AM

 One of the previous concerns was tool support. Since then, we have SVN
 capability in ViewCVS, and there is also an SVN plugin for Eclipse and IDEA,
 and several GUIs. SVN itself has been stable for a long while; the only real
 concern [for the ASF] is the related tool support.

What would be helpful is if we can identify which tools are currently used,
and, if SVN support for them is not available, if they either can do without
or code it up...
 For Maven compatibility... somebody will just have to code it up. I believe
 somebody out there has done an Ant task for SVN, but I dunno what the status
 of that is, or whether it has seen its way back to the Ant folks.
 SVN easily supports anonymous, read-only access (and without the nonsense of
 needing to supply some arbitrary name/password like CVS).

Ahum... we do if we want to have finer grained access control.  Unless you
just committed something to httpd-2.0 that I happened to miss ;) :).

 There isn't a CVS proxy, however. Does BK actually proxy a CVS connection to
 the bk repos, or do they just mirror changes into a cvs repos?

They mirror the changes.  We could do the same using a trigger in post-commit.
Whether this is desireable is another question.


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RE: Apache Wiki defaced

2003-06-08 Thread Sander Striker
 From: Andrew Savory [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Andrew
 Sent: Sunday, June 08, 2003 12:31 PM

 On Sat, 7 Jun 2003, Dirk-Willem van Gulik wrote:
  However if we start seeing de-facings which take days to be noticed; then
  we'll propably need to start adding some more hurdles/login's.
 Changes made to the Cocoon wiki are mailed to the cocoon-docs mailing
 list, so inappropriate changes are spotted much more quickly. Perhaps a
 similar setup could be adopted for the Apache wiki?

What would help more is fixing the actual diff sending functionality.  99%
of the time, there is no inline diff.  My perl-fu is too weak to fix this.
And, given my wish to move to subwiki at some point, I am reluctant to upgrade
my perl-fu to fix this.

Another thing that would help is if more people subscribed to wikidiffs@


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RE: How BSD hurts OpenSource

2003-05-14 Thread Sander Striker
 From: David N. Welton [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, May 14, 2003 9:35 AM

 Justin Erenkrantz [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  What I wonder is how many of those authors/copyright-holders have
  actually read the GPL and understand what it really means.  --
 Probably not the details, but on the other hand, the concept of the
 GPL is clever, and the idea of 'not getting ripped off' appeals to
 From the other side of things, GPL'ed libraries have also been a Free
 Software Business success story (for example: sleepycat, Qt).

That's no GPL.


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RE: Suggestion...

2003-02-13 Thread Sander Striker
 From: Justin Erenkrantz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, February 13, 2003 7:33 PM

 --On Thursday, February 13, 2003 1:12 PM -0500 Noel J. Bergman 
  enough to do with keeping the plant running.  The documents should
  live in either Incubator (to be provided to PMCs), or on the main
  apache site.
 The Incubator PMC has refused to add committer docs to their site,

Err, no, it didn't.  It thought it was a bit unhandy to dump part
of the documentation on the Incubator site and part on


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RE: Open community (was ... secret discussions ...)

2003-01-29 Thread Sander Striker
 From: Joshua Slive [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, January 29, 2003 4:27 PM

 Ben Hyde said:
  Didn't we settle this most contentious issue some time ago with a few
  megabytes of text and a long complex vote coupled with a solid turn
  out?  If so it's painful and cruel to reopen the issue.  - ben
 I've already apologized twice for rehashing an old issue, but that is
 obviously a penalty a list must pay if it has no archives.

There's always the ezmlm get syntax which allows you to get to the
messages.  I'll agree if you think it is a horrible interface ;)

 I will reiterate my arguments, then I'll go away for to save you all the
 pain of my opinions:
 1. The list is, at minimum, terribly misnamed.

Yes.  It has been a misnomer from the start.


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RE: ApacheWiki RSS feed moved into apachewiki.cgi

2003-01-05 Thread Sander Striker
 From: Ben Hyde [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Sunday, January 05, 2003 5:34 PM

 On Saturday, January 4, 2003, at 03:39 PM, Andrew C. Oliver wrote:
  Right, I don't object to you contributing CVS mail patches.  I just am 
  not interested in doing it myself.
  I'm not trying to be nasty just convey Less talk, more action
 I'm not asking you do do anything, in fact I'm not sure what would be 
 better.I'm reasonably sure what's there now is dangerous from a QA 
 point of view

And these were exactly the concerns raised when a Wiki was first proposed.
Stefano took most of these away, but the QA one remains (since the most
important tool to do it is missing).

Please don't ask me for patches.  I am not interested in using the
Wiki, but I am interested in content quality.  I would probably subscribe
to the 'wiki-changes' list, since that would push the content under
my nose instead of having me actively reading each changed page online.
I'm sure this goes for others aswell.

Who is monitoring the Wiki content at the moment?

 - at least from my understanding of how to get good quality in an open
 source world.  Attempting to silence critiques of the work is rarely
 healthy.  Silent communities are either very low loyalty, or very
 authoritarian.  - ben


RE: [proposal] creation of

2002-12-02 Thread Sander Striker
 From: Sam Ruby [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: 01 December 2002 22:23

 Sander Striker wrote:
 Which is simply not the case if not all committers and members are 
 on there.
 Here is an effort that I made last year
 Here is much move visually appealing and more maintained version:
 Would starting with Jim's effort address your objections?  Suppose I 
 took the initiative to merge Jim and Ken's work, and come up with a page 
 that looks exactly like Jim's but converted their CVS id into a 
 hypertext link for individuals that chose to opt-in?

That would be fair, yes. 

 The ASF has supportted .forward files for e-mail for quite some time.

And I'm glad for it.  The amount of spam and unsubscription requests received
after posting to the announce@ list just isn't funny...  This at least allows
me to filter on address ;).

 Would the mere act of putting a one line .forward file into your 
 ~/public_html directory with your favorite URL be OK?

I don't see why not.  You do imply picking up this .forward file (or .fav_url or
whatever) and putting that on a merged jim/coar page right?


RE: [proposal] creation of

2002-12-02 Thread Sander Striker
 From: Stefano Mazzocchi [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: 01 December 2002 22:49

 Sander Striker wrote:
 Right now the homepages aren't linked to from anywhere and certainly
 not promoted.  Creating the dns entry will seem like promoting the use
 of the homepages.
 Yes, that's exactly the intention. or will imply that such a domain
 entails all the people of the ASF or the entire community of the ASF.
 It's damn easy to create a list of all committers and provide links only 
 for those who happen to have their ASF homepage available. That solves 
 'in/out' problems.
 This simply can never be true since not everyone has time to create and 
 a 'community' area in his homepage area.
 It's up to you to partecipate in this, but I don't see why the fact that 
 you don't have time should limit others in their ability to be more 
 community friendly.

I'm not saying that.
 Some of us barely have spare time
 and are likely to contribute to their projects rather than maintain their
 'community' area.
 Fair, then don't do so.

My point is that quite a number of people won't have the time (or inclination)
to do so.  And because they don't, they aren't listed*.
 So, in the end, only the people with lots of time on
 their hands, or simply the most vocal ones, will (likely) be perceived (by
 visitors of to _be_ the ASF, instead of a few faces
 within the ASF.
 pfff, if I lack the time to partecipate in a mail list discussion should 
 I propose to shut the mail list off until I have enough time?

Bah, I'm quite sure you got my point.  Currently the list (auto created) on
Kens page holds about 40 committers.  How many committers do we have in total?
Somewhere between 550 and 600.  40 isn't exactly an accurate representation
of our community, is it?

 I'm moving my -0 to a -1 on this basis.  It would be something else if were only accessible by committers...
 Sander: since the ASF was created, this page
 contains the list of all members and not all of them have the 
 time/will/energy/whatever to maintain an ASF-related homepage (I'm one 
 of them, BTW).
 Nobody ever said that those linked ones receive more attention than the 
 others. I hope you are not implying this.

I'm not.  I'm just saying that on the members page _all_ members are listed.

 I agree with you that ASF 'visibility' should not be a function of 
 whether or not you have a homepage setup.

 So, just like you don't stop discussions if you don't have time, but you 
 still receive messages, I would suggest that we list *all* committers, 
 but then we link only those who do have an ASF-related homepage setup.
 Does that remove your fears?

Some of them.  I feel others have voiced things in line with my views
so I'm not going to duplicate that.


*) This is addressed in the last paragraph of this mail and in my reply
   to Sam.

RE: [proposal] creation of

2002-12-02 Thread Sander Striker
 From: Sam Ruby [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: 02 December 2002 16:56

 Justin Erenkrantz wrote:
  --On Monday, December 2, 2002 8:39 AM +0100 Nicola Ken Barozzi 
  I don't think we are talking about complete personal websites with
  blogs and such, with rants and honeymoon pictures, but about some
  pages that explain what the person does, who he is, and not much
  Of course we are.  We're saying that anyone can post whatever they want 
  on their site.  That's what I'm against.  I don't want people 
  posting their honeymoon pictures or their Beanie Babies collection.  
  But, as soon as we say, 'you can post whatever you want,' that's what is 
  going to happen.  Saying otherwise is foolish.
 I agree with Nicola Ken.  We *are* talking about different things. 
 Stefano proposed a short bio, picture, etc.  (Although, to date I have 
 not had a significant problem with people mispronouncing my name).  You 
 are objecting to Beanie Babies.  If it will help further consensus, I 
 will object to Beanie Babies too.

Some people don't want these rules imposed.  Ken for one didn't want this
(correct me if I'm wrong Ken).


RE: [proposal] creation of

2002-12-01 Thread Sander Striker
 From: Andrew C. Oliver [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: 01 December 2002 16:34

 Yeah.. I'm confused...what does ANY of the issues brought up have to do 
 with creating the dns entry?  It seems some folks are voting/debating 
 the home directories themselves.  Those are already there and I assume 
 that decision was already made.  I suppose you could propose they be 
 shut down, but I DON'T see what creating the DNS entry has to do with 
 that...  But I'm kinda dull, so maybe if someone explains it, I'll get it.  

Right now the homepages aren't linked to from anywhere and certainly
not promoted.  Creating the dns entry will seem like promoting the use
of the homepages. or will imply that such a domain
entails all the people of the ASF or the entire community of the ASF.  This
simply can never be true since not everyone has time to create and maintain
a 'community' area in his homepage area.  Some of us barely have spare time
and are likely to contribute to their projects rather than maintain their
'community' area.  So, in the end, only the people with lots of time on
their hands, or simply the most vocal ones, will (likely) be perceived (by
visitors of to _be_ the ASF, instead of a few faces
within the ASF.

I'm moving my -0 to a -1 on this basis.  It would be something else if were only accessible by committers...


RE: [proposal] creation of

2002-12-01 Thread Sander Striker
 From: Rodent of Unusual Size [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: 01 December 2002 18:56

 Sander Striker wrote:
 Right now the homepages aren't linked to from anywhere and certainly
 not promoted.
 url:, updated nightly, and
 certainly transformable into a more 'official' process.

Should've seen that one comming.  However, you have to know what to
look for to find ~coar/people.html, on icarus nonetheless.  It isn't
likely this is a known url to the general public besides our committers.


RE: [proposal] creation of

2002-12-01 Thread Sander Striker
 From: Rodent of Unusual Size [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: 01 December 2002 19:43

 Sander Striker wrote:
 url:, updated nightly, and
 certainly transformable into a more 'official' process.
 Should've seen that one comming.  However, you have to know what to
 look for to find ~coar/people.html, on icarus nonetheless.  It isn't
 likely this is a known url to the general public besides our committers.
 exactly my point about making it more official.

Which is exactly the point I'm opposing.

 at the moment it's private and need-to-know and that way by intention.

 nits and twits and bags on the side: it would be a simple matter to alter
 the script that collects this to account for those who use their public_html
 directories for something other than 'about me' stuff.  anything from looking
 for a ~/publis_html/.nopublish file, or reading a similar file to find out
 where the publishable stuff is.. computers are our servants.  mostly.

It's not that I don't want my page up there, I either want none or all 
to be on there, all equally represented.  Otherwise people are going to think
exactly what Andy wrote as (the first part of) a suggested page description:

These are the homepages and voices of the Apache Community.  These 
pages represent the committers and members of the Apache Software 

Which is simply not the case if not all committers and members are represented
on there.


RE: [proposal] creation of

2002-11-28 Thread Sander Striker
 From: Justin Erenkrantz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: 27 November 2002 23:30

 --On Wednesday, November 27, 2002 12:34:00 -0800 Stefano Mazzocchi 
 I would like to propose the creation of the '' web

 Currently, some people have their apache homepage on
 and some on and some don't have it.

I have the same concerns as Justin.  I'm not to keen on this idea: -0.


RE: [VOTE] Openness

2002-10-30 Thread Sander Striker
 VOTE 1:  would you like to make it possible for non-committers to read 
 this mail list thru a web archive?
   [ ] +1 yes, let's make it readable
   [ ]  0 don't know/don't care
   [X] -1 no, let's keep it private
 VOTE 2:  would you like to make it possible for non-committers to fully 
 subscribe to this mail list?
   [ ] +1 yes, let's open it to everyone
   [ ]  0 don't know/don't care
   [X] -1 no, let's keep it for committers only
